Acknowledgments from Dear Mr. Knightley
A friend once called God’s love “extravagant.” I’ve always loved that description—and if I ever forget, I will look back at this book, this journey, and all the people who came along beside me . . . and I will remember.
First I owe a debt of gratitude to Austen, Brontë, Webster, Dickens, Dumas . . . The list goes on. This is a book about loving books, and they wrote some of the best. Their words and worlds gave Sam—and give all of us—safe places to grow.
Then, I want to thank Lee Hough, who believed in this story from moment one and has guided me as both a friend and a mentor.
I stand amazed at the skill, poise, dedication, and acumen displayed daily by Daisy Hutton, Becky Monds, Katie Bond, and Ruthie Dean—I thank you, trust you, and cannot imagine a better home. Natalie Hanemann, LB Norton, and Jodi Hughes—thank you for your wonderful editing. Kristen Vasgaard, I’m still in love with this beautiful cover . . . And to the Sales Team—thank you for getting this book out into the world. There are many others at Thomas Nelson who have contributed to this endeavor—I sincerely thank you all.
I also want to acknowledge Sandra Byrd, Linda Kokemor, Suzie Townsend, and Bob Haslam for your insights and time. Without you and many others, who helped push the story and me forward, it would still be only in my heart and on my computer.
Closer to home—Thanks, Team Reay. Mason, you never doubted for a moment, even when all the great ideas seemed to come from your brain, not mine. And Elizabeth, my sister, your never-ending enthusiasm and willingness to read each of my many drafts keeps me smiling. My “sisters” in Austin—thank you for making the miles seem negligible. And, Pam, I hope the story—especially that one character—makes you laugh. I love you all.
And . . . Thanks so much to you for reading Dear Mr. Knightley!