Music—Praising the Lord in His Temple

Music and praising the Lord belong to ancient and modern temples. “Praise God in his sanctuary,” wrote the Psalmist. “Praise him with the trumpet, harp, and cymbals” (Ps. 150:1–6). The scriptures refer to a choir singing in the tabernacle (see 1 Chr. 6:31–32) and the Jerusalem temple (see 2 Chr. 5:12–14; 29:25–30), song and music on the occasion of the laying of the temple’s foundation (see Ezra 3:10–12), and a song of thanksgiving and praise that is sung at the Jerusalem temple dedication (see 2 Chr. 5:12–14; 1 Chr. 13, 15, 16). In our day, the Saints praise God through music during cornerstone and temple dedications and on other sacred occasions.