A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.
Abbot, Willis J., 256
Addicks, J. Edward, 197, 219, 229
“Advance Agent of Prosperity” (McKinley slogan), 202, 370
Bryan and, 274, 275, 321–22, 348, 351–52, 359, 360, 368
currency issues and, 12, 15, 16, 17, 43, 46, 205, 239, 243, 244, 245–46, 274, 275, 285, 313, 315, 321–22, 348, 351–52, 358, 360, 366, 368
and divisions within Democratic Party, 138, 148
elections of 1890 and, 81
elections of 1893 and, 102
elections of 1894 and, 104
international demand for American, 352
and McKinley 1896 presidential campaign, 243, 245–46, 285, 288, 310, 313, 315, 324, 325, 329, 352
and nineteenth-century divisions in America, 3
“October surprise” for, 351–52
Panic of 1873 and, 40
protectionism and, 66, 105, 329
and reasons for McKinley 1896 victory, 365–66, 368
tariffs and, 13, 15, 52, 66, 67, 78, 79, 325, 329
taxes and, 67
and Democratic 1896 presidential nomination, 252, 278, 281
Democratic 1896 State Convention in, 208–9, 252
and Quay-McKinley Canton meeting, 203
and Republican 1896 National Convention, 216, 217
Republican 1896 State Convention in, 196
Albany Law School: McKinley at, 20
Aldrich, James F., 128
Aldrich, Nelson, 79, 133, 134, 200
Alexander, Jeanette, 24–25
Alger, Russell A., 64, 71, 72, 88, 132–33, 154, 167, 224, 329, 330, 347
Allegheny College: McKinley as student at, 5
Allen, William, 43
Allen, William V., 301, 303, 305
Allison, William B.
Clarkson and, 130
and Clarkson Midwest-West trip, 178
congressional fight for Bland-Allison Act and, 49, 50
and delegates to Republican 1896 National Convention, 164, 165, 166, 168, 191, 196
and 1896 Republican presidential primary campaigns, 130, 131, 154, 155, 156, 158, 159
elections of 1892 and, 88
and last-minute attacks on McKinley, 195, 200
presidential nomination for, 234
and Republican 1888 National Convention, 71
and Republican 1896 National Convention, 219, 232–33, 234
tariffs and, 78
Altgeld, John Peter
and Bryan campaign, 353
comment about McKinley primary presidential campaign by, 242
currency issues and, 142–43, 146–47, 206, 250, 257
and Democratic 1896 National Convention, 206, 256, 257, 258, 265, 266–67, 276, 277, 282
and Democratic 1896 presidential nomination, 256, 257, 258, 265, 277, 282
and Democratic special conventions, 147, 148
and divisions within Democratic Party, 142–43, 146–47, 148, 206, 250, 257
Haymarket bombing and, 142–43
Roosevelt comments about, 344
American Anti-Slavery Society, 5
American Bimetallic League, 146
American College Republican League, 287, 326, 343–44
(University of Michigan), McKinley speech to, 86
American Federation of Labor, 141
American Protective Association (APA)
and broadening of Republican Party base, 346
elections of 1894 and, 106
McKinley 1896 presidential campaign and, 245, 293–94
and McKinley 1896 presidential nomination, 236
McKinley disagreement with, 102–3, 107, 173, 175–76, 181, 345, 346
mission of, 102
and reasons for McKinley 1896 victory, 368, 370
and Republican 1896 National Convention, 228
American Protective Tariff League, 293
American Railway Union, 323
American System, 13
anti-Semitism, 354
Antietam, Battle at, 8–9
Arkansas, 160, 164, 249, 251, 263, 278
Arthur, Chester A., 55, 60, 61, 62, 63, 117
Ashby, Harrison Sterling “Stump,” 303
Atkinson, William Y., 132
Atlanta Constitution, 132, 214, 271, 276, 298, 337
Atlantic Monthly, 5
Austin Statesman, 199
Bailey, Joseph W., 146
Baltimore American, 167
banks, 40, 141, 207, 267, 275, 314
Barker, P.D., 112
Belden, George W., 20–21
Bell, Nicholas M., 208
Belmont, August, 145
Berry, Orville F., 189, 191, 192
Betha, Sol H., 191
Better Days for Farmers (Republican pamphlet), 80
Bimetallic Democratic National Committee (Bimetallic DNC), 149–50, 201, 208, 210, 211, 212, 214, 251, 255, 257, 259, 274
agriculture and, 351
and Bland-Allison Act, 50
Cleveland and, 206
and Democratic 1896 National Convention, 213, 262, 263, 271, 274–75, 276
and Democratic 1896 State Conventions, 249, 250, 254, 257, 260
and divisions within Democratic Party, 206, 213, 249, 250, 254, 257, 260, 262, 263, 271, 274–75, 276
and last-minute attacks on McKinley, 199, 201
and McKinley 1896 presidential campaign, 289
McKinley views about, 123, 221–22
and Republican 1896 National Convention, 221–22, 224, 231
Bishop, Joseph N., 97
Bitzer, George, 35
black voting rights
Democratic Party and, 14, 36, 54
election returns for 1896 and, 365
elections of 1885 and, 64
and Fourteenth Amendment, 36
and McKinley 1894 trip to New Orleans, 104
McKinley presidential primary campaign and, 110, 113, 114
and McKinley strategy for 1896 nomination, 95
in post–Civil War years, 14
presidential primary campaigns and, 109
and reasons for McKinley 1896 victory, 370
Republican support for, 36
Blackburn, Joseph C.S., 210–11, 252, 266, 269, 280, 295
and delegates to Republican 1896 National Convention, 168–72, 179, 180, 196
McKinley 1896 presidential campaign and, 287
McKinley presidential primary campaign and, 110, 111, 113–14
and reasons for McKinley 1896 victory, 370
in Texas, 168–72
See also black voting rights
Blaine, James G. “Plumed Knight”
elections of 1884 and, 58, 60–63, 66–67, 117
elections of 1888 and, 69–70, 71, 72, 73
elections of 1892 and, 87–88, 89, 90
and McKinley as freshman congressman, 47
and McKinley re-election to Congress, 63
popularity of, 70
protectionism and, 69
Reed and, 128
as secretary of state, 79
Bland-Allison Act (1877), 49–50, 54, 79
Bland, Richard Parks “Silver Dick”
Bryan campaign and, 146
and congressional fight for Bland-Allison Act, 48–50
criticisms of, 251
currency issues and, 48–50, 140, 141, 145, 146, 147, 207, 248, 249, 251
and Democratic 1896 National Convention, 256, 258, 261, 263, 269, 276, 278–79, 280, 281, 282
Democratic 1896 presidential nomination and, 148, 251–52, 254, 256, 258, 261, 263, 269, 278–79, 280, 281, 282
