

Part I: A City on a Hill

“Apologia” by Christopher Columbus

“America” by Arthur Cleveland Coxe

“Flawless His Heart” by James Russell Lowell

The Mayflower Compact by William Bradford

“A Model of Charity” by John Winthrop

“The First Proclamation” by Margaret Preston

“Thanksgiving in Boston” by Hezekiah Butterworth

“Epitaph of a Patriot” by Anne Bradstreet

“Essays to Do Good” by Cotton Mather

“Sir Humphrey Gilbert” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

“Pocahontas” by William Makepeace Thackeray

“Five Kernels of Corn” by Hezekiah Butterworth

“Ned Braddock” by John Williamson Palmer

Part II: An Experiment in Liberty

“Awaken” by Lawrence Tribble

“A Ballad of the Boston Tea Party” by Oliver Wendell Holmes

“The Divine Source of Liberty” by Samuel Adams

“Liberty or Death” by Patrick Henry

“Paul Revere’s Ride” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

“Liberty Tree” by Thomas Paine

“Lexington” by John Greenleaf Whittier

The Declaration of Independence

Signers of the Declaration

“Nathan Hale” by Francis Miles Finch

“Valley Forge” by Thomas Buchanan Read

“Free America” by Joseph Warren

End Slavery’s Lamentable Evil by Patrick Henry

The Articles of Confederation

“The Vow of Washington” by John Greenleaf Whittier

The Northwest Ordinance

In Favor of the Federal Constitution by James Madison

The Federalist: Number 30 by Alexander Hamilton

The Federalist: Number 47 by James Madison

The Constitution

Signers of the Constitution

The Bill of Rights

Inaugural Address by George Washington

Farewell Address by George Washington

The Bunker Hill Monument Oration by Daniel Webster

Founding Fathers

The Forgotten Presidents

Presidential Fathers

Part III: Manifest Destiny

“Farewell Peace” by Joseph Hopkinson

“First Fruits in 1812” by Wallace Rice

“The Star-Spangled Banner” by Francis Scott Key

The Missouri Compromise by Henry Clay

The Monroe Doctrine by James Monroe and John Quincy Adams

“The Defense of the Alamo” by Joaquin Miller

“Liberty for All” by William Lloyd Garrison

Dred Scott v. Sandford by Roger B. Taney

A House Divided by Abraham Lincoln

Inaugural Address by Jefferson Davis

“The Battle Hymn of the Republic” by Julia Ward Howe

“The Volunteer” by Elbridge Jefferson Cutler

“Stonewall Jackson’s Way” by John Williamson Palmer

“Stonewall’s Dying Words” by Sidney Lanier

“Dreaming in the Trenches” by William Gordon McCabe

“Christmas Night of ’62” by William Gordon McCabe

“John Burns of Gettysburg” by Bret Harte

The Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln

“Music in Camp” by John Reuben Thompson

The Emancipation Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln

“O Captain! My Captain!” by Walt Whitman

“Ode to the Confederate Dead” by Alan Tate

“My Country ’Tis of Thee” by Samuel Smith

Amendments to the Constitution

Founders’ Sons

Part IV: Recovering the Dream

Seneca Falls Declaration by Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Pledge of Allegiance by Francis Bellamy

Atlanta Exposition Address by Booker T. Washington

Cross of Gold by William Jennings Bryan

“Cuba to Columbia” by Will Carleton

“The Men of the Maine” by Clinton Scollard

“Battle Song” by Robert Burns Wilson

“Dewey in Manila Bay” by R. V. Risley

“The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus

“Panama” by James Roche

“The Man with the Muck-Rake” by Theodore Roosevelt

“The American Language” by H. L. Mencken

Have Faith in Massachusetts by Calvin Coolidge

War Message by Woodrow Wilson

“The New Crusade” by Katherine Lee Bates

“Marching Song” by Dana Burnet

“The First Three” by Clinton Scollard

“Victory Bells” by Grace Conkling

Fourteen Points by Woodrow Wilson

“League of Nations” by Mary Siegrist

League of Nations Speech by Henry Cabot Lodge

Pearl Harbor Address by Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka by Earl Warren

Inaugural Address by John F. Kennedy

Letter from the Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King Jr.

Roe v. Wade by Harry A. Blackmun

Inaugural Address by Ronald Reagan

Amendments to the Constitution

September 11 Address to the Nation by George W. Bush

Fathers of the Future

About the Author