Gentle reader, we have it from an anonymous source that one infamous ginger-pated countess from the wilds of Northumberland possesses a penchant for shoes.

It matches her predilection for killing dukes perfectly.

Dependable and trustworthy reporting is our creed.

The Midnight Cryer

Chapter Twenty

Will could hear Thea pacing on the balcony next to his. Each bedroom in this wing had double doors that opened to a private balcony with massive stone balustrades. His doors were wide open so the outside sounds swept in along with a cool evening breeze. Though her individual steps were muffled, he could clearly make out the gentle movement of her gown each time she turned. Her rhythm was steady and as regular as the second hand on a longcase clock.

After tonight’s soirée, he’d entered his room and thrown his evening coat and waistcoat aside. The formal eveningwear had grown uncomfortable and hot. But before he could completely undress, he’d heard her sigh, the sound poignant as if she carried the weight of the world on her shoulders. Quietly so as not to startle her, he made his way onto his balcony.

“Thea, can’t you sleep?” He kept his voice low. Though they were the only ones in this wing of Langham Hall, their balconies faced the other family wing across a small courtyard that led directly to Langham Park. Festive lit lanterns placed for tonight’s soirée adorned the edges of the walkways and surrounded the three fountains in the courtyard. There were smaller ones hanging from the various ornamental trees, giving the entire courtyard the appearance of a fairyland.

She stared wordlessly across at him, then smiled. It caused her eyes to brighten in the soft light from the moon and the lanterns. She was happy to see him, and the sight caused his chest to tighten.

“No. I’ve much on my mind,” she said, matching his tone. Her smile stayed, then she looked across the courtyard. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

“Not as beautiful as you.” He kicked off his shoes, then quickly pulled his stockings from his legs. He lifted one leg, then straddled the balustrade.

“What are you doing?” She rushed to her railing as if to stop him.

He quickly stood, then stepped over the two feet that separated the balustrades. With her hand over her heart, she took a step back so he could jump down.

When he leapt to the stone flooring, she grabbed his shirt in her hands and pulled him to her. “You, foolish man. What were you thinking?”

“I was thinking you were too far away from me to have any real conversation.” He embraced her and exhaled his breath. He’d wanted to touch her all evening. With her in his arms, the wobbles in the Earth and moon’s orbits around one another felt settled in their paths. “I’ve wanted to talk to you ever since Ferr-Colby cornered you. Then when Lady Edith and Aunt Stella whisked you away, I didn’t have another opportunity.”

Her rapid breath signaled she’d truly been scared for him. “Did the thought ever occur to you to knock on the connecting door?”

He frowned at the door in her room. “You wouldn’t have heard my knock if you were out here.” He pulled her tighter against him, and she latched on to him as if she’d never let go. It felt perfect. “If I jumped, it was quicker. Were you worried?”

“A little.”

“McCalpin and I used to jump these balconies all the time as young boys.”

Her eyes had grown wide. “Did your parents know?”

“Well, I don’t think my mother ever did, but our father caught us one day. He couldn’t be too angry as he and his brother did the same thing when they were our age.” Gently, he rubbed his lips against the top of her head. Her sweet scent gently filled the air. For the first time all evening, he relaxed.

“Did your father have any other siblings?” she said.

“No. Just Claire’s father, the previous Duke of Langham. After my uncle and Claire’s mother died in a carriage accident, that’s when Claire came to live with us.”

“She was lucky she had you.” The empathy for Claire shown plainly on her face, and with the evening’s gentle light, she looked like a fairy queen ready to protect her fey subjects.

“We were lucky to have her with us.” He leaned back and looked into her eyes. “She’s always had a talent to steer me down a straight and narrow path.”

“I didn’t realize you needed such guidance,” she answered.

“Always.” Even though his darling cousin aggravated him at times like tonight. Will ran his hand gently down Thea’s back. The fabric of her gown felt like a silken waterfall. “What are you wearing?”

“My dressing gown.” She twirled away from him. “Your mother had it made for me and surprised me with it after our visit to Mademoiselle Mignon’s. Look, it even has pockets.”

Thea slipped her hands into the slits hidden in the sides of the gown and held the skirt away from her. It appeared to be a light apricot silk that had been printed in a delicate turquoise-and-red floral print. It tied around the waist with a red satin sash that highlighted the floral patterns. Even in the dim light, she looked radiant.

“Look at the shoes to go with it.” She stuck out one dainty foot from beneath the dressing robe. Her foot was covered in a low-heeled backless slipper in a red silk that matched the sash. Crystals and small pearls adorned the top of the buckle. “I’ve never possessed such elegant but frivolous shoes.” She put one hand to the side of her mouth then looked both ways as if about to impart a grand secret. “I adore them.”

