Lighthouse |
The official name of the lighthouse. My addition of I, II, III etc indicates a succession of structures on the same site. Each one is detailed chronologically. |
Latitude & longitude |
The exact position of the lighthouse. |
Geographical position |
A brief description as to the location of the latitude and longitude position. |
Date of construction |
The period of construction of the lighthouse, as far as is known. |
Description of structure |
What the lighthouse looks like. |
Designed by |
The official ‘designer(s)’ of the structure. These are sometimes different to the person(s) who constructed it. |
Constructed by |
The person(s) who built the structure. |
Light first exhibited |
As accurately as research will allow. |
Height of light above MHW |
The height of the centre of the light source (in feet and metres) above the Mean High Water mark. |
Height of tower |
The height of the structure (in feet and metres) from the lowest course of masonry or rock surface to the top of the structure – usually measured to the top of the lantern room roof or weather vane etc. The accuracy of this, and the previous measurement, in the more historic structures is often difficult to verify and should be regarded as a guide only. |
Light character |
This is the present character of the lighthouse. It is highly likely that this will have changed over the course of the lifetime of the structure as improvements in illuminants, better optics, electrification and automation have all had their effect on the light character. For reasons of space and difficulty in accurate research, I have not tried to detail these changes. My abbreviations are as follows: W = White, G = Green, R = Red, Gp = Group, Fl = Flash; Iso = Isophase (equal periods of light and dark), Occ = Occulting (a steady light with a total eclipse at regular intervals with the period of darkness always less than the period of light). Numbers in brackets = number of flashes. e.g. W Gp Fl (2) ev 15 secs = 2 white flashes every 15 seconds |
Nominal range |
The nominal range of the present light in nautical miles. My comments regarding changes in light character over the history of a lighthouse apply also to this figure. |
Light source |
The present light source, described as accurately as can be determined. My comments regarding changes in light character over the history of a lighthouse apply also to this entry. |
Candle power |
The power of the present structure, or estimation of the strength of the light source in historic structures. |
Fog warning apparatus |
A description and character of the present fog warning device, if fitted. |
Watched/unwatched |
Whether the station has permanent keepers living in/at the lighthouse. |
Relief |
How the keepers were relieved, or the date of automation for an unwatched lighthouse |
Notes |
Interesting or explanatory notes about the history of each station. |