- Aalto University
- Academic programs. See also Interdisciplinary Product Development program (University of Illinois at Chicago); Open Innovation Program (Massey University)
- Accessible information:
- in idea markets
- in prediction markets
- in preference markets
- in virtual stock markets
- Access panels
- Accuracy:
- of idea markets
- of prediction markets
- of preference markets
- of virtual stock markets
- Acorn¯
- Actionable outcomes, integration of
- Action plans
- Activate phase (communicating outcomes)
- Activation and deprivation exercises
- Adaptability, of small companies
- Adhesive Packaging Design Contest
- Ad hoc collaborations:
- objectives of
- university–industry teams for
- Adoption phase (customer journey)
- Advanced Development Programs
- Advertising, geo-specific
- Advisory Board, of Open Innovation Program
- “The Agent of the Future” concept
- Aggregators, deal
- Agreements:
- Aims, in project proposals
- Airbnb
- Air France
- Algorithms, pricing, see Pricing algorithms
- Amazon
- American Pharmacists Association Foundation
- American Productivity and Quality Center (APQC)
- American Society of Hospital Engineers
- Amway:
- best practices at
- key enablers at
- measurement and improvement at
- processes at
- roles at
- strategy at
- Analogies
- Analysis plans, in interaction guides
- Analyzing the Analyzers (H. D. Harris)
- Apohenia
- Appert, Nicholas
- Applied Technology Centre
- Aquasar
- Arguments, battles of
- Arizona State University
- Armstrong Building Products
- Arthur D. Little
- Arthur D. Little Emerging Technologies Workshop on Advanced Manufacturing Processes/Moldless Forming
- Asheville Project
- Asia, intrinsic motivation in
- Atkins, R.
- AT&T
- Automated market makers (AMMs)
- Automobile industry, Big Data in
- Badges, in private online communities
- Bandung Institute of Technology
- Barr, Edward
- Basic attributes (customer satisfaction model)
- Battles of arguments
- Beiersdorf
- Béju-Bécheur, A.
- Bell Labs
- Belonging, sense of
- Benchmarks
- Bentley College
- Berg, J. E.
- Best Buy
- Best practices. See also Open Innovation: Enhancing Idea Generation Through Collaboration (APQC)
- for measurement and improvement
- process-related
- role-related
- at small companies
- strategy-related
- Beta invitations
- Betfair
- Big Data
- business influence of
- Cup of Information approach
- defined
- and Open Innovation
- pitfalls with
- and spreadable content
- successful use of
- Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG)
- Black & Decker
- Black & White antiperspirant
- Blind spots:
- in generation phase
- integrating selected external experts to detect
- integrating unknown external sources to detect
- opening up foresight process to detect
- tapping external sources to detect
- Blogs:
- firms' use of
- of mass end users
- private online communities vs.
- selecting platforms that support
- social publishing with
- Bluml, Ben
- Boards:
- bulletin
- consumer consulting
- message
- Boston University
- Boundary objects
- Boundary spanners
- Box Office Mojo
- Box Office Report
- BrainBank
- BrainJuicer
- Brainstorming
- Breakthrough thinking
- Briefs, project
- Brightidea
- Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
- British Telecommunications (BT):
- best practices at
- key enablers at
- measurement and improvement at
- processes at
- roles at
- strategy at
- Brown, J. S.
- Building collaborations (Stage 3):
- considerations with
- in kitchen of the future project
- and other OI stages for extraordinary challenges
- Built to Last (James Collins and Jerry Porras)
- Bulletin boards
- Bureaucracy
- Business Model step (Getting Together phase)
- Business potential, of insights
- Business-to-business organizations, private online communities of
- C2M Lite
- Campbell's
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Center for Product and Innovation Management
- Challenges. See also Extraordinary challenges
- ideation
- in private online communities
- Champions:
- of extraordinary challenges
- of prediction markets
- Change management
- Chaples, S. S.
- Chartering (Stage 4):
- considerations with
- in finance coopertition project
- in medical waste project
- and other OI stages for extraordinary challenges
- Chen, K. Y.
- Chesbrough, H.
