date back to date from/date to. • Rogation Days date back at least to the 13th century and probably to the days before the Norman Conquest. Rogation Days date to at least the 13th century and probably to the days before the Norman Conquest. • “Dog eat dog” dates back from the sixteenth century. “Dog eat dog” dates from the sixteenth century.

(the) date of delete. • The paper illustrated this definition with examples supplemented by the speaker on the date of September 26, 2012. The paper illustrated this definition with examples supplemented by the speaker on September 26, 2012.

day in (and) day out always/ceaselessly/consistently/constantly/daily/endlessly/eternally/everlastingly/every day/forever/invariably/never ending/perpetually/routinely/unfailingly. • I was doing portraits day in and day out. I was doing portraits every day.

day-to-day routine routine. • I am greatly tired of the day-to-day routine. I am greatly tired of the routine.

DC current DC.

dead body body. • Lying next to him as he wrote was the dead body of his son, who had been killed in the first day of battle. Lying next to him as he wrote was the body of his son, who had been killed in the first day of battle.

deadly killer killer. • There is no cure for this deadly killer, which has spread across the southwestern United States. There is no cure for this killer, which has spread across the southwestern United States.

(the) decade/period/period of time/span of time/time/years between ... and between ... and/from ... through/to/to.

(the) decade/period/period of time/span of time/time/years from ... through/till/to/until between ... and/from ... through/to/to. • The United Nations General Assembly recently declared the decade from 1990 to 2000 to be the International Decade of Natural Disaster Reduction. The United Nations General Assembly recently declared 1990 to 2000 to be the International Decade of Natural Disaster Reduction.

decapitate ... (the) head (of) behead/decapitate. • I never could watch my father decapitate the heads of our chickens. I never could watch my father decapitate our chickens.

decide on what/when/where/whether/which/why decide what/when/where/whether/which/why. • Dog-friend will help you decide on what pet is right for you. Dog-friend will help you decide what pet is right for you. • And it helps end users decide on which electronic product to buy when they enter a shopping mall. And it helps end users decide which electronic product to buy when they enter a shopping mall.

(a/the) declining/decreasing/diminishing/dwindling amount/degree/extent/part/percentage/portion/proportion (of) decreasingly/less/less and less.

(a/the) declining/decreasing/diminishing/dwindling number/quantity (of) decreasingly/few/fewer and fewer.

(a/the) decreased/decreasing amount of less. • Overture has a decreasing share of the traffic and therefore advertisers are spending a decreasing amount of time managing bids. Overture has a decreasing share of the traffic and therefore advertisers are spending less time managing bids. • There is a decreased amount of swelling and healing is much faster. There is less swelling and healing is much faster.

(a/the) decreased/decreasing number of fewer. • The financial position of the healthcare system has become more strained, and has resulted in a decreased number of hospital beds. The financial position of the healthcare system has become more strained, and has resulted in fewer hospital beds.

decrease down decrease. • Density of water increases as temperature decreases down to 4°C. Density of water increases as temperature decreases to 4°C.

decreasing in decreasingly.

deductive reasoning deduction.

deem as deem. • Values are preferences, or what we deem as good. Values are preferences, or what we deem good. • The interior is comfortable and complete with numerous antiques, as well as conveniences that most modern travelers would deem as necessary. The interior is comfortable and complete with numerous antiques, as well as conveniences that most modern travelers would deem necessary.

defer back defer. • Although you might be able to defer back to your accountant, the best impression will be left by you if you are in command of the information. Although you might be able to defer to your accountant, the best impression will be left by you if you are in command of the information.

(most/very) definitely yes.

(a/the) ... degree of delete. • He provides a healthy and thoughtful degree of skepticism about prospects for positive change at the national level. He provides a healthy and thoughtful skepticism about prospects for positive change at the national level. • Competitor reaction cannot be predicted with any degree of accuracy. Competitor reaction cannot be predicted with any accuracy. • This is sophisticated, suicidal, and there’s a degree of ruthlessness that we haven’t ever seen in the use of terrorism before. This is sophisticated, suicidal, and there’s a ruthlessness that we haven’t ever seen in the use of terrorism before.

(the) degree of how much/the delete. • The closer the value of r to either extreme, the greater the degree of association. The closer the value of r to either extreme, the greater the association. • I am concerned with the degree of difficulty they’re having getting the product out. I am concerned with how much difficulty they’re having getting the product out.

(a/a certain/some) degree (of) a certain/much (of)/some (of)/somewhat delete. • The best results will likely be obtained by firms that exercise some degree of restraint in their offshore activities. The best results will likely be obtained by firms that exercise some restraint in their offshore activities. • Each of us has a planning method that works with some degree of effectiveness. Each of us has a planning method that works somewhat effectively.

(the) degree to which how/how far/how much/how often. • The GOP’s principal concern is the degree to which the law would regulate child-care facilities nationwide. The GOP’s principal concern is how much the law would regulate child-care facilities nationwide.

delimitate delimit. • You can use the hammer tool to hear how a chord (or any zone you delimitate) sounds. You can use the hammer tool to hear how a chord (or any zone you delimit) sounds. • In order to delimitate the kind of genres present in our text, I also took into account the kind of multidimensional approach proposed by Biber. In order to delimit the kind of genres present in our text, I also took into account the kind of multidimensional approach proposed by Biber.

demise death/end. • That access is hastening the demise of many U.S. industries. That access is hastening the end of many U.S. industries.

denotate denote. • Rhythm and cadence primarily denotate the genre and the speech act. Rhythm and cadence primarily denote the genre and the speech act. • In the Arabic language, we find the general term Allah, which is used to denotate God and it is used as such also by Arabic speaking Christians. In the Arabic language, we find the general term Allah, which is used to denote God and it is used as such also by Arabic speaking Christians.

depart leave. • The president departs for Moscow this morning. The president leaves for Moscow this morning.

dependency dependence. • It may also be difficult for these people to make the decision to marry because of the dependency and commitment required in an intimate relationship. It may also be difficult for these people to make the decision to marry because of the dependence and commitment required in an intimate relationship.

depreciate in value depreciate. • He was carrying several hundred condos which depreciated between 10 and 30 percent in value. He was carrying several hundred condos which depreciated between 10 and 30 percent.

derive benefit (from) benefit. • This suggests that many people would derive benefit from “stand-up and stretch” workbreaks. This suggests that many people would benefit from “stand-up and stretch” workbreaks.

derive enjoyment from admire/delight in/enjoy/rejoice in/relish/savor. • Although badgers and other mammals are trapped so that their pelts can be sold, the hunters also derive enjoyment from their activities. Although badgers and other mammals are trapped so that their pelts can be sold, the hunters also enjoy their activities.

derive pleasure from admire/appreciate/delight in/enjoy/rejoice in/relish/savor. • We derived great pleasure from their performance. We delighted in their performance. • You derive pleasure from traditional climbing, we derive pleasure from making sure you’ll be well outfitted with the protection you need. You enjoy traditional climbing, we enjoy making sure you’ll be well outfitted with the protection you need. • Most people in the industry derive pleasure from working with their horses, whether it’s for a hobby or profit. Most people in the industry relish working with their horses, whether it’s for a hobby or profit.

derive satisfaction from admire/appreciate/delight in/enjoy/rejoice in/relish/savor. • If you derive genuine satisfaction from being in a leadership role, you will obviously bring that attitude to your role as a meeting leader. If you genuinely enjoy being in a leadership role, you will obviously bring that attitude to your role as a meeting leader.

descend down descend. • The summer months of December through February hit the mid-80s and descend down to the mid-60s at night. The summer months of December through February hit the mid-80s and descend to the mid-60s at night. • The ball will descend down at 11:59 tonight and take one minute to do so. The ball will descend at 11:59 tonight and take one minute to do so.

describe/explain in ... detail detail. • The proposal should describe in detail the procedure to be used to obtain data. The proposal should detail the procedure to be used to obtain data.

desideratum need.

designate as designate. • Designating schools as failed or unsatisfactory could do more damage than the label of success would do good. Designating schools failed or unsatisfactory could do more damage than the label of success would do good. • It is standard convention to designate counterclockwise moment directions as positive and those in the clockwise direction as negative. It is standard convention to designate counterclockwise moment directions positive and those in the clockwise direction negative.

despite the fact that although/but/even though/still/though/yet. • Despite the fact that all the charts are on paper rather than on-line, the bank reports that departments competed to improve their performance. Although all the charts are on paper rather than on-line, the bank reports that departments competed to improve their performance. • Despite the fact that often they’re the only green spot in a concrete and asphalt jungle, golf courses are still targeted as threats to the environment. Though often they’re the only green spot in a concrete and asphalt jungle, golf courses are still targeted as threats to the environment. • Schumer wants to break the law despite the fact that Bush administration officials say the current stockpile of Cipro is adequate. Schumer wants to break the law even though Bush administration officials say the current stockpile of Cipro is adequate.

detailed/in-depth analysis analysis/detail. • Apparently there are some who would discourage any detailed analysis of these weaknesses. Apparently there are some who would discourage any analysis of these weaknesses.

determine the truth/truthfulness/validity/veracity of verify. • Consumers cannot easily inspect software to determine the truth of a manufacturer’s claims about a product’s expected behavior. Consumers cannot easily inspect software to verify a manufacturer’s claims about a product’s expected behavior.

devoid of dis-/il-/im-/in-/ir-/lack/-less(ness)/mis-/no/non-/not/un-/want/with no/without. • Your editorial makes the term censorship somewhat devoid of meaning. Your editorial makes the term censorship somewhat meaningless.

diametrical diametric/diametral.

(five/many/several) different (five/many/several)/different. • My parents own five different homes. My parents own five homes.

different and distinct different/distinct. • The idea that each person’s fingerprints were different and distinct from everyone else’s was based on the work of Sir Francis Galton. The idea that each person’s fingerprints were different from everyone else’s was based on the work of Sir Francis Galton.

(a/the) difficult/hard/tough slog/task slog/task. • It will still be a tough slog for them. It will still be a slog for them. • The difficult task of obtaining information for marketing decisionmaking presents two challenges. The task of obtaining information for marketing decisionmaking presents two challenges.

difficulty in/of -ing difficulty -ing. • She has great difficulty in falling asleep. She has great difficulty falling asleep.

diminish down diminish. • As this century advances, the difficulties that a writer of one gender has with portraying characters of the other gender will continue to diminish down. As this century advances, the difficulties that a writer of one gender has with portraying characters of the other gender will continue to diminish.

direct ... attention to advertise/announce/blazon/broadcast/disclose/divulge/expose/herald/indicate/make known/make public/mention/point out/point to/present/proclaim/promote/publicize/reveal/show/tell/uncover/unveil. • The Draper award is seen by some engineering leaders as a way of directing attention to the profession and making sure engineers share the spotlight with scientists. The Draper award is seen by some engineering leaders as a way of promoting the profession and making sure engineers share the spotlight with scientists.

disassociate dissociate. • It set off calls by the faculty for nationally known conservatives to disassociate themselves from alleged Jew-baiting by the Review, which in the past has been accused of race-baiting and unfair characterization of women and homosexuals. It set off calls by the faculty for nationally known conservatives to dissociate themselves from alleged Jew-baiting by the Review, which in the past has been accused of race-baiting and unfair characterization of women and homosexuals. • Since a man does not disassociate responsibility and blame, he often refuses both. Since a man does not dissociate responsibility and blame, he often refuses both. • All you have to do is highlight the text—a range of characters if you want to disassociate them from the applied character style or one or more paragraphs if you want to disassociate it/them from the applied paragraph style. All you have to do is highlight the text—a range of characters if you want to dissociate them from the applied character style or one or more paragraphs if you want to dissociate it/them from the applied paragraph style.

discomfiture discomfit/discomfort.

(in) discussion speaking/talking. • At Honda, managers spend up to 50 percent of their time in discussions with dealers and distributors. At Honda, managers spend up to 50 percent of their time talking with dealers and distributors.

disenfranchise disfranchise. • Do we want to disenfranchise those voters? Do we want to disfranchise those voters?

display (a/the) ... (for/of/to) delete. • The Task Manager displays a list of the programs that are currently running. The Task Manager lists the programs that are currently running. • All kids display a tendency to show minor misbehavior with their parents and other siblings. All kids tend to show minor misbehavior with their parents and other siblings. • It is not only individuals who display a liking for the word tabi, but companies too. It is not only individuals who like the word tabi, but companies too.

distinct difference (distinctly different) different/distinct/distinction. • We wanted to do something distinctly different. We wanted to do something distinct.

(a/the) diversity of different assorted/a variety of/broad/countless/different/diverse/extensive/many/numerous/scores of/sundry/varied/various/varying. • The diversity of different types of music that the Society now offers would have been unheard of 20 years ago. The diverse types of music that the Society now offers would have been unheard of 20 years ago.

divide in half halve. • Divide in half and fold into the chocolate and vanilla pastry cream. Halve and fold into the chocolate and vanilla pastry cream.

divide up divide. • He suggested we divide up the money between us. He suggested we divide the money between us.

do (a/the) ... (about/in/of/on/to) -(al)ly delete. • We did a thorough search of the area and found nothing. We thoroughly searched the area and found nothing. • They’d rather build a roadway than provide a program that prevents someone from doing harm to someone else. They’d rather build a roadway than provide a program that prevents someone from harming someone else. • Are we supposed to be doing the underlining of the title twice? Are we supposed to be underlining the title twice? • I don’t think it took place, but we’re going to do an investigation. I don’t think it took place, but we’re going to investigate. • I don’t think it would be a smart thing to let that team leave because it would really do damage to that city and the mentality of that city. I don’t think it would be a smart thing to let that team leave because it would really damage that city and the mentality of that city.

do away with cancel/destroy/end/kill/stop.

doctorate degree doctorate. • While a number of people on Taiwan claim to be spirit mediums or shamans, it is rare that a shaman here has a doctorate degree. While a number of people on Taiwan claim to be spirit mediums or shamans, it is rare that a shaman here has a doctorate.

does not ... any no/none/nothing. • I do not understand any of this. I understand none of this.

does not have to need not. • You do not have to specify extensions when you save or load files. You need not specify extensions when you save or load files. • Of course the article does not have to be this long. Of course the article need not be this long.

does not necessarily need not. • A long waiting time does not necessarily mean that your doctor is smart, successful, busy, dedicated, or involved in saving lives. A long waiting time need not mean that your doctor is smart, successful, busy, dedicated, or involved in saving lives.

does not pay attention to ignores. • We are pleased that the survey has emphasized that the existing practice of budgeting does not pay attention to its impact on women. We are pleased that the survey has emphasized that the existing practice of budgeting ignores its impact on women.

does not remember forgets.

$ ... dollars $ ... • A single day of downtime for one of these huge generators can cost up to $1 million dollars. A single day of downtime for one of these huge generators can cost up to $1 million. • The maximum state award generally ranges between $10,000 and $25,000 dollars. The maximum state award generally ranges between $10,000 and $25,000.

dollar amount delete. • The daily maximum price change is 50 basis points, which is equivalent to a dollar amount of $1,250. The daily maximum price change is 50 basis points, which is equivalent to $1,250.

dollar value value.

domicile (n) home/house.

domicile (v) dwell/live/reside.

done/finished/over with done/finished/over.

doomed to fail/failure doomed. • The governor said the president’s strategy is doomed to fail. The governor said the president’s strategy is doomed.

dosage dose. • If the recommended dosage does not provide relief of symptoms or symptoms become worse, seek immediate medical attention. If the recommended dose does not provide relief of symptoms or symptoms become worse, seek immediate medical attention.

doubt but that doubt that. • Who can doubt but that those conditions are now met? Who can doubt that those conditions are now met?

(going) down the line/pike/road/way at length/from now/in/in time/later/soon delete. • Ten years down the line where are you going to be? Ten years from now where are you going to be? • A job may become available a few months down the road. A job may become available in a few months. • That will be a huge challenge going down the road. That will be a huge challenge.

down to a minimum of down to.

dramatical dramatic.

draw attention to advertise/announce/blazon/broadcast/disclose/divulge/expose/herald/indicate/make known/make public/mention/point out/point to/present/proclaim/promote/publicize/reveal/show/tell/uncover/unveil. • Our goal is to draw attention to what has been accomplished in improving the world food situation. Our goal is to point out what has been accomplished in improving the world food situation.

draw (a/the) conclusion (of) conclude/deduce/draw/infer/reason. • What conclusions were you able to draw from your experience? What were you able to conclude from your experience? • I drew the conclusion that competent readers make competent students and that competent students generally stay out of prison. I concluded that competent readers make competent students and that competent students generally stay out of prison.

draw (a/the) inference (of) conclude/deduce/draw/infer/reason. • If it does not find the employer’s explanation adequate then it is entitled but not compelled to draw an inference of sex discrimination. If it does not find the employer’s explanation adequate then it is entitled but not compelled to infer sex discrimination.

draw to a close/end cease/close/complete/conclude/end/finish/halt/stop. • Scientists expect to feel in the next few days a real sense of letdown as the first phase of humanity’s exploration of the Earth’s neighborhood draws to a close. Scientists expect to feel in the next few days a real sense of letdown as the first phase of humanity’s exploration of the Earth’s neighborhood concludes.

draw to a conclusion cease/close/complete/conclude/end/finish/halt/stop. • As these tasks draw to a conclusion, the panel needs to consider the contents of their report to the LGA Executive. As these tasks conclude, the panel needs to consider the contents of their report to the LGA Executive.

driving force drive/energy/force/impetus/motivation/power. • He is especially concerned about young people and is the driving force behind Catholic Schools United. He is especially concerned about young people and is the impetus behind Catholic Schools United.

drop down down/drop.

dualistic dual. • They have dualistic meanings. They have dual meanings.

due and payable due/payable. • The child support debt will be due and payable at particular periods. The child support debt will be due at particular periods. • The pension becomes due and payable 30 days after the retirement date. The pension becomes payable 30 days after the retirement date.

due to the fact that because/considering/for/given/in that/since. • This procedure is impractical due to the fact that the game tree for any interesting games is extremely large. This procedure is impractical because the game tree for any interesting games is extremely large. • We are unable to accept returns or issue refunds for any order due to the fact that this is a prescription medication. We are unable to accept returns or issue refunds for any order since this is a prescription medication.

duplicate copy copy/duplicate. • When you want a duplicate copy of one or more files, you use the COPY command. When you want a copy of one or more files, you use the COPY command.

during a/the juncture/juncture in time/moment/moment in time/period/period in time/point/point in time/stage/stage in time/time when when. • He had supported my friends and I during the time when we retrieved the abusive pictures from the Marine in Mississippi. He had supported my friends and I when we retrieved the abusive pictures from the Marine in Mississippi.

during the course/length of during/for/in/over/throughout/when/while/with. • During the course of the analysis, we suppose the array or list contains n elements. Throughout the analysis, we suppose the array or list contains n elements. • During the course of trying to negotiate with the gunmen, her husband was shot and killed. While trying to negotiate with the gunmen, her husband was shot and killed. • In addition, all regional students must attend one colloquium during the length of their enrollment. In addition, all regional students must attend one colloquium during their enrollment. • I wish to have my sheets replaced on a daily basis during the length of my stay. I wish to have my sheets replaced on a daily basis during my stay.

during/for/over the decade/period/period of time/span of time/time/years (from) ... through/till/to/until between ... and/from ... through/to. • The fees and expenses of the non-interested Trustees for the period November 26, 1996, to October 31, 1997, amounted to $3,731. The fees and expenses of the non-interested Trustees from November 26, 1996, to October 31, 1997, amounted to $3,731.

during the period/period of time/span of time/time/years (that) while. • You are not required to work during the period of time that you are enrolled as a full-time student. You are not required to work while you are enrolled as a full-time student. • What did M.C. Escher produce during the years that he lived in Belgium before the war? What did M.C. Escher produce while he lived in Belgium before the war?

during the rule of under. • It was turned into a Roman colony during the rule of Augustus, around the year 20 B.C. It was turned into a Roman colony under Augustus, around the year 20 B.C.

dwindle down dwindle. • A $10,000 gross bonus can dwindle down to a surprisingly small amount with income tax deductions. A $10,000 gross bonus can dwindle to a surprisingly small amount with income tax deductions.

dynamical dynamic.


each and every (one) all/each/every (one). • Each and every one of these crimes was committed by a pathological killer. Each of these crimes was committed by a pathological killer.

each one each. • My method is to introduce the key elements of office automation and explain each one in concrete terms. My method is to introduce the key elements of office automation and explain each in concrete terms.

