400 B.C. Mayan culture of Central America begins.
A.D. 1300 Incas establish capital at Cuzco.
1325 Aztecs found their capital city, Tenochtitlán.
1492 Christopher Columbus sails to America in search of the Indies.
1521 The Spanish capture Tenochtitlán, conquering the Aztecs.
1524 The Spanish capture the Mayan city of Chichén Itzá.
1532 The Spanish conquer the Incas.
1620 Pilgrims settle at Plymouth, Massachusetts.
1626 The Dutch buy Manhattan Island from the Native Americans.
1763 Ottawa chief Pontiac attacks nine forts; this becomes known as Pontiac’s Rebellion.
1766 A peace treaty ends Pontiac’s rebellion.
1776 The United States of America wins its independence from England.
1804 The U.S. government enacts the Louisiana Territory Act, which tries to move southeastern Indians west of the Mississippi River.
1812 The War of 1812 begins; most Indians side with the British.
1813–14 The Creeks declare war on the United States; when the war ends the tribe loses 22 million acres of territory to the U.S. government.
1821 Sequoyah establishes the Cherokee alphabet.
1830 The U.S. government passes the Indian Removal Act; during the next eight year, Native Americans of the southeast are moved over the “Trail of Tears” to Oklahoma.
1867 The United States buys Alaska.
1876 On June 25, George A. Custer and his troops are killed by Sioux and Cheyene warriors at the Battle of the Little Bighorn.
1890 In December, the Seventh Cavalry kills 200 Sioux men, women, and children at Wounded Knee, South Dakota.
1907 Stewart Culin publishes a study of Native American games for the Smithsonian Institution.
2013 According to recent census estimates, there are more than 5.2 million Native Americans living in the United States and Canada.