Will stepped closer and took her into his arms once again. He wanted to say he adored her. Instead, he murmured, “You deserve those shoes and so much more.”

She nestled close, and the entire universe seemed to be in perfect harmony. “What did your father and brother need?”

He let out a silent sigh of exasperation. His family, whom he loved dearly, thought he was at their beck and call. All the rest of the night, he’d wanted to find Thea, but their conversation about the family estates had turned into his father and brother wanting his opinion on an upcoming vote regarding a bill his father was sponsoring. When other members of the House of Lords had joined them for a brandy, Will’s father had taken the opportunity to lobby for their votes.

That meant that both McCalpin and Will had to help with his lobbying efforts. Afterward, their father had paced with worry whether he’d succeeded in getting the support necessary for a win. For over three hours, Will had listened and offered his advice.

It was a routine he’d become very familiar with over the years, but for the first time in his adult life, he’d resented the time commitment. Tonight, his only thought was finding Thea.

“They needed my help with several estate matters and then my opinion on several political matters.” One wisp of hair had fallen from her chignon. Her hair always seemed to be falling, tempting him to touch her. Gently, he pushed it back behind her ear. He let his fingers linger over the soft skin.

She gazed at him, and a line creased the skin between her eyes. “They depend upon you, don’t they?”

“More than they should.” This woman called to him like no other.

“It must be nice to know you’re loved and valued.” She tilted her head back a little farther, and a slight grin tugged at her lips. “Do you know how fortunate you are to have such a loving family?”

“I do,” he murmured while he ran his hand gently up and down her back. He couldn’t quit touching her. Even in the moonlight, she seemed to glow. “Now, why were you pacing?”

The worry that marred her brow hit him square in the chest. “I was thinking about the two marriage proposals I received. I don’t want to make a mistake. Everything that’s important to me, my estate, my tenants, not to mention my happiness and hopes for a family, are dependent on me making the right decision.”

The need to roar that she was his reverberated through him. Without thinking, he pressed his lips to her forehead. Warm and soft, it summoned him to sample and taste her luminous skin. “Thea, with our engagement, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

“You’re right.” She bit her bottom lip, then turned her gaze to the courtyard. “Truthfully, I don’t want to marry either of them.”

The familiar simpering nag that wouldn’t leave him alone reared its obtrusive head, always ready to point out the flaws in his thinking. He didn’t want to examine too closely whether his motives were pure. If they were, he’d encourage her to marry Grayson. He was a good man.

In a straight path, bitterness scourged its way from Will’s heart to his mind. He didn’t like the vision of Thea with Grayson’s children and definitely not the Duke of Ferr-Colby’s heir. It sickened him to think of her with any other man than himself.

“Let’s go inside and sit by the firelight.” Thea shivered slightly in his arms. “Your father sent up a few shortbread biscuits and orange marmalade for my evening treat.” She took his hand and led him into her bedroom where two cozy chairs were strategically placed in front of the fire. He’d never really spent much time in this guest room, but the large floral design of the chair’s upholstery fabric matched the bedcover and the canape above the bed. It was feminine and bold at the same time—and it reminded him of Thea.

“My father is corrupting you with his sweet tooth?”

She nodded. “Ever since the first night, he sends me sweets.”

Before she could lift the silver lid over the shortbread and marmalade, Will sat in a chair. They still had their hands clasped so he gently tugged her toward him. “Sit with me.”

“On your lap? Is this another kissing lesson?” The gleam in her eyes caused his body to tighten.

“Would you like that?”

She nodded.

Though he tried to be deceptively calm, his heart pounded, knowing he’d be holding her again.

She had the uncanny ability to decipher his every thought before he could even express them. She settled facing forward on his lap. The feel of her back against his chest felt natural, as if they’d been made for one another. Hopefully, their positions hid his raging erection that refused to behave. Ever since he’d had a glimpse of her slipper, he’d lost control of his body. Such was the effect of Thea on him.

She leaned against him, with her head resting against his chest. In response, he wrapped his arms around her waist. The moment was perfect. Moonlight streamed through the open doors, and the small fire before them crackled every moment or so. Neither of them said a word, both content to be in each other’s company.

After several minutes, Thea broke their peaceable silence. “I didn’t tell Ferr-Colby we were betrothed when he asked. Why did you tell him I was your fiancée?”

“Would you rather I not say you’re mine?” He waited the agonizing seconds for her answer.

She tilted her head slightly to gaze at him. “Truthfully, I rather liked it.”

Her words seemed to caress his cheek, and he silently sighed. Having her in his arms like this tonight was akin to heaven on earth. The position of her neck gave him the perfect angle to explore her soft skin. With his lips, he trailed light kisses from the indentation at the bottom of her neck up to her ear where he gently bit then tongued her earlobe.

