For more information about all the journals that submitted stories to this year’s anthology, please consult The Journey Prize Stories website:
The Dalhousie Review has been in operation since 1921 and aspires to be a forum in which seriousness of purpose and playfulness of mind can coexist in meaningful dialogue. The journal publishes new fiction and poetry in every issue and welcomes submissions from authors around the world. Editor: Anthony Stewart. Submissions and correspondence: The Dalhousie Review, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 4R2. Email: Website:
Event is a celebrated literary journal in which readers encounter new and established talent – in fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and critical reviews. The journal thrives on a balance of both traditional narrative and contemporary approaches to poetry and prose. Event is home to Canada’s longest-running annual non-fiction contest. It is our goal to support and encourage a thriving literary community in Canada, while maintaining our international reputation for excellence. Editor: Rick Maddocks. Managing Editor: Ian Cockfield. Fiction Editor: Christine Dewar. Poetry Editor: Elizabeth Bachinsky. Submissions and correspondence: Event, P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, British Columbia, V3L 5B2. Email (queries only): Website:
Exile: The Literary Quarterly is a distinctive journal that recently published its Anniversary Special 30 Volumes/120th Issue, featuring new work from, among others, those who appeared in the first issues (Margaret Atwood and Marie-Claire Blais), the middle issues (Austin Clarke and Susan Swan), and those who continue to carry on the tradition (Priscila Uppal, a finalist for the 2007 Griffin Poetry Prize, and Matt Shaw, winner of the 2006 Journey Prize). With over one thousand contributions since 1972, Exile has become a respected forum, always presenting an impressive selection of new and established authors and artists, drawing our material (literature, poetry, drama, work in translation, and the fine arts) from French and English Canada, as well as from the United States, Britain, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and Asia. Publisher: Michael Callaghan. Submissions and correspondence: Exile/Excelsior Publishing Inc., 134 Eastbourne Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M5P 2G6. Email (queries only): Website:
Grain Magazine, a literary quarterly, publishes engaging, surprising, eclectic, and challenging writing and art by Canadian and international writers and artists. Published by the Saskatchewan Writers Guild, Grain has earned national and international recognition for its distinctive content. Editor: Sylvia Legris. Fiction Editor: Terry Jordan. Poetry Editor: Mari-Lou Rowley. Submissions and correspondence: Grain Magazine, P.O. Box 67, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7K 3K1. Email: Website:
The Malahat Review is a quarterly journal of contemporary poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction by both new and celebrated writers. Summer issues feature the winners of Malahat’s Novella and Long Poem prizes, held in alternate years; the fall issues feature the winners of the Far Horizons Award for emerging writers, alternating between poetry and fiction each year; the winter issues feature the winners of the Creative Non-Fiction Prize; and beginning in 2010, the spring issues will feature winners from the Open Season Awards in all three genres (poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction). All issues feature covers by noted Canadian visual artists and include reviews of Canadian books. Editor: John Barton. Assistant Editor: Rhonda Batchelor. Submissions and correspondence: The Malahat Review, University of Victoria, P.O. Box 1700, Station csc, Victoria, British Columbia, V8W 2Y2. Email: Website:
The New Quarterly is an award-winning literary magazine publishing fiction, poetry, interviews, and essays on writing. Now in its twenty-eighth year, the magazine prides itself on its independent take on the Canadian literary scene. Recent issues include the Montreal Issue (in both English and French), our Salon des Refuses, and Last Poems (the end of poetry and the poetry of last things); upcoming is an issue on Lists as both a thematic and a formal element, and a series on the role of the critic. Editor: Kim Jernigan. Submissions and correspondence: The New Quarterly, c/o St. Jerome’s University, 290 Westmount Road North, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G3. Email:, Website:
Prairie Fire is a quarterly magazine of contemporary Canadian writing that publishes stories, poems, and literary non-fiction by both emerging and established writers. Prairie Fire’s editorial mix also occasionally features critical or personal essays and interviews with authors. Stories published in Prairie Fire have won awards at the National Magazine Awards and the Western Magazine Awards. Prairie Fire publishes writing from, and has readers in, all parts of Canada. Editor: Andris Taskans. Fiction Editors: Warren Cariou and Heidi Harms. Submissions and correspondence: Prairie Fire, Room 423-100 Arthur Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 1H3. Email: Website:
PRISM international, the oldest literary magazine in Western Canada, was established in 1959 by a group of Vancouver writers. Published four times a year, PRISM features short fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, and translations by both new and established writers from Canada and around the world. The only criteria are originality and quality. PRISM holds three exemplary competitions: the Short Fiction Contest, the Literary Non-fiction Contest, and the Earle Birney Prize for Poetry. Executive Editors: Nadia Pestrak and Dan Schwartz. Fiction Editor: Rachel Knudsen. Poetry Editor: Elizabeth Ross. Submissions and correspondence: PRISM international, Creative Writing Program, The University of British Columbia, Buchanan E-462, 1866 Main Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6T 1Z1. Email (for queries only): Website:
Vancouver Review is an iconoclastic, irreverent, and wholly independent cultural quarterly that celebrated its fifth anniversary in 2009. Vancouver Review focuses on B.C. cultural, social, and political issues, and publishes commentary, essays, and narrative non-fiction, as well as fiction and poetry in every issue. With its Blueprint B.C. Fiction Series, launched in the summer of 2007, it explores the zeitgeist and geographic implications of the province through illustrated stories by first-time and established authors. Editor: Gudrun Will. Fiction Editor: Zsuzsi Gartner. Poetry Editor: Caroline Harvey. Submissions and correspondence (email submissions preferred): Vancouver Review, 2828 West 13th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6K 2T7. Email: editor@vancouverreview Website:
Submissions were also received from the following journals:
The Antigonish Review
(Antigonish, N.S.)
The Claremont Review
(Victoria, B.C.)
dANDelion Magazine
(Calgary, Alta.)
Descant(Toronto, Ont.)
The Fiddlehead
(Fredericton, N.B.)
FreeFall Magazine
(Calgary, Alta.)
(Vancouver, B.C.)
Maisonneuve Magazine
(Montreal, Que.)
Matrix Magazine
(Montreal, Que.)
The New Orphic Review
(Nelson, B.C.)
On Spec
(Edmonton, Alta.)
The Prairie Journal of Canadian Literature
(Calgary, Alta.)
Queen’s Quarterly
(Kingston, Ont.)
Ricepaper Magazine
(Vancouver, B.C.)
Soliloquies Anthology
(Montreal, Que.)
subTerrain Magazine
(Vancouver, B.C.)
Taddle Creek
(Toronto, Ont.)
This Magazine
(Toronto, Ont.)
The Windsor Review
(Windsor, Ont.)