(from) each other delete. • The two dates on the printout differ from each other because the first was entered as text and the second as a code. The two dates on the printout differ because the first was entered as text and the second as a code.

early beginnings beginnings.

-ed/-en before/earlier/previously -ed/-en. • Actually the term was used previously by Thomas Edison. Actually the term was used by Thomas Edison.

edifice building.

educational institution college/school/university. • Locate and identify a newsgroup available at your educational institution related to marketing. Locate and identify a newsgroup available at your school related to marketing.

effectuate achieve/bring about/carry out/effect/execute/realize. • In order to effectuate this policy, the legislature imposed strict liability for all damages resulting from a failure to remove such materials on the owners of residential premises. In order to effect this policy, the legislature imposed strict liability for all damages resulting from a failure to remove such materials on the owners of residential premises.

efficacity efficacy.

e.g. ... and others/and so forth/and so on/and such/and the like/et al./etc. and others/and so forth/and so on/and such/and the like/e.g./et al./etc./for example/for instance. • They typically have unpredictable ranges of occurrences, and they usually have related attributes (e.g., skill category, detailed skill description, etc.) that are of interest to the organization. They typically have unpredictable ranges of occurrences, and they usually have related attributes (skill category, detailed skill description, etc.) that are of interest to the organization. • Analyze the resulting circuit to determine the required quantities (e.g., voltage gain, input resistance, etc.). Analyze the resulting circuit to determine the required quantities (e.g., voltage gain, input resistance).

egoistical/egotistical egoistic/egotistic.

either one either. • The vice president doesn’t like either one of them. The vice president doesn’t like either of them.

elect as elect. • Whom will you elect as president? Whom will you elect president?

electrical electric.

(a/the) ... element (in/of/to) some delete. • There will always be an element of doubt. There will always be some doubt. • The florid phrases and poor editing suggest some element of haste in the booklet’s concoction. The florid phrases and poor editing suggest some haste in the booklet’s concoction. • A common element to any system is the need for continuous top-management involvement. Common to any system is the need for continuous top-management involvement.

ellipses dots/marks/periods ellipses. • In my printout, the ellipses dots were the only item on the last line. In my printout, the ellipses were the only item on the last line.

elliptical elliptic.

emblematical emblematic.

emerge out emerge. • Part (d) corresponds to a time when the reflected shock waves have emerged out from the dust cloud. Part (d) corresponds to a time when the reflected shock waves have emerged from the dust cloud.

empathetic empathic.

employ use. • Fewer than one-tenth of the small business prospects worldwide employ computers today. Fewer than one-tenth of the small business prospects worldwide use computers today.

employment use. • The consistent employment of particular defenses leads to the development of personality traits. The consistent use of particular defenses leads to the development of personality traits.

employment opportunities jobs.

enable ... to let. • This enables analysts to sense the need for changes in methods. This lets analysts sense the need for changes in methods.

encapsulate encapsule. • The responses provide a snapshot view of current U.S. efforts to use Japanese information and encapsulate some of the challenges faced by both providers and users. The responses provide a snapshot view of current U.S. efforts to use Japanese information and encapsule some of the challenges faced by both providers and users.

encircle circle.

enclosed herein/herewith is/please find enclosed is/here is. • Enclosed herewith please find a letter from our client, Mr. Edward Price, which is self-explanatory. Here is a letter from our client, Mr. Edward Price, which is self-explanatory. • Enclosed herein please find a really funny romantic comedy, submitted for your perusal. Enclosed is a really funny romantic comedy, submitted for your perusal.

enclosed in parentheses in parentheses. • The simplest sort of example is one in which the entire sentence is enclosed in parentheses.The simplest sort of example is one in which the entire sentence is in parentheses.

enclosed is here is.

encounter find/have/meet delete. • This support usually consists of a technical representative you can call if you encounter a problem. This support usually consists of a technical representative you can call if you have a problem.

endeavor try.

endorse on the back (of) endorse. • These are calculated on forms that resemble actual paychecks, which the students and their parents must endorse on the back. These are calculated on forms that resemble actual paychecks, which the students and their parents must endorse.

end product product. • Each writer has his or her own process because there are different ways to make the end product. Each writer has his or her own process because there are different ways to make the product.

end/final/net/ultimate result result. • The end result was a series of consolidations that lasted until a single company was left to serve the market. The result was a series of consolidations that lasted until a single company was left to serve the market.

engage in ... (a/the) delete. • I appreciate the straightforward way in which you’ve engaged in this discussion. I appreciate the straightforward way in which you’ve discussed this. • Known as an active force in the labor movement, the unions at the Gillette France plant are engaged in a nationwide campaign to shape public opinion. Known as an active force in the labor movement, the unions at the Gillette France plant are campaigning nationwide to shape public opinion. • Keeping older people engaged in activity can give them a sense of self and wellbeing. Keeping older people active can give them a sense of self and wellbeing.

enter a bid bid. • Go to sfgoodwill.org and you can enter a bid for any of the 40 or so suits, shirts and ties that I didn’t wear this past year. Go to sfgoodwill.org and you can bid for any of the 40 or so suits, shirts and ties that I didn’t wear this past year.

enter into an agreement/contract agree/contract. • Courier Dispatch Group Inc. said it has entered into an agreement in principle to acquire the assets of J.A. Finn Inc. Courier Dispatch Group Inc. said it has agreed in principle to acquire the assets of J.A. Finn Inc. • The department may enter into an agreement with more than one association if the services provided by the associations are complementary. The department may contract with more than one association if the services provided by the associations are complementary.

entirely delete. • Our competition introduced an entirely new product. Our competition introduced a new product.

entitle title. • The report is entitled “Outlook for EFTPOS: An Executive Summary.” The report is titled “Outlook for EFTPOS: An Executive Summary.”

enumerate count/list/name/numerate.

epidemical epidemic.

epidemiological epidemiologic.

epigrammatical epigrammatic.

epigraphical epigraphic.

(the) equal/equivalent of equal to/equivalent to/like. • The loss of 1 high-value customer was the equivalent of losing the business of 36 small-value customers. The loss of 1 high-value customer was equivalent to losing the business of 36 small-value customers.

equally as equally/as. • It was equally as difficult for me. It was equally difficult for me. • Newer categories of antidepressant drugs are equally as effective as older generation antidepressants. Newer categories of antidepressant drugs are as effective as older generation antidepressants.

equitable fair.

eristical eristic.

(the) -(i)er ... of the two (the) -(i)er/(the) more. • Sunday will probably be the better of the two days. Sunday will probably be the better day. • Their client is the younger of the two brothers. Their client is the younger brother.

-(i)er ... rather than -(i)er ... than. • It is quicker to multiply both sides by the reciprocal of the fraction rather than by the common denominator. It is quicker to multiply both sides by the reciprocal of the fraction than by the common denominator.

essential core core/crux/essence/gist/pith/substance. • The reviewer let himself be diverted by the book’s feminist frame and missed its essential core. The reviewer let himself be diverted by the book’s feminist frame and missed its essence.

(an/the) essential ... for/in/of/to essential to. • Homeownership is an essential part of the American dream. Homeownership is essential to the American dream. • His point is that physical contact is an essential element in everyone’s life, and most people don’t get enough. His point is that physical contact is essential to everyone’s life, and most people don’t get enough. • Toughness is not an essential ingredient for getting ahead, and it isn’t the same as resolve. Toughness is not essential to getting ahead, and it isn’t the same as resolve.

essential prerequisite essential/prerequisite. • Categorizing a given product is an essential prerequisite for a successful marketing effort. Categorizing a given product is essential for a successful marketing effort.

establish set up.

establish conclusive evidence/proof of prove.

established standard standard. • Over the past few years, a number of spreadsheet, database, and word processing programs have become established standards in their areas of application. Over the past few years, a number of spreadsheet, database, and word processing programs have become standards in their areas of application.

established tradition tradition. • IBM broke established traditions and set up a special group at Boca Raton, Florida, to develop their own microcomputer. IBM broke traditions and set up a special group at Boca Raton, Florida, to develop their own microcomputer.

establishment business/club/company/firm/shop/store. • The state supreme court will decide whether to allow nude dancing to continue at that establishment. The state supreme court will decide whether to allow nude dancing to continue at that club.

-est ever -est. • That amount is the largest ever paid by the city in a civil right’s action. That amount is the largest paid by the city in a civil right’s action.

(an) estimated about/around/close to/more or less/near/nearly/or so/roughly/some. • An estimated 50,000 people lined up yesterday to register to vote. Nearly 50,000 people lined up yesterday to register to vote.

et cetera, et cetera, et cetera (etc., etc., etc.) and so forth/and so on/and the like/etc. • It quickly becomes confusing as you open one, copy what you want, find the application you want to paste it into, do the paste, go to the next application you need to copy something from, return to the one into which you’re pasting, etc., etc., etc. It quickly becomes confusing as you open one, copy what you want, find the application you want to paste it into, do the paste, go to the next application you need to copy something from, return to the one into which you’re pasting, and so on. • Others call the cameras by other names: deer cams, trail cams, game cams, etc., etc.Others call the cameras by other names: deer cams, trail cams, game cams, etc.

eventuality consequence/ending/event/occurrence/outcome/result delete. • Kodak should have prepared for this eventuality. Kodak should have prepared for this. • The best inoculation against such an eventuality is to decide, as a party, what risks we are ready to take and what fights we are willing to have. The best inoculation against such an outcome is to decide, as a party, what risks we are ready to take and what fights we are willing to have.

eventuate arise/befall/come about/happen/occur/result/take place. • What crises erupt and decisions eventuate from the moment your eyelids flutter open until the hour you fall asleep? What crises erupt and decisions come about from the moment your eyelids flutter open until the hour you fall asleep?

ever and anon at times/now and again/now and then/occasionally/once in a while/on occasion/sometimes.

every day/month/week/year daily/monthly/weekly/yearly.

every now and then at times/from time to time/now and again/now and then/occasionally/once in a while/on occasion/sometimes.

every once in a while at times/from time to time/now and again/now and then/occasionally/once in a while/on occasion/sometimes. • Every once in a while, I was struck by how hot it was. Now and then, I was struck by how hot it was.

every single (solitary) all/every. • Every single solitary juvenile in these four states was examined. Every juvenile in these four states was examined.

evidence in/to support (of/that) evidence for (of/that). • The great pay-raise debate is on, and the spectator sees very little evidence to support that higher salaries will attract and keep higher-quality candidates. The great pay-raise debate is on, and the spectator sees very little evidence that higher salaries will attract and keep higher-quality candidates. • This discovery provided evidence in support of the Copernican system and showed that everything did not revolve around the Earth. This discovery provided evidence of the Copernican system and showed that everything did not revolve around the Earth.

evolve over time evolve. • Long experience shows that our first accounts of terrorist attacks and other tragedies often evolve over time. Long experience shows that our first accounts of terrorist attacks and other tragedies often evolve.

exact/exactly duplicate duplicate/exact/identical/match/(the) same. • Nothing could exactly duplicate what we just heard. Nothing could match what we just heard.

exact/exactly equivalent duplicate/equivalent/exact/identical/match/(the) same. • This situation is exactly equivalent to our usual neglect of the Earth’s rotation when we do experiments in laboratories. This situation is equivalent to our usual neglect of the Earth’s rotation when we do experiments in laboratories.

exact/exactly identical duplicate/exact/identical/match/(the) same. • This pattern, though not exactly identical, tends to recur every year. This pattern, though not identical, tends to recur every year.

exactly sure sure. • I’m not exactly sure of her name. I’m not sure of her name.

exact/exactly match duplicate/exact/identical/match/(the) same. • When you enter a value that doesn’t exactly match one of those listed on the lookup table, the function will find the value equal to or less than the value being looked up. When you enter a value that doesn’t match one of those listed on the lookup table, the function will find the value equal to or less than the value being looked up.

exact/exactly (the) same duplicate/exact/identical/just/match/(the) same. • He used those exact same words. He used those exact words.

examination exam.

(an) example that illustrates/to illustrate example (of)/(to) illustrate. • Here are some examples to illustrate the benefits of word processing on a network. Here are some examples of the benefits of word processing on a network.

except when unless. • Jessie rarely saw him, except when he came home to sleep. Jessie rarely saw him, unless he came home to sleep.

excerption excerpt.

(a/the) excessive amount (of) excessive/too much.

(a/the) excessive number (of) excessive/too many. • If your failure to detect errors in the proofing stage results in a published text that contains an excessive number of errors, the costs of making these corrections in a subsequent printing will be charged against your royalties. If your failure to detect errors in the proofing stage results in a published text that contains excessive errors, the costs of making these corrections in a subsequent printing will be charged against your royalties.

excess verbiage verbiage. • Excess verbiage befogs language. Verbiage befogs language.

excruciatingly painful excruciating/painful. • It has been an excruciatingly painful experience for the town’s 8,000 residents. It has been an excruciating experience for the town’s 8,000 residents.

(the) existence of delete. • The existence of even one extra, undocumented Write statement in a module may change what appears on a user’s terminal. Even one extra, undocumented Write statement in a module may change what appears on a user’s terminal.

(that) exist to ... delete. • Ample evidence exists to support the differences in investment tax shields across industries. Ample evidence supports the differences in investment tax shields across industries. • Believe it or not, it is freely admitted even within the ranks of psychiatry that no conclusive evidence exists to show that any form of mental illness is biologically caused. Believe it or not, it is freely admitted even within the ranks of psychiatry that no conclusive evidence shows that any form of mental illness is biologically caused. • County attorneys have broad discretion in this area, and generally do not file charges unless they are satisfied that sufficient evidence exists to prove the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. County attorneys have broad discretion in this area, and generally do not file charges unless they are satisfied that sufficient evidence proves the crime beyond a reasonable doubt.

expect/expectation and hope expect/expectation/hope/trust. • We’re pleased with our progress and expect and hope that it will continue as our initiatives take hold. We’re pleased with our progress and expect that it will continue as our initiatives take hold.

expediency expedience.

expeditiously abruptly/apace/briskly/directly/fast/forthwith/hastily/hurriedly/posthaste/presently/promptly/quickly/rapidly/right away/shortly/soon/speedily/straightaway/swiftly/wingedly. • This problem must be dealt with expeditiously. This problem must be dealt with quickly.

expenditure (of money) cost/expense. • He deplored the long electoral campaigns that involved heavy expenditures of money and brought the country to a virtual standstill for months. He deplored the long electoral campaigns that involved heavy costs and brought the country to a virtual standstill for months.

expenses and costs costs/expenses.

(a/the) ... experience delete. • Just getting up in the morning is a painful experience for her. Just getting up in the morning is painful for her. • I wasn’t afraid; it wasn’t a nightmare, but it was a rather startling experience. I wasn’t afraid; it wasn’t a nightmare, but it was rather startling.

experience delete. • This magazine has experienced tremendous growth in the past two years. This magazine has grown tremendously in the past two years. • Today, nearly 50 years after I had experienced reading “colored need not apply,” job segregation and discrimination still exist for African-Americans who are not trained for the better-paying jobs. Today, nearly 50 years after I had read “colored need not apply,” job segregation and discrimination still exist for African-Americans who are not trained for the better-paying jobs.

experience feel/find/go through/have/know/see/sense/suffer. • According to this book, many people have experienced boredom and alienation. According to this book, many people have known boredom and alienation. • The goal was to show people all over the world laughing and having fun, and to emphasize the fact that all human beings are born with the ability to experience joy. The goal was to show people all over the world laughing and having fun, and to emphasize the fact that all human beings are born with the ability to feel joy.

exploitative exploitive. • New research reveals how to spot a sexually exploitative man no matter how famous, respected or “safe” he appears. New research reveals how to spot a sexually exploitive man no matter how famous, respected or “safe” he appears.

express ... (about/for/of/to) delete. • He expressed doubt whether the issue would be much of a headache on the campaign trail this fall. He doubted whether the issue would be much of a headache on the campaign trail this fall. • Many express open admiration for women who are healthy, well-groomed, and confident. Many openly admire women who are healthy, well-groomed, and confident. • Most top executives seem to believe strongly in the need for better human relations, but they often express distrust of the training program itself. Most top executives seem to believe strongly in the need for better human relations, but they often distrust the training program itself. • We wish to express our sincere thanks to our special representative for her responsiveness. We wish to sincerely thank our special representative for her responsiveness.

express concern (about) agonize (over/about)/brood (on/over)/dread/fear/fret (about/over)/regret/stew (about/over)/worry (about/over). • Some scientists express concern about the implications of splicing the genes for certain insecticides into plants. Some scientists worry about the implications of splicing the genes for certain insecticides into plants.

express opposition to contest/criticize/disagree with/disapprove of/dispute/object to/oppose/protest.

express skepticism (about) disbelieve/distrust/doubt/mistrust/question. • But others express skepticism about those results, with some scientists’ questions verging upon accusations of exaggeration. But others distrust those results, with some scientists’ questions verging upon accusations of exaggeration.

express sorrow (about) bemoan/deplore/grieve/lament/moan/mourn/regret. • At a press conference earlier in the day, he had expressed sorrow that American writers and American politics seem to occupy two different worlds. At a press conference earlier in the day, he had bemoaned that American writers and American politics seem to occupy two different worlds.

extend/issue an invitation to invite. • The Open Software Foundation would like to extend an invitation to you to explore the OSF/Motif user environment. The Open Software Foundation would like to invite you to explore the OSF/Motif user environment.

(after/for/in/over/within) (an) extended/lengthy/long/prolonged/protracted amount of time/length of time/period/period of time/span of time/time/while after (for/in/over/within) (one) month (year)/at last/at length/eventually/finally/in due time/in time/over the months (years)/over time/ultimately/with time delete. • If you truly want to sell your home and you aren’t getting offers within an extended amount of time, you may need to drop the price. If you truly want to sell your home and you aren’t getting offers within four months, you may need to drop the price. • After a prolonged period of time we finally have the next batch of episodes ready for your viewing pleasure. We finally have the next batch of episodes ready for your viewing pleasure. • Who knows, after a lengthy span of time, we might actually get to know what we are doing. Who knows, in time, we might actually get to know what we are doing.

extend out extend. • Press the right arrow until the highlight extends out to cell F4, and then press Return. Press the right arrow until the highlight extends to cell F4, and then press Return.

extensively throughout all through/extensively in (through)/throughout. • Our reporter has traveled extensively throughout South America. Our reporter has traveled throughout South America.