- Chief Data Officer (CDO)
- Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), drive for Open Innovation from
- China, intrinsic motivation in
- China Europe International Business School
- Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology
- Cisco:
- best practices at
- key enablers at
- measurement and improvement at
- processes at
- roles at
- strategy at
- Clorox
- Closed foresight workshops
- Closed innovation
- Co-creation:
- at Air France/KLM
- benefits of
- and crowdsourcing/structural collaboration
- at Heineken
- CogniStreamer
- Co-inventor analysis
- Collaboration(s). See also Building collaborations (Stage 3)
- ad hoc
- with consumers
- with private online communities
- productive
- structural, see Structural collaborations
- with universities, see University–industry collaborations
- visual thinking to support
- Collaborative and independent action (Stage 6):
- considerations with
- in diabetes care project
- and other OI stages for extraordinary challenges
- Collins, James
- Co-located teams, at large companies
- Comments, from customers
- Commercialization:
- customer involvement in
- with university OI partners
- Commercialization plans
- Commitment:
- change management to drive
- in integration phase of workshops
- to university–industry collaborations
- Communication:
- about collaborations with consumers
- in foresight workshops
- of outcomes from online communities
- in private online communities
- in university–industry collaborations
- verbal only
- Communication plans
- Communication skills, for visual thinking
- Communities:
- diffusion of knowledge in
- entertainment
- expert
- external unknown sources from
- market research online
- online. See also Private online communities
- of practice
- private
- professional
- social
- Community-level gamification
- Community panels
- Competitive blind spots, see Blind spots
- Competitive landscape analysis
- Competitive positioning
- Concepts, from private online communities
- Concept mapping
- Concept prototypes:
- customer evaluations of
- from IPD program
- in university–industry collaborations
- Concept-to-market (C2M) process
- Conferences, finding OI partners at
- Confidentiality
- Conflicts of interest
- Connect+Develop business model
- Consensus Point
- Constraints, in project proposals
- Consultants
- Consumer consulting boards
- Consumers. See also Customers
- collaborations with
- empowered
- new insights from
- as validators
- Content, spread of
- Contests, see Idea, design, or solution contests
- Contracts
- Control(s):
- of dialogue with customers
- entrepreneurship and financial
- Open Innovation and loss of
- of social media initiatives
- Cooperation networks
- Coordination
- Core teams
- Corporations:
- accuracy of prediction markets in
- innovation in
- virtual stock markets in
- Correlation
- Correlation matrix
- Cowgill, B. J.
- Craig, M.
- Crawford, Merle
- “Create Your Taste” campaign
- Credit Union Mutual Insurance Company (CUNA Mutual)
- Critical incident technique
- Critiquing
- Cross-functional teams
- Crowd interpretation
- Crowds:
- forecasting by individuals vs.
- participation in innovation by
- Crowdsourcing:
- and beta invitations
- and co-creation/structural collaboration
- at Eli Lilly
- integrating external unknown sources with
- integrating ideas generated by
- in multistage open foresight workshops
- OI partners from
- and Open Innovation
- social media for
- Cukier, K.
- Cultural Iceberg model
- Cultural perspective, on OI
- Culture:
- in online communities
- resistance to OI as part of
- and trust in OI teams
- Cunha, M. P.
- Cup of Information (CoI) approach
- Curiosity, as motivator
- Customers. see also Consumers
- comments from
- dialogues with
- “hijacking” of NPD initiatives by
- as innovation research partners
- inquiries from
- integrating, into NPD process
- listening to
- successful integration of
- voice of
- Customer journey
- Customer retention
- Customer satisfaction model
- Customer support, in beta/prototype testing
- Cuttlefish
- Cyber-Physical Systems
- Dahan, E. J.
- Daimler
- Data science. See also Big Data
- Data science teams
- Data scientists
- Daub, Cynthia
- Deal sites and aggregators
- Decision making:
- knowledge modeling for
- by OI teams
- at small companies
- Dedication, of moderators
- Delft University of Technology
- Deliverables (Stage 3)
- Deliverables, in project proposal
- Deliver step (Working Together phase)
- Del Monte
- De Montjoye, Y.-A.
- DePaul University
- Deprivation and activation exercises
- De Ruyck, T.
- Design and development (Stage 2)
- Design contests, see Idea, design, or solution contests
- “Design for the Environment” strategy
- Development stage. See also New product development (NPD) process
- Diabetes care project
- Diabetes Ten City Challenge (DTCC)
- Diagnosis of problem and design of process (Stage 2):
- considerations with
- for medical waste project
- in orphaned pharmaceutical project
- Dialogue with Customers (Level 2)
- benefits of
- and other levels of social media involvement
- on third-party platforms
- Dictatorship of data
- Diemer, S.
- Discovery, see Shared discovery (Stage 5)
- Discovery phase (customer journey)
- Dispute clause (project agreement)
- Disruptive Possibilities (Jeffrey Needham)
- Documentation, of university–industry collaborations
- Dolby Voice audio conferencing service
- Domain knowledge:
- in idea markets
- in prediction markets
- in preference markets
- and virtual stock markets
- “Do or die” mentality
- Double auction mechanisms
- Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)
- Drucker, Peter
- Dual-process integration
- “Dub the Dew” competition
- Duguid, P.
- DuPont
- Dye, R.
