London, your men can rest easy.

The Northumberland Nemesis has chosen her latest victim.

He’s no stranger to our pages.

It’s the Damp Squib Lord William Cavensham.

Respectfully reported,

The Midnight Cryer

Chapter Twenty-Three

Thea briefly glanced at the massive canopied bed against the wall. Covered in a regal blue velvet with a spring-green ribbon trim, the coverlet was masculine and welcoming at the same time. A sitting area at least twice the size of Thea’s flanked the fireplace. The upholstered chairs matched the stool and the bedcover.

His gaze never left hers as he came to her side and handed her a glass of whisky. His sole focus was her. “I want you to stay with me too.”

For the first time in her life, Thea believed she might have all she ever dreamed, including the man in front of her. The soft throbbing in her stomach was a call not to let another day vanish without taking what she wanted—to be in Will’s arms and in his bed.

They raised their glasses to one another.

“To the true Countess of Eanruig. Today was just a test of your endurance. Your fairness and brilliance will bring bountiful rewards to Ladykyrk and all who reside there.”

Her pulse quickened at the deep thrum of his voice. But it was his words that took her breath away. Indeed, that was what she wanted for Ladykyrk—to increase the prosperity of the earldom and become the best estate owner in all of England.

“Thank you. I know my grandfather would not want me to rest until I secure Ladykyrk for both me and my tenants.” She lifted her glass a little higher. “To you, William, the man who taught me confidence and made me feel beautiful. Thank you for the lovely things you said about me in front of the committee.”

“I merely spoke the truth,” he said softly.

They each took a sip. Sensations of smoke, peat, and strength ran across her mouth and tongue.

“You are beautiful.” He dropped his tone. “Inside and out. You grow more exquisite every day.” The sweetest smile tugged at his lips, one that made her heart pound against her ribs as if trying to reach him. “But I’m of a mind you always had confidence, and it mesmerizes me.”

Since she’d arrived in London, her grief and the accompanying guilt had slowly faded like an ink stain on a hand. It was still there but had grown fainter and fainter. She had Will to thank for that. Just having someone to talk to about those horrible, wretched days had lightened her burden.

“I want to thank you for being patient with me … and allowing me to talk honestly about my grandfather. You were like a shelter during the darkest storm.” She waved her hand in the air. “Forgive my bad metaphor. I never had much talent at being a poet.”

“Don’t thank me for sharing your losses with you. I wanted to do it, and I’m honored that you confided in me.” He strolled to her side.

She took his glass from his hand. With a slight turn, she placed it next to hers on a writing table close at hand.

With tender ease, he slid his arms around her waist, pulling her tightly to his chest. Heat from his body radiated through his banyan straight into her dressing gown. The silk covering his body was only slightly thicker than the thin silk covering her own. The friction of the fabric against breasts was sweet torture as they were already heavy, and her nipples had hardened in sharp peaks. She closed her eyes and leaned against him, desperate for more of his heat, more of his body, and most of all, more of him.

She’d never have enough of him.


In an infinitesimal amount of time, one that could not be measured in minutes or seconds, she understood what had just happened to her. In between the beats of her heart and the time it took her to blink her eyes, she realized that she loved him—fully, completely, and decidedly.

That small, minuscule moment would impact her life for all eternity. Such overwhelming feelings didn’t come from a place of logic and reason or even despair. Her foolish heart did what it wanted when it came to Will.

He pressed his lips gently to hers as if worshipping her. “What are you thinking about?”

“Time,” she answered, then pressed her lips against his, learning the shape and every curve of his lips.

“Why time?” He whispered the words against her lips.

“Because I want to remember every moment I have with you.”

He pressed his forehead against hers. As intimate as a kiss, the movement caused their noses to touch. Not breaking the caress, she moved her lips to his, begging for more.

He groaned, not loudly, but with a rumble that vibrated through his chest to hers. He parted his lips, letting her in, and she didn’t hesitate. She tilted her head and deepened their kiss, tenderly dancing her tongue with his. His arms tightened around her as if he’d never let her go. He needn’t fear. As long as he wanted her, desired her, she’d stay by his side forever. His thickened cock lay rigid against her stomach, but every other part of his body flexed and coiled with a restless energy she was learning to associate when he was aroused. He canted his hips toward hers as if offering himself to her.

