F = First Folio text of 1623, the only authority for the play

F2 = a correction introduced in the Second Folio text of 1632

Ed = a correction introduced by a later editor

SD = stage direction

SH = speech heading (i.e. speaker’s name)

List of parts = Ed

1.1.SD the = F. Ed = them, but F can be supported if “Chatillon” is regarded as a title rather than a name 49 expeditious = F. F2 = expeditions 148 It = F. F2 = I. F is taken to refer to the Bastard’s face from the previous line 189 too = F2. F = two 209 smack = Ed. F = smoake 217 SD Enter … Gurney = Ed. SD five lines down in F 239 Could = F. Ed = Could he/a. Although inserting “he” clarifies the sense, the suggestion is not supported metrically 259 That = F. Ed = Thou

Act 2 Scene 1 = Ed. F = Scæna Secunda 1 SH KING PHILIP = Ed. F = Lewis 18 SH LEWIS = F. Some eds reassign to King Philip 63 Ate = Ed. F = Ace 113 breast = F2. F = beast 146 shoes = F. Ed = shows 151 SH KING PHILIP = Ed. F continues Austria’s speech, with line beginning “King Lewis221 Confronts your = Ed. F = Comfort yours 265 roundure = Ed. F = rounder 332 SH CITIZEN = Ed. F = Hubert. This SH recurs for rest of the scene; editors dispute whether or not the Hubert who is a character from Act 3 scene 2 onward is intended 342 run = F2 (runne). F = rome 359 dead = F. Ed = dread 375 SH CITIZEN = Ed. F = Fra 378 Kings = F. Ed = Kinged 432 niece = Ed. F = neere 442 of = F. Ed = O 496 Anjou = Ed. F = Angiers

Act 2 [Scene 2] = Ed. F = Actus Secundus

3.1.75 test = Ed. F = tast. Ed = task 124 that = F. Ed = it 190 casèd = F. Ed = crazèd, chafed 213 truth = F. Ed = troth

3.2.4 SD Enter … Hubert = Ed. Placed one line earlier in F 64 broad-eyed = Ed. F = brooded

3.3.45 not holy = Ed. F = holy 65 friends = Ed. F = fiends 112 word’s = F. Ed = world’s 151 evilly = F. Ed = vilely

4.1.68 this = F. Ed = his

4.2.again = F3. F = against 42 than = Ed. F = then. Ed = when 223 account spelled accompt in F

4.3.161 cincture = Ed. F = center

Act 5 = Ed. F = Actus Quartus

5.1.55 glisten = Ed. F = glister

5.2.36 grapple = Ed. F = cripple. Ed = gripple 134 unheard = F. Ed = unhaired 136 these = Ed. F = this

5.4.18 more = Ed. F = moe

5.5.7 tott’ring = F. Ed = tatt’ring, secondary sense, i.e. torn

5.6.15 endless = F. Ed = eyeless

5.7.18 mind = Ed. F = winde 22 cygnet = Ed. F = Symet 44 strait spelled straight in F