archery the practice of shooting with a bow and arrows.
avatuk a float made of sealskin, with rope on either end, used during seal hunts.
briar a thorny wild plant.
buckskin the skin of a male deer, usually made into a soft, pliable leather.
clan a group of people tracing descent from a common ancestor.
compulsive caused by a psychological obsession.
counter a small object used in games to mark a player’s position or to keep score.
elite a small group of people within a larger group who have more power, social standing, wealth, or talent than the rest of the group.
embroidery something ornamented with decorated needlework.
fletching the feathered back of an arrow.
javelin a light spear thrown as a weapon of war or in hunting.
lacrosse a team sport played with a ball and rackets with netted pouches.
migrate to move from one country or locality to another.
moccasin a soft, leather shoe that has no heel.
mock having the character of an imitation.
nobility people who belong to an aristocratic social or political class.
province an administrative district or division of a country.
sapling a young tree.
shuttlecock a small rounded object, often including feathers, used in Native American games; a similar item is used in the modern game badminton.
sportsmanship good conduct by a participant in a sport or game, including observance of the rules or fair play, respect for others, and graciousness in losing.
strenuous requiring great energy, strength, stamina, or effort.
suspense a feeling of tense excitement about how something will end.
taboo forbidden.
wager to bet or gamble.