With the most enormous and heartfelt thanks to:
Julia Iball for so generously providing me with expert mentoring and far more wine than I care to admit to.
Alfie, Bertie, Archie and Annie Beth for putting up with having a writer as a mother and way too many dire dinners.
Gaia Banks for so skilfully steering the Harvey Drew books into print and so generously steering me into restaurants.
Sam Hearn for his awesome and hilarious illustrations.
Cait Davies and Livs Mead at Hot Key Books for their energetic and inventive support.
Sara O’Connor for her excellent editing (as ever) and for choosing Harvey Drew and the Junk Skunks to be part of the amazing Story Adventure. But above all, for launching Harvey Drew as Captain of the Toxic Spew and for launching me as a writer. Flickering Spew, thank you.
And finally,
All the Story Adventurers for giving me their brilliant ideas and lots of laughs!