That part of her, hot and wet, wanted all of him. A sweet ache throbbed between her legs as if searching for him. She loved him and wouldn’t waste this opportunity to experience the physical aspect of sharing everything with him. His nearness kindled a fire of need and want within her. To feel him close to her would at least make her feel alive again.

“Will, I want—” She shuddered in his arms at the feelings he aroused within her. “No, I need to take you to bed.”

He broke the kiss and searched her eyes. His gaze was tender but at the same time apparent to both of them that he was questioning, deciding.

He slid his hands up her arms, then stared at her. “Are you sure?” Desire made his husky whisper even rougher. The sound sent another surge of awareness through her.

“Yes.” She grabbed the lapels of his robe and pulled him close. “I want to make love to you.”

He studied her as if trying to divine a truth or perhaps find a solution. Slowly, he exhaled, and a slight roguish smile broke across his lips. “I’m certain too.”

He cupped one of her breasts and teased her tightened nipple. The sensation tingled, and she wanted more. She leaned in to him to give him greater access without breaking their incendiary kiss. He slid his hands down the lines of her waist and hips, exploring her. Desperate for more, she moaned in response. He was the one who broke the kiss when he trailed his mouth down her neck, tasting and nipping as if starved.

After she placed the lightest of kisses to his lips, Thea pulled him toward the bed. “I need you. Come.”

“Oh, I plan to.” With a grin, he swept her into his arms and carried her to his bed. “And I’m going to make certain you do also.”

She was beyond blushing at this point. Gently, he sat her on the edge. As he untied her dressing gown, she was pushing his banyan off his shoulder. He brushed his lips against her. “Countess, there’s no hurry. We have all night.”

Tell that to her heart and the wild desire pounding through her veins. “If we have all night, then I don’t want us to waste a second.”

He chuckled softly, then finished undressing her by pulling the gown gently down her shoulders, tenderly worshipping her body with his lips. The sweep of his mouth across her skin set a fire through her that could only be extinguished by him.

She stretched out on the bed like a cat waking from a nap. The luxurious velvet cocooned her in its softness, and she wanted to purr at the feel. Every inch of her body felt primed, intense, like the air before a bolt of lightning struck. His eyes widened, and she found it remarkably easy to get lost in the heat of his gaze.

“Theodora, I shouldn’t have called you beautiful,” he growled. “You are stunningly magnificent.” His robe fell from his shoulders to reveal his chest, and with several flicks of his fingers, he’d undone the fall of his doeskin breeches. He hitched his thumbs into the low-slung waistband and his gaze locked on her toes, then slowly inched upward.

The hunger on his face caused a delightful shiver to run through her. It reminded her of diving into cool water on a hot day. She willed her heart to slow its erratic beating. But it refused to listen when she discovered his gaze anchored with hers.

She waved her hand at his falls as she scooted to the edge of the bed. “Now, are you attempting a dramatic reveal, or would you like me to do the honors?”

“Be my guest.” He laughed. He stood close, and she tilted her head to peer up at him. Then—just as he’d done with her—she allowed herself a long, unfettered examination of his body. From his wide shoulders down his muscled chest, her gaze lingered. Gently, she traced each rib and smoothed her hand over the taut muscles that tightened under her touch.

He gasped while placing his hand over hers.

“You’re torturing me,” he said.

She lifted an eyebrow in protest. “I didn’t stop you when you examined me.”

He took her hand in his and rubbed his lips against her knuckles. “I didn’t run my hands over your body, driving you wild either. I daresay, you’re trying to make me fall on my knees and promise you fealty forever.”

“I’d take it,” she said softly.

“Let me give it to you,” he answered in the same sotto voce.

She pulled her hand away from his lips and continued her slow meandering touch until she traced a circle around his navel.

He inhaled sharply. She trailed her finger down the thin coarse hair that ran in a straight line from below his navel to disappear under his waistband.

She reveled in the power that she could elicit such a response from him. It made her burn hotter. He was all male—bigger, stronger, and harder than her. But now, she had him entreating for her next touch.

With her hands, she pushed his breeches over his hips, and her own stomach tightened. His turgid cock leaned toward her as if trying to reach her. It was huge, thick, and if such an organ could be proud, his was—reminding her that it was swollen just for her. A vein extended from the base where it resided in a thick nest of curls then twined around its engorged length. She traced it with her finger. He hissed, and the muscles in his legs visibly contracted as if her touch was too much to bear.