“I didn’t like that he had cornered you at a soirée held in your honor. Then when he’d brought up your grandfather and asked you to marry him in exchange for dropping his claim, I became angry. He was coercing you to do his bidding.” With the lightest touch of his fingers, he caressed one cheek. The softness of her skin mesmerized him. “I wanted him to know that my family supported you. But more importantly, I wanted him to know that he’d have to deal with me if he wanted you.” His lips trailed a path to her temple, and he lightly pressed a kiss against the tender skin.

“He said if we married, then we’d once again be combining our legacies just like my grandfather had.” The huskiness in her voice pleased him to no end, but when she again lifted her neck in offering, he knew then and there she wanted him as much as he wanted her. “I don’t trust him.”

Her pulse visually pounded in the very same indentation that’d he’d just kissed. He tasted her skin there again, her pulse driving his hunger for more. The subtle musky scent of her arousal wafted toward him and added to her unique fragrance. He wanted to taste her everywhere.

“I don’t trust him either. Now, let’s not talk about him anymore,” he said, as he kissed a tender spot on the back of her neck. He pulled her tighter against him, causing his member to swell at the contact. In response, he ground his hips against her backside.

She moaned softly, then took his hands in hers. “Untie my sash.”

“Thea,” Will whispered. “We should have a conversation before we do anything.”

“No,” she groaned. “No talking. Not now.” Not waiting, she pulled the tie of her sash.

The air around them seemed to electrify.

Slowly, he helped her, and soon, the robe was open. She took each of his hands and placed them over her breasts. The silk of her nightgown was soft, but thin. Her hard nipples seemed to tighten more with each caress of his hand. He gently bit the side of her neck, then soothed it with his tongue. The need to touch her and taste her became overwhelming. He wanted to suck her nipples until she cried out his name.

Though a hot ache burned his throat, he managed to growl, “You’re so beautiful.”

In response, she arched her back, giving him greater access to her magnificent breasts. With his fingers, he explored every angle from the tender sides of each breast to the sensitive nipples. Not one inch of her soft, sweet skin was left unattended.

She took one of his hands and trailed it down her stomach. He adoringly caressed each crevice and bump, letting his hand linger on her hip. He gently squeezed, and she moaned while tilting her hips in offering. He trailed his fingers across the silk. “Thea, are you certain?”

“More than anything else in my life,” she whispered as her fingers gently entwined with his. She pushed his hand farther down until he found her mound, where her curls pushed against the fabric.

He had little doubt if he had her in bed, neither of them would leave for a week.

He groaned and pushed himself against her again.

She gracefully stood and took his hand in hers. “Come, let’s have another lesson.”

“Who’ll be the teacher?” Will asked as he stood.

“You will this time,” she whispered. She dropped his hand, then shed her robe, revealing the translucent gown that showed practically every inch of her body.

He chuckled as his engorged cock ached for relief. “I see I have a very clever pupil.”

“I’m a fast learner.”

He fisted his hands at the huskiness in her voice. With her hand, she drew him toward the canopied bed.

At the foot, they faced each other as the firelight danced between them and over them. Neither seemed to want to move as the desire grew even more heated.

“Thea, I want to kiss you.” The passion in his voice made it raspy.

She barely nodded, then stood on her tiptoes, giving him easier access to her delectable lips. Slowly he lowered his mouth to hers. She opened to him on a whimper as if he were the only one who had the key to unlocking her heart. His tongue met hers, and he explored every inch of her mouth. He moaned in answer, and she pressed her body against his. The silk hid nothing as his hands traced every inch of her body. The perfect curve of her bottom and the silky smoothness of her straight back made him want her more.

Gradually, he pulled away, then picked her up in his arms as she kicked off her slippers. Tenderly, he lay her on the bed. She reached for him, and he mounted the bed to cover her with his own body. It was another first moment of intimacy for them as he took her in another blinding kiss.

In two tugs, she’d freed his shirt from his breeches. With a curse, she tried to pull it over his head. He broke the kiss, then rested his weight on one elbow as he helped her complete her task. She tossed the shirt aside, not watching where it landed. She was panting as hard as he was as they stared into each other’s eyes.

Her eyes searched his face before her gaze traveled the length of his bare chest. Softly, she traced the muscles, then ran her fingers through the slight smattering of hair at the center of his chest. He closed his eyes briefly as her touch teased then coaxed him. He straddled her hips to distribute his weight evenly. When he opened his eyes, her tender gaze was latched to his.

“Will, I never knew a man’s body could be so perfect.” Her fingers tangled in his hair, and she brought his mouth to hers where she kissed him senseless.

