A Puppy Place dog breed quiz
1.I am a gentle giant with soft brown-and-white fur, floppy ears, and a beautiful long, feathery tail. Some folks might say I drool a little. When I’m grown up, I can weigh as much as 120 pounds! I am loyal, friendly, and calm. Long ago, I was used as a rescue dog in the Alps, finding people who were lost in the snow. Now I am most often a family pet—hopefully a family with a nice big house and yard. I am way too huge to be happy living in a small apartment.
a) Saint Bernard
b) beagle
c) poodle
2.I have short, shiny, silky black fur, and my brown eyes sparkle because I love everybody. I’m so friendly that I’ll lick your face all over just to prove it! I’m a medium-to-large dog, so I can do a lot of really neat things like being a guide dog, bird dog hunting companion, or hiking buddy. But my favorite thing to do is to play fetch, especially in the water. I LOVE water! I am kind, loyal, energetic, and easygoing, which makes me an ideal pet for many people.
a) Chihuahua
b) Labrador retriever
c) Jack Russell terrier
3.I am mostly white with patches of black and tan. My ears stand halfway up, then flop over, and my tail is short and stubby. I can jump up and down as if my short muscular legs were pogo sticks! I love to chase, pounce, bark, and dig, but I also like to play with toys. I may be small (I usually weigh only about ten pounds), but I am fearless and always ready for action. Since I am not used much for hunting anymore, I need to have a lot of exercise to keep me out of trouble. Then I will be a friendly and a completely devoted family member.
a) Jack Russell terrier
b) Labrador retriever
c) poodle
4.Some people call me the polka-dot dog because my short shiny fur is white with black spots all over. I may even have a black patch over my eye that makes me look like a pirate! In olden days, my job was to run alongside a fire wagon that was pulled by horses, and I still like to hang out at firehouses. I have a long head with soft ears. I have a big, deep bark. I am strong and smart but also very sensitive and calm. Humans are my favorite companions, so don’t leave me alone too long!
a) German shepherd
b) dalmatian
c) springer spaniel
5.I’m a sleek, medium-sized dog with silky black-and-white fur and a long feathered tail. Sometimes I’m known as a “sheepdog” because I can herd animals into a big pack. In fact, I love to herd people, too! I really don’t like to sit around much: I am no couch potato! I am smart and love to work, and would be happiest living on a farm with animals or with people who are as energetic as I am.
a) dachshund
b) poodle
c) border collie
6.I have a thick fluffy coat with mostly black, gray, and white markings, and I love winter! My ears are triangular and erect, and my fluffy tail rolls over my back. I have either brown or light blue eyes; sometimes I may have one of each! In snowy climates, I can work with a team of other dogs to pull sleds over long distances because I have great stamina and wide paws for running on snow. I am friendly and affectionate, but I can be stubborn, too. Since I get bored easily, I like to live with people who are active outdoors.
a) Afghan hound
b) schnauzer
c) husky
7.I am only nine inches tall with a tiny nose, tiny ears, and tiny paws, but I have a big personality. My coat is quite beautiful—silky brown-and-black with just a touch of silver. It is definitely long enough for a pretty bow! I love to play outdoors, but I am well behaved in an apartment. Sometimes I can be stubborn, but don’t let my small size fool you. Not only am I beautiful, but I am brave and make a good watchdog, too!
a) Great Dane
b) Yorkshire terrier
c) French bulldog
8.I am small and muscular with a funny flat face and sweet bulgy brown eyes. I have soft velvety ears and a curled tail. My fur is especially soft and shiny. Some people think I look worried because I have wrinkles all over my forehead, but actually I’m a real clown. I love to cuddle and play, and you can always find me sniffing, snorting, or sneezing about something!
a) Jack Russell terrier
b) pug
c) whippet
9.I am a goofball, I admit it! I’m also very smart and friendly, and more than anything I love to be with people. I have chocolate-brown eyes, floppy ears, silky-soft golden fur, and a beautiful, feathery tail. I can be trained to do whatever you want. I can be a guide dog, a hunting dog, or just the best friend you ever had. Not to boast, but I am one of the most popular breeds of all time.
a) golden retriever
b) pug
c) whippet
10.I’m a large dog with a thick shiny coat in shades of tan, brown, and black. My ears stand straight up, and I have big brown eyes and a long sharp nose. I’m smart, alert, noble, and elegant looking (but not conceited! Really!). Some folks are scared of me, but I’m not mean unless I’m trained to be. In the old days, I tended flocks and carried messages in wartime. Now I’m used as a guide dog and therapy dog, for search and rescue, as a police dog or guard dog, or just as a family companion. I can do all those things—and more!—because I am brave, obedient, and loyal.
a) Weimaraner
b) Saint Bernard
c) German shepherd
1. c 2. d 3. c 4. b 5. c 6. a
1.SAINT BERNARD (like Maggie in Maggie and Max)
4.DALMATIAN (like Cody)
5.BORDER COLLIE (like Flash)
6.HUSKY (like Bear)
7.YORKSHIRE TERRIER (like Princess)
8.PUG (like Pugsley)
9.GOLDEN RETRIEVER (like Goldie)
10.GERMAN SHEPHERD (like Scout)