- Dynamics of correlation
- Dynamic pari-mutual market makers
- Eastern Europe, extrinsic motivation in
- Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
- Edison, Thomas
- Eli Lilly
- Emergent nature consumer scale
- Emerging technologies:
- competitive landscape analysis for
- patent analytics for identifying
- Emotional burdens, employees'
- Emotional valence
- Empathy
- Employees:
- dialogues between customers and
- emotional burdens on
- relationships of external stakeholders and
- sensitizing
- Empowered consumers
- Engagement:
- customer
- in private online communities
- of student teams
- Engage phase (communicating outcomes)
- Enjoyment, as motivator
- Enkel, Ellen
- Enterprise amnesia
- Entertainment, social
- Entertainment communities
- Entrepreneurship:
- at large companies
- at small companies
- working conditions that encourage
- Environmental changes, adaptability to
- Estrada, Nelson
- Ethnographic thinking
- ETH Zurich
- European Business School (EBS)
- Evaluation phase (customer journey)
- Excitement attributes (customer satisfaction model)
- Expectations:
- of NPD teams about user input
- in university–industry collaborations
- Experience, trading
- Experience benchmarks
- Experiential events
- Expert communities
- Expertise
- Experts:
- external
- internal
- use of Big Data by
- virtual stock market
- Exploratory problem-solving
- Extended teams
- External contributors. See also Integrating unknown external sources (Stage IV); Tapping external sources (Stage II)
- External experts, see Integrating selected external experts (Stage III)
- External organizations, partnerships with
- External stakeholders
- External success factors, for customer integration in NPD
- Extraordinary challenges
- building collaborations (Stage 3)
- chartering (Stage 4)
- collaborative and independent action (Stage 6)
- diabetes care project
- diagnosis of problem and design of process (Stage 2)
- finance coopertition project
- identifying need and motivated champion (Stage 1)
- and innovation impact waves
- kitchen of the future project
- medical waste project
- Moldless Forming project
- Open Innovation process for
- orphaned pharmaceutical project
- shared discovery (Stage 5)
- Extrinsic motivation
- Facebook
- and Adhesive Packaging Design Contest
- and Daimler Smart car design contest
- dialogues with customers on
- firms' use of
- “MyBurger” campaign
- tools for monitoring
- Facebook Likes
- Fachhochschule Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences
- Faculty team, dual-process integration by
- Failure
- Fake opinions
- Fast Adaptable Next-Generation Ground Vehicle (FANG) program
- Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector
- Feedback
- Fees
- Filters, problem statement
- Finance coopertition project
- Financial controls
- Financial rewards
- Financial support
- First of a kind (FOAK) projects
- Focus groups
- Ford, S.
- Ford Motor Company
- Forecasting, by individuals vs. crowds
- Foresight. See also Open foresight workshops
- Foresight processes
- Formal presentations
- Forums
- Forward thinking moderators
- Fraunhofer Society
- Fresh perspective, with insights
- Future developments, see Sensitization to future developments
- “Future of Health” platform
- Future orientation index
- Fuzzy front end of innovation
- Galton, Francis
- Game Changers, at Shell
- Games, social
- Gamification
- Gantt charts
- Gap analysis
- Garn-St. Germain Act of 1982
- Gassmann, Oliver
- GE Computing and Decision Science Technology Center
- GE Energy business
- General Electric
- Generalized lead “userness” scale
- Generate and craft ideas and concepts stage
- and innovation profiles of users
- key performance indicators for
- keys to success in
- for My Transfer Idea community
- pitfalls in
- Generation phase (corporate foresight process)
- Geneva Motor Show
- Geographic proximity analysis
- Georgia Tech College of Management
- Geo-specific advertising
- Gephi
- Germany, gamification in
- Getting Together phase
- Gibson, William
- GlaxoSmithKline
- “Glue drop” design
- Goals:
- for customer engagement
- of intrapreneurial teams
- in problem statements
- of universities vs. industry partners
- Gollety, M.
- Google
- Google+
- Google Glass Explorer Program
- Google-Profile of Mood States (GPOMS)
- Google Trends
- Go-to-market strategy
- Government funding, for university–industry collaborations
- Graphic facilitation methods
- Graphic group processes:
- as branch of visual thinking
- knowledge modeling vs.
- in OI teams
- pitfalls with
- types of
- using
- Graphic recording
- Green, J.
- Greiner Perfoam
- Grinder, John
- Grounded Theory method
- Group-level gamification
- Groupthink
- Hall, Edward
- Halo effect
- Harris, H. D.
- Harrison, John
- Healthcare Resource Conservation Coalition (HRCC)
- Heineken
- Heineken Concept Club community
- Helsinki University of Technology
- Henkel
- Heuristics
- “Hijacking” of NPD initiatives
- Hilton, Peter
- H.J. Heinz
- Hochschule Pforzheim University
- Hoffman, D. L.
