

I am deeply indebted to my editor at SUNY Press, Andrew Kenyon, and the two scholars he commissioned as anonymous reviewers, to the production editor, Jenn Bennett, and the production team, to the copy editor, John Wentworth, and to the artist. A debt of thanks is also due to a select group of friends and acquaintances, (some of them former students,) either for their inspiration, or for guiding me toward certain readings, or for feedback on certain chapters or parts thereof, namely, Robert H. Haynes, Bernard Lightman, Jason Buccheri, Mauro Buccheri, Julia Tourianski, David Livingstone Smith, Graham McCreath, George Perry, Brandon Fenton, Bobbak Makooie, Andrew Robinson, Karina Chornenka, Neven Sesardic, Susan Chen, Vincenzo Domanico, Kassandra Sharma, Neda Maki, and last but not least, Matthew H. Kelley, Suzanne Underwood Rhodes, William E. Engel, and the other scholars I had the pleasure to meet and converse with at the Fourth International Edgar Allan Poe Conference held in Manhattan at the end of February 2015, where I gave my talk on Poe’s “double Dupin.”