and Democratic 1896 State Conventions, 249, 251
and Democratic 1896 vice presidential candidate, 295, 296
and divisions within Democratic Party, 140, 141, 145, 146, 148, 207, 208, 248
Hanna views about, 284
media interviews of, 251–52
Missouri 1896 Democratic State Convention and, 208
Bliss, Cornelius N., 220, 221, 291, 314, 320, 357
Boies, Horace “Uncle Horace,” 248, 252, 256, 258, 263, 269, 279–80, 295
bosses, machine state
influence on presidential campaigns of, 109
and McKinley 1896 primary presidential campaign, 370, 377
and McKinley presidential ambitions, 107
and McKinley strategy for 1896 nomination, 93–95, 107
and “The People Against the Bosses,” 135, 176, 370
role in GOP presidential nominations of, 236
See also Combine; “The People Against the Bosses”; specific person
Boston Home Market Club: McKinley speech at, 67–68
Boston, Massachusetts
Bryan campaign in, 332
Flag Day in, 356
Bradley, William O., 131, 158, 159, 181
Brooke Hall Female Seminary: Ida at, 23–24
Brooklyn Academy of Music: Bryan speech at, 331
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, 350
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, 350
Bryan, Mary (wife), 255, 260, 269, 297, 306, 347, 359, 364
Bryan presidential campaign (1896)
and attacks on McKinley by name, 242, 375
beginning of, 297–98
and betting odds on election, 355
bracketing of, 333, 341, 343, 350
and Bryan rhetorical abilities, 297, 306, 308
Bryan worldview and, 334
and Bryan’s health, 331, 332, 354
closing weeks of, 334, 336, 338–40, 341, 343–45, 347, 359–60
“Cross of Gold” speech and, 260, 276, 303, 309, 365
and Dawes-Bryan meetings, 320
and Democratic bolters, 298–99
divisions within Democratic Party and, 309, 340, 370, 372
and divisiveness in America, 322, 334, 335, 336, 344, 348, 371–72
funding for, 296, 320, 374, 375
Harrison criticisms of, 316, 350
headquarters for, 296–97
The Idler and, 339, 340, 354, 360
and Madison Square Garden speech, 296, 297, 305–7, 309, 320
management of, 296
National Democrats and, 318, 319
and notification of Bryan nomination, 296, 297, 305–7
“October surprises” and, 348, 351–52
organization of, 330–31, 339, 373
Populism and, 2, 293, 295, 299–300, 301–5, 320
and Republican reactions to Bryan nomination, 284, 294
and Republican support for Bryan, 292–93, 295, 313, 368
Roosevelt criticisms of, 341, 343–45
Schurz criticisms of, 350
and selection of vice presidential candidate, 295–96
and Sewall-Populist controversy, 301–5
spectators versus supporters at, 374
and vacations for Bryan, 307, 309
and vice presidency, 323
See also specific person, state, or topic
Bryan, William Jennings
ambitions of, 253, 254–55, 269
casting of 1896 ballot by, 361
childhood of, 297
comments about McKinley by, 242
concession of 1896 election by, 364
Crete speech of, 258, 260, 276
“Cross of Gold” speech of, 260, 276, 303, 309, 365
and Democratic 1896 National Convention, 256, 257, 258, 260, 262, 263, 265, 266, 267–68, 269, 270–80
and Democratic 1896 presidential nomination, 253–55, 256, 263, 265, 269, 277–83
and Democratic 1896 State Conventions, 207, 209
and divisions within Democratic Party, 140, 141, 145, 146, 147–48, 207, 209
effect on McKinley presidential campaign of, 242, 289
on election day, 361
elections of 1894 and, 144
elections of 1895 and, 273–74
as “favorite son,” 209
financial affairs of, 253–54
professional background of, 253–54, 368
and rabbit’s foot, 278, 283, 300, 328
rhetorical abilities of, 277–78, 297, 306, 308
self-confidence of, 269
See also Bryan presidential campaign (1896); specific person or topic
Buchanan, James, 138
Buck, Alfred E., 111–12, 157, 180
Buckner, Simon Bolivar, 318, 319, 333, 338
Bullock, Rufus, 132
Burlington & Missouri Railroad, 158, 159
Burrows, Julius C., 81
Bushnell, Asa S., 87, 122, 123, 136, 164
Bryan and, 274, 298, 349–50, 354
and coercion of employees, 349–50
currency issues and, 274, 285, 298, 299
and Democratic bolters, 299
Flag Day and, 349–50
and McKinley 1896 presidential campaign, 285, 287, 314, 315
and reasons for McKinley 1896 victory, 366
See also tariffs; taxes
Business Men’s Sound Money Association, 357
Butler, Marion, 301
and Bryan campaign, 330–31, 339
as Populist chairman, 304
Byron, Lord, 5
Cage, T.A., 165
Calhoun, Frank L., 188–90, 191, 192, 193
Calhoun, John, 13
Clarkson assessment of, 177
currency issues in, 211, 230, 243
and Democratic 1896 presidential nomination, 243, 252
Democratic 1896 State Convention in, 211
and 1896 Republican presidential primary campaigns, 160
election returns for 1896 in, 363
and McKinley 1896 presidential campaign, 355–56
Reed in, 355–56
and Republican 1896 National Convention, 230
Republican 1896 State Convention in, 196
Cameron, J. Donald, 120, 125, 126
Cameron, Lizzie, 120
campaign finance reform, 161–62
campaigns, political
characteristics of presidential primary, 108–10
importance of, 75
McKinley influence on reform of, 108, 109–10
“October surprises” in, 348, 351–52, 371
in post–Civil War years, 11
tasks of, 372
See also specific campaign, election, or person
Campbell Ballot Box Hoax, 75–76, 164, 377
Cannon, Frank, 231–32
Canton Anti-Slavery Society, 23
Canton, Ohio
celebration of McKinley presidential nomination in, 237
Flag Day in, 359
Hanna-Foraker-Sherman-McKinley meeting (1887) in, 65
Ida’s home in, 20–26
McKinley 1894 speech in, 106
as McKinley 1896 campaign headquarters, 155
and McKinley declaration as winner in elections of 1896, 364–65
and McKinley election as governor, 85
McKinley home in, 20–21, 26–32, 42, 136–37
and McKinley notification and acceptance of 1896 presidential nomination, 243–45
McKinley supporters’ visits to, 244–45, 284–85, 288–89
Quay-McKinley meeting in, 202–4
social life in, 21–26
See also Front-Porch Campaign, McKinley
canvass, campaign, 11, 38, 47, 328. See also door-to-door canvasses
