
Alien Statute 7, 26 n.34, 101, 114124, 128 n.28, 129 n.29

Allen, Gyles ix, 17, 29, 48, 92

Anderson, Edward 106107, 111 n.10

involvement in Ireland 92

judge in Twyne's Case xi, 8586

Arcadia 4369

composition of 52, 63, 67 n.51

conveyancing of women in x, xii, 5, 57, 95 n.18

ending of 6062

plot summary 56

source for Sidney and Shakespeare xii, 6, 62, 113

attainder 29, 75

bills of 6, 35, 37, 39, 4346, 49, 7273, 77, 89

defined 46, 90

penalty for conveying women 58

See also O'Neill, Shane; Desmond, earl of

attempted murder 7, 118121, 128 n.29

Bacon, Francis 19, 55, 121

Bacon, Nicholas, Lord Keeper (father of Francis) 36, 38

badges of fraud xi, 6, 9 n.23, 76, 78, 92, 101103, 114

continuance of possession 104

power of revocation 32, 107

See also consideration, collusion, good faith, secrecy, timing

Baker, J. H. 128 n.29

bankruptcy xi, 19, 3031

fresh start 20

in Roman law 22

See also English Statutes

bona fide. See good faith

building on another man's land 5, 12, 1619, 24 n.10

Burbage, James ix, 1718, 25 n.21, 29

his son Cuthbert 24 n.21, 48, 92, 114

Burghley. See Cecil, William

cases, law

Bethel against Edward Stanhope (1599; revocability of gift indicates fraud) 107

Chamberlain vers Twyne & auters (1601; version of Twyne's Case) 102103

Gooch's Case (1591; 13 Eliz., c. 5 not subject to strict construction, despite penal clause) 106

Leonard against Bacon (shows commercial purpose of 13 Eliz., c. 5) 106

Mannocke's Case (1571; common law condemned fraud) 20, 105

Nedham and Beaumont's Case (1590; statutory meaning of “purchaser” requires valuable consideration) 109

Packman's Case (1595; conveyance voidable only by creditor) 2, 107

Pauncefoot's Case (1594; meaning of forfeiture) 106

Standen against Bullock (1600; revocable gift not equivalent to purchase for valuable consideration) 107108

Upton against Bassett (1596; gift fraudulent only against creditor) 107, 109110

Walter Chirton, case of (1351; direct and indirect fraud) 25 n.34, 106, 120, 130 n.30

catachresis 6162

Catholics 81

and fraudulent conveyancing laws 2931, 55, 74

persecution of and recusancy ix, 5, 36, 51, 67 n.49, 72, 106, 114

Philip Sidney's attitude toward 50, 53

supported in Ireland by Philip II, 88

under Mary Tudor 46

See also Northern Rebellion

Cecil, William, Lord Burghley 3145, 53, 7576

death of 64

“grave” 77

lord treasurer 40 n.6

made an earl 36

role in passing 13 Eliz., c. 5: 32, 38, 7677

his son Robert Cecil 64

chevisance x, 84, 96 n.28

coign and livery 47

Coke, Edward 111 n.9

arguments against collusion 107

his report of Twyne's Case xi, 2, 67, 3031, 49, 101111

prosecutor of Walter Ralegh 93

collusion 7578, 80, 83, 86, 102103, 110, 118, 123

comedy xiii, 11, 19

concealed lands 6364, 68 n.66, 77

consideration 6, 7779, 82

allegory of 8485

construing good consideration to mean valuable consideration 72, 101, 103104, 107108

