The third of four children and an introvert from the start, Jason Tesar grew up as an imaginative “middle child” who enjoyed the make-believe world as much as the real one, possibly more. From adolescence to adulthood, his imagination fed itself on a diet of books, movies, and art, all the while growing and maturing—waiting for its opportunity.

In late 1998, Jason made his first attempt at writing, managing to complete a whole scene before returning once again to reality. A year and a half later, a spontaneous nighttime conversation with his wife encouraged him to take his writing seriously and to keep on dreaming. Over the next seven years, Jason carved time out of the real world to live in an imaginary one of epic fantasy, science-fiction, and military & political conflict. The fruits of this labor would later become the first three books of the bestselling AWAKENED series.

Due to the incredible support of readers from around the world, Jason continued his trajectory into make-believe, jumping from stable employment in the microelectronics industry into the mysterious abyss of fiction writing.

Living in Colorado with his beautiful wife and two children, Jason now spends the majority of his time fusing the best parts of his favorite genres into stories of internal struggle and triumph, friendship, betrayal, political alliances, and military conflict.


If you’d like to follow along on Jason’s journey or get behind the scenes info on his fictional work, visit www.jasontesar.com and sign up for his email list (http://eepurl.com/-PPGX).

If you’d like to connect with Jason, you can do so at any of the following sites, or send him an email at jasontesar@yahoo.com.

Blog (www.jasontesar.com)

Facebook (Author Jason Tesar)

Twitter (@JasonTesar)

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Pinterest (Author Jason Tesar)