- Hollywood Stock Exchange (HSX)
- accessible information and accuracy of
- algorithm of
- domain knowledge in
- participation incentives in
- truth-seeking trading behavior in
- Hopman, J. W.
- Hornsworth, Terry
- Hothouse events
- Hoyt, D.
- HP
- Human capital, retention of
- Hybrid problem statements
- HYPE Innovation
- IAE AIX Graduate School of Management-University of Paul Cezanne
- Ideas, see Generate and craft ideas and concepts stage
- Idea, design, or solution contests
- benefits of
- at Daimler
- at Henkel
- at McDonald's
- outline for
- safety nets for
- transparency in
- “Ideas Brewery”
- Idea cards
- Idea delphis
- Idea entry restriction:
- in idea markets
- in virtual stock markets
- Idea markets
- accessible information for
- accuracy of
- defined
- domain knowledge in
- idea entry restriction in
- number of participants in
- successful
- IdeaScale
- Idea sifting
- Ideation challenges
- Ideation stage, online communities in
- Ideation techniques
- Idea to market (ITM)
- Identifying need and motivated champion (Stage 1):
- considerations with
- for medical waste project
- and other OI stages for extraordinary challenges
- IEEE Spectrum
- IKEA effect
- Imaginatik
- Impact, as motivator
- Impact waves. See also Innovation impact waves
- Improvement:
- best practices for
- continuous
- Inbound innovation benefits
- Incentives:
- in idea markets
- for participation in private online communities
- in prediction markets
- in preference markets
- in virtual stock markets
- Independence, social
- Independent action, see Collaborative and independent action (Stage 6)
- Independent innovators (innovators)
- Individual-level gamification
- Individuals, forecasting by crowds vs.
- Industry partners (in university–industry collaborations):
- expectations of
- goals of
- roles of
- sample invitation letter for
- Industry–university collaborations, see University–industry collaborations
- Inference, Ladder of
- Influencers (social influencers)
- Infosurv
- In-house R&D programs
- “In kind” support
- Inkling
- Inno360
- InnoCentive
- Innovation. See also Open Innovation
- closed
- fuzzy front end of
- nature of
- outsourcing of
- patents as lead indicators of
- potential users' participation in
- proactive
- virtual
- visual thinking to drive
- InnovationCast
- Innovation Center, see UIC Innovation Center
- Innovation cycles, length of
- InnovationFactory
- Innovation horizons
- Innovation impact waves:
- convergence of multiple
- diabetes as
- regulation as cause of
- as source of extraordinary challenges
- Innovation management
- Innovation profiles
- Innovation research partners. See also Interesting partners for research projects
- Innovators (independent innovators)
- Inquiries, from customers
- Insights. See also Uncover new insights stage
- characteristics of
- example of
- from external experts
- from external sources
- from internal experts
- as motivation for opening up foresight process
- time and resources to evaluate
- from unknown external sources
- Inspire phase (communicating outcomes)
- Instant messaging
- Institute of the Future
- Institutional perspective on OI
- Insurance industry, Big Data in
- Integrating selected external experts (Stage III):
- benefits of
- in multistage approaches
- and other stages
- successful recruitment for
- Integrating selected internal experts (Stage I):
- benefits of
- in multistage approaches
- and other stages
- successful recruitment for
- Integrating unknown external sources (Stage IV):
- benefits of
- in multistage approaches
- and other stages
- successful recruitment for
- Integration (in general):
- of actionable outcomes
- dual-process
- of Open Innovation processes
- of student teams
- Integration of Customers (Level 3)
- benefits of
- idea, design, or solution contests for
- and market research
- and other levels of social media involvement
- success factors for
- sweepstakes and quizzes for
- toolkits for
- Integration phase (corporate foresight process)
- Integrative thinking
- Intel
- Intellectual capital
- Intellectual property (IP):
- and crowdsourcing
- and customers in NPD process
- and maturity of OI efforts
- and portal systems
- in project agreement
- and universities as OI partners
- in university–industry collaborations
- Interaction guides, private online community
- Interactions with private online communities, managing
- Interdisciplinary integration of student teams
- Interdisciplinary Product Development program (University of Illinois at Chicago)
- additional Open Innovation academic programs
- concept prototypes from
- integrating actionable outcomes into partnering companies by
- marketing launch plan assignment for
- Open Innovation teams at
- problem domain definition and exploration at
- process overview
- project documentation assignment from
- resolving of Open Innovation challenges by
- sample syllabi
- and UIC Innovation Center
- Interest, as motivator
- Interesting partners for research projects:
- external sources as
- opening up foresight process to identify
- selected external experts as
- unknown external sources as
- Internal contributors, recognizing
- Internal experts, see Integrating selected internal experts (Stage I)
- Internal organizations, partnerships with
- Internal success factors, for customer integration in NPD
- International Patent Classification (IPC) scheme
- Interpersonal influence
- Interviews:
- knowledge elicitation
- in private online communities
- InTrade
- Intrapreneurial organizations
- Intrapreneurship
- Intrinsic motivation
- Invitation letters
- Involvement, in innovation profiles
- Iowa Electronic Market (IEM)
- IP contamination
- iPredict
- I-Prize
- IT staff, implementation of prediction markets by
- Ivanov, A.