Carey, Joseph M., 177, 178, 218
Carlisle, John G., 76, 139, 140, 145, 207–8, 210, 211, 266, 318, 331
Carnegie, Andrew, 73
and Generals’ Tour, 356
Harrison speech at, 316
Carter, Thomas H., 96, 133, 216, 218, 221
Catholics, 21, 102–3, 175, 228, 245, 345–46, 367, 368, 370
Cedar Creek, Battle of, 9–10
Central Bimetallic League, 149
Chandler, William E., 161–62, 174
Chicago Honest Money League, 147
Chicago, Illinois
as Bryan campaign headquarters, 296
Bryan campaign in, 306, 322, 339, 352–55
Great Fire anniversary in, 336–37
Haymarket bombing in, 142
and McKinley 1896 presidential campaign, 327, 329, 336–37, 343–44
as McKinley campaign headquarters, 286, 287, 356, 374–75
McKinley Marquette Club speech in, 156–58
Panic of 1893 and, 101
Pullman Strike (1894) in, 131, 142–43, 323, 368
and reasons for McKinley 1896 victory, 368
Republican National Convention (1884) in, 59, 60–63, 64, 70
Republican National Convention (1888) in, 69–75
Roosevelt speech in, 343–44
Roosevelt visit to Republican headquarters in, 324
and site for Republican 1896 National Convention, 151
See also Democratic National Convention (Chicago, 1896)
Chicago Times, 72
Chicago Times-Herald, 184, 192–93
Chicago Tribune
and Bryan campaign, 354
and Cullom as favorite son, 119
and Democratic 1896 presidential nominees, 269, 282
and divisions within Democratic Party, 250
and 1896 Republican presidential primary campaigns, 158–59
and Foraker and 1888 elections, 70
and Illinois Republican 1896 State Convention, 186, 189, 193
McKinley Marquette Club speech story in, 157
and McKinley presidential nomination, 236
McKinley presidential primary campaign and, 119
Churchill, Jennie, 307
Cincinnati Commercial Gazette, 75, 131
Civil War
currency during, 16
divisions within Democratic Party during, 271
and divisiveness in America, 371
Hanna and, 33
McKinley in, 1, 7–11, 18, 19, 375
Republican views about, 14
tariffs during, 13
See also veterans, Civil War
Clarkson, James S. “Ret”
Allison and, 130
bosses and, 130
and delegates to Republican 1896 National Convention, 166, 168, 169, 174, 197
and 1896 Republican presidential primary campaigns, 154, 155, 159, 160
elections of 1892 and, 88
elections of 1893 and, 89
Foraker and, 122
and Illinois Republican 1896 State Convention, 185
and McKinley presidential ambitions, 122
Midwest-West trip of, 160, 176–78
and Quay-McKinley meeting, 202
and Republican 1896 National Convention, 216
as RNC chairman, 86–87
Clay, Henry, 13
Clayton, Henry D., 264
Clayton, Powell, 109, 112, 164–65, 216, 357
Cleveland Female Seminary: Ida at, 23
Cleveland, Grover
agriculture and, 205
cartoon about, 144
currency issues and, 71, 129, 138, 139–50, 198, 205–14, 258–59, 260, 285, 293
debt and, 205
and Democratic 1896 National Convention, 257, 259, 260, 267, 271, 278, 279, 284, 285
and Democratic 1896 presidential nomination, 279
Democratic 1896 State Conventions and, 208–10, 212, 213
and divisions within Democratic Party, 75, 138, 139–50, 205–14, 248, 258–59, 271, 278, 284, 285, 370
domination of DNC by, 257
economy and, 100, 103, 138, 139, 141, 205
elections of 1884 and, 64, 66–67
elections of 1892 and, 97, 139, 147, 317, 352, 364, 368
elections of 1893 and, 102
elections of 1894 and, 105
elections of 1896 and, 150
Foraker and, 70
inauguration of, 138
McKinley relationship with, 67
McKinley views about, 103, 105, 115
and National Democrats, 318
patronage and, 212
protectionism and, 67, 198, 339
Pullman Strike and, 131, 142–43, 368
and reasons for McKinley 1896 victory, 371
and return of captured Confederate flags, 70
tariffs and, 14, 67, 139, 143–44, 198
taxes and, 67
coal miners lawsuit, 32–33, 34, 321, 375
Cockran, Bourke, 307–8, 333, 339, 345, 372
coercion of employees, 349–50, 354
Coffin, Owen V., 115
Coinage Act (1873), 41
Coin’s Financial School, 143, 341
currency issues in, 197, 208, 243
Democratic 1896 State Convention in, 208, 251
and 1896 Republican presidential primary campaigns, 160
election returns for 1896 in, 364
and McKinley 1896 presidential campaign, 287
Republican 1896 State Convention in, 197
and Teller presidential nomination, 243
Watson campaign in, 323
and APA attack on McKinley, 175
and Chandler attack on McKinley, 160–62
and Clarkson Midwest-West trip, 176–78
concerns about McKinley of, 132–35
and credentials for Republican 1896 National Convention, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 229
currency issues and, 197, 222, 224, 225, 226
and delegates to Republican 1896 National Convention, 152, 163, 165, 166–70, 178, 179–80, 181, 190, 196, 197
and Depew dinner meeting, 133
favorite son strategy of, 124, 127, 129, 130–31, 151, 153, 158, 236
Harrison and, 195–96
and Illinois Republican 1896 State Convention, 183, 185, 188, 191–93
influence on Republican Party of, 124
last-minute attacks on McKinley by, 195–96, 200–201
and McKinley 1896 presidential campaign, 240, 374
and McKinley 1896 presidential primary campaign, 107, 118, 121, 122, 124, 127, 129–35, 151–62, 236–37
and McKinley character and personality, 173
and McKinley declaration as 1896 presidential candidate, 158
and McKinley presidential nomination, 236, 377
and McKinley strategy for 1896 nomination, 94
patronage and, 124–25, 129, 133
and Quay-McKinley meeting, 202
and reasons for McKinley 1896 victory, 374
and Republican 1896 National Convention, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 224, 225, 226, 233, 235
Republican National Committee and, 203
role in Republican conventions of, 109
and unity of Ohio Republicans, 122
and Vermont 1896 State Convention, 190
See also bosses, machine state; “The People Against the Bosses”; specific person
currency issues and, 17
McKinley views about, 18
Confederate Civil War veterans: McKinley meeting with, 335–36, 341, 372
Conger, A.L., 152
Congress, U.S.