(an/a certain/some) extent of a certain/much/some/somewhat delete.

(an/the) ... extent of delete. • The opening of the first permanently located fair was September 24, 1894, and it ran for an extent of six days. The opening of the first permanently located fair was September 24, 1894, and it ran for six days. • And between Coney Island and Rockaway inlet there is an extent of some five miles of beach that could be used for re-embarkations. And between Coney Island and Rockaway inlet there is some five miles of beach that could be used for re-embarkations.

(the) extent of how much/the delete. • Most people know something about Social Security, but few know the extent of the monthly benefits they will eventually receive when they retire. Most people know something about Social Security, but few know the monthly benefits they will eventually receive when they retire. • Despite early campaign rhetoric, the extent of actual change a new treasurer would attempt is of course unknown. Despite early campaign rhetoric, how much actual change a new treasurer would attempt is of course unknown.

(the) extent to which how/how far/how much/how often. • The extent to which these facilitating and reconciling capabilities are needed, and how they are developed and structured, depends on the company’s involvement in exporting or foreign marketing. How much these facilitating and reconciling capabilities are needed, and how they are developed and structured, depends on the company’s involvement in exporting or foreign marketing. • Eastern cannot predict the extent to which its operations and financial results will continue to be affected by the negative public perception generated by the investigations. Eastern cannot predict how its operations and financial results will continue to be affected by the negative public perception generated by the investigations.

extricate ... out extricate. • His brother jumped into the hole to try to extricate him out. His brother jumped into the hole to try to extricate him.


face up to face. • The men face up to 10 years in prison if found guilty. The men face 10 years in prison if found guilty.

facilitate ease/help/promote/simplify.

facility bathroom/building/factory/hospital/jail/office/place/plant/prison/school/site delete. • In 1986, hospital executives estimated that 21 percent of their facilities might close. In 1986, hospital executives estimated that 21 percent of their hospitals might close.

(a/the) ... fact delete. • This is an alarming fact, considering that these workers make up the foundation of our service-sector economy. This is alarming, considering that these workers make up the foundation of our service-sector economy.

(the) fact is (that) actually/indeed/in fact/in faith/in truth/really/truly delete.• The fact is we have to deal with the public every day. We have to deal with the public every day. • The fact is that Mrs. Eddy doesn’t advocate any kind of a positive thinking or “think good, feel good” philosophy. Indeed, Mrs. Eddy doesn’t advocate any kind of a positive thinking or “think good, feel good” philosophy.

(the) (simple) fact of the matter is (that) actually/indeed/in fact/in faith/in reality/in truth/really/truly delete.• The fact of the matter is you cannot copyright an idea. You cannot copyright an idea.

(a/the) ... factor (in/of/to) delete. • The fact that we could not have children was a contributing factor to our divorce. The fact that we could not have children contributed to our divorce. • Knowing the consequences of obesity should be a motivating factor in losing weight. Knowing the consequences of obesity should be a motivation in losing weight. • Researchers indicate, however, that after age 50 lifestyle becomes a less influential factor in physiological change than aging itself. Researchers indicate, however, that after age 50 lifestyle becomes less influential in physiological change than aging itself.

(the) fact remains (that) delete. • The fact remains we have the overwhelming support of the Christian and Jewish religions. We have the overwhelming support of the Christian and Jewish religions.

facts and information facts/information. • Request a full disclosure statement highlighting all the pertinent facts and information about the franchisor. Request a full disclosure statement highlighting all the pertinent facts about the franchisor.

(the) fact that that. • This ignores the fact that increased use of kilowatts has significantly decreased our use of oil. This ignores that increased use of kilowatts has significantly decreased our use of oil.

factual and accurate accurate/factual.

factual basis basis/fact/reason/truth. • People who know me know there’s no factual basis to the story. People who know me know there’s no truth to the story.

fail to comply with break/disobey/violate. • The Federal Trade Commission is readying a crackdown on commercial sites that fail to comply with the law. The Federal Trade Commission is readying a crackdown on commercial sites that violate the law. • In the future, farmers and drivers who fail to comply with the biosecurity requirements are likely to be reported for prosecution. In the future, farmers and drivers who disobey the biosecurity requirements are likely to be reported for prosecution.

fair/just and equitable fair/just/equitable. • I support fair and equitable taxes to insure human services are funded. I support equitable taxes to insure human services are funded.

fair and square fair/honest/just/square.

false and misleading deceptive/false/misleading.

false illusion illusion.

false pretense pretense.

far and away by far/much. • The judgment was for $10.3 billion, far and away the biggest ever in American commerce. The judgment was for $10.3 billion, by far the biggest ever in American commerce.

far and wide broadly/widely.

far away from far from. • These blocks are usually physically located far away from the file’s data blocks. These blocks are usually physically located far from the file’s data blocks.

(what is) (the) fashion/manner/way in which/that how. • What do you think about the fashion in which this testing program was introduced into the plant? What do you think about how this testing program was introduced into the plant? • More important than the sample’s size is the manner in which the sample is taken. More important than the sample’s size is how the sample is taken.

fasten shut fasten.Bulletin signified the seal on a message, often a warm ball of wax pressed flat by a metal seal and used to fasten shut an important short document. Bulletin signified the seal on a message, often a warm ball of wax pressed flat by a metal seal and used to fasten an important short document. • Use strips of self-sticking Velcro to fasten shut your fridge or cabinets. Use strips of self-sticking Velcro to fasten your fridge or cabinets.

fasten together fasten. • Screw threads provide a fast and easy method of fastening two parts together and of exerting a force that can be used for adjustment of movable parts. Screw threads provide a fast and easy method of fastening two parts and of exerting a force that can be used for adjustment of movable parts.

favor ... as opposed to/instead of/rather than favor ... over/favor ... to. • Lager is a pale, American-style beer favored by the young as opposed to the dark, traditional “bitter” English beer. Lager is a pale, American-style beer favored by the young over the dark, traditional “bitter” English beer. • He is armed, like his men, with a cut-down musket and a tomahawk, which the Rangers favored instead of traditional European edged weapons. He is armed, like his men, with a cut-down musket and a tomahawk, which the Rangers favored over traditional European edged weapons.

fear and trembling anxiety/dismay/dread/fear/foreboding/horror/terror/trembling.

(a/the) ... feeling(s) (of) delete. • We describe the intensity of the feeling of anger along a four-point scale. We describe the intensity of anger along a four-point scale. • Neither of us has any guilt feelings about it. Neither of us has any guilt about it.

feel inside feel. • What’s most important is how you feel inside about it. What’s most important is how you feel about it.

(the) female/male gender/sex females/males/men/women. • I like talking to the female gender. I like talking to women.

fervency fervor.

few and far between exiguous/few/infrequent/meager/rare/scant/scanty/scarce/scattered/seldom/sparse/uncommon/unusual. • Since then the shooting stars have been few and far between. Since then the shooting stars have been infrequent.

few/small in number exiguous/few/infrequent/limited/meager/not many/rare/scant/scanty/scarce/sparse/uncommon. • Although the clinical trials are few in number and have small patient populations, the response rates are higher than those reported with intravenous chemotherapy. Although the clinical trials are few and have small patient populations, the response rates are higher than those reported with intravenous chemotherapy. • New projects are too small and few in number to make up for the shrinking volumes. New projects are too small and scarce to make up for the shrinking volumes.

fictional novel novel. • Among the sports memorabilia Levy will be auctioning online is an autographed copy of the fictional novel he wrote, Between the Lies. Among the sports memorabilia Levy will be auctioning online is an autographed copy of the novel he wrote, Between the Lies.

(the) field of delete. • This process became known as Boolean algebra and is widely used in the fields of computing and philosophy. This process became known as Boolean algebra and is widely used in computing and philosophy.

fiery conflagration conflagration/fire. • In 1993, after a 51 day siege with federal law-enforcement agencies, Koresh and 81 members of his sect died in a fiery conflagration. In 1993, after a 51 day siege with federal law-enforcement agencies, Koresh and 81 members of his sect died in a conflagration.

fifty/50 percent (of) half (of)/one-half (of). • Nearly fifty percent of the town’s population is associated with the university. Nearly half the town’s population is associated with the university.

figuratively speaking as it were/in a sense/in a way/so to speak.

(a/the) ... figure delete. • Alan Paton has become something of a legendary figure. Alan Paton has become something of a legend.

fill to capacity fill. • The auditorium was filled to capacity with the singer’s adoring fans. The auditorium was filled with the singer’s adoring fans.

fill up fill. • Fill up the tank when you’re in town. Fill the tank when you’re in town.

filter out filter. • It’s very hard to filter out fact from fiction. It’s very hard to filter fact from fiction.

filthy dirty dirty/filthy.

final and irrevocable final/irrevocable. • His decision not to seek a fourth term as governor is final and irrevocable. His decision not to seek a fourth term as governor is final.

final/ultimate completion completion. • Because the order, timing, and costs of the individual tasks are interrelated, they all affect the total cost of the project and its final completion date. Because the order, timing, and costs of the individual tasks are interrelated, they all affect the total cost of the project and its completion date.

final/ultimate conclusion conclusion. • I haven’t yet come to a final conclusion about what we should do. I haven’t yet come to a conclusion about what we should do.

final/ultimate culmination culmination. • The Graduation Review serves as the final culmination of the MA Program in terms of review, reflection, summative integration and completed documentation. The Graduation Review serves as the culmination of the MA Program in terms of review, reflection, summative integration and completed documentation.

finalize complete/conclude/finish. • After five or ten successful projects, you should review guidelines and begin to finalize the procedure. After five or ten successful projects, you should review guidelines and begin to complete the procedure.

final/ultimate outcome outcome. • We were saddened by the final outcome. We were saddened by the outcome.

final/ultimate resolution resolution. • The ultimate resolution of such matters will not have a material adverse impact on AT&Ts financial position. The resolution of such matters will not have a material adverse impact on AT&T’s financial position.

final/ultimate settlement settlement.

financial/monetary resources assets/capital/finances/funds/money/resources.

financial wherewithal assets/capital/cash/finances/funds/means/money/wherewithal. • The commission also is considering whether owners have the financial wherewithal to operate the plant. The commission also is considering whether owners have the money to operate the plant.

find out find/learn. • We found out that today’s teenagers are very anxious about the future. We learned that today’s teenagers are very anxious about the future.

(all) fine/good and good/well all right/fine/good/great/nice/pleasant/pleasing/welcome/well. • It’s all fine and good to settle into a comfortable routine. It’s fine to settle into a comfortable routine.

finish off finish. • But though I could have finished off the final thirty-nine pages fairly easily before going to bed, I decided not to. But though I could have finished the final thirty-nine pages fairly easily before going to bed, I decided not to.

finish up finish.

firm/strong commitment commitment. • Voters are not firmly committed to any of the candidates. Voters are not committed to any of the candidates.

firm/strong conviction conviction. • This participative process has enabled us to develop a strong conviction throughout the Company that our strategy is the right one. This participative process has enabled us to develop a conviction throughout the Company that our strategy is the right one.

firmly establish establish/firm. • We should have resolved them earlier in the implementation of the reorganization, before structure and behavior patterns became firmly established. We should have resolved them earlier in the implementation of the reorganization, before structure and behavior patterns became firm.

firm/strong resolution resolution.

first and foremost chief/chiefly/first/foremost/main/mainly/mostly/primarily/primary/principal/principally delete. • Football is first and foremost a running game. Football is primarily a running game.

first and last only/sole.

first and only only/sole. • Was he the first and only person to have superheated ice, yet whose work has fallen into obscurity? Was he the only person to have superheated ice, yet whose work has fallen into obscurity?

first ... before before. • You cannot print a document on the disk that has been fast-saved unless you first positioned the cursor at the end of the document before you saved it. You cannot print a document on the disk that has been fast-saved unless you positioned the cursor at the end of the document before you saved it. • The only way to prevent such occurrences is to ensure that the nodes performing the restoration first determine the type of failure before invoking their restoration mechanisms. The only way to prevent such occurrences is to ensure that the nodes performing the restoration determine the type of failure before invoking their restoration mechanisms. • Complications due to sampling and disease need to be first eliminated before firm conclusions can be made. Complications due to sampling and disease need to be eliminated before firm conclusions can be made.

first begin begin/start. • If you note the appropriate framework when you first begin your assignment, you will be able to relate what you know from these broader areas to the text at hand. If you note the appropriate framework when you begin your assignment, you will be able to relate what you know from these broader areas to the text at hand.

first/initially coined coined. • The term psychic distance was initially coined by Swedish researchers at the University of Uppsala. The term psychic distance was coined by Swedish researchers at the University of Uppsala.

first come into being arise/begin/start. • When Social Security first came into being, relatively few people lived to the retirement age of 65, so the many were supporting the few. When Social Security began, relatively few people lived to the retirement age of 65, so the many were supporting the few.

first created created.

first ever first. • This was the first-ever congressional review of the condition of wilderness areas protected from development under a landmark 1964 law. This was the first congressional review of the condition of wilderness areas protected from development under a landmark 1964 law.

first initially first/initially. • When he first initially got the complaint, he wrote a letter to the Human Rights Commission admitting his guilt. When he first got the complaint, he wrote a letter to the Human Rights Commission admitting his guilt.

first introduced introduced. • He built on some ideas first introduced by Leibniz almost 200 years earlier. He built on some ideas introduced by Leibniz almost 200 years earlier.

first invented invented. • The idea of a sweet treat was first invented by cavemen who ate honey from bee hives. The idea of a sweet treat was invented by cavemen who ate honey from bee hives.

firstly first. • Firstly, Brookside Estates is a privately managed and maintained housing complex. First, Brookside Estates is a privately managed and maintained housing complex. • Firstly, the users of system A may be convinced that system A is far superior to the universal standard. First, the users of system A may be convinced that system A is far superior to the universal standard.

first of all first. • I would first of all ask how many of you are going to help us. I would first ask how many of you are going to help us.

first off first. • First off, these price and yield figures are for multimillion-dollar dealer-to-dealer negotiated transactions at any given hour or day. First, these price and yield figures are for multimillion-dollar dealer-to-dealer negotiated transactions at any given hour or day.

first start begin/start. • The market share of Searle’s Calan was fairly low when we first started. The market share of Searle’s Calan was fairly low when we began.

first time ever first time. • It’s the first time ever that disabled skiers were represented at the Olympics. It’s the first time that disabled skiers were represented at the Olympics.

fly in the face of challenge/contradict/defy/dispute/disregard/go against/ignore/neglect/overlook. • Although it may be morally reassuring, this tale flies in the face of historical fact. Although it may be morally reassuring, this tale defies historical fact.

focal point center/focus. • The U.S.-Canada trade agreement has been the focal point of the campaign. The U.S.-Canada trade agreement has been the focus of the campaign.

focus (media/people’s/public) attention on/upon advertise/announce/blazon/broadcast/disclose/divulge/expose/herald/indicate/make known/make public/mention/point out/point to/present/proclaim/promote/publicize/reveal/show/tell/uncover/unveil. • All this has helped us focus attention on the problem. All this has helped us publicize the problem.

focus ... attention on/upon concentrate on/focus on. • It’s time we focus our attention on the plight of the poor. It’s time we focus on the plight of the poor. • I was too wrapped up in my own concerns to be able to focus my attention on him. I was too wrapped up in my own concerns to be able to concentrate on him.

focus ... effort on/upon concentrate on/focus on. • He said the crew would focus efforts on saving baby penguins. He said the crew would concentrate on saving baby penguins.

focus ... energy on/upon concentrate on/focus on. • If production focuses its energies on manufacturing a product at the lowest possible cost, but the sales department is willing to accept unprofitable orders, conflict will arise. If production focuses on manufacturing a product at the lowest possible cost, but the sales department is willing to accept unprofitable orders, conflict will arise.

focus in focus. • We’re focusing in on what we have to do to achieve this. We’re focusing on what we have to do to achieve this.

focus of attention cynosure/focus.

focus ... time and energy on/upon concentrate on/focus on. • With Bonney managing all aspects of our temporary staffing program, our HR staff is able to focus time and energy on other responsibilities. With Bonney managing all aspects of our temporary staffing program, our HR staff is able to focus on other responsibilities.

fold up fold. • The commission folded up because the voters implicitly voted to have it fold up. The commission folded because the voters implicitly voted to have it fold.

follow after follow. • Your META tags should follow after your <TITLE></TITLE> tags. Your META tags should follow your <TITLE></TITLE> tags. • The company’s marketing manager explained that more celebration activities would follow after the basketball tournament. The company’s marketing manager explained that more celebration activities would follow the basketball tournament.

follow along the lines of ape/copy/be like/duplicate/imitate/look like/match/mimic/replicate/resemble. • There might be a settlement on rates by the end of this year; however, we doubt it will follow along the lines of the New York rate case moratorium. There might be a settlement on rates by the end of this year; however, we doubt it will resemble the New York rate case moratorium. • If you are looking for a good vampire novel that doesn’t follow along the lines of authors past, try wrapping your fangs around the on-going saga of “The Red Fang.” If you are looking for a good vampire novel that doesn’t imitate authors past, try wrapping your fangs around the on-going saga of “The Red Fang.”

follow ... below below/follow. • Look at the following sentences below. Look at the following sentences.

food fare fare/food. • As we went from line to line, we couldn’t believe how many were willing to wait so long for just a small portion of the food fare being offered. As we went from line to line, we couldn’t believe how many were willing to wait so long for just a small portion of the fare being offered.

foot pedal pedal. • Investigators believe a thick metal foot pedal in the helicopter stopped the bullet from striking the pilot. Investigators believe a thick metal pedal in the helicopter stopped the bullet from striking the pilot.

for all intents and purposes effectively/essentially/in effect/in essence/practically/virtually. • Following the treatment with interleukin-2, the nodule for all intents and purposes disappeared. Following the treatment with interleukin-2, the nodule virtually disappeared.

for all practical purposes effectively/essentially/in effect/in essence/practically/virtually. • For all practical purposes, there will be no expansion in existing programs. There will be virtually no expansion in existing programs. • For all practical purposes, there are but two ways to get this information. In essence, there are but two ways to get this information.

for a long time/while long. • She has wanted to travel to Europe for a long time. She has long wanted to travel to Europe.

for (an) extended/prolonged/protracted amount of time/length of time/period/period of time/span of time/time/while awhile/for a long time/while/for a time/while/for days (hours/weeks/years)/long. • We had observed this family for a prolonged period of time. We had long observed this family.

for another (thing) second. • For another thing, there is still ample legal precedent for highly effective affirmative action programs that stop short of specific quotas. Second, there is still ample legal precedent for highly effective affirmative action programs that stop short of specific quotas.

forasmuch as because/considering/for/given/in that/since. • Forasmuch as Brian and Laura have consented together in wedlock, and have pledged themselves each to the other in the presence of this company, I do now pronounce that they are husband and wife. In that Brian and Laura have consented together in wedlock, and have pledged themselves each to the other in the presence of this company, I do now pronounce that they are husband and wife.

for a while awhile. • After this program executes for a while, procedure B is called. After this program executes awhile, procedure B is called.

for awhile awhile. • If the program continues to run for awhile, the answer may not be so clear. If the program continues to run awhile, the answer may not be so clear.

forebearer forebear. • Episodic reform movements were separated by long periods when many citizens, much like their Colonial forebearers, fantasized that Americans had created a near-utopian society. Episodic reform movements were separated by long periods when many citizens, much like their Colonial forebears, fantasized that Americans had created a near-utopian society.

forecast ... future forecast/foretell/predict. • After a model is identified as being a good predictor, it is used to forecast future sales. After a model is identified as being a good predictor, it is used to forecast sales.