Her words had emboldened him. Resting on his elbows, he moved his mouth down her neck, his lips trailing kisses. At the base of her neck, he worshipped the slight indentation of skin with his tongue.

When he pulled the sleeves of her gown down her shoulders, she lifted herself to help him. Thankfully, it was a loose garment, and the sleeves floated down her arms until she could free herself.

With her chest completely exposed to him, she captured his gaze. “Teach me.”

He swallowed and prayed that he’d survive the lesson. Shaped like round apples, her breasts fit perfectly in his hands.

Her pink nipples puckered delectably, tempting him to suck. Never one to forgo a sweet treat, he kissed his way down her chest until he found one perfect bud. He lightly nipped the hard peak, then soothed it with his tongue.

“Do it again,” Thea gasped.

“I knew you were my star pupil,” he whispered against the other breast. He ran his tongue around her areola. “You learn quickly.”

“I have a marvelous teacher,” she purred.

“I want to kiss you more.”

She ran her fingers through his hair. The smoldering heat in her eyes would melt ice in January.

He inhaled her sweet sensuous fragrance and fell deeper under her spell. As he nuzzled her breasts, he slowly raised her gown to caress her leg. The soft skin of her thighs made him groan softly, and he placed a kiss on each. He coaxed her to open her legs, then hooked them over his arms so he could pleasure her the way a man treasures a woman. Gently, he separated her folds, and the scent of her arousal enveloped him. He took a moment to savor it and her.

His gaze locked with hers. She was so trusting, and he realized how unique, how truly spectacular she was. She deserved all the happiness that life could offer. In this moment, everything had aligned perfectly in their universe. He’d been given the gift to provide her with pleasure, a sensual delight she’d never experienced before. Slowly, he lowered his head, ready to enrapture, please, and possess her. At the same time, he let go of one of her legs to unbutton the fall of his breeches. His cock sprang free as if released from prison. He took himself in hand as he swept his tongue around her perfect pearl.

She tasted of bliss and rapture, and with his tongue and lips, he worshipped her. So pink, so wet, and so perfect. Just like her.

She propped herself up on her elbows. “What are you doing?”

“I’m showing you another type of kisses, one that I think you might enjoy.” He leaned back and stroked himself. His cock leaked as if crying for attention.

Her eyes widened as she studied his member, then her gaze softened. The desire on her face made her even more beautiful. “I want to learn.”

Again, he bent to kiss and stroke her, and she shuddered and tilted her hips toward him, demanding that he attend her. Thea needn’t worry. There was no place else he wanted to be. Bliss was in her bed. Ecstasy was having his mouth learn every sensitive spot she possessed. She moaned, then writhed against him. Her fingers dug into his hair, demanding more.

She was close to coming as her moans had turned to breathless pants. As her body tightened underneath his, he continued to kiss and suckle her. When she mewled his name, he thrust his tongue inside her. If this was the only way to have her, possess her, and make her his, then he’d be damned if he’d forgo such pleasure. Her muscles tightened around his tongue as she came, and he stroked himself harder and faster. Raw hunger swirled through him, congregating in his swollen member and bollocks until finally exploding. His release seemed to go on forever as come spilt over the bedcovers.

Never had he experienced such a shattering orgasm, one that robbed him of his senses. He rested his head on her torso, struggling to regain his breath. When he reclaimed his strength, he took her in his arms and kissed her thoroughly, letting her know he was as affected as she was by the power of what they’d shared.

“Will,” she whispered, as he nuzzled her neck.

“Hmm?” he murmured, as he trailed his lips over the curve of her cheek.

“Will you stay with me?”

Forever. His heart beat the word into his mind. She’d come for him and only him. He’d been the first to witness such a sight.

“I’ve never slept with anyone in a bed before. I’d like you to be my first.”

Her softly spoken words stole his breath. Finally, he inhaled deeply. “You’ve never slept with anyone? Not even a nurse when you were little?”

She shook her head gently.

She’d been so alone all her life. How could he deny her such a simple pleasure?

“I like being your first,” he whispered. With the utmost care, he gathered her in his arms and tugged a cotton throw around them both. She sighed, and the sound reminded him of the gentle beat of a hummingbird’s wings. He settled close and rested his chin on the top of her head. “Thea, after what we shared tonight, we should marry.”

He waited for a response, but there was nothing. Gently, he pulled away and gazed at her soft features. Her breathing had grown even and deep.

With their naked bodies entwined, Thea had fallen fast asleep in his embrace. At that moment, he knew what he had. He held his own piece of heaven in his arms.

His heart warred with his mind, keeping him from joining her in sleep.

He’d never let her go.