corruption and, 14
currency issues and, 16, 17, 40, 41, 47–50, 139–41, 144–45, 198
elections of 1874 and, 12
elections of 1894 and, 107
elections of 1896 and, 369
and gerrymandering McKinley district, 54, 55, 57, 63, 80
gridlock in, 12
and importance of McKinley 1896 victory, 378
See also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.; specific person or legislation
Congressional Record, 162, 198–99
Conkling, Roscoe, 124–25
Connecticut, 11, 181, 286, 331–32
Contraction Act (1866), 17
conventions. See specific convention
Converse, George L., 57
Cooke, Jay, 39
Cooper Union (New York City)
Tillman speech at, 250
Powderly speech at, 323–24
corruption, 11, 14, 40, 161, 360
Cowles, Betsy, 23
Coxey, Jacob “General,” 142
Crane, William M., 154
Creelman, James, 251–52
Crete, Nebraska: Bryan speech in, 258, 260, 276
Crisp, Charles F., 207
“Cross of Gold” speech, Bryan’s, 260, 276, 303, 309, 365
Culberson, Charles, 254
Cullom, Shelby M. “Uncle Shelby”
and 1896 Republican presidential primary campaigns, 130, 131, 154–55, 156, 158
elections of 1888 and, 117
elections of 1892 and, 117
elections of 1895 and, 117
as favorite son, 119, 130, 131
and Illinois Republican 1896 State Convention, 183–93
and McKinley re-election to Congress, 63
presidential nominations for, 117
Tanner and, 117
Cuney, Norris Wright, 168, 169–72, 178, 219–20, 229
currency issues
agriculture and, 12, 15, 16, 17, 43, 46, 205, 239, 243, 244, 245–46, 274, 275, 285, 313, 315, 321–22, 351–52, 366, 368
Bryan and, 140, 141, 145, 146, 147–48, 207, 209, 242, 254–55, 260, 265, 266–68, 270–80, 285, 294, 299, 313, 314, 338, 351–52, 360
during Civil War, 16
Combine and, 197, 222, 224, 225, 226
Congress and, 16, 17, 40, 41, 47–50, 139–41, 144–45, 198
debts and, 16, 17, 205, 207, 239, 246, 267, 285, 352
Democratic 1896 Conventions and, 206–14, 248–49, 256–57, 261–69, 270–80
Democratic Party divisiveness, 45–46, 138, 139–50, 205–14, 242, 248–60, 285, 298, 299
Democratic special conventions concerning, 147–49
and 1896 Republican presidential primary campaigns, 129
elections of 1867 and, 36
elections of 1875 and, 42, 43–44
elections of 1876 and, 45–47
elections of 1888 and, 71
elections of 1891 and, 84
elections of 1892 and, 97, 147
elections of 1893 and, 102
elections of 1894 and, 105
hard-soft debate about, 15–16, 17, 43, 48, 93, 208
industry and, 275–76
as issue in late nineteenth-century America, 12, 15–17
labor and, 43, 49, 205, 207–8, 244, 289, 315, 316, 321, 346
and last-minute attacks on McKinley, 195, 198–202
late nineteenth-century debate about, 12–18
and McKinley 1891 gubernatorial campaign, 84–85
and McKinley 1896 presidential campaign, 237, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 284–85, 289, 290, 292–93, 299, 312–15, 316, 322, 335, 338, 347, 352, 374
and McKinley 1896 presidential primary campaign, 123, 126, 155, 195, 198–202
and McKinley as congressman, 47–50
McKinley as straddling, 17, 46–47, 48, 50, 71, 123, 198, 200–201, 202, 222–26, 244, 293
and McKinley congressional campaign, 46–47
McKinley letter to New-York Tribune about, 198–99
and McKinley presidential nomination, 236
and McKinley strategy for 1896 presidential nomination, 93, 97
and reasons for McKinley 1896 victory, 366–67, 368–69, 374
and Republican 1896 National Convention, 197–99, 204, 221–26, 227, 230–32, 233, 245
and Republican 1896 presidential primary campaigns, 93, 97, 123, 126, 129, 145–46, 149, 150, 155
Republican Party divisiveness and, 46, 197–98, 200
state conventions (1896) and, 199
See also bimetallism; Free Silver; fusionists; gold; greenbacks/paper currency; inflation; Panic of 1873; Panic of 1893; Populists; silver; sound money; specific legislation, person, state, or organization
Custer, George Armstrong, 10, 71, 329
customs system, 78
Dahlman, James, 209
Daly, Marcus, 375
Daniel, John W., 257, 259, 262, 264, 265–66
Daniels, Josephus, 249, 255, 263, 272, 273, 276, 304, 319, 331, 332
Darrow, Clarence, 277
Davis, Cushman K., 131, 158, 165–66
Davis, James H. “Cyclone,” 300, 301, 302, 303
Dawes, Beman Gates “BG,” 116, 179
and APA attack on McKinley, 176
and delegates to Republican 1896 National Convention, 179
elections of 1894 and, 106
and Flag Day, 356
and Illinois Republican 1896 State Convention, 183–94
and McKinley 1896 presidential campaign, 241, 287, 288, 289, 292, 311, 314, 315, 320, 328, 333, 338, 355, 356, 360, 374–75, 376
and McKinley 1896 presidential nomination, 236
and McKinley acceptance of 1896 presidential nomination, 244
McKinley first meeting with, 106
and McKinley Marquette Club speech, 156–57, 158
McKinley presidential primary campaign and, 116, 118, 119, 156–57, 158, 159
McKinley relationship with, 187, 194, 376, 377
and McKinley strategy for 1896 nomination, 106
move to Illinois by, 116
Nobel Prize for, 376
professional career of, 106, 116, 376
and Republican 1896 National Convention, 235
talents of, 118
Tanner and, 184
views about elections of 1896 of, 360
Debs, Eugene V., 323
Cleveland and, 205
currency issues and, 16, 17, 205, 207, 239, 246, 267, 285, 352
and reasons for McKinley 1896 victory, 366
currency issues in, 211
Democratic 1896 State Convention in, 211
election returns for 1896 in, 369
elections of 1872 in, 369
and reasons for McKinley 1896 victory, 369
and Republican 1896 National Convention, 219, 229
Republican 1896 State Convention in, 197