(the) foregoing that/those/the/this (these). • On top of the foregoing, the recent legislation on extending mandatory retirement further heightens the concern about job performance in the later years. On top of this, the recent legislation on extending mandatory retirement further heightens the concern about job performance in the later years.

foreign import import. • Of course he’s against foreign imports, the Mariners don’t have the money to bring in top overseas players. Of course he’s against imports, the Mariners don’t have the money to bring in top overseas players. • Norman farmers have even set fire to live lambs in a dispute over cheap foreign imports. Norman farmers have even set fire to live lambs in a dispute over cheap imports.

(the) forenamed that/those/the/this (these).

foretell ... future forecast/foretell/predict. • If you choose to believe that the cards do foretell future events, the obvious follow-up question is whether events suggested by the cards are set in stone, or whether they can be avoided. If you choose to believe that the cards do foretell events, the obvious follow-up question is whether events suggested by the cards are set in stone, or whether they can be avoided.

forever and a day always/ceaselessly/consistently/constantly/endlessly/eternally/everlastingly/everyday/forever/invariably/never ending/perpetually/routinely/unfailingly.

forevermore always/evermore/forever. • I am not naive enough to think that we will forevermore walk hand in hand with the business community to clean the environment. I am not naive enough to think that we will forever walk hand in hand with the business community to clean the environment.

forewarn warn. • We do, however, forewarn the authorities in charge of our planet’s destiny against decisions which are supported by pseudoscientific arguments or false and nonrelevant data. We do, however, warn the authorities in charge of our planet’s destiny against decisions which are supported by pseudoscientific arguments or false and nonrelevant data.

for example/for instance say. • When the scanner reads the bar code on, for example, a can of beans, the computer looks up the product number the bar code represents and returns its name and price to the register. When the scanner reads the bar code on, say, a can of beans, the computer looks up the product number the bar code represents and returns its name and price to the register.

for example ... and others/and so forth/and so on/and such/and the like/et al./etc./or whatever and others/and so forth/and so on/and such/and the like/et al./etc./or/e.g./for example/for instance. • Many other examples of the influence religion has on buyer behavior—for example, on values and norms, time, sense of self, and so forth—will be found in the following sections. Many other examples of the influence religion has on buyer behavior—on values and norms, time, sense of self, and so forth—will be found in the following sections.

for fear (that/of) ... (can/could/may/might/shall/should/will/would) lest. • Few of us know what to say to friends who are mourning, so we may avoid them for fear we’ll say the wrong thing. Few of us know what to say to friends who are mourning, so we may avoid them lest we say the wrong thing. • The Arab League has meanwhile refused to transfer millions of dollars in aid to the PA for fear that top officials would lay their hands on the money. The Arab League has meanwhile refused to transfer millions of dollars in aid to the PA lest top officials lay their hands on the money.

for free free. • Purchasers of 1.0 versions will receive 1.1 upgrades for free from IBM. Purchasers of 1.0 versions will receive free 1.1 upgrades from IBM.

for/in/to (the) furtherance of for/to advance/to foster/to further/to promote. • Neither the conspiracy itself nor the overt acts allegedly done in furtherance of it were directed toward Boisjoly. Neither the conspiracy itself nor the overt acts allegedly done to foster it were directed toward Boisjoly. • This is done in furtherance of the principle that all witness identifications be made independently. This is done to advance the principle that all witness identifications be made independently. • In furtherance of its corporate purposes, the corporation shall have all the general powers enumerated in Article 1396-2.02. To further its corporate purposes, the corporation shall have all the general powers enumerated in Article 1396-2.02.

for (an) indefinite/indeterminate amount of time/length of time/period/period of time/span of time/time/while briefly/for a time/for a while/indefinitely/temporarily. • We are freezing prices and wages for an indefinite period. We are freezing prices and wages temporarily.

for instance ... and others/and so forth/and so on/and such/and the like/et al./etc./or whatever and others/and so forth/and so on/and such/and the like/et al./etc./or/e.g./for example/for instance. • Use one of these labels to assign a number and perhaps a descriptive title to each disk, for instance, Disk 1: Letters, Disk 2: Spreadsheet Files, Disk 3: Reports, and so on. Use one of these labels to assign a number and perhaps a descriptive title to each disk, for instance, Disk 1: Letters, Disk 2: Spreadsheet Files, and Disk 3: Reports.

for long long. • If top executives cannot control their responsibilities, they usually do not remain in their positions for long. If top executives cannot control their responsibilities, they usually do not remain long in their positions.

form (a/the) judgment (about/as to/concerning/of/on/regarding) assess/conclude/decide/deduce/determine/evaluate/infer/judge/reason/resolve/settle. • Voters cannot form a judgment unless the candidates say what they mean. Voters cannot decide unless the candidates say what they mean. • The Stock Selection Guide helps you to learn the facts about a company’s past and present and form a judgment as to its likely value in the future. The Stock Selection Guide helps you to learn the facts about a company’s past and present and assess its likely value in the future.

form (an/the) opinion (about/as to/concerning/of/on/regarding) assess/conclude/decide/deduce/determine/evaluate/infer/judge/reason/resolve/settle. • Just as you should not form an opinion of a person you meet based upon a fragment (first impression), so you should not form an opinion of the market. Just as you should not judge a person you meet based upon a fragment (first impression), so you should not judge the market.

form (a/the) resolution (about/as to/concerning/of/on/regarding) conclude/decide/determine/resolve/settle. • When you rise in the morning, form a resolution to make the day a happy one for a fellow creature. When you rise in the morning, resolve to make the day a happy one for a fellow creature. • Then bring the two sides together to form a resolution to peacefully and equitably end the conflict. Then bring the two sides together to determine to peacefully and equitably end the conflict.

formulate devise/form/make. • Have you formulated no opinion about her? Have you formed no opinion about her?

for obvious reasons obviously. • For obvious reasons, he wants to announce his choice at the convention. Obviously, he wants to announce his choice at the convention.

for one (thing) first. • For one thing, a national program would have to be tailored to each state because the delivery of health care services can differ significantly. First, a national program would have to be tailored to each state because the delivery of health care services can differ significantly.

for one ... (be) an example/an instance (be) an example (an instance)/for one/one example (one instance). • The Massachusetts Industrial Services Program, for one, is an example of the kind of broad industrial extension service we think is needed to retool manufacturing facilities. The Massachusetts Industrial Services Program is one example of the kind of broad industrial extension service we think is needed to retool manufacturing facilities.

for ... purposes (of) for/so as to/to. • The money we receive from licensing John Wayne’s image is used entirely for charitable purposes. The money we receive from licensing John Wayne’s image is used entirely for charity.

for reasons of after/because of/by/for/from/in/out of/through. • When airlines have replaced older planes, they have done so primarily for reasons of economics—newer aircraft cost less to inspect and repair. When airlines have replaced older planes, they have done so primarily because of economics—newer aircraft cost less to inspect and repair.

for some time (now) long. • I have enjoyed reading your articles for some time now. I have long enjoyed reading your articles.

for that matter also/and/as well/besides/beyond that/this/even/further/furthermore/moreover/more than that/this/still more/then/too/what’s more delete. • How can they speak up and tell the South Africans what they should do with their people or, for that matter, what the Soviet Union should do with its Jewish population? How can they speak up and tell the South Africans what they should do with their people, or even what the Soviet Union should do with its Jewish population?

for that/this reason consequently/hence/so/then/therefore/thus. • For that reason, I wouldn’t do it again. I therefore wouldn’t do it again.

for the duration/length of during/throughout. • The company intends to maintain silence for the duration of the sale process. The company intends to maintain silence during the sale process.

for the first/last time first/last. • The series of studies were presented for the first time at the three-day conference. The series of studies were first presented at the three-day conference.

for the foreseeable future for a time/for a while/for now/for many (several) months (years)/for some time/for the present/for the time being/temporarily. • He is one of those who believes that a recession can be avoided for the foreseeable future. He is one of those who believes that a recession can be avoided for now.

for the immediate future for a time/for a while/for now/for many (several) months (years)/for some time/for the present/for the time being/temporarily. • Several said they were canceling planned business trips for the immediate future. Several said they were canceling planned business trips for the present.

for the most part almost all/chiefly/commonly/generally/greatly/in general/largely/mainly/most/mostly/most often/much/nearly all/normally/overall/typically/usually. • Those problems for the most part have been overcome. Those problems have been largely overcome.

for the (very) near future for a time/for a while/for now/for many (several) months (years)/for some time/for the present/for the time being/temporarily. • While the analysts expected Kraft and General Foods to exist as separate entities for the near future, they said they did not expect the honeymoon to last forever. While the analysts expected Kraft and General Foods to exist as separate entities for now, they said they did not expect the honeymoon to last forever.

for the not-so-distant/not-too-distant future for a time/for a while/for now/for many (several) months (years)/for some time/for the present/for the time being/temporarily.

for the present for now delete. • Perhaps one day we shall find an Etruscan library, buried deep in the Italian countryside, but for the present, we have to make do with what we have, which is precious little. Perhaps one day we shall find an Etruscan library, buried deep in the Italian countryside, but for now, we have to make do with what we have, which is precious little.

for the purpose of (-ing) for (-ing)/so as to/to. • All deposited items are received for the purpose of collection, and all credits for deposited items are provisional. All deposited items are received for collection, and all credits for deposited items are provisional. • The mission of the Deaf Dog Education Action Fund is to provide education and funding for the purpose of improving and/or saving the lives of deaf dogs. The mission of the Deaf Dog Education Action Fund is to provide education and funding so as to improve and/or save the lives of deaf dogs. • Trade Council of Iceland was established in 1986 for the purpose of promoting exports and increasing marketing awareness among Icelandic companies. Trade Council of Iceland was established in 1986 to promote exports and increase marketing awareness among Icelandic companies.

for the (simple) reason that because/considering/for/given/in that/since. • Normally, short-term Treasuries yield less than longer-term Treasuries, for the simple reason that investors demand to be rewarded for tying up their money in longer-term instruments. Normally, short-term Treasuries yield less than longer-term Treasuries since investors demand to be rewarded for tying up their money in longer-term instruments. • It’s not a bestseller for the simple reason that people aren’t brave enough to read it. It’s not a bestseller because people aren’t brave enough to read it.

for the sake of for/so as to/to. • I have never found it necessary to practice “defensive medicine,” if that means doing that which would not otherwise be done solely for the sake of protecting oneself against possible legal action. I have never found it necessary to practice “defensive medicine,” if that means doing that which would not otherwise be done solely to protect oneself against possible legal action.

for the time/while being for now/for the moment/for the present delete. • For the time being, look at the current PLOT ORIGIN and the SCALE. For the moment, look at the current PLOT ORIGIN and the SCALE.

for (decades) ... to come for (decades) ... • This can go on for generations to come. This can go on for generations. • We think it’ll act as a model for future elections to come. We think it’ll act as a model for future elections. • If the contaminants end up in the marine sediments/muds, then they will remain there for decades to come.If the contaminants end up in the marine sediments/muds, then they will remain there for decades.

forward in/into the future forward/in/into the future. • He misleads those who may be truly seeking to understand where the Jews come from and how, as Jews, they can best carry their traditions forward into the future. He misleads those who may be truly seeking to understand where the Jews come from and how, as Jews, they can best carry their traditions forward. • AgriVision will take a real and practical look at how to take UK farming forward into the future. AgriVision will take a real and practical look at how to take UK farming into the future.

forward planning/progress planning/progress. • Such a relationship can shift the emphasis onto future events and encourage better forward planning.Such a relationship can shift the emphasis onto future events and encourage better planning. • Gannett Co., Inc. convinces investors it is making forward progress and has improved. Gannett Co., Inc. convinces investors it is making progress and has improved.

for (many/several) years (now) long. • The few policies I was able to get from SBLI have, for many years now, paid me an annual dividend, with no payment of any premium. The few policies I was able to get from SBLI have long paid me an annual dividend, with no payment of any premium.

for your information delete. • For your information, links may not appear underlined, but will appear in this color. Links may not appear underlined, but will appear in this color.

fourthly fourth.

frame of mind attitude/belief/opinion/position/posture/stand/standpoint/vantage/view/viewpoint delete.

fraught with meaning/moment/consequence/significance consequential/meaningful/momentous/significant. • If nothing else, the question is fraught with significance for Democrats trying to figure out whether to mount a campaign today that will peak three years from now. If nothing else, the question is significant for Democrats trying to figure out whether to mount a campaign today that will peak three years from now. • Silly or not, the prices we settle for are fraught with meaning for they either substantiate our travel savvy or betray our gullibility. Silly or not, the prices we settle for are meaningful for they either substantiate our travel savvy or betray our gullibility.

free and clear clear/free. • Section 363(f) authorizes sale of property free and clear of any interest in the property held by another entity if certain conditions exist. Section 363(f) authorizes sale of property free of any interest in the property held by another entity if certain conditions exist.

free and gratis free. • All the applications found in this Web site are free and gratis. All the applications found in this Web site are free. • You receive, free and gratis, the assistance, help, company and conversation of the princess whenever she is staying with you. You receive, free, the assistance, help, company and conversation of the princess whenever she is staying with you.

free, complimentary complimentary/free. • If you would like to receive a free, complimentary copy of the Samplers for each of these courses, return the enclosed self-addressed, postage-paid card and mail it today. If you would like to receive a complimentary copy of the Samplers for each of these courses, return the enclosed self-addressed, postage-paid card and mail it today.

free gift gift. • For your free gift, fill out this form today. For your gift, fill out this form today.

free of charge free. • All meetings are free of charge and open to the public. All meetings are free and open to the public.

free pass pass.

free up free. • On some programs, rows and columns can be deleted to free up memory for new data on a model. On some programs, rows and columns can be deleted to free memory for new data on a model. • Dropping a basic skill would free children’s minds up to use high-level thinking skills. Dropping a basic skill would free children’s minds to use high-level thinking skills. • Perhaps the biggest sense of freedom came from feeling freed up from my own bitterness and resentment. Perhaps the biggest sense of freedom came from feeling freed from my own bitterness and resentment.

freezing cold cold/freezing. • It’s freezing cold outside. It’s freezing outside.

frightening scare scare.

from (a/the) ... aspect (of) as (does)/as for/as to/for/from/in/in that/-(al)ly/since/to delete. • From a legal aspect, the joint venture falls under local company or corporation law when participation is in the form of equity. Legally, the joint venture falls under local company or corporation law when participation is in the form of equity.

from beginning to end all through/completely/entirely/thoroughly/throughout/totally/wholly delete. • I listened to the whole song, from beginning to end. I listened to the whole song. • Our surety bonding software is custom designed to meet your specific needs from beginning to end. Our surety bonding software is custom designed to meet your specific needs completely.

from (a/the) ... distance of from/from ... away. • Most of the spectators watched from a distance of 1,300 feet, while the Soviet observers viewed the firings from a concrete bunker. Most of the spectators watched from 1,300 feet away, while the Soviet observers viewed the firings from a concrete bunker.

from hence hence.

from minute/moment to minute/moment directly/momentarily/momently/presently/soon. • I expect them from moment to moment. I expect them momently.

from now (on) hence.

from ... on/onward since. • Other researchers had already confirmed that from 200 A.D. onward there had been human sacrifices of varying kinds. Other researchers had already confirmed that since 200 A.D. there had been human sacrifices of varying kinds.

from one ... to another between. • Moving your funds from one institution to another is easy to do, and there is no tax liability or IRS penalty at all, if you follow the correct procedures. Moving your funds between institutions is easy to do, and there is no tax liability or IRS penalty at all, if you follow the correct procedures.

from (a/the) ... perspective (of) as (does)/as for/as to/for/from/in/in that/-(al)ly/since/to delete. • From my perspective, trashing my system makes a lot of sense. Trashing my system makes a lot of sense to me. • From a historical perspective, there have been more than a few cases where decisions that have been rendered seem to fly in the face of the evidence. Historically, there have been more than a few cases where decisions that have been rendered seem to fly in the face of the evidence.

from (a/the) ... point of view (of) as (does)/as for/as to/for/from/in/in that/-(al)ly/since/to delete. • You’ve got to look at it from an optimistic point of view. You’ve got to look at it optimistically. • I try to see things from the customer’s point of view. I try to see things as the customer does.

from (a/the) ... standpoint (of) as (does)/as for/as to/for/from/in/in that/-(al)ly/since/to delete. • From a statistical standpoint, who is most vulnerable to colon-rectal cancer? Statistically, who is most vulnerable to colon-rectal cancer? • I have had some experience with grief from a personal standpoint. I have had some personal experience with grief. • The proposed purchase price is indeed a good value from the city’s standpoint. The proposed purchase price is indeed a good value for the city. • A move to Jacksonville will be highly profitable for the club and would be smart from a business standpoint. A move to Jacksonville will be highly profitable for the club and would be smart business. • From a medical standpoint, we don’t have any evidence that the senator abuses alcohol. We don’t have any medical evidence that the senator abuses alcohol.

from start to finish all through/completely/entirely/thoroughly/throughout/totally/wholly.

from that day/moment/point/time forward/on/onward from then (on)/since/since then delete. • From that point on, she hasn’t said a word to me. Since then, she hasn’t said a word to me.

from the beginning/start always. • From the start, it has been a haven for those whose religions or political beliefs were not tolerated in their homelands. It has always been a haven for those whose religions or political beliefs were not tolerated in their homelands.

from the fact that because/considering/for/given/in that/since.

from/in the following year from/in (1991).

from/in the preceding year from/in (1989). • At year-end 1987, 70,893 persons were employed within Ericsson, a decrease of 1,682 from the preceding year. At year-end 1987, 70,893 persons were employed within Ericsson, a decrease of 1,682 from 1986.

from the time of ... (on) since. • From the time of the Elizabethan settlement on, the Church of England attempted, with varying degrees of success, to consolidate its position both as a distinctive middle way between Catholicism and Puritanism and as the national religion of England. Since the Elizabethan settlement, the Church of England attempted, with varying degrees of success, to consolidate its position both as a distinctive middle way between Catholicism and Puritanism and as the national religion of England.

from this day/moment/point/time forward/on/onward from now (on)/hence/henceforth/henceforward delete. • From this point on, elected students and faculty will be running the affairs of the school. Henceforth, elected students and faculty will be running the affairs of the school.

from ... until from ... to. • This book is intriguing because it also concerns the role of that on-again, off-again colonial revival in popular culture from 1876 until the present. This book is intriguing because it also concerns the role of that on-again, off-again colonial revival in popular culture from 1876 to the present.

from (a/the) ... viewpoint (of) as (does)/as for/as to/for/from/in/in that/-(al)ly/since/to delete. • From a business viewpoint, it makes good sense to free brain power from the drudgery of processing data and to engage it in finding new ways to apply that data. It makes good sense for business to free brain power from the drudgery of processing data and to engage it in finding new ways to apply that data.

from whence whence. • From whence did he draw his strength? Whence did he draw his strength?

full capacity capacity. • Demand for petroleum products was so strong that refineries were operating at or near full capacity. Demand for petroleum products was so strong that refineries were operating at or near capacity.

full/maximum potential/potentiality potential/potentiality. • If we are to achieve our full potential, we must see beyond the routine. If we are to achieve our potential, we must see beyond the routine.

full satisfaction satisfaction.

