You can, of course, use Intergalactic GarbleTranslate, but if you find yourself without it then here are some key phrases you should learn:
Za Za Swiiflyumpcious = ‘That’s the best stench ever!’
A compliment paid when food served is deliciously pungent – like the whiff of a putrid fungal pie from the planet Pongoo! [by Booty]
Gripeoooh = ‘Oh my belly hurts - or maybe bellies!’
Usually uttered after scoffing a plate of putrid fungal pie. [by Booty]
Doh poonicky! = ‘Don’t panic!’
[by Rockers CH and CB]
Suma bronga pazz = ‘We bring pizza’
It also means ‘We come with pizza’ which is a phrase understood throughout the Entire Known Universe, and Beyond to mean: ‘We come in peace’. [by Rockers CH and CB]
Sarada da = ‘There was a problem with the alarm – we did pay!’ [by Rockers MO]
Xcape NavisCosmos! = ‘Abandon Spaceship!’
Aaaaaargh! = ‘Aaaaaargh!’
In any language in the Entire Known Universe, and Beyond.