- Jenkins, H.
- Johnson, Kelly
- Jonas, Jeff
- Journey, customer
- Jurisdiction, in project agreement
- Kano, N.
- Karniouchina, E.
- Key performance indicators (KPIs)
- Kickstarter
- Kindling
- Kitchen, multigenerational
- Kitchen of the future project
- Knowledge:
- diffusion of
- domain, see Domain knowledge
- tacit. See also Tacit knowledge exchange [TKE]
- Knowledge elicitation interviews
- Knowledge holders
- Knowledge integrator
- Knowledge modeling:
- as branch of visual thinking
- graphic group processes vs.
- with OI teams
- pitfalls with
- process
- using
- Knowledge-sharing events
- Koen, P.
- Kosinski, M.
- LaComb, C. A.
- Ladder of Inference
- Lafely, A. G.
- Laney, Douglas
- Language, culture and
- Large companies:
- attributes of small companies vs.
- Cisco on challenges for
- Open Innovation with small companies and
- Latent motivations
- Latent needs
- Lauto, G.
- Lay's
- Leaders, opinion
- Leadership, of intrapreneurial groups
- Lead “userness” scale
- Lead users
- co-creation with
- finding
- identifying
- listening to
- in private online communities
- Lego¯ Serious Play (LSP)
- “Leveraging Big Data to Reach Today's Mobile Consumer” (Nelson Estrada)
- Liability, in project agreement
- Lighting system for hi-tech underground pipe profilers project
- Lindbergh, Charles
- Lipton
- Listening to Customers (Level 1)
- benefits of
- finding customer comments with search engines
- and netnography
- and other levels of social media involvement
- tools for monitoring social media
- types of customer groups
- Localization, of private online communities
- Lockheed Martin
- Logarithmic market scoring rules
- Longitude Prize
- Lonza
- LumeJet
- Lumenogic
- Lundholm, R. J.
- McAuley, Georgette
- McDonald's
- #McDStories
- Malick, Naeem
- Marginal trader hypothesis
- Marketing launch plans
- Market research, with social media
- Market research online communities (MROCs)
- MarMix
- Mass end users
- Massey University. See also Open Innovation Program (Massey University)
- Maturity of OI effort, IP ownership and
- Mayer-Schoenberger.
- Measurements of Open Innovation
- Media sharing
- Medical waste project
- Meetings, project
- Melamed, Stephen
- Mental models
- Merck
- Message boards
- Michigan State University
- Microblogging
- Microsoft Share Point
- Milestones, online community
- Milwaukee School of Engineering
- Mind mapping
- Mobile technologies:
- Big Data for marketing with
- platform for online communities on
- Moderators, online community
- Moldless Forming (Arthur D. Little)
- Moldless Forming project
- Motivated champions, see Identifying need and motivated champion (Stage 1)
- Motivations:
- of external sources
- of open foresight workshop contributors
- for opening up foresight processes
- of private online community participants
- of unknown external sources
- of virtual stock markets participants
- Mountain Dew
- Movie industry, virtual stock market for. See also Hollywood Stock Exchange (HSX)
- Muji
- Mulliken, Lou
- Multidisciplinary teams, for new product development
- Multigenerational kitchen space project
- Multiplayer forecasting games
- Multistage approaches to open foresight workshops
- “MyBurger” campaign
- My Customer Challenge Cup
- Myers, Carol
- “My Starbucks Idea”
- My Transfer Idea community
- Naltrexone
- Nanotechnology case study
- Napoleon I, emperor of the French
- National Liberty Life Insurance Company of America (NLC)
- National University of Singapore
- Need(s):
- identifying, see Identifying need and motivated champion [Stage 1]
- latent
- Needs-based Open Innovation
- Needs-driven problem statements
- Needham, Jeffrey
- Netnography
- Networks:
- Network analysis
- Network analysis tools
- Networking:
- finding OI partners by
- social
- New product development (NPD) process:
- applying Six Sigma to
- Big Data for
- integration of customers into
- multidisciplinary teams in
- Open Innovation in
- social media applications in
- “Next ten” innovation priorities
- Nivea
- Nondisclosure agreements
- Nonusers, in private online communities
- North Carolina State University
- Northwestern University
- Nosco
- “Not Invented Here” mentality
- Novak, J.