(the) function of delete. • The function of settling disputes requires the exercise of tact and concern for resolution of conflicts. Settling disputes requires the exercise of tact and concern for resolution of conflicts.

fundamental basic delete.

fundamental (and) basic basic/fundamental. • These are fundamental and basic rights. These are basic rights.

fundamental basis basis. • The fundamental basis of any relationship is truth. The basis of any relationship is truth.

fundamental principle principle.

furiously angry angry/furious. • She’s furiously angry. She’s furious.

further more. • For further information, or free form samples, contact Deluxe at their toll-free number. For more information, or free form samples, contact Deluxe at their toll-free number.

furthermore also/and/as well/besides/even/further/still more/then/too. • Furthermore, some of the changes may reduce the extent to which issuers may issue tax-exempt bonds. Further, some of the changes may reduce the extent to which issuers may issue tax-exempt bonds.

fuse together fuse. • Most metals, except for low- and medium-carbon steels, require fluxes to aid in the process of melting and fusing the metals together. Most metals, except for low- and medium-carbon steels, require fluxes to aid in the process of melting and fusing the metals.

future developments developments. • Please check back regularly for updates and future developments. Please check back regularly for updates and developments.

future plans plans. • He said future plans call for the introduction of 20-Mbs service by 2012. He said plans call for the introduction of 20-Mbs service by 2012.

future projections projections.

future prospects prospects. • Proponents of the information center concept, Smith Consultants are not overly hopeful about its future prospects. Proponents of the information center concept, Smith Consultants are not overly hopeful about its prospects.


gather together gather. • In Dubai, about 400 relatives of the dead and their supporters gathered together for a memorial service at a large Shiite mosque. In Dubai, about 400 relatives of the dead and their supporters gathered for a memorial service at a large Shiite mosque.

general consensus consensus. • The general consensus among corporations is to be cautious about 1989. The consensus among corporations is to be cautious about 1989.

general public public.

general vicinity vicinity/area.

gentleman man. • Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see these gentlemen put out of business. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see these men put out of business.

geographical geographic. • Several large commercial banks provide economic data and forecasts for the geographical area they serve. Several large commercial banks provide economic data and forecasts for the geographic area they serve.

geological geologic. • On-site geological studies would be needed to confirm an impact origin. On-site geologic studies would be needed to confirm an impact origin.

geometrical geometric.

get across convey/explain. • There’s an important element here that we need to get across. There’s an important element here that we need to convey.

get in touch with call/contact/phone/reach/visit/write (to). • Agency representatives with reports to enter can get in touch with him at (703) 323-5711. Agency representatives with reports to enter can reach him at (703) 323-5711.

get married marry. • We plan to get married in the fall. We plan to marry in the fall.

give (a/the) ... (for/of/to) delete. • Give an estimate on the amount of time it will take and the number of people you will need. Estimate the amount of time it will take and the number of people you will need. • The Book of Leviticus gives a list of the women who are not available to marry certain men. The Book of Leviticus lists the women who are not available to marry certain men. • The main purpose of choosing an outside auditor is to guarantee to insiders and interested outsiders that the financial data presented in financial documents give an accurate representation of events. The main purpose of choosing an outside auditor is to guarantee to insiders and interested outsiders that the financial data presented in financial documents accurately represent events. • They work hard; they deserve to be given compensation. They work hard; they deserve to be compensated. • Did he give any indication of what he plans to do? Did he indicate what he plans to do? • I’ll give you a call at the end of the week. I’ll call you at the end of the week. • I hope you will give me consideration for diverse projects. I hope you will consider me for diverse projects. • Many small businesses and private individuals are giving serious consideration to their energy and resource needs for the year ahead. Many small businesses and private individuals are seriously considering their energy and resource needs for the year ahead. • Thanks to Craig for taking the time out of his busy schedule to give this book a read. Thanks to Craig for taking the time out of his busy schedule to read this book.

give birth to bear. • The prospect that the princess might give birth to a girl has already sparked speculation that there will be pressure to change the law. The prospect that the princess might bear a girl has already sparked speculation that there will be pressure to change the law. • This dilemma gave birth to an idea that was to revolutionize the road building industry. This dilemma bore an idea that was to revolutionize the road building industry.

given at/in at/in. • Since all limits are given in thousandths, the values can be converted by moving the decimal point three places to the left. Since all limits are in thousandths, the values can be converted by moving the decimal point three places to the left.

given the fact that because/considering/for/given/in that/since/when. • Given the fact that she only read 400 pages of the book, she didn’t do too badly. Considering she only read 400 pages of the book, she didn’t do too badly. • Given the fact that more than 90 percent of information is still in paper form, this is indeed a tall order. Since more than 90 percent of information is still in paper form, this is indeed a tall order.

give offense to offend. • Ask them to develop a set of labels that does not give offense to any group of countries. Ask them to develop a set of labels that does not offend any group of countries.

give rise to bear/cause. • The researchers concluded that abnormalities in the neurotransmitter system may give rise to the depression in demented patients. The researchers concluded that abnormalities in the neurotransmitter system may cause the depression in demented patients.

go along with agree with/back/endorse/favor/support. • He was unwilling to say whether he would go along with such a recommendation. He was unwilling to say whether he would support such a recommendation.

(just) goes to show attests/proves/reveals/shows/supports/verifies delete. • It just goes to show that safety in driving is most important. It shows that safety in driving is most important.

(it) goes without saying (that) clearly/naturally/obviously/of course/plainly delete. • This may go without saying, but I also look at a person’s motivation, commitment, and energy. Naturally, I also look at a person’s motivation, commitment, and energy.

go fetch fetch. • Some rural communities may be asked to go fetch their mail from the post office rather than have it delivered. Some rural communities may be asked to fetch their mail from the post office rather than have it delivered. • He sent someone else to go fetch his truck, with Favre taunting with a friendly wave as he jumps in and drives away. He sent someone else to fetch his truck, with Favre taunting with a friendly wave as he jumps in and drives away.

go forward advance/continue/go on/happen/move on/occur/proceed/progress. • We want the project to go forward as soon as possible, and we are confident that these issues can be addressed. We want the project to proceed as soon as possible, and we are confident that these issues can be addressed. • McVeigh prosecutors predict execution will go forward. McVeigh prosecutors predict execution will occur.

good and sufficient adequate/good/sufficient. • We think that the safety of present plants is good and sufficient. We think that the safety of present plants is adequate.

go through ... experience experience/go through. • I think I’m a much better person for having gone through that experience. I think I’m a much better person for having experienced that.

GPS system GPS.

grateful thanks gratitude/thanks.

(a/the) greater/larger number (of) more. • Usually the greater number of services offered, the larger the margin needed on each side to maintain profitability. Usually the more services offered, the larger the margin needed on each side to maintain profitability.

(a/the) great/large fraction (of) a good (great) deal (of)/a good (great) many (of)/almost all (of)/many (of)/most (of)/much (of)/nearly all (of)/three-fourths (two-thirds) (of). • Of the numerous complete fossils discovered in this quarry, a large fraction are either babies or mothers carrying young. Of the numerous complete fossils discovered in this quarry, most are either babies or mothers carrying young.

group together group. • The Chapter command divides your Notepad pages into chapters and groups together related information. The Chapter command divides your Notepad pages into chapters and groups related information. • There have been debates for decades regarding the best ways for employees to be grouped together. There have been debates for decades regarding the best ways for employees to be grouped.


had ... then had. • Had he exhibited the kind of behavior that would have warranted such a recommendation, then it would have been made. Had he exhibited the kind of behavior that would have warranted such a recommendation, it would have been made.

hale and hearty hale/healthy/hearty/well.

half (a) dozen six.

half of half. • The menus occupy almost half of the screen display. The menus occupy almost half the screen display.

happens to be is. • The G sedan happens to be the first model to go through this nameplate metamorphosis. The G sedan is the first model to go through this nameplate metamorphosis. • He’s an evangelical Christian Tea Partier with impeccable social-conservative bona fides—and he happens to be black. He’s an evangelical Christian Tea Partier with impeccable social-conservative bona fides—and he is black.

harbinger of the future/of things to come harbinger/omen/sign. • I hope it is a harbinger of the future. I hope it is an omen. • This made 1989 the most stable year in terms of oil prices since 1984, and was widely interpreted as a harbinger of things to come: a more prosperous era for OPEC. This made 1989 the most stable year in terms of oil prices since 1984, and was widely interpreted as a harbinger: a more prosperous era for OPEC.

hard and fast firm/fixed/steadfast/strict.

has (a/the) ... (about/for/of/on/over) delete. • If you have intentions of going, you should make your reservations now. If you intend to go, you should make your reservations now. • He has control over the entire program. He controls the entire program. • Boston has the need for a new harbor tunnel. Boston needs a new harbor tunnel. • The strategic partnering lawyer must have a firm grasp of the fundamentals of the legal principles in Europe and in the Far East. The strategic partnering lawyer must firmly grasp the fundamentals of the legal principles in Europe and in the Far East. • Applicants should have knowledge of intersections of race, ethnicity, class, and sexualities in feminist studies. Applicants should know intersections of race, ethnicity, class, and sexualities in feminist studies.

has a bearing on/upon acts on/affects/bears on/influences. • What we are learning about primates and other social species has a direct bearing on our own species. What we are learning about primates and other social species directly bears on our own species.

has (an/the) ability to can/is able to. • Eighty percent of the retail deposit accounts have the ability to be accessed by a debit card even though actual usage is much less. Eighty percent of the retail deposit accounts can be accessed by a debit card even though actual usage is much less.

has a/the capability to can/is able to.

has a difference of opinion with differs/disagrees with/disputes/objects to/opposes. • We have a difference of opinion with the decision the judge made. We disagree with the decision the judge made.

has a/the habit of (-ing) tends to/will. • He has a habit of biting his nails. He tends to bite his nails.

has (an/the) appreciation for appreciates/approves of/cherishes/enjoys/esteems/likes/prizes/treasures/understands/values. • Most people don’t have an appreciation for esoteric beliefs. Most people don’t appreciate esoteric beliefs.

has a/the preference for favors/prefers. • By now, you will have gathered that I have a strong preference for organization along functional lines. By now, you will have gathered that I strongly prefer organization along functional lines. • He plays piano and has a preference for Mozart and Beethoven. He plays piano and prefers Mozart and Beethoven. • Segregated or pooled accounts will be considered but the client has a preference for segregated accounts. Segregated or pooled accounts will be considered but the client favors segregated accounts.

has a/the tendency (to) tends to/will. • As a community, the Basques have a tendency to be healthy and long-lived. As a community, the Basques tend to be healthy and long-lived. • Roth is a similar type player who has a tendency to lose his temper. Roth is a similar type player who tends to lose his temper. • He said mankind has a tendency to think that anything enjoyable must be bad for us. He said mankind tends to think that anything enjoyable must be bad for us.

has (a) ... effect on/upon acts on/affects/bears on/influences delete. • Over the past twenty years, the U.S. economy has had a significant effect on the Amish way of life. Over the past twenty years, the U.S. economy has significantly influenced the Amish way of life. • Human activity is changing the composition of the atmosphere in ways that could have profound effects upon life on the Earth. Human activity is changing the composition of the atmosphere in ways that could profoundly affect life on the Earth.

has got has/must. • A woman has got to love a bad man once or twice in her life, to be thankful for a good one. A woman has to love a bad man once or twice in her life, to be thankful for a good one.

has (a) ... impact on/upon acts on/affects/bears on/influences delete. • It has a direct impact on the majority of the American people. It directly affects the majority of the American people. • Your tone of voice, expression, and apparent receptiveness to others’ responses all have a tremendous impact upon those you wish to reach. Your tone of voice, expression, and apparent receptiveness to others’ responses all tremendously influence those you wish to reach.

has (a) ... influence on/upon acts on/affects/bears on/influences delete. • Management was alerted to the fact that the social environment of employees had a great influence on productivity. Management was alerted to the fact that the social environment of employees greatly affected productivity.

has occasion to be is. • The ombudsman often has occasion to be aware of problems arising between levels and units. The ombudsman often is aware of problems arising between levels and units. • If he has occasion to be in Washington, the president likes to spend time with him. If he is in Washington, the president likes to spend time with him. • Some fifty years later I had occasion to be in the vicinity of that church and I went in, just to see. Some fifty years later I was in the vicinity of that church and I went in, just to see. • If you have ever had occasion to be deprived of your normal sleep, you know how hard it is to function when you haven’t had enough rest. If you have ever been deprived of your normal sleep, you know how hard it is to function when you haven’t had enough rest.

has only to need only. • To view any of the channels available, you have only to switch between channels. To view any of the channels available, you need only switch between channels.

has reference to concerns/deals with/is about/pertains to/regards/relates to. • Abase has reference to a bringing down in condition or feelings; debase has reference to the bringing down of a thing in purity; degrade has reference to a bringing down from some higher grade or from some standard. Abase pertains to a bringing down in condition or feelings; debase pertains to the bringing down of a thing in purity; degrade pertains to a bringing down from some higher grade or from some standard. • This letter has reference to the outstanding series of articles in your esteemed daily appearing in the column “Without Malice.” This letter concerns the outstanding series of articles in your esteemed daily appearing in the column “Without Malice.”

has the effect of -ing -s delete. • Such a slowdown would have the effect of easing inflationary fears. Such a slowdown would ease inflationary fears. • The Seven of Diamonds is called the Ugly Card, and has the effect of doubling the negative value of any Jacks collected by the player who wins a trick containing this card. The Seven of Diamonds is called the Ugly Card, and doubles the negative value of any Jacks collected by the player who wins a trick containing this card. • The decision has the effect of legalizing same-sex marriage in Maine’s neighboring province. The decision legalizes same-sex marriage in Maine’s neighboring province.

has (got) to must. • I have to be going. I must be going. • He understands that he has to do as I say. He understands that he must do as I say.

(that) has to do with concerns/deals with/is about/pertains to/regards/relates to. • The first has to do with the relative merits of CD versus analog. The first pertains to the relative merits of CD versus analog.

have a conversation (about) chat/communicate/confer/converse/discuss/speak/talk. • We need to have a conversation about that. We need to talk about that. • It’s almost as if they are afraid to have a conversation about an issue when disagreement is present. It’s almost as if they are afraid to converse about an issue when disagreement is present.

have/take a listen listen. • Take a listen to the interview and check out this cool technology. Listen to the interview and check out this cool technology. • The New Year’s shows are sold out, but take a listen to his 1994 album “Dream” and you’ll be sure to get tickets well in advance next time around. The New Year’s shows are sold out, but listen to his 1994 album “Dream” and you’ll be sure to get tickets well in advance next time around. • Let’s take a listen to what the prime minister said. Let’s listen to what the prime minister said. • Have a listen. Listen.

have/take a look look. • Have a look at her. Look at her. • Yesterday, we took a look at NBC’s new sitcom slate. Yesterday, we looked at NBC’s new sitcom slate.

have/possess ... in common share. • We have no interests in common. We share no interests.

have ... in (my) possession have/possess. • We now have in our possession a class of machines that are right around energy breakeven. We now possess a class of machines that are right around energy breakeven. • Many of the tombstone pictures I now have in my possession represent a unique record because the original tombstones have been replaced with newer ones. Many of the tombstone pictures I now have represent a unique record because the original tombstones have been replaced with newer ones.

head up direct/head/lead. • Bush headed up the committee that eliminated those regulations. Bush headed the committee that eliminated those regulations.

(the) heart of the matter center/core/crux/essence/gist/heart/pith/substance/sum.

heat up heat. • I just threw it all together and then heated it up. I just threw it all together and then heated it.

(a/the) height of delete. • The stratosphere is one of the middle layers of the atmosphere that starts some 15 kilometers above Earth’s surface and extends to a height of about 50 kilometers. The stratosphere is one of the middle layers of the atmosphere that starts some 15 kilometers above Earth’s surface and extends to about 50 kilometers.

help assist assist/help. • Is there anything else I can help assist you with? Is there anything else I can help you with? • The study would touch on the health issues raised by the community to help assist in better understanding the structure and its effects. The study would touch on the health issues raised by the community to assist in better understanding the structure and its effects. • For us, it’s not a money-making thing; it’s trying to help assist the city. For us, it’s not a money-making thing; it’s trying to help the city.

help in/of -ing help (-ing). • Those who have no diversions or hobbies may need help in selecting appropriate activities. Those who have no diversions or hobbies may need help selecting appropriate activities. • The work may also help in tracking down inherited influences in mental diseases. The work may also help track down inherited influences in mental diseases.

help out help. • They’re very eager to help out. They’re very eager to help.

help ... to help. • Following these guidelines may help to cut down on the amount of aspirin you need. Following these guidelines may help cut down on the amount of aspirin you need.

henceforth/henceforward hence.

henceforth and forevermore forevermore/henceforth. • And let this be the end of him as a subject of discussion between us or even correspondence, henceforth and forevermore. And let this be the end of him as a subject of discussion between us or even correspondence, forevermore. • I pray fervently “that the world is going to be stuck with” you from henceforth and forevermore! I pray fervently “that the world is going to be stuck with” you from henceforth!

hereafter hence.

(the) here and now (just/right) now/presently/the present.

hereinafter (referred to as) delete. • A limited partnership (hereinafter “the Partnership”) is under contract with a political subdivision of the State of Connecticut (hereinafter “the Agency”) to operate, manage and maintain the Agency’s facility (hereinafter “the Facility”). A limited partnership (“the Partnership”) is under contract with a political subdivision of the State of Connecticut (“the Agency”) to operate, manage and maintain the Agency’s facility (“the Facility”). • Under a nonrenewable ground lease (hereinafter referred to as “the Ground Lease”) with a term of 99 years, a landlord (hereinafter referred to as “the Landlord”) leased premises (hereinafter referred to as “the Leased Premises”) located in Connecticut to a general partnership (hereinafter referred to as “the Tenant”). Under a nonrenewable ground lease (“the Ground Lease”) with a term of 99 years, a landlord (“the Landlord”) leased premises (“the Leased Premises”) located in Connecticut to a general partnership (“the Tenant”).

high and dry alone/helpless/powerless.

high and low everywhere.

high and mighty arrogant/disdainful/dogmatic/domineering/haughty.

(a/the) high degree (of) abundant/a good (great) deal (of)/a good (great) many (of)/ample/broad/enormous/extensive/great/high/huge/large/many (of)/marked/most (of)/much (of)/salient/signal/significant/sizable/striking/substantial/vast delete. • Tuesday’s federal budget placed a high degree of importance on improving learning in Canada. Tuesday’s federal budget placed much importance on improving learning in Canada. • Drug development involves a high degree of risk. Drug development involves significant risk. • One of the distinguishing characteristics of the Eurobond market is its high degree of competitiveness. One of the distinguishing characteristics of the Eurobond market is its marked competitiveness. • In 2012 U.S. exports to Canada are likely to increase on the strength of the high degree of integration that exists between the Canadian and U.S. pork markets. In 2012 U.S. exports to Canada are likely to increase on the strength of the broad integration that exists between the Canadian and U.S. pork markets.

