Walking Meditation Technique


What are the best walking meditation techniques you might ask?


If you find it difficult to sit still and keep your eyes closed while you are in the meditative state, walking meditation could be a good alternative for you.


There are four components to a successful walking meditation:



• First, you have to become aware of your breathing

• Second, you have to notice your surroundings

• Third, being conscious and attentive to your body’s movement is very important

• Fourth, taking some time to reflect on your personal meditation experience is key


Become aware of your breathing in much the same way as you would for the breathing meditation process that we have been talking about in the last chapter. Notice each breath as you are breathing in and out.


Become conscious of the air gradually filling your lungs and use each exhalation to send out any disturbing thoughts that come to mind - you will find that after a little bit of practicing this process, your extraneous thoughts will naturally find their way out of your brain on a cushion of air!


When you start being aware of your surroundings, you will likely be amazed of your awareness.


For example, when you are walking around in your home, office, the park, or any other public places, do you notice the different colors that you see?


Do you notice that even blades of grass, which initially appear just "green", are actually varied in color and hue?


You will find that once you start this tuning in process or awareness process, you will notice more and more things that have previously been ignored by your attention.


Here is a tip for you.


Do not just notice colors or listen out for sounds. For example there may be bird song or other natural sounds in the country-side, or road noise or the chatter of people and animals. Consciously make sure to tune in to these different sounds and notice the different tunes that are surrounding you.


If you are in an urban area, make sure to pay attention to the different traffic noises. Each car engine has a slightly different sound. You will find yourself being aware of certain things that have passed you by before this exercise. There are also smells to fill your senses. Maybe the aroma of freshly chopped herbs, mown grass, or the sweet smell that comes up just after a refreshing rain. There are plenty of smells in the atmosphere, but the chances are that most of these smells have slipped past your senses and consciousness.


Heck, we are taking lots of things for granted in our life and a lot of the things that are around us go completely unnoticed.


If you like the walking meditation, tune into your body's movements and senses. Start to notice the light pressure on the soles of your feet as you are walking bare feet. Be aware of the air brushing onto your skin and notice the temperature of the air and start noticing whether it is a calm day or a windy day. Pay attention to your body's movement and listen to your senses as you walk around and go through your walking meditation.


Feel how your arms swing as you walk along. Are your arms heavy or light? Notice how you hold your head - is it upright and alert or what positions are you using? Switch your attention to different body parts as you are walking around and you will be fascinated at what you will discover.


Once you've completed your walking meditation, take a small amount of time to come back to your normal day routine. During this period, mentally run through your thoughts and feelings that you have been experiencing during your walking meditation process. Think what you can do to ameliorate your experience even further next time you choose to do a walking meditation.


Gradually come back from your peaceful walking meditative state to your regular reality.


Now you are aware of the first meditation method called walking meditation and in the next chapter we are looking at another meditation technique called the healing meditation.