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, 352
Democratic National Committee (DNC)
Bryan campaign and, 320, 330, 339
Cleveland control of, 149, 257
and coercion of employees, 249
and Democratic 1896 National Convention, 257, 259–60, 261, 262, 264, 272
and divisions within Democratic Party, 149–50
funds of, 369
Jones election as chairman of, 296
See also Bimetallic Democratic National Committee
Democratic National Convention (Chicago, 1896)
Bryan speech at, 272–80
campaigning at, 256
chairmanship of, 257, 259–60, 262–63, 264, 265, 266
Cleveland and, 257, 259, 260, 267, 284, 285
credentials for, 209, 214, 257, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 266, 267, 268
currency issues and, 147, 150, 206, 207, 208, 213, 214, 256–60, 261–69, 270–80
and divisions within Democratic Party, 147, 150, 277, 284
DNC and, 257, 259–60, 261, 262, 264, 272
Free Silver and, 243, 257, 259, 260, 261, 267, 269, 273–74, 275, 276, 277
“Lady in White” at, 279–80
presidential nominees and, 206, 251–55, 262–69, 277–83
Republican views about, 246–47
silver Republicans at, 243
Democratic Party
and Democrats as McKinley supporters, 298–99, 307, 366
divisions within, 138–50, 205–14, 242, 248–60, 270–80, 284, 293, 332, 340, 370
favorite sons of, 208, 209, 212, 252, 280, 296
revolt in, 277
See also Democratic Congressional Committee; Democratic National Committee (DNC); Democratic National Convention (Chicago, 1896); Democratic State Conventions (1896); National Democrats; specific person or topic
Democratic State Conventions (1896), 206–14, 248–55. See also specific state
demographics: and reasons for McKinley 1896 victory, 367
Depew, Chauncey M., 71, 133, 153, 231, 233
Detroit Free Press, 345
Deveaux, John H., 113, 114, 180
Dewalt, Christiana, 22, 26, 27
Dewalt, George, 22
Dick, Charles W.F., 94, 121, 152, 156, 183, 222
Dickinson, Don M., 209–10, 213, 262
Dingley, Nelson Jr., 200
Disston, Hamilton, 114–15
Dixon, Thomas, 347
Dodge, Grenville M., 130, 160, 168, 185
door-to-door canvasses, 291, 333, 374
Downey, Stephen W., 90
Draper, Eben S., 224
Eagan, Dennis, 112, 113–14, 157
Bryan campaign in, 305
and McKinley 1896 presidential campaign, 291–92
See also specific state
Ebbitt House (Washington, D.C.): McKinley at, 51, 59, 76, 78
Bryan campaign and, 348
Cleveland and, 100, 103, 138, 139, 141, 205
and Democratic 1896 National Convention speeches, 266–67
and divisions within Democratic Party, 138, 139, 141–50
in 1880s, 66
in 1890s, 100–101
elections of 1890 and, 81
elections of 1893 and, 101–3
elections of 1894 and, 105
gold reserves and, 100
labor and, 142
Panic of 1873 and, 39–40
Panic of 1893 and, 100–103
protectionism and, 100
and reasons for McKinley 1896 victory, 379
See also currency issues; tariffs; taxes
Edens, William G., 118–19, 183
election day (1896), 361–62
challenging of close, 58–59
in late nineteenth century America, 11–12
McKinley learning lessons about, 43
“October surprises” in, 348
voter turnout in presidential, 11
See also campaigns, political; specific election
Elections Committee, U.S. House, 58
elections of 1868, 35, 36–37, 38
elections of 1869, 38
elections of 1871, 38
elections of 1872, 38, 317, 369
elections of 1876, 42, 44–47, 49, 161
elections of 1880, 55
elections of 1882, 57–59
elections of 1884, 56, 59–64, 66–67, 117
elections of 1888, 64–65, 69–75, 86, 92, 117, 126, 288, 311, 352, 375–76
elections of 1889, 75–76, 121, 252
elections of 1890, 80–82, 83, 107
elections of 1891, 83–85, 102–3, 377
elections of 1892
Cleveland and, 97, 139, 147, 317, 352, 364, 368
Democratic platform for, 209
elections of 1896 compared with, 363, 364, 365
electoral votes in, 286
favorite sons in, 117
Harrison and, 86–91, 96, 97, 287, 363, 365
McKinley presidential ambitions and, 83, 86, 92, 96–97
and McKinley strategy for 1896 nomination, 96–97
Populists and, 147, 363, 364, 365
tariffs and, 139
voting rights and, 88
See also specific state
elections of 1893, 100, 101–3, 136
elections of 1894, 103–7, 117, 127, 144, 373
elections of 1895, 135–36, 164, 219, 273–74, 377
elections of 1896
betting odds on, 355
Bryan casting ballot in, 361
Bryan concession in, 364
Bryan views about, 359–60
Democratic platform for, 209
Democratic State Conventions for, 206–14, 248–55
election day for, 361–62
election returns for, 363–65
elections of 1892 compared with, 363, 364, 365
Electoral College and, 363, 364, 365, 367, 378–79
Hanna influence on, 2
importance of, 3
issues in, 3
labor role in, 321
and McKinley acceptance speech for nomination, 239, 241, 244–45
and McKinley as reform candidate, 94, 236
McKinley casting ballot in, 361–62
McKinley declaration as candidate for, 156, 157–58
McKinley declaration as winner in, 364–65
McKinley presidential ambitions and, 83, 91, 103, 107
McKinley presidential nomination for, 233–37, 241, 243–44
and McKinley presidential primary campaign, 151–62
McKinley “vacation” prior to, 110–14
and modernization and broadening of Republican Party, 2
number of voters in, 362
patronage and, 124–25, 129, 133, 134
popular vote in, 363, 364, 365
and popularity of McKinley, 2, 135–36
reasons for McKinley victory in, 365–79
and Republican State Conventions, 163–72
as sectional contest, 304
Southern bloc and, 110–14
See also Bryan presidential campaign (1896); favorite sons; presidential campaign (1896), McKinley; presidential primary campaign, Republican (1896); specific person or topic
