Chapter Theme

One of the many questions the apostle Paul faced from the Corinthian church was on the matter of the submission of women. First Corinthians 11:3–16 is Paul’s clear statement on the biblical principle of authority and submission.


• What are some ways women manifest independence in our culture? What are some ways men abuse their positions of authority, specifically with regard to women? How much independence for women do you think is justified? Please explain your reasoning.

• The apostle Paul cited a culturally relevant example to help explain the principle of authority and submission. If he were alive today and looked to our culture for an example, what might he choose? How would he use that example to teach the principle of authority and submission?

Group Discovery Questions

1. What were conditions like for women in the culture of Paul’s day? Why did feminism gain in popularity?

2. Explain the principle of submission. How is it manifested in society?

3. How have evangelical feminists attempted to redefine the meaning of “head” in 1 Corinthians 11:3?

4. Why is a clear understanding of Galatians 3:28 vital to any discussion of the principle of authority and submission? What does that passage teach about men and women?

5. In what way did Christianity elevate women to a position they had not known previously?

6. What are the three manifestations of authority and submission as described by Paul (1 Cor. 11:3)?

7. When and where is it appropriate for women to pray or proclaim God’s Word?

8. In the Corinthian church, what was a wife communicating by wearing a head covering? What was a woman revealing by her failure to wear a head covering?

9. In what ways are men and women equal? In what ways are they different?

10. In what ways does nature testify to the differences between men and women?

Personal Application Questions

1. When we examine the principle of authority and submission, it is easy for us to focus only on our human relationships and forget our relationship to Christ. We can’t allow Paul’s statement that “Christ is the head of every man” to go unnoticed. Since all authority has been given to Jesus in heaven and on earth, what should be your response to His Word? Do you obey all His commands or only those you find coincide with your desires? Remember, Christ is your Lord, and He requires complete obedience.

2. How do you respond to people in authority over you who know less than you in their particular sphere of influence? Do you follow their leadership willingly, or do you chafe under their authority? Based on what you’ve learned, what must be your proper response and why?

Focus on Prayer

If you are currently having trouble submitting to someone in authority over you, confess it to God. Ask Him to show you ways in which you can be positive and encouraging to the individual in question. Begin to pray for him or her by realizing that responsibility carries its own burdens.


For the next week make a list of the various ways marriages are portrayed in our society through advertising, media, or personal experience. Note how many biblical commands or patterns each one violates. Which one comes the closest to God’s ideal and why?