“Thea,” he whispered. Her name sounded like a prayer on his lips.

A pearly drop of his essence sat like a jewel on the center of the tip, glistening as if tempting her to taste. She swirled her thumb against the fluid, then rubbed it across the crown.

He groaned but let her continue her exploration as he watched her every move. He trusted her, and in return, she trusted him. This was the man who had stood beside her when it seemed as if all the world was conspiring against her. She wanted to celebrate him and all his goodness. Without hesitating, she licked the length from the base of his cock up to the tip, then took him in her mouth and sucked. He tasted of musk and Will, and it was heavenly.

“Sweetheart, what are you doing?” He cupped her cheeks, then tilted her head slightly to look at him.

With a soft pop, she released him. “Kissing you?” she ventured. Her cheeks heated, whether from embarrassment or the warmth of his hands it was hard to tell. “I thought since you liked to kiss me … perhaps I could kiss you there.”

“I adore it but not as much as I adore you.” He brushed his fingers across her cheek. “I want us to make love to each other. I want this to be special for you, more so than me. We’ll have plenty of time later to explore how to pleasure each other.”

He bent and kissed her, then with infinite care, he helped her scoot back on the bed. She wanted to ask if he meant tonight or some other night but held her tongue. She wouldn’t let the future intrude on their time together. She wouldn’t waste this beautiful night with him.

His hand tightened around one of her hips, then he settled between her legs. It was a perfect angle for him to kiss her again. Their lips met in a tender kiss. He trailed his mouth down her chin, her throat, and chest. When he took one of her breasts into his mouth and started to suckle, she thought she’d fly off the bed. His tongue teased her nipple, as his hand fondled her other breast. He was a master at ensuring that no part of her was ignored.

White-hot flames of heat burst through her. Looking for purchase, she grasped his shoulders tightly. But the need to learn his body was stronger. As she ran her hands over the muscles and contours of his back, she bent her legs, giving him a better angle to position his body.

“Is that comfortable?” he whispered.

She nodded, loving him more that he was worried about her. Carefully, he positioned his member between her folds. His kisses grew bolder, more demanding, and she ran her hands through his hair, scratching his scalp.

“Thea, darling, are you sure?”

She stared into his eyes as she gripped his hips, urging him closer. “I’ve never been more positive of anything in my life.”

He was above her, then dipped toward her for a gentle kiss that lingered. His breath grew deep and his arms were flexed to bear his weight. “Do you have any idea how much I want you?”

“As much as I want you.” Tentatively, she wrapped her hand around his hot length. “No, I want you more.”

“We shall see.” He chuckled as he wrapped his hand around hers. “Let me show you how to touch me. I’ll not break.”

Together, they pushed up and down. His member reminded her of hot, silken steel. His hand left hers, and gently, he caressed her folds. With his fingers, he found her sensitive nub and started the sweetest torment by gently rubbing in mesmerizing circles.

He crushed his mouth against hers and deepened the kiss. It grew bolder and more demanding. His tongue invaded her mouth as if he were possessing her. She moaned her approval. He continued to stroke her, and she rolled her hips over and over, taking all the pleasure he offered. Pinpricks of sensations raced through her. She needed to possess him as much as he was possessing her.

She was close to climaxing from his strokes, but then he entered her with two fingers, pumping gently, stretching her. It caused another riot of sensations to careen wildly through her body. He used three fingers to prepare her even more, all the while coaxing her to climax with his intoxicating kisses and the stroke of his thumb against her clitoris. She closed her eyes as everything within shattered at once. Her nerves tingled, and light exploded behind her eyelids.

“Will,” she sobbed. “Oh God, Will.”

“I’m here,” he soothed. “I’m not going anywhere.”

She moaned his name again and arched into his hand. Her release continued to pound through her. Slowly, her body floated back under her control. He cradled her in his arms and nuzzled her neck.

But still it wasn’t enough. She wanted all of him. She ran her hands down his back, over his hips, and caressed the tight muscles of his buttocks. Her skin tingled where his body touched hers. She tilted her hips toward him. “I want you inside me.”

He reared back and stared into her eyes, their breathing in concert with one another. The tenderness on his face was almost her undoing. He took himself in hand and rubbed the crown of his cock up and down her folds, sliding through her wetness with ease. He positioned himself at her sex and gently inched his way inside.