(a/the) high level (of) abundant/a good (great) deal (of)/a good (great) many (of)/ample/broad/enormous/extensive/great/high/huge/large/many (of)/marked/most (of)/much (of)/salient/signal/significant/sizable/striking/substantial/vast delete. • The London merchant banks have a very high level of expertise. The London merchant banks have vast expertise.

(a/the) high number (of) a good (great) many (of)/almost all/countless/dozens (of)/hundreds (of)/many (of)/millions (of)/most (of)/nearly all (of)/numerous/scores (of)/thousands (of). • Hampton’s high number of published recordings further supports the idea that he has spent several decades sharing his vibe playing with those who would listen. Hampton’s numerous published recordings further supports the idea that he has spent several decades sharing his vibe playing with those who would listen. • A high number of Dominicans migrate to the United States from the Dominican mountains. Thousands of Dominicans migrate to the United States from the Dominican mountains. • Even now it appears that a high number of the viewers of the film are members of the Latino communities in the United States. Even now it appears that many of the viewers of the film are members of the Latino communities in the United States.

(a/the) high percentage (of) a good (great) deal (of)/a good (great) many (of)/almost all (of)/many (of)/most (of)/much (of)/nearly all (of)/three-fourths (two-thirds) (of). • That probably is excellent advice, if these bonds represent a high percentage of your total investments. That probably is excellent advice, if these bonds represent much of your total investments.

(a/the) high proportion (of) a good (great) deal (of)/a good (great) many (of)/almost all (of)/many (of)/most (of)/much (of)/nearly all (of)/three-fourths (two-thirds) (of). • In the pharmaceutical industry, most companies devote a high proportion of their budgets to R&D expenditures. In the pharmaceutical industry, most companies devote much of their budgets to R&D expenditures.

hired mercenary mercenary.

historical experience experience/history. • The quote could be misconstrued to leave the impression that we made an explicit assumption that was at odds with recent historical experience. The quote could be misconstrued to leave the impression that we made an explicit assumption that was at odds with recent experience.

historically ... in the past historically/in the past. • I didn’t have any anxiety about being paid because I know that historically the government always has in the past. I didn’t have any anxiety about being paid because I know that historically the government always has.

historical precedent history/precedent. • We are unaware of any historical precedent that has seen a nation indefinitely borrow and consume its way to prosperity. We are unaware of any precedent that has seen a nation indefinitely borrow and consume its way to prosperity.

historical record history/record. • Mr. Macdonald is too young to have known this, but neither youth nor filial piety justifies distorting the historical record. Mr. Macdonald is too young to have known this, but neither youth nor filial piety justifies distorting the record.

(the) history of delete. • For the first time in the history of this century, the death penalty is extended beyond the borders of a single country, in spite of the laws of other countries. For the first time in this century, the death penalty is extended beyond the borders of a single country, in spite of the laws of other countries.

HIV virus HIV.

hoist up hoist.

hold a meeting meet.

hold (to) the opinion (that) assert/believe/claim/consider/contend/feel/hold/judge/maintain/regard/say/think/to/view.

hold (to) the view (that) assert/believe/claim/consider/contend/feel/hold/judge/maintain/regard/say/think/to/view. • Most utility regulators and economists hold to the view that electric utilities are “natural monopolies.” Most utility regulators and economists hold that electric utilities are “natural monopolies.”

hold true hold. • As we age, our muscles become weaker and more easily tired, and the same holds true for polio victims. As we age, our muscles become weaker and more easily tired, and the same holds for polio victims. • If these preliminary data hold true a sample size of 2500 may be insufficient to detect a 25% change with 90% confidence. If these preliminary data hold a sample size of 2500 may be insufficient to detect a 25% change with 90% confidence.

hollow tube tube.

honestly and truly/truthfully honestly/truly/truthfully delete. • I tell people what I honestly and truthfully believe. I tell people what I honestly believe.

(the) honest truth honestly/truly/(the) truth/truthfully. • The person you’re interviewing doesn’t want you to discover the honest truth. The person you’re interviewing doesn’t want you to discover the truth.

hope and expect/expectation expect/expectation/hope/trust. • It is my hope and expectation that these cuts won’t take effect. It is my hope that these cuts won’t take effect. • We hope and expect that donors will increase their support. We expect that donors will increase their support.

hopeful optimist optimist.

hopefully (I/we) hope/let’s hope delete. • Today, hopefully, we have some answers to these problems. Today, I hope, we have some answers to these problems. • We’re looking forward to working with you on this project (and hopefully others later). We’re looking forward to working with you on this project (and we hope others later). • Hopefully women’s magazines will help to empower our society’s females. Let’s hope women’s magazines will help to empower our society’s females.

(a) (whole) host of many/numerous. • There are a whole host of reasons why these people resigned from their jobs. There are many reasons why these people resigned from their jobs.

how do (you) go about (-ing) how do (you). • How do you go about getting an income tax extension? How do you get an income tax extension?

how in God’s/heaven’s name however/how ever.

how in the world/on earth however/how ever. • How in the world did you manage that? However did you manage that?

how is it (that) how come/why.

(the) hows and (the) whys aims/causes/goals/motives/purposes/reasons. • Our association has attempted to encourage proactive lending in low-income communities by working with the Fed to educate banks about the hows and whys of these investment opportunities. Our association has attempted to encourage proactive lending in low-income communities by working with the Fed to educate banks about the aims of these investment opportunities.

howsoever however.

HTML language HTML.

hue and cry clamor/hubbub/outcry. • He moved to stem the hue and cry by saying that the House would vote next week on trimming the raise to 30 percent. He moved to stem the outcry by saying that the House would vote next week on trimming the raise to 30 percent.

huge/large throng throng. • At the hotel, Sitting Bull welcomed large throngs of people who simply wanted to see him. At the hotel, Sitting Bull welcomed throngs of people who simply wanted to see him. • Even before winning the U.S. presidency, he spoke outdoors to a huge throng in Berlin last summer. Even before winning the U.S. presidency, he spoke outdoors to a throng in Berlin last summer.

human being being/female/human/male/man/person/woman. • Such a statement is beneath the dignity of any civilized human being. Such a statement is beneath the dignity of any civilized person.

human resources employees/people/persons/workers. • If the company does not have enough human resources to meet future needs, it must begin hiring them. If the company does not have enough employees to meet future needs, it must begin hiring them.

humongous big/giant/grand/great/huge/immense/large/mammoth/mighty/monstrous. • It’s a humongous amount, oceans and oceans of material. It’s a huge amount, oceans and oceans of material.

hurry up hurry.


(the) idea of delete. • A large number of today’s teens have actually thought about the idea of suicide. A large number of today’s teens have actually thought about suicide.

(an/the) identical/identically match duplicate/exact/identical/match/(the) same. • Make sure you have two forms of identification that are an identical match to your ticket documentation. Make sure you have two forms of identification that are identical to your ticket documentation.

(an/the) identical/identically (the) same duplicate/exact/identical/match/(the) same. • The operating system assumes they are the same file because the first eight characters are identically the same. The operating system assumes they are the same file because the first eight characters are identical.

I do not think so I think not. • Has there been a bloodier stain on our country’s honor and reputation than the Shock and Awe Show he premiered in Iraq a year ago? I do not think so. Has there been a bloodier stain on our country’s honor and reputation than the Shock and Awe Show he premiered in Iraq a year ago? I think not. • Certainly the former CEO’s personal improprieties are embarrassing, but do they indicate a deep flaw in the business? I don’t think so. Certainly the former CEO’s personal improprieties are embarrassing, but do they indicate a deep flaw in the business? I think not.

I don’t think I doubt/I think delete. • If Dole doesn’t act more civilized, he’s not going to make it, I don’t think. If Dole doesn’t act more civilized, he’s not going to make it. • Technology is not now being taxed, and I don’t think it will ever be taxed in the supply of these services. Technology is not now being taxed, and I doubt it will ever be taxed in the supply of these services.

if and only if if/only if. • It is agreed that the premiums stated in the Coverage Selections page are subject to recomputation if, and only if, the rates fixed and established are found not to meet the requirements of state law. It is agreed that the premiums stated in the Coverage Selections page are subject to recomputation only if the rates fixed and established are found not to meet the requirements of state law.

if and/or when if/when. • To use a program, it is not necessary for you to know all the commands because many of them are for advanced features that you learn if and when you need them. To use a program, it is not necessary for you to know all the commands because many of them are for advanced features that you learn if you need them.

if by way of hypothesis/supposition assuming (that)/supposing (that).

if ... had had. • If you had run a large number of trials, the results would be very similar. Had you run a large number of trials, the results would be very similar.

if it were not for but for/except for. • The loss would have been $261 million if it were not for an accounting change related to the treatment of income taxes. The loss would have been $261 million but for an accounting change related to the treatment of income taxes.

ifs, ands, or buts absolutely/conditions delete. • Money in an FDIC-insured account is absolutely safe—no ifs, ands, or buts. Money in an FDIC-insured account is absolutely safe.

if ... should should. • We will be alert to other opportunities if this one should collapse. We will be alert to other opportunities should this one collapse.

if that/this is the case/situation if so. • If that is the situation, please contact me for detailed information on costs and time required. If so, please contact me for detailed information on costs and time required.

if that/this is true if so.

if ... then if. • If he tells you he doesn’t ever want to have children, then you will have to make a decision. If he tells you he doesn’t ever want to have children, you will have to make a decision. • If so, then you would most likely have the learning style of doing or active experimentation. If so, you would most likely have the learning style of doing or active experimentation.

if ... were should/were. • If that were the only penalty, I would settle for keeping 22 cents on the dollar. Were that the only penalty, I would settle for keeping 22 cents on the dollar.

I’ll/let me tell you (something) delete.

illustrative example example/illustration. • From the Software Library, you can download illustrative code examples and the latest technical specifications. From the Software Library, you can download code examples and the latest technical specifications.

I’m curious why why (do). • I’m curious why you want to see him. Why do you want to see him?

I mean delete.

immunological immunologic.

impact (on/upon) (v) act on/affect/bear on/influence. • It’s the numbers that impact on all of us. It’s the numbers that influence all of us. • This ABC program enables U.S. non-profit or public institutions to support current and future collaborative training-related research on infectious diseases that impact upon people living in tropical countries. This ABC program enables U.S. non-profit or public institutions to support current and future collaborative training-related research on infectious diseases that affect people living in tropical countries.

implement achieve/complete/effect/fulfill/make/perform/produce/realize/set.

implode on itself implode. • It seems as if it’d be so obvious for the whole thing to implode on itself, so natural for everything to just fall apart. It seems as if it’d be so obvious for the whole thing to implode, so natural for everything to just fall apart.

importance import/moment. • I trust you understand the importance and implication of what he is saying. I trust you understand the import and implication of what he is saying. • It was of great importance to the United States to effect a treaty of this kind with Great Britain. It was of great moment to the United States to effect a treaty of this kind with Great Britain.

important essentials essentials. • There are six important essentials to having a good quality compost heap. There are six essentials to having a good quality compost heap.

(an/the) important ... for/in/of/to important for/to. • Because decision making is an important element of a manager’s job, we need to discover anything that can improve the quality of decision making. Because decision making is important to a manager’s job, we need to discover anything that can improve the quality of decision making. • Their willingness to commit capital was an important factor for success. Their willingness to commit capital was important for success. • Certainly, overall physical health is an important component in any society. Certainly, overall physical health is important to any society.

in a bad mood angry/dejected/depressed/displeased/downcast/glum/grouchy/sad/unhappy/vexed.

in accord/accordance with according to/at one with/by/compliant with/consistent with/consonant with/following/in keeping with/in line with/in step with/to/under. • This document shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Utah. This document shall be governed and construed under the laws of the State of Utah.

in a class by herself/itself matchless/novel/peerless/singular/special/unequaled/unique/unmatched/unrivaled/without equal/without peer. • Now you can see why SFT is the most recommended actor-training center in the city and why The School for Film and Television is in a class by itself. Now you can see why SFT is the most recommended actor-training center in the city and why The School for Film and Television is unequaled. • Eric Moulds is in a class by himself; he’s one of the best receivers we’ll face this year, no question about it. Eric Moulds is peerless; he’s one of the best receivers we’ll face this year, no question about it.

in a/the ... condition delete. • The Tenant must keep the Apartment in a clean and sanitary condition, free of garbage, rubbish, and other filth. The Tenant must keep the Apartment clean and sanitary, free of garbage, rubbish, and other filth.

in actual fact actually/indeed/in fact/in faith/in reality/in truth/really/truly delete. • And, in actual fact, the copywriter who created the spots and several other people who worked on it are also Catholic. And, in fact, the copywriter who created the spots and several other people who worked on it are also Catholic.

in actuality actually/indeed/in fact/in faith/in truth/really/truly delete. • In actuality, such a situation seldom occurs. In fact, such a situation seldom occurs.

in addition also/and/as well/besides/beyond that/this/even/further/furthermore/moreover/more than that/this/still more/then/too/what’s more. • In addition, we reviewed several net present value models. We even reviewed several net present value models.

in addition to besides/beyond. • In addition to using words to communicate, all of us talk with our body poses and facial expressions. Besides using words to communicate, all of us talk with our body poses and facial expressions.

in addition to ... additionally/also/as well/too besides/beyond/in addition to. • In addition to measuring a computer in terms of its memory and processing speed, we must also analyze the computer’s ability to handle list processing. In addition to measuring a computer in terms of its memory and processing speed, we must analyze the computer’s ability to handle list processing. • In addition to the methods defined in Table 13-1, each property has both a get and set method as well. In addition to the methods defined in Table 13-1, each property has both a get and set method.

in a/the ... direction delete. • Vertical lines are drawn along the left side of a triangle in an upward direction. Vertical lines are drawn upward along the left side of a triangle. • It was definitely a move in the positive direction. It was definitely a positive move. • Stocks were sliding in a negative direction during the opening half of the trading session today. Stocks were sliding during the opening half of the trading session today.

in advance before/beforehand/earlier/sooner delete. • If I’d known in advance that out of every 100 books published, only one becomes a best seller, I wouldn’t have started a book. If I’d known sooner that out of every 100 books published, only one becomes a best seller, I wouldn’t have started a book.

in advance of ahead of/before. • In advance of our first break, let me introduce Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D., a learning and education specialist. Before our first break, let me introduce Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D., a learning and education specialist.

inadvertent/unintended/unintentional oversight oversight. • It was an unintentional oversight that the material was not provided to the members of the Board of Massage Therapy. It was an oversight that the material was not provided to the members of the Board of Massage Therapy.

in a/the fashion/manner/way (in which/that) as/like. • Zeus allows you to work intuitively in the way that you think best. Zeus allows you to work intuitively as you think best. • But such a scientific inquiry already took place years ago, in the manner provided for by law. But such a scientific inquiry already took place years ago, as provided for by law. • Science fiction and mystery are often mixed, but not in the fashion that Roberts has managed. Science fiction and mystery are often mixed, but not as Roberts has managed.

in a/the fashion/manner/way characteristic of alike/as/like/much as/much like/much the same (as)/rather like/resembling/similar to/similarly to. • In a fashion characteristic of his other work, the paintings are on scrap wood panels and other flat, rectangular materials that Young salvages from the streets. Like his other work, the paintings are on scrap wood panels and other flat, rectangular materials that Young salvages from the streets.

in a/the fashion/manner/way similar to alike/as/like/much as/much like/much the same (as)/rather like/resembling/similar to/similarly to. • In a manner similar to modern-day whales, ichthyosaurs seem to have frequented breeding or birthing areas. Like modern-day whales, ichthyosaurs seem to have frequented breeding or birthing areas.

in a few minutes/moments/seconds briefly/directly/momently/presently/quickly/shortly/soon/straightaway. • Press any key, and in a few moments, the spreadsheet will appear on the screen. Press any key, and the spreadsheet will directly appear on the screen.

in a good mood cheerful/glad/gleeful/happy/joyful/joyous/merry/pleased.

in agreement with according to/at one with/by/compliant with/consistent with/consonant with/following/in keeping with/in line with/in step with/to/under.

in (almost) all/every cases/circumstances/instances/situations all/almost all/almost always/always/consistently/constantly/invariably/nearly all/nearly always/unfailingly. • The actual percentage should be given in all cases. The actual percentage should always be given.

in all likelihood likely/most (very) likely/probably/most (very) probably. • In all likelihood, it will get extended until there is a determination of the ESOP litigation. Most likely, it will get extended until there is a determination of the ESOP litigation.

in all probability likely/most (very) likely/probably/most (very) probably. • A telephone call to the coordinator keeps the bank from stepping on its own toes by duplicating efforts and, in all probability, makes the call more effective. A telephone call to the coordinator keeps the bank from stepping on its own toes by duplicating efforts and, most probably, makes the call more effective.

in a lot of cases/circumstances/instances/situations frequently/most often/often/sometimes/usually. • In a lot of cases, serial killers seek power over others. Often, serial killers seek power over others.

in a/the majority of cases/circumstances/instances/situations frequently/most often/often/usually. • Taking less than half the lung does not appear to be an adequate cancer operation in the majority of circumstances. Taking less than half the lung does not usually appear to be an adequate cancer operation. • In a majority of cases, those who join cults do not necessarily hold to the beliefs of the cult. Most often, those who join cults do not necessarily hold to the beliefs of the cult.

in a manner of speaking as it were/in a sense/in a way/so to speak.

in a (some) measure partially/partly/somewhat.

in a minute/moment/second briefly/directly/momently/presently/quickly/shortly/soon/straightaway.

in an attempt/effort/endeavor to in trying to/to try to. • In an attempt to satisfy the informal group, the employee may come in conflict with the formal organization. In trying to satisfy the informal group, the employee may come in conflict with the formal organization.

in an attempt/effort/endeavor to try to in trying to/to try to. • In an effort to try to contain the spiraling cost of automobile insurance, a number of legislative changes have been proposed. In trying to contain the spiraling cost of automobile insurance, a number of legislative changes have been proposed. • Police administrators have begun to get law enforcement to explore alliances with private security professionals in an attempt to try to find the community roots of crime. Police administrators have begun to get law enforcement to explore alliances with private security professionals to try to find the community roots of crime. • In an endeavor to try to make more dramatic progress for these youngsters, I want to turn your attention to something that has not happened before in our school system. To try to make more dramatic progress for these youngsters, I want to turn your attention to something that has not happened before in our school system.

in and of itself as such/in itself. • The mere claim of protection asserted by a witness of his constitutional rights does not in and of itself constitute the admission of a crime. The mere claim of protection asserted by a witness of his constitutional rights does not in itself constitute the admission of a crime.

in a nutshell briefly/concisely/succinctly/tersely. • That, in a nutshell, explains the financial community’s attitude toward the crash. That briefly explains the financial community’s attitude toward the crash.

in any case/event all (just) the same/anyhow/even so/still/still and all/yet.