elections of 1912, 378
elections of 1932, 378
elections of 2012, 47
Electoral College, 363, 364, 365, 367, 378–79
Elkins, Stephen B., 73, 130–31, 133, 155, 196, 290, 293
Ellis, Bill, 171
Erie & Western Railroad, 101
Evans, H. Clay “Southern Cyclone,” 111, 131, 223, 235, 240
Everett Literary Society, 20
farmers. See agriculture
Farmers’ Alliance: Bryan speech to, 310
Fassett, J. Sloat, 129–30, 203–4
favorite sons
Combine and, 124, 127, 129, 130–31, 151, 153, 158, 236
and delegates to Republican 1896 National Convention, 179
Democratic, 208, 209, 212, 252, 280, 296
and 1896 Republican presidential primary campaigns, 124, 127, 151, 153, 154, 158, 159, 160
elections of 1892 and, 117
and last-minute attacks on McKinley, 195, 200, 204
and McKinley 1896 presidential primary campaign, 108, 117
and McKinley presidential nomination, 236
and McKinley strategy for 1896 presidential nomination, 93
See also specific person or election
Fessenden, Samuel C., 115, 216, 217, 220, 224
Field, James G., 303
Filley, Chauncey I. “The Old Man,” 152, 153, 154, 196–97, 218, 224, 229, 369
First Methodist Church (Canton, Ohio), 21, 27, 175, 359
First Presbyterian Church (Canton, Ohio), 22, 23, 27
“First Time Voter” clubs, 326, 374
Flanagan, Web, 170
and Democratic 1896 National Convention, 259, 260
Democratic 1896 State Convention in, 211
and McKinley 1896 presidential campaign, 317
McKinley trip to, 113–14
and Quay-McKinley Canton meeting, 203
and Republican 1896 National Convention, 217, 218
Republican 1896 State Convention in, 168
Flower, Roswell P., 250, 281, 318
Folger, Charles J., 58
Foraker, Joseph Benson “Fire Alarm Joe”
ambitions of, 69, 76, 84, 85, 93, 96, 136, 163–64
and Campbell Ballot Box Hoax, 76, 164, 377
currency issues and, 224, 225, 230–31
elections of 1884 and, 59–60, 61–63, 64
elections of 1888 and, 64–65, 69, 70, 72–73
elections of 1889 and, 75–76, 121
elections of 1891 and, 84, 85, 377
elections of 1892 and, 87, 88, 89, 96, 121
elections of 1893 and, 100
elections of 1895 and, 136, 377
elections of 1896 and, 122–23, 135
Hanna and, 64, 65, 69, 84, 88, 122, 123, 136, 164
Hanna-Sherman-McKinley meeting with, 65
and McKinley presidential nomination, 233–34, 236
McKinley presidential primary campaign and, 121–23, 135, 136, 163–64
McKinley relationship with, 59, 60, 64, 65, 75, 76, 84, 85, 121–22, 136, 164, 236, 377
and McKinley strategy for 1896 nomination, 93, 96
and Ohio Republican 1896 State Convention, 163–64
professional background of, 59
and Republican 1896 National Convention, 164, 220, 224, 225, 230–31, 232, 233–34, 377
and unification of Ohio Republicans, 121–23
Fort, J. Franklin, 229
Foster, Charles “Calico Charlie,” 59, 73
Fourteenth Amendment, 36
Franco-Prussian War, 40
Frease, George, 81
Frease, Joseph, 44
Free Silver
Bryan and, 254, 273–74, 275, 276, 294, 298, 305, 317, 321–22, 332, 339, 340, 347, 349, 350, 351, 352, 354, 360, 366, 368
debts and, 352
and Democratic 1896 National Convention, 243, 257, 259, 260, 261, 267, 269, 273–74, 275, 276, 277
Democratic 1896 State Conventions and, 206–7, 208, 209, 211, 214
and Democratic 1896 vice presidential candidate, 295–96
Democrats views about benefits of, 239
and divisions within Democratic Party, 140, 145, 146–50, 206–7, 208, 209, 211, 213, 248, 249
and divisions within Republican Party, 126
and 1896 Republican presidential primary campaigns, 129, 131
inflation and, 285
as issue at Republican 1896 State Conventions, 199
labor and, 321–22, 323, 324, 325, 350, 366
and last-minute attacks on McKinley, 198
and McKinley 1891 gubernatorial campaign, 84, 85
and McKinley 1896 presidential campaign, 242–43, 244, 246, 284, 289, 293, 309, 312–13, 314, 315, 322, 325, 327, 329, 335, 345–46, 350, 374
and McKinley 1896 presidential nomination, 237
and McKinley 1896 presidential primary campaign, 133
and McKinley congressional campaign, 46–47
and McKinley Tariff, 79
media and, 298
National Democrats and, 318
and nominees for 1896 presidential election, 243
Populism and, 295
and reasons for McKinley 1896 victory, 366, 368, 371, 374
and Republican 1896 National Convention, 204, 224, 231
Republican 1896 State Conventions and, 197
and Republican support for Bryan, 368
See also Bland-Allison Act; specific person
Free Soilers, 6
free trade, 53, 68, 75, 105, 325
friendships: importance to McKinley campaign of, 95–96, 97, 106, 236, 376
Front-Porch Campaign, McKinley
beginning of, 310–12
and Civil War veterans, 335–36, 372
and closing of campaign, 360
fundraising and, 320
labor and, 322, 324, 325, 328, 335, 368
and McKinley role in campaign, 310–12
and reasons for McKinley 1896 victory, 372, 373–74
as success, 333
Fugitive Slave Act, 6
Fuller, Charles E., 191
fusionists, 206, 293, 300, 301, 303, 304, 320, 341. See also specific person
Gardner, A.P., 314
Garfield, James A., 12, 32, 50, 55, 60, 124–25, 233, 367
Garland, M.M., 335
Gatewood, W.W., 276
“The Generals’ Tour,” 329–30, 341, 347, 350, 356, 374
Clarkson assessment of, 178
and Democratic 1896 presidential nomination, 252, 278, 279, 282–83
Democratic 1896 State Convention in, 252
McKinley 1896 presidential campaign, 337
and Quay-McKinley Canton meeting, 203
and Republican 1896 National Convention, 216, 217
Republican 1896 State Convention in, 179–80
German-Americans, 287, 298, 310, 350, 352, 368
gerrymandering: of McKinley congressional district, 54, 55, 57, 63, 80, 321
