Awesome Limericks!

‘Gizmo’ by kitten Teenyweeny TS

There was a man called Gizmo

Who stubbed his very small toe

He yelled and he squealed

That’s how he healed

And then he started to glow

‘Harvey’ by Teenyweeny LJ and CJ

There once was a boy, Harvey Drew

Who got teleported to the Toxic Spew.

It was full of old junk

That smelt like a skunk

But it did have a magnificent crew!

‘Harvey’ by Teenyweeny RM and LJ2

There was a captain named Harvey Drew

Who was terribly fond of his crew.

But his friend called Scrummage

Was always tempted to rummage

In the rubbish of the Toxic Spew

‘Maxie’ by Teenyweeny BC and ID

There once was an alien called Maxie

Who tried to catch a space taxi.

But then one day,

She flew away

And landed on the planet of Plaxi.

‘Gordon’ by Isapop

There once was an alien pet

He ate everything he could get

Gordon was his name

He seemed really tame

Until he attacked his vet

‘Yargal and Snuffles’ by Cas

Two aliens, Yargal and Snuffles,

Loved pizza with fishpaste and truffles.

Both ate and ate,

And emptied the plate,

Then decided they’d eaten enuffles!

‘Sassy Space’ by Teenyweeny BP and KW

Two planets called Venus and Mars

Both loved to eat chocolate bars

The sun was so jealous,

She burned those two fellas

So now they are both red dwarf stars.