in any fashion/manner/way at all/in the least delete. • And he personally is not obligated in any way to stand behind the $675 million bond offering, or any other debt of the project. And he personally is not at all obligated to stand behind the $675 million bond offering, or any other debt of the project.

in any way, shape, or form/fashion at all/in any way/in the least/in the slightest delete. • Can that evidence be used in any way, shape, or form? Can that evidence be used in any way? • I will never discuss this issue with you in any way, shape, form, or fashion again. I will never discuss this issue with you again.

in a position to able to/ready to. • By the end of the year, we will be in a position to hire another person. By the end of the year, we will be ready to hire another person. • This year, only 11 players are currently in camp, but with eight players back from last season, the Titans should be in a position to get stronger. This year, only 11 players are currently in camp, but with eight players back from last season, the Titans should be able to get stronger.

in appearance delete. • They may look different in appearance, but each is built essentially with the same type of components that perform the same functions. They may look different, but each is built essentially with the same type of components that perform the same functions.

in a row straight. • Whether the bill dies on Beacon Hill for the third year in a row or becomes law in some form, the advocates of acupuncture are pressing their case with a gentle insistence. Whether the bill dies on Beacon Hill for the third straight year or becomes law in some form, the advocates of acupuncture are pressing their case with a gentle insistence.

in arrears late/overdue.

in (a/the) ... sense -(al)ly delete. • In a broad sense, office automation is the incorporation of technology to help people manage information. Broadly, office automation is the incorporation of technology to help people manage information. • Although there is a significant relationship in a statistical sense, the association is not strong. Although there is a significant statistical relationship, the association is not strong. • I don’t mean this in a pejorative sense. I don’t mean this pejoratively. • There was really nothing which could be called communication in any genuine sense. There was really nothing which could be called genuine communication.

in a similar fashion/manner/way (to) alike/as/like/much as/much like/much the same (as)/rather like/resembling/similar (to)/similarly (to). • My guess is 99 percent of the customers will behave in a similar manner. My guess is 99 percent of the customers will behave similarly.

inasmuch/insomuch as as far as/as much as/so far as/so much as. • Inasmuch as we can tell, you need to be direct. So far as we can tell, you need to be direct.

inasmuch/insomuch as because/considering/for/given/in that/since. • All seemed to share the conviction that the American educational system is far superior inasmuch as it focuses on the individual student. All seemed to share the conviction that the American educational system is far superior because it focuses on the individual student. • There are limitations to their work inasmuch as they do not have access to all the same resources that are available to federal and state police agencies. There are limitations to their work since they do not have access to all the same resources that are available to federal and state police agencies.

in association with along with/and/as well as/combined with/coupled with/joined with/paired with/together with/with.

in a/the ... state (of) ... in delete. • I’m in a state of uncertainty about how to travel. I’m uncertain about how to travel. • But while men’s wear has been doing pretty well, women’s wear storeowners are in a state of shock. But while men’s wear has been doing pretty well, women’s wear storeowners are in shock. • So we are left to walk the earth like robots or zombies, telling ourselves and others that everything’s fine while we are actually numb, cut off from our emotions, entrenched in a state of denial. So we are left to walk the earth like robots or zombies, telling ourselves and others that everything’s fine while we are actually numb, cut off from our emotions, entrenched in denial.

in a timely fashion/manner/way by next week (tomorrow)/fast/in (within) a day (year)/in/on time/promptly/quickly/rapidly/right away/shortly/soon/speedily/swiftly/timely. • Please give me your response in a timely manner. Please give me your response by tomorrow. • Many larger and more complex companies are able to provide audited reports in a timely fashion. Many larger and more complex companies are able to provide audited reports speedily.

in attendance present. • Also in attendance were key attorneys and representatives on both sides of the lawsuit. Also present were key attorneys and representatives on both sides of the lawsuit.

in a way rather/somehow/someway(s)/somewhat. • In a way, I find it intimidating. I somehow find it intimidating.

in back of after/behind.

in ... behalf (of) by/for.

(something/somewhere) in between between/in/within. • The bonds are selling at $2 bid, $4 offered for a $100 face value bond, which means that the selling price would probably fall somewhere in between that range. The bonds are selling at $2 bid, $4 offered for a $100 face value bond, which means that the selling price would probably fall in that range.

in (a/the) bigger/greater/higher/larger amount/degree/number/quantity more/more often/more so. • Apple must wait until high-quality flat-panel screens are available in greater numbers before it can release a lap-top Macintosh. Apple must wait until more high-quality flat-panel screens are available before it can release a lap-top Macintosh.

in big/great/high/huge/large/overwhelming/sizable/vast numbers a good (great) many/almost all/dozens (of)/hundreds (of)/many/millions (of)/most/nearly all/scores (of)/thousands (of). • Riot police in large numbers were called in to stop the protestors. Scores of riot police were called in to stop the protestors.

in both cases/circumstances/instances/situations both/for (in) both delete. • In both cases, about 10 percent of the sales force accounted for about 90 percent of the revenues. For both, about 10 percent of the sales force accounted for about 90 percent of the revenues.

in brief/concise/succinct summary briefly (concisely/succinctly)/in brief/in fine/in short/in sum. • In brief summary, those are some of the reasons why original intention cannot be a neat solution to the problem of expounding our Constitution—and living under it. In sum, those are some of the reasons why original intention cannot be a neat solution to the problem of expounding our Constitution—and living under it.

in (a/the) ... capacity/function/position/role (as/of) as (a/the). • In my capacity as chairman of the Arab group, I would like to express our deep regret for the steps taken by the United States in this regard. As chairman of the Arab group, I would like to express our deep regret for the steps taken by the United States in this regard. • In his capacity as the vice president at Mindware, Mr. Chatterjee has successfully sold to and signed multiyear contracts with large to medium-size firms. As the vice president at Mindware, Mr. Chatterjee has successfully sold to and signed multiyear contracts with large to medium-size firms.

incarcerate jail.

in case if/lest/should. • In case you’ve just joined us, we’re talking about men’s perception of the Women’s Movement. If you’ve just joined us, we’re talking about men’s perception of the Women’s Movement.

in (a/the) ... case/circumstance/instance/situation -(al)ly. • In a typical situation, the MLI command will have stored important information in an MLI data area that is used by all MLI commands. Typically, the MLI command will have stored important information in an MLI data area that is used by all MLI commands.

in (the) ... case (of) about/as for/as to/concerning/for/in/of/on/over/regarding/respecting/to/toward/with delete. • In the case of the airport, that role is performed by the air traffic controller and each airline’s operations center. As to the airport, that role is performed by the air traffic controller and each airline’s operations center. • In contrast, in the case of a married working couple without children, premature death of one income earner is not likely to cause serious financial problems for the surviving spouse. In contrast, for a married working couple without children, premature death of one income earner is not likely to cause serious financial problems for the surviving spouse.

in cases/circumstances/instances/situations in which if/when/where. • In cases in which improperly tested blood products had been released, Dr. Sandler said the donors were contacted for retesting to assure that no tainted blood had been transmitted. Where improperly tested blood products had been released, Dr. Sandler said the donors were contacted for retesting to assure that no tainted blood had been transmitted.

in cases when/where if/when/where. • In cases where one topic requires knowledge of another, the required topic is cross-referenced. Where one topic requires knowledge of another, the required topic is cross-referenced.

in certain/some cases at times/now and then/occasionally/on occasion/some/sometimes delete. • In some cases, smoking does affect mental acuity. Smoking sometimes does affect mental acuity.

in certain/some circumstances at times/every so often/now and again/now and then/occasionally/on occasion/some/sometimes delete. • In some circumstances, the computer can augment or replace many of the engineer’s other tools. Now and then, the computer can augment or replace many of the engineer’s other tools.

in certain/some instances at times/every so often/now and again/now and then/occasionally/on occasion/some/sometimes delete. • In some instances, we lost the customer to the competition. We lost some customers to the competition.

in certain/some regards rather/somehow/someway(s)/somewhat.

in certain/some respects rather/somehow/someway(s)/somewhat. • The finding is somewhat surprising since auditory information processing seems in some respects quite different from the operations required to sense visual patterns. The finding is somewhat surprising since auditory information processing seems somehow quite different from the operations required to sense visual patterns.

in certain/some situations at times/every so often/now and again/now and then/occasionally/on occasion/some/sometimes delete. • In some situations, change threatens security. Sometimes change threatens security.

in character delete. • As the market becomes more institutional in character, it will be easier for foreign companies to enter the U.S. market. As the market becomes more institutional, it will be easier for foreign companies to enter the U.S. market. • His conduct was so outrageous in character as to go beyond all possible bounds of decency. His conduct was so outrageous as to go beyond all possible bounds of decency.

in ... circumstances/conditions -(al)ly delete. • The attack was a carefully planned military operation that ended in tragic circumstances. The attack was a carefully planned military operation that ended tragically.

in circumstances when/where if/when/where. • Independent counsel might well be required prior to accepting a defendant’s waiver of important constitutional rights in circumstances where there is reason to believe that independent legal advice is necessary in order to permit the defendant to decide whether to waive or to exercise his rights. Independent counsel might well be required prior to accepting a defendant’s waiver of important constitutional rights where there is reason to believe that independent legal advice is necessary in order to permit the defendant to decide whether to waive or to exercise his rights.

in close proximity (to) close by/close to/in proximity/near/nearby. • Some who have worked in close proximity to the Oval Office in recent years support his major propositions. Some who have worked close to the Oval Office in recent years support his major propositions.

including everything in all/overall.

in color delete. • Chalkboards are commonly black or green in color. Chalkboards are commonly black or green. • If he or she is pale, ashen (gray), or cyanotic (bluish) in color and appears anxious, frightened, or restless, suspect shock. If he or she is pale, ashen (gray), or cyanotic (bluish) and appears anxious, frightened, or restless, suspect shock.

in combination with along with/and/as well as/combined with/coupled with/joined with/paired with/together with/with. • This risk is now avoided by using estrogen in combination with progesterone. This risk is now avoided by using estrogen along with progesterone.

in/over (the) coming days/decades/months/weeks/years at length/before long/eventually/in time/later/one day/over time/presently/quickly/shortly/someday/sometime/soon/ultimately/with time/yet delete. • Other schemes could emerge in coming months. Other schemes could emerge before long.

in common with like. • You are quite right in pointing out that I, in common with other cultural historians, have singled out but one out of several possible Adams lines. You are quite right in pointing out that I, like other cultural historians, have singled out but one out of several possible Adams lines.

in company with along with/and/as well as/together with/with. • If anything, the Reagan administration, in company with the Kremlin and the other big powers, waited too long to denounce the use of chemical weapons. If anything, the Reagan administration, as well as the Kremlin and the other big powers, waited too long to denounce the use of chemical weapons.

in comparison to/with against/alongside/beside/compared to/with/-(i)er than/less/less than/more/more than/next to/over/than/to/versus/vis-à-vis. • The reunion’s turnout was large in comparison to other reunions. The reunion’s turnout was larger than other reunions. • U.S. students are inferior in their spelling ability in comparison to the other nations’ students. U.S. students are inferior in their spelling ability to the other nations’ students. • Dutch auction issues experience less price volatility in comparison to ARPS. Dutch auction issues experience less price volatility compared to ARPS.

in comparison/in contrast to/with ... relatively compared/contrasted to/with/in comparison/in contrast to/with/relatively. • In comparison to earlier years, inflation has been relatively moderate over the last half decade. Compared to earlier years, inflation has been moderate over the last half decade. • America may never be a perfectly safe place to be, but it is in comparison, relatively the safest as well as the freest. America may never be a perfectly safe place to be, but it is in comparison the safest as well as the freest. • In comparison, relatively little is known about how developing RGCs acquire these characteristics. Relatively little is known about how developing RGCs acquire these characteristics. • In contrast, relatively little is known about the gender-specific changes in body composition that characterize AIDS wasting in women. In contrast, little is known about the gender-specific changes in body composition that characterize AIDS wasting in women.

incompetency incompetence. • Hospitalization often makes clients vulnerable to thoughts of inadequacy and incompetency. Hospitalization often makes clients vulnerable to thoughts of inadequacy and incompetence.

in compliance with according to/at one with/by/compliant with/consistent with/consonant with/following/in keeping with/in line with/in step with/to/under. • In compliance with the new order, participants now receive a 2 percent discount from market prices on shares made available directly from the company. Under the new order, participants now receive a 2 percent discount from market prices on shares made available directly from the company.

in conclusion finally/in closing/lastly.

in conformance to/with according to/at one with/by/compliant with/consistent with/consonant with/following/in keeping with/in line with/in step with/to/under. • Certain terms of the Agreement shall be completed in conformance to the terms of the successful proposal. Certain terms of the Agreement shall be completed according to the terms of the successful proposal.

in conformity to/with according to/at one with/by/compliant with/consistent with/consonant with/following/in keeping with/in line with/in step with/to/under. • The law says a product is presumed to be free of defects when it is produced in conformity to government standards. The law says a product is presumed to be free of defects when it is produced to government standards.

in conjunction combined/together. • The primary evidence with which the Warren Report failed to deal consists of the ballistics report, the Zapruder film, and the autopsy report, taken in conjunction. The primary evidence with which the Warren Report failed to deal consists of the ballistics report, the Zapruder film, and the autopsy report, taken together.

in conjunction with along with/and/as well as/combined with/coupled with/joined with/paired with/together with/with. • The results of the interviews in conjunction with other supporting data are contained in the report. The results of the interviews and other supporting data are contained in the report.

in connection with along with/and/as well as/combined with/coupled with/joined with/paired with/together with/with.

in connection with about/as for/as to/concerning/for/in/of/on/over/regarding/respecting/to/toward/with delete. • The bank with sufficient presence and skills may be asked to work with the client’s own local advisors in connection with purely domestic transactions. The bank with sufficient presence and skills may be asked to work with the client’s own local advisors on purely domestic transactions.

in consequence consequently/hence/so/then/therefore/thus.

in consequence of after/because of/by/due to/following/for/from/in/out of/owing to/through/with. • The defendants cannot claim to have suffered damage in consequence of the plaintiffs’ early entry onto premises they had already vacated pursuant to a notice to quit for nonpayment of rent. The defendants cannot claim to have suffered damage from the plaintiffs’ early entry onto premises they had already vacated pursuant to a notice to quit for nonpayment of rent.

in consequence of the fact that because/considering/for/given/in that/since. • In consequence of the fact that the Personal Suitability scores were arrived at without the consensus of all Board members, there is some doubt as to whether the assessment of Personal Suitability was conducted in accordance with merit. Since the Personal Suitability scores were arrived at without the consensus of all Board members, there is some doubt as to whether the assessment of Personal Suitability was conducted in accordance with merit. • I believe that we are subject to the law of habit in consequence of the fact that we have bodies. I believe that we are subject to the law of habit because we have bodies.

in consideration of because of/due to/for/in return for/in view of/on account of/owing to/through. • In consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual promises contained herein, the parties mutually agree as follows. In view of the foregoing and the mutual promises contained herein, the parties mutually agree as follows.

in consideration of the fact that because/considering/for/given/in that/since. • In consideration of the fact that Medicare payments are already deducted from my Social Security checks, am I entitled to a credit for this further deduction? Since Medicare payments are already deducted from my Social Security checks, am I entitled to a credit for this further deduction? • In consideration of the fact that Ownertrades.com has no credit card transaction capabilities, and maintains no credit card information or database, and in consideration of the fact that all credit card payments to Ownertrades.com and its principals are made through PayPal using their secure transaction processes, you agree to hold Ownertrades.com and its principals harmless from any losses, claims, or damages related to your credit card. Since Ownertrades.com has no credit card transaction capabilities, and maintains no credit card information or database, and since all credit card payments to Ownertrades.com and its principals are made through PayPal using their secure transaction processes, you agree to hold Ownertrades.com and its principals harmless from any losses, claims, or damages related to your credit card.

in consonance to/with according to/at one with/by/compliant with/consistent with/consonant with/following/in keeping with/in line with/in step with/to/under.

in contrast to/with against/alongside/beside/compared to/with/-(i)er than/less/less than/more/more than/next to/over/than/to/unlike/versus/vis-à-vis. • In contrast to last month, September sales of government debt are expected to be light. Compared to last month, September sales of government debt are expected to be light.

in conversation with conversing with/speaking to/with/talking to/with. • I don’t know what happened/I was in conversation with my friend. I don’t know what happened/I was talking with my friend.

in copious profusion copiously/in profusion. • As naturally and spontaneously as the notes that issue from the throat of a thrush, the melodies poured forth from Schubert’s pen in copious profusion. As naturally and spontaneously as the notes that issue from the throat of a thrush, the melodies poured forth from Schubert’s pen in profusion.

incorporate in(to) add/contain/have/include.

in correspondence to/with according to/at one with/by/compliant with/consistent with/consonant with/following/in keeping with/in line with/in step with/to/under.

(an/the) increased/increasing amount of increasing/more. • As the world’s leisure time expands, an increasing amount of time and money is spent on all forms of entertainment. As the world’s leisure time expands, more time and money is spent on all forms of entertainment. • There is an increasing amount of industrialization and urban development throughout the area. There is increasing industrialization and urban development throughout the area.

(an/the) increased/increasing number of increasing/more. • An increased number of grants and other contributions have been made available for event funding. More grants and other contributions have been made available for event funding. • Robots are taking an increasing number of jobs, a new UN report says. Robots are taking more jobs, a new UN report says.

