
beg begin(ning)
CN cable needle
k2tog knit 2 stitches together
k3tog knit 3 stitches together
kfb knit into the front and back of the same stitch
M1 make 1 lifted increase; lift the horiozontal bar between the stitch just worked and the next one from the front and put it on the left needle, then knit (or purl) into the back of it
MC main color
p2togtbl purl 2 stitches together through the back loop
PM place marker
rem remain(s, ing)
rnd(s) round(s)
RS right side
sl slip
SM slip marker
ssk slip 2 stitches (one at a time, knitwise) from the left needle to the right, then knit these 2 stitches together with tip of left needle inserted from left to right into the front of stitches
St st stockinette stitch
st(s) stitch(es)
tbl through back loop
w&t wrap and turn; slip the next stitch, bring the yarn in front, then put the stitch back on the left needle and turn your work to the other side (leaving some stitches unworked). When picking up a wrapped stitch on a right side row, place needle under the wrap first and knit it together with the stitch on needle; when picking up a wrap on the wrong side, pick up the wrap from behind and place on needle, then purl it together with stitch on needle.
WS wrong side
YO yarn over


C4B slip next 2 sts and hold at back, k2, then k2 from cable needle
C4F slip next 2 sts and hold at front, k2, then k2 from cable needle
C6B slip next 3 sts and hold at back, k3, then k3 from cable needle
C6F slip next 3 sts and hold at front, k3, then k3 from cable needle
T4B slip next 2 sts and hold at back, k2, then p2 from cable needle
T4F slip next 2 sts and hold at front, p2, then k2 from cable needle


Provisional Cast-on

With waste yarn and crochet hook, chain desired number of stitches plus a few more and finish off. Pick up and knit stitches through the back loop of the chain. For those who don’t want to crochet, cast on desired number of stitches and knit a few rows in waste yarn before continuing.

I–cord Cast-on

Cast on 3 sts, slip one st a time to left needle (working yarn remains behind at all times). *Kfb, k2; slip 3 (knit-wise) one at a time to left needle; repeat from * until number of stitches needed plus 2. Next row: K2tog, k1, slip sts to left needle and knit last 2 together. I-cord complete.

Knitted Cast-on

Start with a slipknot (or live stitch) on the left-hand needle. Work a knit stitch with the right hand needle, but do not slip it off the left needle. Instead, place the stitch from the right needle back onto the left needle (one stitch cast on). Continue until the desired number of stitches are on the left needle.

I-cord Bind-off (from live sts)

Cast on 3 sts using the knitted cast-on; slip to left needle, *k2, ssk, slip sts back to left needle (do not turn work, carry yarn behind); repeat from *. When 3 sts remain, graft to the beginning of the cord and weave in ends.

Three-needle Bind-off

Turn pieces inside out and place live stitches on 2 parallel needles. Then knit 2 stitches together, one from each of the parellel needles. Knit another 2 stitches together, one from each needle. You now have 2 stitches on your right needle; use your left needle to pull the first stitch over the second and off the needle (one stitch bound off). Continue binding off in this manner (k2tog, bind off one).

Attached I-Cord from Cast-on or Side Edges

From RS, pick up and knit one edge stitch and slip to left needle. Cast on 2 more sts with the knitted cast-on; *k2, slip next st, then pick up one st from edge and ssk (do not turn work), slip 3 sts to left needle; repeat from * around. When 3 sts remain, graft to the beginning of the cord and weave in ends.

Attached I-Cord from Live Stitches

Cast on 3 sts with the knitted cast-on. *K2, slip next st, then slip one from left needle and ssk (do not turn work), slip 3 sts to left needle; repeat from * around. When 3 sts remain, graft to the beginning of the cord and weave in ends.



Brown Sheep Company

Cascade Yarns

Ella Rae

Hanalei Hand-Dyed

Knit Picks

Lion Brand