definition 77

natural affection in exchange for a gift 104

conspiracy 67 n.63, 72, 76, 93, 118119, 123, 127 n.19

constructive fraud xi, 5, 1718

construction, rules of 121. See also fraud, penalty

conveyance, conveyancing

definitions of 2, 12, 15, 78

See also women, carrying away of

corruption of the blood 46, 91

definition 90

“creditors and others” 2, 6, 2941, 72, 83, 113114

difficulty of phrase 38, 41 n.26, 134

crescit in orbe dolus 101, 105, 133

custom of the castle 8182

Dante 22

debt 2

and marital obligations ix

“delay, hinder or defraud” 2, 106, 114, 118

Desmond, earl of 6, 46, 50, 55, 73

conveyances by 7576, 93

forfeitures following his rebellion 71, 73, 77, 87, 89

dilapidations 1, 38

direct and indirect fraud 14, 26 n.34, 106, 120, 128 n.28, 129130 n.29

and Alien Statute 117

Dudley, Robert, earl of Leicester 5253, 71, 88

Dyer, James 3132, 63, 111 n.6, 128 n.29, 130 n.35

Dyer, Edward 52, 6264, 65 n.33

Egerton, Thomas 106

his foster mother a recusant 67 n.49

interest in Irish affairs 92

judge in Twyne's Case xi, 49

elves, in Faerie Queene 88

Elizabeth, Queen 4344, 46, 51, 53, 6263, 66 n.41

allegories of in The Faerie Queene 83

excommunicated 36, 55

interest in finance and property 3, 34, 39, 46, 48, 81

and Ireland xiii, 6, 33

petitioners to 33

prerogative 77

suspicious of her deputies 88

Elyot, Thomas 120

English Statutes

Act of Uniformity (1559) 30

early conveyancing statutes 79, 14, 31, 58, 67 n.53, 75, 111 n.5

13 Eliz., c. 3 (against overseas fugitives) 37, 74, 77

13 Eliz., c. 4 (agents of Crown liable for their debts) 48

13 Eliz., c. 5 (1571; voids fraudulent conveyances) xi, 2941, 48, 56, 73, 77, 81

commercial purpose of 56, 106

construal of 31, 72, 74, 101111

penal provision 3031, 107, 114

political purpose 122

proviso for transfers for good consideration and bona fide 103104

restatement of common law 74, 106

source of modern statutes ix, 30

See also“creditors and others”; “delay, hinder or defraud”; Twyne's Case

13 Eliz., c. 7 (bankruptcy provision for tradesmen) 31

13 Eliz., c. 10 (dilapidations) 38

13 Eliz., c. 16 (Percy estate preserved) 43

13 Eliz., c. 26 (attainder) 3536 14 Eliz., c. 11 (extension of

13 Eliz., c. 5) 74 18 Eliz., c. 4 (fraudulent conveyances by rebels in the North) 3536, 43

23 Eliz., c. 1 (due obedience bill containing fraudulent conveyance clause) 5556

27 Eliz., c. 4 (1585; against fraud of purchasers), 8 n.7, 9 n.22, 30, 56, 72, 84, 86, 93, 107108. See also The Faerie Queene

1 Jac. I, c. 15 (1603; fraudulent conveyance constitutes bankrupty) 30

21 Jac. I, c. 19 (1623; Bankruptcy Act) 30

Statute of Frauds 134

escheats, escheator 6, 23 n.6, 47, 67 n.49, 77, 87, 89, 122, 133

estate tail, definition of 14

Falstaff x, 1127, 29, 101, 134

conveyed to Thames in buckbasket ix, 5, 12, 1617

expenses 19, 21

horses conveyed 5, 1112, 2122, 26 nn.35 and 37

legal acumen of 4, 1719, 25 n.32, 26 n.42, 110

moral ambiguity of 3, 22

See also intention

The Faerie Queene 2, 6, 25 n.26, 72, 7799, 113

Aemylia episode as allegory of contemporary debates over relative value of non-monetary consideration 7879, 8385, 110

allegory of bona fide purchasers and comparative consideration 79, 83

allegory of moral ambiguity in confusion between Amyas and Placidas 85

Amoret conveyed by figures of lust 7884, 95 n.17

Arthur and allegory of applying a legal holding 8485

Arthur and problem of preventing fraudulent conveyances 8789

Britomart and custom of the castle as allegory of timing 82

Britomart and allegory of the power of the law to void fraudulent conveyances 83

Busirane as ravisher and fraudulent conveyor 7880, 83

foursomes and forms of fraudulent conveyances 8283, 86

friendship and allegories of collusion 86

Guyon's conveyed horse as image of uncertainty about the law 91

historical allegory 8081, 8789, 96 n.22, 97 n.34

and Ireland 72, 83

Ruddymane as allegory of corruption of the blood 9091

Samient and use of fraud to fight fraud 8889

Scudamore as purchaser 7881

Trompart and allegory of forging documents 91

See also Edmund Spenser; elves

fee, definition of 13

fine and recovery (or common recovery) 1215, 24 n.10

forfeiture 6, 46, 67, 7172, 121

law on forfeitures during war 34

timing of 75

See also escheats; corruption of the blood; attainder

fraud 1314, 84

admirable 22, 124

allegorical figure of 22, 29 (see also The Faerie Queene)