(a) ... increase over more than. • That’s a 33-percent increase over last year. That’s 33 percent more than last year.

increase up increase. • Cash Consideration may increase up to a maximum of $466.67. Cash Consideration may increase to a maximum of $466.67.

increasing in increasingly. • The seaweed treatments are increasing in popularity with both men and women. The seaweed treatments are increasingly popular with both men and women.

increasingly more increasingly/more/more and more. • Information processing is becoming increasingly more automated through the use of machines. Information processing is becoming increasingly automated through the use of machines. • As the size and complexity of software systems increase, the task of building and maintaining these systems becomes increasingly more arduous. As the size and complexity of software systems increase, the task of building and maintaining these systems becomes more arduous.

in/over (the) days/decades/months/weeks/years ahead at length/before long/eventually/in time/later/one day/over time/presently/quickly/shortly/someday/sometime/soon/ultimately/with time/yet delete. • We expect prospects will improve over the years ahead. We expect prospects will improve in time.

in (the) days/decades/months/weeks/years gone by before/earlier/formerly/once/over the (years)/over time delete. • In years gone by, much has been written about perceived gains in the powers of the presidency compared with the powers of the Congress and vice versa. Much has been written about perceived gains in the powers of the presidency compared with the powers of the Congress and vice versa.

in (the) days/decades/months/weeks/years of old before/earlier/formerly/once/over the (years)/over time delete. • The world must have seemed a larger place in days of old. The world must have once seemed a larger place.

in (the) days/decades/months/weeks/years past before/earlier/formerly/once/over the (years)/over time/previously delete. • Police academy training is more extensive for new officers, providing extensive computer training, whereas in years past only a few officers would have had any experience with computers. Police academy training is more extensive for new officers, providing extensive computer training, whereas before only a few officers would have had any experience with computers.

in (the) days/decades/months/weeks/years since since/since then. • However, in the years since 1970, the same continent has experienced precipitation levels above the mean measurements for the reference period. However, since 1970, the same continent has experienced precipitation levels above the mean measurements for the reference period.

in/over ... days’/decades’/hours’/minutes’/months’/weeks’/years’ time in/over ... days/decades/hours/minutes/months/weeks/years. • I’m going to be visiting some Navy bases in a few months’ time. I’m going to be visiting some Navy bases in a few months. • In three days’ time it’ll be your turn. In three days it’ll be your turn.

in/over (the) days/decades/months/weeks/years to come at length/before long/eventually/in time/later/one day/over time/presently/quickly/shortly/someday/sometime/soon/ultimately/with time/yet delete. • We are deadly serious about making changes that will allow us to remain a viable competitor in the years to come. We are deadly serious about making changes that will allow us to remain a viable competitor.

indebtedness debt(s). • Sales tax revenues are down because people are spending less, paying off their indebtedness, and saving more. Sales tax revenues are down because people are spending less, paying off their debts, and saving more.

in defense of for/with. • May I please put in a word in defense of poor Livia Budai, who has been lambasted out of all proportion in your articles? May I please put in a word for poor Livia Budai, who has been lambasted out of all proportion in your articles?

in defiance of against/despite. • Responsibility for the tragedy rests exclusively on the war criminals in the Iranian government who have elected, in defiance of the rules of warfare established for many centuries, to make regular murderous attacks on neutral merchant ships on the high seas. Responsibility for the tragedy rests exclusively on the war criminals in the Iranian government who have elected, despite the rules of warfare established for many centuries, to make regular murderous attacks on neutral merchant ships on the high seas.

in degree/extent delete. • In all cases, the hearing loss is prelingual, symmetric, and moderate to severe in degree. In all cases, the hearing loss is prelingual, symmetric, and moderate to severe. • Yucca House National Monument contains the unexcavated remains of an ancient pueblo, dating from 1200 to 1300 AD and quite large in extent. Yucca House National Monument contains the unexcavated remains of an ancient pueblo, dating from 1200 to 1300 AD and quite large.

in depth deep.

in despite of after all/apart/aside/despite/even with/for all/with all. • In despite of his good looks, he has never married. For all his good looks, he has never married.

indicate feel/hint/mention/say/show/suggest/tell. • He indicated that he would be fine. He said that he would be fine.

indication clue/cue/hint/inkling/sign. • There are indications that Iran may have its own chemical weapons. There are clues that Iran may have its own chemical weapons.

individual (adj) delete. • I think there are individual exceptions. I think there are exceptions.

individual(s) (n) anybody/anyone/everybody/everyone/man/men/people/person/somebody/someone/those/woman/women/you delete. • The dominant behavioral characteristic of phobic individuals is avoidance. The dominant behavioral characteristic of phobic persons is avoidance.

inductive reasoning induction.

in due course/time at length/in time/later/one day/over time/someday/sometime/with time/yet. • We will consider your statement in due time. We will yet consider your statement.

in duration last/long delete. • Girls are at far greater risk for sexual abuse than boys, and their sexual abuse apparently is more common and longer in duration than the abuse boys are likely to experience. Girls are at far greater risk for sexual abuse than boys, and their sexual abuse apparently is more common and lasts longer than the abuse boys are likely to experience.

in each/every case/circumstance/instance/situation all/always/consistently/constantly/each/each time/for (in) each/for (in) every/every one/every time/invariably/unfailingly delete. • In every instance, the acquirer selected is the one with the best bid. The acquirer selected is always the one with the best bid.

in earlier/former/prior times before/earlier/formerly/once. • There was plenty of weekend ticketing in prior times. There once was plenty of weekend ticketing.

in either/neither case/circumstance/instance/situation either/neither way delete. • In either case, a veto would have provided Democratic opponents with powerful rhetorical ammunition in light of the 80 percent approval for the legislation in public opinion polls. Either way, a veto would have provided Democratic opponents with powerful rhetorical ammunition in light of the 80 percent approval for the legislation in public opinion polls.

in either/neither event either/neither way delete. • In either event, you have a few options. Either way, you have a few options.

in error wrong. • He will not listen, nor will he back down even when he knows he is in error. He will not listen, nor will he back down even when he knows he is wrong.

in (the) event (of/that) if (there were)/if ... should/in case (of)/should (there)/were (there/... to)/when delete. • In the event that any liquid or solid object falls into the cabinet, unplug the unit and have it checked by qualified personnel. Should any liquid or solid object fall into the cabinet, unplug the unit and have it checked by qualified personnel. • Such information would be vital in the event they choose to have children. Such information would be vital if they choose to have children.

in evidence apparent/conspicuous/evident/obvious/plain. • Little of that has been in evidence among the thrifts. Little of that has been evident among the thrifts.

in excess of above/better than/beyond/faster than/greater than/larger than/more than/over/stronger than. • Annually, retailers lose in excess of $1.5 billion, and only about 30 percent of those losses are to shoplifters and other outsiders. Annually, retailers lose more than $1.5 billion, and only about 30 percent of those losses are to shoplifters and other outsiders.

in exchange (for) for. • The deal would involve his gaining credibility with the administration in exchange for his helping Nicaraguan Contras in their fight against the Sandinistas. The deal would involve his gaining credibility with the administration for his helping Nicaraguan Contras in their fight against the Sandinistas.

in (the) face of after all/apart/aside/despite/even with/for all/with all. • He persevered in the face of strong pressure within his agency. He persevered despite strong pressure within his agency.

in fact delete. • Women not able to have power in the external world have in fact developed a secondary power. Women not able to have power in the external world have developed a secondary power.

in (a/the) ... fashion -(al)ly delete. • It is true that the records are stored in a sequential fashion. It is true that the records are stored sequentially. • I don’t think I was treated in a loyal fashion by the president. I don’t think I was treated loyally by the president. • Your story quotes antismokers 11 times and tobacco industry representatives only twice—and then in a disdainful fashion. Your story quotes antismokers 11 times and tobacco industry representatives only twice—and then disdainfully.

in favor (of) for/with. • Five circuit courts of appeal have ruled in favor of testing without individualized suspicion. Five circuit courts of appeal have ruled for testing without individualized suspicion.

(an/the) infinite number (of) countless/endless/infinite/millions (of)/myriad/numberless/untold. • The voice is capable of an infinite number of sounds and pitches. The voice is capable of countless sounds and pitches.

inflammable flammable.

in force and effect active/at work/effective/in action/in effect/in force/in play/working. • Tenant agrees to pay Landlord at the rate of $1200 per month on the first day of each and every month in advance so long as this lease is in force and effect. Tenant agrees to pay Landlord at the rate of $1200 per month on the first day of each and every month in advance so long as this lease is in effect.

in (a/the) ... form in/-(al)ly delete. • An analyst must be able to state the assumption in explicit form. An analyst must be able to explicitly state the assumption. • Specifications of a patent must be attached to the application in written form describing the invention in detail so that a person skilled in the field can produce the item. Written specifications of a patent must be attached to the application describing the invention in detail so that a person skilled in the field can produce the item.

inform tell/write. • She informed me that she wants a divorce. She told me that she wants a divorce.

in ... from now from now/in. • In about six to seven years from now, OPEC will once again be able to capture 50 percent of the world market. In about six to seven years, OPEC will once again be able to capture 50 percent of the world market.

in front of before. • We have tough challenges in front of us. We have tough challenges before us.

in fulfillment of to complete/to finish/to fulfill/to satisfy. • In fulfillment of its open-ended agreement, Saatchi & Saatchi will also advise the Soviets on how much they should charge for TV spots that could reach some 180 million Soviet citizens and another 30 million viewers in Eastern Europe. To fulfill its open-ended agreement, Saatchi & Saatchi will also advise the Soviets on how much they should charge for TV spots that could reach some 180 million Soviet citizens and another 30 million viewers in Eastern Europe.

in furtherance of to advance/to further/to help/toward. • PTG is providing information and services on the Internet as a benefit and service in furtherance of PTG’s nonprofit and tax-exempt status. PTG is providing information and services on the Internet as a benefit and service to further PTG’s nonprofit and tax-exempt status.

in general delete. • Women in general have a responsibility to one another. Women have a responsibility to one another.

(a/the) -ing of -ing. • The taking of drugs is bad for people. Taking drugs is bad for people. • Often the initial development of a program focuses on the obtaining of some correct solution to the given problem. Often the initial development of a program focuses on obtaining some correct solution to the given problem. • It has several verification problems that can only be appreciated by a careful reading of the treaty. It has several verification problems that can only be appreciated by carefully reading the treaty.

in good time at length/in time/later/one day/over time/someday/sometime/with time/yet.

in great/large measure almost all/chiefly/commonly/generally/greatly/in general/largely/mainly/most/mostly/most often/much/nearly all/normally/overall/typically/usually. • Your today is in large measure a result of your yesterdays. Your today is largely a result of your yesterdays.

in great/large part almost all/chiefly/commonly/generally/greatly/in general/largely/mainly/most/mostly/most often/much/nearly all/normally/overall/typically/usually. • The lower cost of U.S. labor was due in large part to the drop in value of the dollar compared with most other currencies. The lower cost of U.S. labor was largely due to the drop in value of the dollar compared with most other currencies.

in great/large quantities a good (great) deal (of)/a good (great) many (of)/almost all/dozens (of)/hundreds (of)/many/millions (of)/most/nearly all/scores (of)/thousands (of). • The $2 bills are not being ordered by area banks even though the Federal Reserve has them in large quantities. The $2 bills are not being ordered by area banks even though the Federal Reserve has millions of them.

... in height high delete. • They should be at least 18 inches in height, not encircled, and placed close to the parts they apply to. They should be at least 18 inches high, not encircled, and placed close to the parts they apply to. • Bald cypress is the sentinel of the Southern swamp, reaching over one hundred feet tall in height. Bald cypress is the sentinel of the Southern swamp, reaching over one hundred feet tall. • These patients are short in height and severely affected by joint laxity and dislocations. These patients are short and severely affected by joint laxity and dislocations.

in (the) history (of the world) ever. • Original plans called for a fleet of 132 bombers with the cost of each plane estimated at $500 million, making it the most expensive plane in history. Original plans called for a fleet of 132 bombers with the cost of each plane estimated at $500 million, making it the most expensive plane ever.

in honor of after/for/to.

in imitation of after/following.

in instances when/where if/when/where. • In instances where the products and services being traded within the firm are unique, the cost-plus method seems appropriate. When the products and services being traded within the firm are unique, the cost-plus method seems appropriate.

in isolation (from) alone/apart (from)/by itself/separate (from). • It makes no sense to discuss one issue in isolation from the other. It makes no sense to discuss one issue separate from the other.

initial/initially at first/first. • Initially, the key was successfully marketing the fund to commercial banks. At first, the key was successfully marketing the fund to commercial banks.

initially ... begin/start begin/start. • I believe he initially started as a stand-up comic. I believe he started as a stand-up comic.

in its/their entirety all (the)/(the) complete/completely/(the) entire/entirely/every/(the) full/fully/(the) whole/wholly delete. • When you read the book in its entirety, you will understand my position. When you read the entire book, you will understand my position.

(be) in jeopardy endangered/imperiled/jeopardized. • None of us can avoid the responsibility of working in all ways open to us to shore up the democracy that is so clearly in jeopardy. None of us can avoid the responsibility of working in all ways open to us to shore up the democracy that is so clearly jeopardized.

in length last/long delete. • The panel discussion itself will be two hours in length. The panel discussion itself will last two hours. • The first is genuine trading courses, usually lasting three to five days in length. The first is genuine trading courses, usually lasting three to five days.

in (the) light of the fact that because/considering/for/given that/in that/since/when. • Perhaps the notion that information has some value is a misguided one, particularly in light of the fact that most popular websites merely drag you in under the pretense of providing information, while in reality they are setting you up for a sales pitch. Perhaps the notion that information has some value is a misguided one, particularly given that most popular websites merely drag you in under the pretense of providing information, while in reality they are setting you up for a sales pitch. • Now, why would teams who are doing miserably not give him a shot, especially in light of the fact that he led his defense to the lowest points ever allowed, and followed it up with a Super Bowl Championship? Now, why would teams who are doing miserably not give him a shot, especially since he led his defense to the lowest points ever allowed, and followed it up with a Super Bowl Championship?

in like fashion/manner likewise/similarly. • In like fashion, managers need to know how they are doing from the viewpoints of those they are paid to serve. Likewise, managers need to know how they are doing from the viewpoints of those they are paid to serve.

in (a/the) ... manner -(al)ly delete. • I hope future stories dealing with sensitive issues such as this will be handled in a more responsible and accurate manner. I hope future stories dealing with sensitive issues such as this will be handled more responsibly and accurately. • According to CAREI, studies have found that some families were affected in a positive manner by the start changes and some were negatively affected. According to CAREI, studies have found that some families were positively affected by the start changes and some were negatively affected. • All writing on labels must be printed in a clear and legible manner and should be in Spanish unless authorized otherwise by the DFC. All writing on labels must be printed clearly and legibly and should be in Spanish unless authorized otherwise by the DFC.

in many/most cases almost all/almost always/commonly/frequently/many/many times/most/most often/much/nearly all/nearly always/normally/often/typically/usually. • In most cases, the pitch can be approximated or laid off with a scale or dividers. Usually, the pitch can be approximated or laid off with a scale or dividers.

in many/most circumstances almost all/almost always/commonly/frequently/many/many times/most/most often/much/nearly all/nearly always/normally/often/ordinarily/typically/usually. • RISC microprocessors operate faster than CISC microprocessors in many circumstances. RISC microprocessors often operate faster than CISC microprocessors.

in many/most instances almost all/almost always/commonly/frequently/many/many times/most/most often/much/nearly all/nearly always/normally/often/ordinarily/typically/usually. • In many instances, the family is in a state of dysfunction and disrepair. Often, the family is in a state of dysfunction and disrepair.

in many/most regards almost always/largely/many/most/mostly/most often/nearly always/often/usually.

in many/most respects almost always/largely/many/most/mostly/most often/nearly always/often/usually. • In most respects, competition among banks has been polite. Competition among banks has been largely polite.

in many/most situations almost all/almost always/commonly/frequently/many/many times/most/most often/much/nearly all/nearly always/normally/often/ordinarily/typically/usually. • The speed with which a modem can transmit and receive data is important in many situations. The speed with which a modem can transmit and receive data is usually important.

in (our) midst among (us).

in much the same fashion/manner/way (as/that) much as/much like. • Though similar in size, material, and color and fabricated in much the same way as their plainer cousins, the new tokens bore various kinds of surface markings and showed a greater variety of shapes. Though similar in size, material, and color and fabricated much like their plainer cousins, the new tokens bore various kinds of surface markings and showed a greater variety of shapes. • In much the same fashion as it had done two weeks earlier when scuttling a chance to knock off Saint Mary’s, a team that boasted the No. 2 RPI in the nation, SDSU again shot itself out of the game by connecting on just 32.2 percent of its field-goal attempts. Much as it had done two weeks earlier when scuttling a chance to knock off Saint Mary’s, a team that boasted the No. 2 RPI in the nation, SDSU again shot itself out of the game by connecting on just 32.2 percent of its field-goal attempts. • The second stanza proceeded in much the same manner as the first. The second stanza proceeded much like the first.

in my assessment I assert/I believe/I claim/I consider/I contend/I declare/I feel/I hold/I judge/I maintain/I regard/I say/I think/I view/to me delete. • In my assessment, the most desirable changes for commercial banks to incorporate are as follows. To me, the most desirable changes for commercial banks to incorporate are as follows.

in my estimation I assert/I believe/I claim/I consider/I contend/I declare/I feel/I hold/I judge/I maintain/I regard/I say/I think/I view/to me delete. • In my estimation, the treatment is suitable to Mr. Ross’s case. I feel the treatment is suitable to Mr. Ross’s case.

in my judgment I assert/I believe/I claim/I consider/I contend/I declare/I feel/I hold/I judge/I maintain/I regard/I say/I think/I view/to me delete. • The most critical issue confronting America, in my judgment, is how we match educational accessibility and opportunity to the demographic change. The most critical issue confronting America, I contend, is how we match educational accessibility and opportunity to the demographic change.

in my (own) mind(s) for myself delete. • I had to find out in my own mind if quiet diplomacy would work. I had to find out for myself if quiet diplomacy would work.

(to) ... in my (own) mind’s eye envisage/envision/imagine/visualize delete. • Once you get to the gate, you need to review in your mind’s eye where the engines are. Once you get to the gate, you need to visualize where the engines are.

in my opinion I assert/I believe/I claim/I consider/I contend/I declare/I feel/I hold/I judge/I maintain/I regard/I say/I think/I view/to me delete. • In my opinion, the cruelest aggression is nonverbal, passive aggression. To me, the cruelest aggression is nonverbal, passive aggression.

in my view I assert/I believe/I claim/I consider/I contend/I declare/I feel/I hold/I judge/I maintain/I regard/I say/I think/I view/to me delete. • In my view, most of these principles were narrow in scope. I believe most of these principles were narrow in scope.

in nature delete. • Christianity is theistic and revelatory in nature; the New Age is humanistic and generally solipsistic in nature. Christianity is theistic and revelatory; the New Age is humanistic and generally solipsistic.

in no case never/not/not ever/not once. • In no case would I recommend anything that could lead to the situation at Agawam. Never would I recommend anything that could lead to the situation at Agawam.

in normal/ordinary/typical/usual practice commonly/customarily/normally/ordinarily/typically/usually. • In normal practice, the party chairman is nominated, and the voting delegation then stands in unison to express its support. Normally, the party chairman is nominated, and the voting delegation then stands in unison to express its support.

in no small measure almost all/chiefly/commonly/generally/greatly/in general/largely/mainly/most/mostly/most often/much/nearly all/normally/overall/typically/usually. • Our continued success is due in no small measure to their contribution on a daily basis. Our continued success is greatly due to their contribution on a daily basis.

in no small part almost all/chiefly/commonly/generally/greatly/in general/largely/mainly/most/mostly/most often/much/nearly all/normally/overall/typically/usually. • And I continue to feel that his lifelong feelings of inadequacy and frustration stemmed in no small part from the limitations that he imposed upon his work. And I continue to feel that his lifelong feelings of inadequacy and frustration stemmed largely from the limitations that he imposed upon his work.

in no time (at all) promptly/quickly/rapidly/right away/shortly/soon/speedily/swiftly.

innovative new innovative/new. • An innovative new product combining the latest in communications technology is being installed in courthouses and recording offices throughout the country for public use. A new product combining the latest in communications technology is being installed in courthouses and recording offices throughout the country for public use.

in no way never/not/not ever/not once. • In no way are they meant to represent the official position of NYNEX. They are not meant to represent the official position of NYNEX.

in no way, shape, or form in no way/never/not/not ever/not once. • In no way, shape, or form did we aid anyone or offer incentives to anyone to go to the town meeting. Never did we aid anyone or offer incentives to anyone to go to the town meeting. • In no way, shape or form am I trying to disparage our opponent. I am not trying to disparage our opponent.

in number delete. • Nineteenth-century sweatshops are once again increasing in number. Nineteenth-century sweatshops are once again increasing.

innumerable countless/endless/infinite/millions (of)/myriad/numberless/untold.

in (March) of (2013) (March) (2013). • The second moving year begins in February of 2010 and extends through January of 2011. The second moving year begins February 2010 and extends through January 2011.