Hello again! It’s us, your friendly neighborhood Lady Janies. We’re back to the part where we’d like to thank an incomplete list of the people who need to be thanked.
We’d like to start with the Society for the Revision of Wayward Novels, aka our agents (Katherine Fausset, Lauren MacLeod, and Michael Bourret) and editors (Erica Sussman and Stephanie Stein—sorry we killed you in fiction, but it’s out of love). And thanks to our publicists (the incredible Rosanne Romanello and Olivia Russo) and our amazing cover designer (Jenna Stempel-Lobell, who created another winner for this book!).
To the incredible authors who blurbed My Lady Jane, Tahereh Mafi and Jessica Day George, we say thanks! Your words make us blush pre-Victorian blushes.
Thanks again to our families (Jeff, Dan, Will, Maddie, Shane, Carter, Beckham, and Sam) for dealing with us. And a big thank-you to Jack and Carol Ware (Cynthia’s parents) for allowing us to use your lovely home in Virginia as a retreat to work on the book over the summer.
And where would we be without you, our clever, adventurous, and creative readers? Thanks for giving our silly book a chance.
Finally, to the ghosts.