definition 120

no bright line test for 44

reading fraud statutes broadly 105, 117, 120

See also direct and indirect; English Statutes: Statute of Fraud

Fraudulent conveyance

case law 2, 61

definition xii, 1

ethical and moral uncertainty of ix, xiii, 1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 32, 48, 51, 5661, 7374, 85, 88, 91, 93, 123124, 134

of family assets xii, xiv, 4, 13, 19, 49, 59, 85

Italian laws 115117

jurisprudence of x–xi

legal history of 1, 11, 1314, 17, 19, 4649, 111

other literary examples xiv, 1, 4, 133

and metaphoric language 45, 1113, 1517, 5759, 61, 80

against purchasers 30, 8283

ravishment as romance and pastoral form 5759, 62, 93, 96 n.21

and society's values 12, 29, 3435, 43, 81

and Tanastry 46, 49

and United States law xii–xiii, 2, 19

See also cases; comedy; English Statutes; fine and recovery; law and literature; property law; manumission; waste; women, conveyancing of

Fraunce, Abraham 94 n.9, 96 n.30, 119120

Glenn, Garrard 2, 6, 7 n.3, 2930, 37, 39, 55, 101, 114, 133

good faith (bona fide) 78, 8384, 111 n.5

badge of fraud 101

proviso in 13 Eliz., c. 5 103

purchasers 88

Gresham, Thomas, founder of the London Exchange 3, 30, 39

Greville, Fulke 51, 53, 63, 67 n.51

Howard, Thomas, Fourth Duke of Norfolk 32, 36, 40 n.6, 45

his brother Northampton 63, 69 n.70

execution 88

Hunsdon, Lord 3335, 39

intention xi, 56, 12, 17, 20, 22, 102, 108, 114

See also constructive fraud; looking backward; Falstaff; badges of fraud

Ireland xiii, 3, 28, 39, 7278, 86

bills of attainder 39

Irish statutes

of year 1310 against fraudulent conveyancing 29, 31, 48, 74

28 Henry VIII, c. 1 (attainder of earl of Kildare) 48

11 Eliz., c. 11 (attainder of Shane O'Neill) 43

Italian law 6, 115117, 127 n.23

See also Kuehn, Thomas

Jonson, Ben 1, 13

Johnson, Samuel 22

Justinian 22, 25 n.30, 26 n.41, 27 n.45

Kuehn, Thomas 116117, 123, 126 nn.9–10

Lambarde, William 3

law and literature ix, xii, 45, 7, 9 nn.18 and 20, 17, 29, 80, 93, 96 n.21, 113, 123, 134

and cultural studies 124 n.2

Henry Sidney's literary style 4748

love and debt 61

Leicester, earl of. See Dudley, Robert

looking backward xi, 77

See also intention

manumission 19

Mary Tudor, Queen of England 44, 62, 75

Mary, Queen of Scots 32, 3637, 80, 83, 8788

Merchant of Venice 6, 110, 113131

Alien Statute 114, 116117, 122

and Italian source x, 6, 115117, 121

penal provision in 31

and Twyne's Case 123

Merry Wives of Windsor ix, xiii, 46, 1127, 110

and middle class life 11, 29

versions of 5, 21, 23 nn.3–4

moral philosophy 52

mutual mistake 19

Neale, J. E. 8 n.6, 20, 48, 5455

Neville, Charles, earl of Westmorland 32, 3637, 39, 39 n.4,

Norfolk, Duke of. See Howard, Thomas

Northern Rebellion of 1569 5, 3036, 39 n.6, 40 n.7, 43, 55, 83

costs involved 40 n.13

supported by Spain 88

Nohrnberg, James 96 nn.27 and 34

Northumberland, earl of. See Percy, Thomas

O'Neill, Shane 43, 4750, 61

overseas fugitives 38, 7374

Page, Margaret

use of legal language ix, 1216

Parker, Patricia 5, 9 n.19, 11, 22 n.1, 23 n.9

Parliament, English, 31, 36, 54, 66 n.45–46, 7475, 115

debates of fraudulent conveyance laws 30, 37, 39 n.2, 48, 56, 6162, 72, 7778, 8384, 113