Glass, Carter, 282
Glidden & Wilson, 20
and Bryan campaign, 306, 309, 310, 319, 322, 340, 351, 354, 366–67, 370
and Bryan “Cross of Gold” speech, 365
and Bryan design for gold dollar, 340
and currency debate in late nineteenth century, 12, 15–16, 17
and Democratic 1896 National Convention, 256–60, 261–69, 270–80, 281, 282
Democratic 1896 State Conventions and, 205–13
and divisions within Democratic Party, 138, 139, 140, 141, 143–50, 205–14, 248
and divisions within Republican Party, 372
economy and, 100
and 1896 Republican presidential primary campaigns, 155
elections of 1888 and, 71
elections of 1893 and, 100, 101, 102
and Flag Day, 358
and last-minute attacks on McKinley, 198, 199, 200–201, 202
in late nineteenth century, 66
and McKinley 1891 gubernatorial campaign, 84, 85
and McKinley 1896 presidential campaign, 242, 244, 315, 329, 335, 336–37, 352, 356, 358
and McKinley 1896 presidential primary campaign, 123, 155
and McKinley as congressman, 48, 49, 50
and McKinley congressional campaign, 47
and McKinley presidential nomination, 237
and McKinley Tariff, 79
McKinley views about, 200
Panic of 1893 and, 100–101, 102
and reasons for McKinley 1896 victory, 366–67, 368, 370, 371, 372
Republican 1896 National Convention and, 204, 221–26, 227, 230–32, 245
and Republican 1896 State Conventions, 197
Resumption Act and, 43
Treasury reserves of, 100–101, 139, 141, 145, 233
and what is money, 15–16
See also Bland-Allison Act; currency issues; gold Democrats; specific person
gold Democrats
Bryan campaign and, 299, 328, 333, 334, 338, 341, 350
Cockran and, 307
Harrison comments about, 316
McKinley 1896 presidential campaign and, 299
sound money and, 333
support for convention of, 299
See also National Democrats
Gorman, Arthur P., 143–44
government, role of
Democratic views about, 14
as issue in late nineteenth-century America, 12–15
Republican views about, 14
tariffs and, 12
governor, Ohio
Bushnell inauguration as, 136
Hayes election as, 42–44
McKinley elections as, 83–85, 100, 101–3, 136, 377
Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), 21, 175, 329, 336, 350
Grant, Frederick D., 105, 133, 240, 290
Grant, John, 169, 171–72, 219–20, 229
Grant, Ulysses S.
in Civil War, 318
Cooke and, 39
Cuney appointment and, 169
corruption and, 40
elections of 1872 and, 38, 317
Generals’ Tour eulogy for, 356
impact on politics of, 11
McKinley as supporter of, 37
and modernization of Republican Party, 367
Panic of 1873 and, 40
Gray, George, 299
Great Depression, 40
greenbacks/paper currency
Cleveland and, 205
and currency debate in late nineteenth century, 12, 16–17
and divisions within Democratic Party, 139, 142, 144
elections of 1868 and, 36
elections of 1893 and, 101, 102
as issue at Republican 1896 National Convention, 221
and last-minute attacks on McKinley, 200
and McKinley 1891 gubernatorial campaign, 84
and McKinley as congressman, 48, 49, 50
McKinley views about, 200
Resumption Act and, 43
Grosvenor, Charles H.
and Chandler attack on McKinley, 161
currency issues and, 222, 225, 231
and election for Speaker of the House, 76, 77
and McKinley 1896 presidential primary campaign, 152, 164
Quay-McKinley meeting and, 202
and Republican 1896 National Convention, 164, 215, 220, 222, 225, 231, 232
Hahn, William M., 85, 94, 121, 152, 218, 221, 287–88, 337
Hale, Eugene, 289
Hancock, Winfield Scott, 55
Hanna, C. Augusta Rhodes, 33
Hanna, Howard, 246–47
Hanna, Marcus Alonzo “Mark”
ambitions of, 121
cartoons of, 375
and Civil War, 33
and coal miners lawsuit, 33
early political interests of, 34
and 1889 election for Speaker of the House, 76, 77
election as RNC chairman of, 238
elections of 1886 and, 64
elections of 1888 and, 65, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75
elections of 1890 and, 83
elections of 1891 and, 85
elections of 1892 and, 86, 88, 90–91, 92, 96
elections of 1893 and, 103
Filley and, 197
Foraker and, 64, 65, 69, 84, 88, 122, 123, 136, 164
Foraker-Sherman-McKinley meeting with, 65
John Grant and, 172
health of, 34
and importance of political organization, 75
labor and, 34
McKinley compared with, 84
McKinley loss in elections of 1890 and, 82
and McKinley presidential ambitions, 74, 83, 86, 92
and McKinley re-election to Congress, 63
McKinley relationship with, 34, 60, 65, 376
and McKinley-Walker loan, 98, 99
patronage and, 64
personal and professional background of, 4, 33–34
and Quay-McKinley meeting, 202, 203
and reasons for McKinley 1896 victory, 367
Sherman and, 85
and strategy for 1896 McKinley nomination, 92–93, 94–95, 96
vacation of, 238, 239, 246, 247
See also Hanna, Mark—and McKinley 1896 presidential campaign; Hanna, Mark—and McKinley 1896 presidential primary campaign; Hanna, Mark—and Republican 1896 National Convention
Hanna, Mark—and McKinley 1896 presidential campaign
and beginning of campaign, 239, 246, 314
and cartoons of Hanna, 375
and Chicago Great Fire anniversary parade, 337
and coercion of employees, 349–50
currency issues and, 222–23, 224, 226, 231, 232, 241, 245, 246, 285, 289
Dawes and, 241
Executive Committee and, 286, 373
and Flag Day, 348, 349, 356, 358
and Front-Porch Campaign, 311
funding for, 287, 290, 292, 314, 333, 337, 374–75
and Hanna role in campaign, 2
and Hanna vacation, 289
and Hanna views about Bryan, 284
and Hanna views about election, 337–38
and issues for campaign, 241–42
