I owe this book, really, to my clients, those fast-track careerists who so generously shared their experiences with me over the years. We plotted and schemed together. You went for it, and you beat out smarter, better, more attractive rivals to win advancement. You looked in the mirror and were honest about what you had to do to stay competitive. You were brave and courageous when it would have been so easy to choose to be corpulent, overpaid, and lazy. You rejected the status quo. You created your own next reality. It has been truly exciting to work with such ambitious, talented, smart, and genuinely charming individuals. Thank you.
This is my tenth book, and no one gets this far without backing. I am truly indebted to Ten Speed Press. They have stuck by me for all ten of these titles, an unusual run in the modern publishing world. Their loyalty may not have always been justified, but it has always been deeply appreciated. Fuzz, Phil, Lorena, George, and Jeff, you know who you are, and I want you to know I appreciate all you’ve done for me on this book and on all the others.
I want to acknowledge Bill Watkins, Sr., Tia Woodward, and Ellie Hall, some of the most brilliant businesspeople I know, for giving me fantastic interviews for this book. All of the careerists, executives, and H.R. officers I interviewed were more than helpful, and this book wouldn’t have been any good without their wisdom and generosity.
And I am appreciative of Alan Ferrell, Director of Management Placement for Purdue University’s Krannert Graduate School of Management. Alan, forgive me for misspelling your name in the last book, and check out your quote in this one! I hope I got it right.
Finally, I appreciate you, dear reader. I appreciate your willingness to try to control your own destiny, your desire to find rewards commensurate with your contributions, and your hankering for colleagues of the same fine caliber as you. Go for it! You deserve your success.