Parliament, Irish 7577, 95 n.10

penalty 58

provision of 13 Eliz., c. 5: 7, 30, 113

restrictive reading 116

See also Merchant of Venice; Alien Statute; qui tam

Percy, Thomas, earl of Northumberland 32, 3637, 39

his younger brother Henry 35, 43

physical mutilation 91, 121

Pimb's Case 80

Pistol 20

Plautus (Roman playwright) 1

Plowden, Edmund 81

Popham, Sir John 48, 54, 65 n.18, 81, 92

as judge 106

Posner, Richard 4, 9 n.20, 17, 125 n.3

power 7, 29, 123

of fraud 86

and public discourse ix–x, xiii, 93, 113

property law 1315, 1718, 4647, 83

purchase, purchasers 8 n.7, 9 n.22, 72, 85, 88

defined 79, 109110

Puttenham, George, 6162, 80

qui tam law 114115, 118, 122, 126 n.6

See also penalty

Radcliff, Thomas, viscount Fitzwalter (or Fitzwater), earl of Sussex 3235, 40 n.6

career in Ireland 45

made earl, 4546

Ralegh, Walter 26 n.37, 52, 80, 92, 93 n.1, 99 nn.47–48, 114

Roberts, William 2, 8 n.11, 135 n.4

Roman law 19, 22, 116

Rowse, A. L. 8 n.13; 9 n.17, 63, 67 n.49, 68 n.61, 69 n.70, 96 n.23, 99 n.48

sanctuary, or safe haven from debt 1, 19, 31, 38

secrecy 101

Shakespeare, William 67, 113

five years old during Northern Rebellion 39

friends who were fraudulent conveyors, ix, 18, 24 n.21, 114

knowledge of law 45, 11, 29, 115

other plays 4, 124, 127 n.20, 134

1, 2 Henry IV 19, 2122, 75

sonnets 16

See also Merchant of Venice, Merry Wives of Windsor


asset in Twyne's Case, xi, 20, 101103

and Scotland 1, 4

Shylock 3, 7, 110111, 113, 115, 121124, 130 n.40

Sidney, Henry, Lord Deputy of Ireland, 3, 56, 4350, 62

Sidney, Philip x, 43, 5071

Astrophil and Stella 5254

his brother Robert 52, 6162

in Ireland 50

not opposed to fraudulent conveyancing 56

at Oxford, 39

in Parliament 5455

Spain 46, 76, 8788

Spenser, Edmund x, xiii, 2, 7, 63, 7199

and Anglo-Norman rebels, xiii, 71

attitude to fraudulent conveyancing 6, 30, 46, 64, 7273, 91

estates 73, 87

Mother Hubberds Tale 71

See also The Faerie Queene; View of the Present State of Ireland

Star Chamber 11, 58, 92, 101, 114, 120

stare decisis 110

See The Faerie Queene: Arthur and allegory of applying a legal holding

Staunford, William Les plees del corone (1560) 75, 94 n.9

surrender and regrant 47

Sussex, earl of. See Radcliffe, Thomas

Tanastry. See Fraudulent Conveyance: and Tanastry

Throckmorton, John 62, 80

theater ix, 16, 92

timing 7578, 8182, 91

badge of fraud 102

See also forfeitures

trust, trusts 15, 104

See also collusion

Two Gentlemen of Verona 45

Twyne's Case (1601) x–xi, 2, 20, 30, 74, 78, 93, 101111, 114, 123

date of 5, 11

defined good consideration 84, 86

extended 13 Eliz., c. 5 to cover forfeitures to

the state 72, 92

facts of 101102

justices for 48

legal French text of xix, 9 n.23

See also badges of fraud; Statutes, English: 13 Eliz., c. 5

United States

civil procedure reforms 105

Constitution of 46

See also Fraudulent Conveyance: and United States laws

View of the Present State of Ireland 6, 30, 33, 7278, 87, 92

authorship of 94 n.4

Walsingham, Sir Francis 52, 96 n.23, 98 n.36

waste 1213

Weisberg, Richard 4, 9 n.20, 125 n.5, 130 n.40

Westmorland. See Neville, Charles

wills and trusts 15

Wilson, Thomas 133

Worden, Blair 65 n.16, 68 n.54


carrying away of x, xii, 1, 56, 5658, 133134

and interclass marriage 79, 95 n.18

Jessica 7, 119

statutes 58

See also The Faerie Queene: Amoret conveyed by figures of lust