


Columbus, Ohio. Modern day. Alternate reality.

A city forever mutated by the Rise of Magic, Columbus is now a melting pot of supernatural beings who walk alongside regular folk like you and me. The unusual has become the usual, and nothing is as it seems. Your barista is a werewolf in a hairnet. Your Uber driver a zombie with fabulous fashion sense.

And your stylist wants to drink your blood.

But she doesn’t.

Because we’re all civilized here.

Except those of us who aren’t.

Soothsayer Journi McCutcheon knows weird, and she laughs in the face of danger. Well, smirks in it anyway. Armed with a slingshot and sarcasm, she runs Say It Ain’t So under the assumption that anything can and will happen. That doesn’t mean she wants it to.

Bring on the humdrum clients and their boring futures. To her, any job that doesn’t include magical calamities is a good job. But when a routine sooth turns into a mental massacre, Journi knows dull days have come to an end. Something is festering in the city’s crevices. Something that casts a crawling, lurking shadow. Something with sharp teeth.

As Journi digs in, she’ll discover that the world ends not with a bang but a hiss.

What’s worse? It’ll be up to her to save everyone.

(And their little cats too.)


The Hissing Booth Chronicles | Book One

Gemma Thorne




Copyright © 2018 Gemma Thorne

This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. This eBook is licensed for the personal enjoyment of the reader. It is the copyrighted property of the author and may not be reproduced, copied, or distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

Cover Design by Gemma Thorne

eBook design by Gemma Thorne



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