- Novozymes
- NYU Stern School of Business
- Packaging for the Environment (Joe Stilwell)
- Page, Albert
- Pajek
- Palo Alto Research Center
- Panels, access/community
- Paper industry, Big Data in
- Partners. See also Interesting partners for research projects; Open Innovation partners
- Passion, of moderators
- Patents, as lead indicators of innovation
- Patent-application frequencies
- Patent-based technology network analysis
- applications of
- identifying Open Innovation partners with
- methods of
- nanotechnology case study
- Patenting rate
- Patent literature
- Payment terms, for small companies
- PDMA Comparative Performance Assessment Study
- Peer feedback
- Performance attributes (customer satisfaction model)
- Personas
- Perspectives:
- of external experts
- of internal experts
- as motivation for opening up foresight process
- on OI
- time and resources to evaluate
- of unknown external sources
- Pharmaceutical industry, blind spots in
- Platforms, software, see Software platforms
- Play-money exchanges
- Plott, C.
- Podcasts
- Polanyi, Michael
- Polls
- Porras, Jerry
- Portable hydration space project
- Portal systems
- Portfolio management
- Portland State University
- Positioning
- Potential users, innovation by
- Predesigned facilitation processes
- Predicting power, of social media
- Prediction markets:
- accessible information for
- accuracy of
- defined
- domain knowledge in
- experience of traders in
- idea entry restriction in
- implementing
- incentives in
- number of participants in
- Preference markets:
- accessible information for
- accuracy of
- defined
- domain knowledge in
- idea entry restriction in
- implementing
- number of participants in
- Pre-foresight phase (corporate foresight process)
- Preis, T.
- Prelaunching propositions
- Presentations
- Presentation dek
- Presidential elections, virtual stock markets for predicting
- Pricing algorithms:
- in idea markets
- in prediction markets
- in preference markets
- and software platforms
- for virtual stock markets
- Pritt stick
- Private communities, diffusion of knowledge in
- Private online communities
- analyzing results from
- and collaborations with consumers
- crowdsourcing, co-creation, and structural collaboration with
- defined
- engaging participants in
- focus groups vs.
- generating and crafting ideas/concepts with
- getting started with
- impact of collaborating with
- interaction guides for
- managing interactions with
- objectives for
- other online consumer listening/interaction methods vs.
- prototyping and prelaunching propositions with
- recruiting participants for
- selecting technology for
- uncovering new insights with
- “Private Traits and Attributes are Predictable from Digital Records of Human Behavior” (M. Kosinski)
- Proactive innovation
- Problem, diagnosis of, see Diagnosis of problem and design of process (Stage 2)
- Problem clarification
- Problem definition
- Problem domain
- Problem orientation
- Problem solving:
- exploratory
- scaled
- at small companies
- with university–industry collaborations
- Problem statements:
- ambitious goals in
- good
- revising
- situating and filtering
- Process design, see Diagnosis of problem and design of process (Stage 2)
- Process perspective on OI
- Procter and Gamble (P&G)
- Productive collaborations
- Professional communities, diffusion of knowledge in
- Project activation
- Project agreements
- Project books
- Project briefs
- Project definition (Stage 1)
- Project documentation assignment
- Project Evaluation Dashboard
- Project IMPACT
- Project initiation
- Project managers
- Project meetings
- Project proposals
- Project selection
- Project summation
- Project teams
- Proposals, project
- Prototypes, concept:
- customer evaluations of
- from IPD program
- in university–industry collaborations
- Prototype and prelaunch the proposition stage
- and customer journey
- and customer satisfaction model
- key performance indicators for
- keys to success in
- pitfalls in
- at Vodafone
- Prototyping, with private online communities
- Proven method of identifying innovators and influencers
- Publication clause (project agreement)
- Publicity, in project agreement
- Publishing, social
- Purdue University
- Q markets
- “Quantifying the Advantage of Looking Forward” (T. Preis)
- Question-level gamification
- Quirky website
- Quizzes
- Radiation model
- Rating sites
- Really big initiatives, see Extraordinary challenges
- Recognition, as motivator
- Recruitment, for private online communities
- Recruitment phase (corporate foresight process)
- Referrals, of OI partners
- Reinertsen, Donald
- Relationships:
- building and strengthening
- with external experts
- with internal experts
- as motivation for opening up foresight process
- from university–industry collaborations
- Relevance, of insights
- Rensselaer Lally School of Management & Technology
- Repeat phase (customer journey)
- Representation clause, in project agreement
- Research partners. See also Interesting partners for research projects
- Resources, for university–industry collaborations
- ReVia¯
- Review and rating sites
- Revisions, problem statement
- Rewards, financial
- Reynolds Metals
- Rite-Solutions
- Rochester Institute of Technology
- Rogers, E.
- Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
- Ryerson University
- Safety nets, contest
- Salesforce Marketing Cloud
- Sandia National Laboratories
- Scaled problem-solving
- SCAMPER (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse)
- Scenarios
- Schlimgen, Janice
- Scope of project, in project proposal
- Scott, Michael
- Scout24 Holding GmbH
- Scouting for new ideas
- Screening:
- of entries in idea markets
- of private community participants
- Search engines, finding customer comments with
- Search processes
- Seek step (Getting Together phase)
- Selection bias
- Self-proclaimed method of identifying innovators and influencers
- Self-selection
- Senge, P. M.
- Senior leadership, support from and exposure to
- Sensitization to future developments:
- from integrating selected internal experts
- from integrating unknown external sources
- as motivation for opening up foresight process
- in successful foresight workshops
- Serotonin (software platform)
- Shared discovery (Stage 5)
- Shell
- Shiffer, John
- Shopping markets, social
- Shopping recommendations strategy
- Siemens
- The Signal and the Noise (Nate Silver)
- Silver, Nate
- Simon, P.
- Six Sigma
- Skiera, B.
- Skunk Works
- Slamka, C.
- Small companies. See also Open Innovation with small companies
- Smart car
- “Smart Grid 2025”
- Smart Grid Idea contest
- Snausages Breakfast Bites
- Social commerce media
- Social communities
- Social context, for innovation
- Social entertainment
- Social independence
- Social influencers (influencers)
- Socializing
- Social media
- benefits and risks of using
- dedicated platforms for interacting with users vs.
- dialogues with customers via
- forms of
- influence and predicting power of
- integrating customers into NPD process with
- listening to customers with
- in new product development
- and participation of crowds in innovation
- relevance and definition of
- spread of content via
- successful integration of customers with
- tools for monitoring
- tracking traits of people with
- voice of virtual customer on
- Social Media Marketing Suite
- Social networking sites
- Social norms
- Social publishing
- Social shopping markets
- Social storefronts
- Software packages, network analysis
- Software platforms:
- for private online communities
- third-party
- for virtual stock markets
- Solution contests, see Idea, design, or solution contests
- Solution distillation
- Solution exploration
- Soukhoroukova, A.
- Spann, M.
- Spears, B.
- Spigit
- Spreadable content
- Spreadable Media (Jenkins, Ford, and Green)
- sprint>radar (online platform)
- Stage-Gate™ processes
- Stakeholders
- Starbucks
- Statement of Work (SOW)
- State University of New York Institute of Technology
- Status, as motivator
- Steel industry, blind spots in
- Stevens Institute of Technology
- Steward, L.
- Stilwell, Joe
- Stock markets, virtual, see Virtual stock market(s)
- Storefronts, social
- Strategic foresight
- Strategic planning
- Strategic Visioning™ Graphic Facilitation method
- Strategy step (Getting Together phase)
- Strength/Weakness/Opportunity/Threat (SWOT) analysis
- Structural collaborations:
- benefits of
- and crowdsourcing/co-creation
- objectives of
- at Vodafone
- Structural perspective on OI
- Students' role, in university–industry collaborations
- Student teams
- Sunset phase (medical waste project)
- SuperMUC
- superstruct (game)
- Supervision, in university–industry collaborations
- Supplier perspective on OI
- Support:
- customer
- financial
- “in kind”
- for university–industry collaborations
- Surowiecki, J.
- Surveys
- Sweepstakes
- Syllabi, IPD program
- Tacit knowledge
- Tacit knowledge exchange (TKE)
- challenges with
- for innovation success
- and OI endeavors using visual thinking
- and OI teams' use of visual thinking
- in Open Innovation teams
- and visual thinking
- Tampere University of Technology
- Tapping external sources (Stage II):
- benefits of
- in multistage approaches
- and other stages
- successful recruitment for
- Targeted Open Innovation
- Tasks, OI team
- Taylor, W.
