Robert gazed up at Gabriel and with a smile he could barely contain, nodded. His whole body was on fire and would be aching for days to come, but he wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. The commitment they were making was not to be taken lightly. There were a great many new experiences ahead for both of them, as well as a great deal of scandal from Gabriel’s society. Although they would not be allowed the privilege of showing affection in the outside world, they were safe to express their feelings within the confines of the society. It was something Gabriel was accustomed to, but not Robert. Even walking into the garden with his hand in Gabriel’s had him feeling exceptionally nervous.
The white bandage around Robert’s arm was a stark contrast against his skin, and the wound beneath it would soon heal, leaving scars. Gabriel had made certain not to cut too deeply, but the four claw marks on his forearm still burned, and would do so for some time. Robert should have found the whole thing disturbing, but being marked as Gabriel’s felt… right. And yet, he had so much to learn about this new world he’d become a part of.
“You son of a bitch, what have you done?” Dressler and his now-human pack appeared before them, and Gabriel pulled Robert behind him. “You mated with him?” Dressler spat out.
“Yes, and marked him. You know what will happen to you if you touch him,” Gabriel replied, holding his head high.
“You bound yourself to a human to spite me?” Dressler asked in disbelief.
Gabriel scoffed. “You think far too highly of yourself, Arnold. I did it because I care for him.”
“Your father is going to have kittens. Figuratively speaking, of course,” Dressler added with a fiendish grin. “Especially knowing you’ve bound yourself to not merely a human, but one who cannot provide any heirs. I cannot wait until that tidbit of news spreads across the society. It seems, in a way, I still win.” He gave Robert a little bow and started to walk away, then paused. Turning, his eyes gleamed dangerously. “Come to think of it, this victory is not sufficient. Be warned, Gabriel, this is not over. You will pay for your betrayal.”
Without another word, Dressler and his pack were gone, and Robert was more confused than ever. There was more to all this than either man was letting on. As if reading his thoughts, Gabriel spoke up.
“It’s a very old rivalry,” Gabriel explained. “I’ve tried to put a stop to it many times, to no avail. The only reason he hasn’t taken matters further is because of my father.”
“Who is…?” Robert prompted, not in the least bit encouraged by Gabriel’s inability to look him in the eye. “Gabriel?”
“He’s the head of the society,” he replied with a sigh.
Robert went to cross his arms over his chest, and forgetting his wound, let out a string of ungentlemanly curses when he inadvertently pressed down on it. Once the onslaught of curses subsided, he turned to Gabriel, who should be cringing. “And you didn’t think to mention this earlier?”
“I didn’t think it was important.”
“Not import—” Robert threw up his arms in frustration. “Unbelievable! Your father is the head of your society, who, by the way, is expecting you to provide heirs, and you didn’t think it was important to mention? Oh my God,” he gasped. “He’s going to eat me, isn’t he?”
Gabriel stared at him, then burst into laughter. With a glare, Robert marched off.
“I’m sorry, please forgive me,” Gabriel pleaded, catching up with Robert and pulling him into his strong arms. “I would be lying if I said he won’t be upset or disappointed, but I truly do care for you, Robert. I’ve been dreaming of having you in my arms for five years, and now that I have you, I have no intention of giving you up. Not for my father, Dressler, or anyone. Please. I’m going to need you by my side.”
It was futile. He couldn’t deny Gabriel. The truth of the matter was he didn’t want to give Gabriel up either, nor did he want to give up the opportunity of a future with him.
“Do I still get to sing for you?” he asked as they walked together toward the manor.
“You mean more than you did when we were making love?” Gabriel teased.
Robert gave him a playful shove. “You pill! I’m bound to an uncouth beast.”
With the most wonderful laugh, Gabriel pulled Robert close and kissed him.
Robert had no notion what was in store for him, and he was quite certain it wouldn’t be easy. They still had so much to talk about, such as the troubling traditions of Gabriel’s society, but Robert had spent so long keeping himself safe, afraid of taking any risks, that he almost missed his greatest opportunity, a chance at happiness. Taking Gabriel’s hand, Robert kissed his cheek and headed for the stairs. Whatever awaited them, they would face it together.