Brain Damage, Behaviour and Cognition

Developments in Clinical Neuropsychology

Series Editors

Chris Code, University of Sydney, Australia

Dave Müller, Suffolk College of Higher and Further Education, U.K.

Published titles

Cognitive Rehabilitation Using Microcomputers

Veronica A. Bradley, John L Welch and Clive E. Skilbeck

The Characteristics of Aphasia

Chris Code (Ed.)

Neuropsychology and the Dementias

Siobhan Hart and James M. Semple

Acquired Neurological Speech/Language Disorders in Childhood

Bruce E. Murdoch (Ed.)

Neuropsychology of the Amnesic Syndrome

Alan J. Parkin and Nicholas R.C. Leng

Clinical and Neuropsychological Aspects of Closed Head Injury

John T.E. Richardson

Unilateral Neglect: Clinical and Experimental Studies

Ian H. Robertson and J.C. Marshall (Eds)

Acquired Apraxia of Speech in Aphasic Adults

Paula A. Square (Ed.)

Cognitive Rehabilitation in Perspective

Rodger Wood and Ian Fussey (Eds)

Forthcoming title

The Neuropsychology of Schizophrenia

Anthony S. David and John C. Cutting (Eds)