- Teams. See also Open Innovation (OI) teams
- ad hoc
- co-located
- core
- cross-functional
- data science
- extended
- faculty
- multidisciplinary
- project
- student
- Team startup exercise kits
- Technical University of Hamburg Institut
- Techniques, in interaction guide
- Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
- Technolgy(-ies):
- network analyses to identify central
- Technological competence mapping
- Technology(-ies):
- emerging
- identifying central
- mobile
- monitoring trends in
- for private online communities
- in university–industry collaborations
- Technology-focused problem statements
- Technology gaps, working with small companies to fill
- Technology Life Cycle Assessments
- Technology matrix
- Technology readiness level
- Temple University
- Term, project agreement
- Termination clause (project agreement)
- Testing environment, for university–industry collaborations
- Teva Pharmaceuticals
- Texas A&M University
- Themes, interaction guide
- Theoretical saturation point, for online discussions
- Third-party platforms
- Threadless
- 3-D charts
- 3-D printing, see Moldless forming
- 3M
- Time budget
- Time commitment, for visual thinking
- Time frames, for social media competitions
- TKE, see Tacit knowledge exchange
- Too Big to Ignore (Phil Simon)
- Topics, interaction guide
- Total Beverage
- Traders:
- in idea markets
- in prediction markets
- in preference markets
- Trader-to-idea ratios
- Trading behavior, truth-seeking
- Trading experience
- Training sessions, for prediction markets
- Transparency
- Trends
- Trend analysis
- Trial phase (customer journey)
- Trust:
- of external experts
- generating cohesive
- of internal experts
- as motivation for opening up foresight process
- in private online communities
- in productive collaborations
- and tacit knowledge exchange
- and visual thinking
- Truth-seeking trading behavior
- Tsinghua University
- Twitter
- and Adhesive Packaging Design Contest
- dialogues with customers via
- and Dow Jones Industrial Average
- firms' use of
- listening to customers on
- tools for monitoring
- UIC Innovation Center
- Uncover new insights stage
- characteristics of consumer insights
- for Heineken Concept Club community
- for Heinz online community
- key performance indicators for
- keys to success in
- pitfalls in
- Understanding, from individual expertise
- Understanding phase (customer journey)
- Unilever
- “Unique in the Crowd” (Y.-A. De Montjoye)
- U.S. Department of Defense
- United States, extrinsic motivation in
- U.S. Navy
- Universal Music Group
- Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
- Universiteit Twente
- Universities:
- goals of industry partners vs.
- as OI partners
- University College Cork
- University Erlangen-Nuremberg
- University–industry collaborations. See also Open Innovation Program (Massey University)
- benefits of
- challenges in
- framework for
- industry expectations in
- pitfalls in
- structure of
- University of California Berkeley
- University of California Irvine
- University of Cambridge
- University of Detroit Mercy
- University of Dublin
- University of Duisburg-Essen
- University of Florida
- University of Greifswald
- University of Groningen
- University of Illinois at Chicago. See also Interdisciplinary Product Development program
- University of Manchester
- University of Maryland
- University of New Hampshire
- University of Notre Dame
- University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business
- University of Regensburg
- University of St. Thomas-Minnesota
- University of San Diego
- University of Southern California
- University of Utah
- University of Wales Institute Cardiff
- University of Waterloo
- University supervisors
- Unknown external sources, see Integrating unknown external sources (Stage IV)
- User-centered research
- User perspective on OI
- User profiles
- Validators
- Van Bruggen, G. H.
- Variation clause (project agreement)
- Variety, of Big Data
- Velocity, of Big Data
- Vendors, as OI partners
- Veracity, of Big Data
- Verbal only communication
- Verhoef, P. C.
- Virginia Commonwealth University
- Virtual customer environments (VCEs)
- Virtual customers, voice of
- Virtual innovation
- Virtual stock market(s)
- accessible information in
- accuracy of
- accuracy of idea markets
- accuracy of prediction markets
- accuracy of preference markets
- conceptual model
- in corporations
- and domain knowledge
- idea entry restriction in
- implementing
- and integrating external unknown sources
- number of participants in
- participation incentives in
- pricing algorithm for
- software platforms for
- trading experience in
- truth-seeking trading behavior in
- Virtual stock market experts
- Virtual toolkits
- Virtual worlds
- Visual information, processing of
- Visual thinking:
- benefits of
- driving innovation with
- graphic group processes in
- improving team performance with
- knowledge modeling in
- need for
- in Open Innovation endeavors
- by Open Innovation teams
- pitfalls with
- supporting collaboration with
- and tacit knowledge exchange
- and trust
- Vocabulary, in online communities
- Vodafone
- voestalpine Stahle
- Voice of the customer (VoC)
- Voice over IP (VOIP)
- Volkswagen AG
- Volpicelli, Joseph
- Volume, of Big Data
- Von Hippel, Eric
- Weak signals
- Weibo
- “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?”
- WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
- Wisdom of the Crowds (James Surowiecki)
- Wolfers, J.
- Work environment
- Working conditions
- Working Together phase
- Workshops, open foresight, see Open foresight workshops
- Written topics, in interaction guide
- Wulf, T.
- Xerox
- Xing
- X PRIZE Foundation
- Zahra, S. A.
- Zitzewitz, E.
- Zocalo
- Zurich University of The Arts (ZHdK)