
First, I am immensely grateful to the architects, artists, activists, and many others who so generously and openly contributed to my research. Owning the Street is far richer thanks to the information and ideas they shared and, particularly, to the questions they asked.

Thanks are due also to the Bourke Street community for putting together our park in Redfern, especially Lydia Ho, Davida Sweeney, and Vanessa Trowell.

Owning the Street has benefited greatly from the advice, critiques, and support provided by many friends, colleagues, and commentators, including Davina Cooper, Sarah Blandy, Nick Blomley, Helen Carr, Dave Cowan, Hanoch Dagan, Eve Darian-Smith, Alexandra Flynn, Nicole Graham, Doug Harris, Kurt Iveson, Sarah Keenan, Antonia Layard, Stewart Macaulay, Morag McDermott, Mark Purcell, Carol Rose, Susan Silbey, Marie-Eve Sylvestre, Frank Upham, Mariana Valverde, and Estair Van Wagner. Particular thanks are due to Desmond Manderson and Tim Bonyhady for their invaluable advice, generous guidance, and incisive critiques during the doctoral research on which this book is based.

I am extremely fortunate to be surrounded by brilliant colleagues at UNSW. In particular, I would like to thank Kathy Bowrey, Marc De Leeuw, Ros Dixon, Michael Handler, Fleur Johns, Daniel Joyce, Vicki Sentas, Nofar Sheffi, and Monika Zalnieriute, who provided sage advice and support at various stages, and especially Bronwen Morgan, who was unfailingly enlightening and encouraging.

I would also like to thank my hosts in Montréal and in San Francisco: the Faculty of Law at McGill University, particularly Kirsten Anker and Hoi Kong, and the Centre for the Study of Law and Society at UC Berkeley, especially David Lieberman. Thanks also to Jewel Angeles, Yvonne Hong, and Elisha Laurentis for their transcription of the interviews, and to my father Andrew for his rigorous proofreading (and everything else!).

I am greatful to Beth Clevenger, Bob Gottleib, Anthony Zannino, Matthew Abbate, and the team at the MIT Press for their support, suggestions, and work in publishing this manuscript. I am grateful also for the work and feedback provided by the editors and reviewers of journals in which earlier verisons of some of this material have been published: the Law and Society Review (“Pop-up Property: Enacting Ownership from San Francisco to Sydney,” 52 [2018]: 740–772), the Journal of Law and Society (“‘This Land Is Yours’: Ownership and Agency in the Sharing City,” 45 [2018]: 99–115), and Social and Legal Studies (“Hegel’s Hipsters: Claiming Ownership in the Contemporary City,” 27 [2018]: 25–48).

Finally, to Lee, my most treasured interlocutor, and to our girls, Sonia, Margot, and Penelope, my constant inspiration: thank you for traveling with me to visit parks around the world, for your invaluable insights, and for waiting patiently for me to get this done (but not too patiently; thank you also for the times you pulled me away to play). I love you to the moon and back.