It was agreed that we would make our own kingdoms. We had conquered enough. We had fought long enough. We had to lead, to teach, to love. We had half the world and we needed rest. We needed to consolidate. We needed to show our armies that their faith was not misplaced.

In the heart of the Five Kingdoms, Jae’le built his domain, and gave voice to the creatures that had none. To the west, Aelyn’s intricate, beautiful cities rose over forests and rivers, and her gaze, now, as then, was ever upward. In the east, Eidan dug beneath for iron, for gold, for gems, for wealth. He dug for what is locked beneath us. In the south, Tinh Tu took in those with crippled hands and built libraries of such wealth, such knowledge, that she now begins to deny the opening of her gates, while in the north …

In the north, there were cities dedicated to those who spoke, but could not be heard.

—Qian, The Godless