It was heaven and hell at the same time. Though he’d tried to prepare her body for this, she hadn’t anticipated such pressure and fullness. He pushed more, and her body tightened. She gasped for air as she threw her arms around his neck as if to hide. He took her into his embrace, then kissed her.

“Try to relax. Take a deep breath. I promise I’ll make it feel good for you.”

She nodded and did as he asked. With a thrust of his hips, he was seated inside her. She froze momentarily as her body fought to accommodate the girth of his member.

“Breathe, Thea,” he coaxed as he nuzzled her neck.

She concentrated on her breathing. In. Out. In. Out. Finally, her body relaxed.

“That’s it, sweetheart.” He possessed her mouth with his, then started to move within her, his rhythm mimicking her breathing. In. Out. In. Out. The slow and even thrusts of his hips were hypnotic, and she moved with him, raising her hips to match his movements.

“You’re so lovely, Thea.” His tempo increased slowly at first until he was pounding into her. Sweat glistened on his brow and his face looked like a man possessed.

The sight caused her own body to heat. She mewled his name, and in answer, he moved his fingers to her center and started pleasuring her again. But instead of slow meandering circles on her clitoris, this time he caressed her with a frenzied touch, demanding her to come once again. She locked her legs around his hips and matched his movements, flesh pounding flesh. Her breathing accelerated. She closed her eyes, and her release sped through her body until it shattered into a million points of pleasure. She cried out his name again.

He grunted her name and drove into her one final time. He pulled out, then took her in a blinding kiss as he released his seed on her belly. The bucking of his hips decreased, until they lay holding on to each other, as if desperate to calm the tempest they’d created.

“Thea,” he whispered her name like a prayer.

Gently, he rolled off her, and the cool evening air rushed over her heated body. They both stared at the canopy overhead, not saying a word. She needed to touch him to make certain that the moment was real—that what they shared was real. Before she could turn to him, his hand found hers, and he interlaced their fingers together.

Their breathing grew gentle, and he raised her hand to his lips where he pressed a gentle kiss to her knuckles. He released her hand, then got up from the bed. When he returned, the mattress dipped slightly, and he sat beside her with a wet linen cloth. “Let me clean you.”

She started to protest, but he put a finger to her lips, followed by a kiss on her cheek. He took the cloth and gently wiped her thighs, then between her legs. Licks of embarrassment flamed her cheeks, but she did her best to push such feeling away. After what they’d just shared, it would be tantamount to closing the barn door after the horses had escaped.

When he moved the cloth to her stomach to wipe away his release, she sucked in a breath. “It tickles.”

“I wish I had warm water for this,” he said as he kissed her stomach. He sat up and made quick work of cleaning himself. When he’d finished his task, he lay sideways in bed with his head resting on her abdomen. He reached for her hand again as if needing to touch her.

She definitely needed to touch him. While she rested against the headboard, she combed her fingers through his hair, letting the silky locks trail across her skin. This moment between them was both soothing and unnerving. What did one say after sharing their body with another? Thank you. I’ll see you at breakfast. Or perhaps, That was a bully of a try for a first time. Shall we give it another go?

She let out a sigh but continued to play with his hair.

“We should marry,” he murmured. “For real.”

Her eyes widened, and she stopped playing with his hair. She didn’t trust herself to speak as her thoughts came to a skidding halt. Her traitorous heart refused to stay quiet as it pounded against her ribs, trying to break free. If she could hear the rattle in her chest, then so could he. This was everything she’d wanted from the beginning, a true marriage proposal. What made it more magical was the fact it was from him. He was the man she loved with every fiber of her being.

Yet she couldn’t summon one word. She wanted to cry out yes, but something told her to stay quiet. She was on a precipice without any guidance for the right response. One wrong move or word could lead to her ultimate fall, one that promised no soft landing. Only the hard, stone-cold fact of heartbreak.

Perhaps her appearance in front of the committee had transformed her into a meek person, afraid of taking the chance for happiness and love. All she could think about was the effect of a marriage to Will on Ladykyrk. When she’d told Grayson she wouldn’t split her time between his estate and hers, should the same apply to Will? He didn’t own an estate, but his commitments to his family were substantial.

But what good was any of this thinking? She may not even have an estate anymore.

He turned on his stomach and took her hand in his. “Will you be my wife?”

Silence descended between them as his gaze captured hers. His blue eyes blazed with an emotion that reminded her of hesitation or perhaps uncertainty.

As if trying to convince her, he continued, the words spilling free. “We should announce our official betrothal at Lady Prydwell’s soirée tomorrow. As you said, society will see that you still consider yourself the countess, and you’ll continue to act as such. I believe it’ll have the effect of silencing the Cryer. Another factor in our favor is that it’ll be a small affair of no more than eighty or so people. Of course, my parents will attend since they’re close friends with Lord and Lady Prydwell. I’ll make certain the rest of the family is there. I want you to have support around you when we make the announcement. Devan, Grayson, and some of my other friends will be there.”

At the mention of Lord Grayson, she blinked slowly. Will was the third man in a week to actually offer for her, but not a single one had said it because of anything they felt for her. Both the Marquess of Grayson and the Duke of Ferr-Colby wanted her for her assets. Only the marquess’s offer held a promise that love might be in their future. Now Will was a member of the collective group that wanted her. Only he hadn’t told her why he wanted her.

She wanted to laugh at the absurdity of it all, but at this tender moment, it was too painful.

“I can secure a special license at Doctors’ Commons.” His devilish grin appeared. “We can marry whenever you want, here in London, or if you prefer, we could have the banns called in Northumberland. I’ll let you make the choice.”

“Why do you want to marry me?” she asked. She forced herself to breathe as she waited for her answer.

He grew quiet as he studied their entwined hands for a moment.

“I guess I jumped ahead of things, didn’t I?” Slowly shifting his gaze to hers, he continued. “Well, I thought it would be the best thing for us after the other night when we pleasured each other. I wanted to talk about it then, but we never seemed to have the opportunity until now. After what we just did, I think the answer is obvious.” He lifted her fingers to his lips. “It’s the honorable thing to do.” Still holding her hand, he looked down at the velvet blue of the spread underneath them as if trying to divine what to say next. “Thea, it’s the right thing for us.”

“Oh, I see,” she said tersely. “A matter of honor.” She nodded slightly as if understanding, when the exact opposite was true. The only thing she understood was that she gave herself to him because she loved him. A small part inside her withered away to nothing. “Another reason is you’ll be sure to inherit your great-aunt’s estate.”

“There’s that too.” He nodded.

Hearing his agreement, she was ready to slide off the bed and don her dressing gown.

Then he lowered his voice, the gentle sound like a lover’s touch. “Thea, isn’t the real answer obvious?”

She stayed still, then shook her head.

“I want to spend the rest of my days with you.” His voice softened. “I want to hold you, comfort you. I want to wake up beside you every morning and lie down beside you every night.”

His lovely words guided her like a beacon into his arms where she felt cherished. Her marvelous Will thought of her as his own. It was a precious gift, one she never thought to have—one she never thought she deserved, but one she vowed to treasure all of her days.

“Oh, Will.” She cupped one of his cheeks as tears blurred her vision.

“Everything in my life had dulled to gray until I met you.” He placed a hand over hers where she cupped his cheek. “You make my life bright again with brilliant joy and color that’s unique to you.”

She didn’t answer him. Instead, with every emotion of hers bared, she kissed him and pulled him to her where they made love again and again.

In the early morning hours, emptiness crept into the room and stole all her newfound happiness. How could she marry Will while her future was in limbo? What about her promise to protect her grandfather and Ladykyrk? If she possessed any virtue whatsoever, she’d tell Will that she couldn’t marry him until her future was settled. Until someone said otherwise, she was still the Countess of Eanruig with sole responsibility for a great estate and tenants who depended upon her for their safety and livelihood, not to mention their future.

What would she do if she lost her title? Marry Will and ride toward the sunset while leaving Ladykyrk and all its people in the hands of Ferr-Colby?

Those people were hers to protect.

She settled under the covers and stared at Will’s face, hoping to find some comfort. A wisp of sable hair had fallen across his forehead as he slept and threatened to fall into his eyes. Gently, so as not to wake him, she brushed the errant lock back.

What a fool she’d been to think she’d be satisfied with one night in Will’s bed.

She wanted forever, but she couldn’t see how, not when Ladykyrk’s future still sat undecided.