and management of campaign, 234, 238, 286–87
and McKinley campaign headquarters, 155
and McKinley official notification of presidential nomination, 243
and McKinley role in campaign, 288, 289, 310, 373, 377
and National Democrats, 319
and New York role in campaign, 290–92
and planning and organization of campaign, 240, 373
Platt and, 240, 246, 290–91, 314, 341, 359, 377
and reasons for McKinley 1896 victory, 373
Reed and, 355
Roosevelt and, 290–91, 324, 341, 342
starting date for, 314
tariffs and, 285
Hanna, Mark—and McKinley 1896 presidential primary campaign
and APA attack on McKinley, 175–76
black voting rights and, 114
and Catholic support for McKinley, 103
and Clarkson Midwest-West trip, 177
Combine and, 133–35, 151, 152–55, 159, 165–72
currency issues and, 126
and delegates to Republican 1896 National Convention, 175, 197
and divisions within Republican Party, 126
and Illinois Republican 1896 State Convention, 184, 186, 187
Lorimer meeting with, 184
and McKinley speech at Marquette Club, 156, 157
and McKinley stay at Hanna Georgia home, 111, 112
and New York, 154
and Ohio support for McKinley, 123
organization of campaign and, 120–21
and Quay candidacy, 159–60
and selection of delegates to Republican 1896 National Convention, 165–72
and site of Republican National Convention, 153
southern votes and, 110, 111, 112, 114
Hanna, Mark—and Republican 1896 National Convention
Combine and, 216, 218–19, 220, 226, 229, 231
and credentials for Republican 1896 National Convention, 215, 216, 218–19, 220
currency issues and, 222–23, 224
and delegates to Republican 1896 National Convention, 152, 153, 165, 166, 169, 172
and funding for McKinley campaign, 236
and Hanna as Ohio delegate, 164
and McKinley presidential nomination, 233, 234, 235, 236
Platt and, 218–19, 220, 226, 229, 231
preparations for, 204
RNC and, 216
Hanson, J.F., 180
Harris, Isham, 140, 149–50, 265
Harrison, Benjamin
Blaine (Harriet) incident and, 87
bosses and, 126–27
Combine relationship with, 195
and delegates to Republican 1896 National Convention, 165
elections of 1888 and, 71, 72, 73, 74, 77, 86, 126, 288, 311, 352
elections of 1890 and, 80–81
elections of 1892 and, 86–91, 96, 97, 287, 363, 368
elections of 1896 and, 126–27, 129, 131, 133
labor comments of, 316
and last-minute attacks on McKinley, 195–96
and McKinley 1896 presidential campaign, 315–16
and McKinley 1896 presidential primary campaign, 126–27, 129, 131, 133, 154, 155–56
and McKinley presidential ambitions, 83
McKinley relationship with, 86, 195
McKinley Tariff and, 79
and modernization of Republican Party, 367
Panic of 1893 and, 138
and presidential elections in late nineteenth century, 11–12
Quay and, 125, 126, 154, 155–56
and Republican 1896 National Convention, 233
Tanner appointment by, 330
tariffs/protectionism and, 78
and veterans, 350
Harrity, William F.: and Democratic 1896 National Convention, 257, 258, 259–60, 262, 264
Hartford McKinley Club: McKinley speech before, 115
Hartzell, Josiah, 44
Harvey, William “Coin,” 143, 207, 341
Hastings, Daniel H., 71, 125, 126, 203
Hastings, Russell, 237
Hastings, Washington, 219, 234
Hawley, Joseph R., 115
Hawley, R.B., 168
Hay, John, 94, 99, 120–21, 154, 314, 333, 373
Hayes, Rutherford B.
campaign contributions to, 161
currency issues and, 43, 44, 48, 49, 50
elections of 1868 and, 35, 36–37
elections of 1875 and, 49
elections of 1876 and, 44, 45–46, 161
and gerrymandering of McKinley district, 54
Grant influence on, 37
and McKinley choice of law as career, 19
and McKinley-Ida marriage, 27
and McKinley political ambitions, 28, 74
McKinley promotion of, 35, 36, 45, 49
McKinley relationship with, 1, 10, 43, 44, 47, 48, 50, 51
and McKinley reputation, 74
and modernization of Republican Party, 367
and Ohio governorship, 35, 36–37, 42–44
Ohioans trust of, 37
and presidential elections in late nineteenth century, 11–12
Haymarket bombing (Chicago), 142
Hearst, William Randolph, 320, 375
Heath, Perry S., 222, 287, 288, 289, 374
Heistand, H.O.S., 155
Henderson, David B., 234
Hendricks, William, 45–46
Hepburn, William P., 229
and currency issue, 222, 223, 225
and McKinley 1896 presidential campaign, 288
and McKinley 1896 presidential nomination, 235
McKinley presidential primary campaign and, 121, 133, 134–35, 168
and Republican 1896 National Convention, 222, 223, 225, 235
Hewitt, Abram, 357
Higgins, Anthony C., 197, 219, 229
Hill, David B., 130, 250, 258, 259, 262–63, 264, 265, 266, 268, 271–72, 274–75
Hill, James J., 314
Hill, James T., 277
Hinrichsen, William H. “Buck”
Bryan campaign and, 340
and Democratic 1896 National Convention, 256, 258, 276, 281, 282
and Democratic 1896 presidential nominees, 253, 256, 281, 282
and divisions within Democratic Party, 147, 150
Hobart, Garret A., 73, 181, 235, 238, 244, 326, 357, 377
Hofstadter, Richard, 12
Hogg, James S., 254, 266, 273, 280, 282
Holmes, Oliver Wendell Jr., 10
Home Guards, McKinley, 311
Honest Money League, 307
House of Representatives, U.S.
elections for speaker of, 76–77, 107, 127–28
and gerrymandering McKinley district, 54, 55, 57, 63, 80
and importance of McKinley 1896 victory, 378
McKinley early years in, 47–50, 51–59
McKinley elections to, 44–47, 63–64
McKinley maiden speech in, 53, 59
McKinley swearing-in for, 31, 49
ousting of McKinley from, 58–59, 61
Howard, Oliver O., 347
Howell, Clark, 271
Hunt, Isaac L., 168
Ickes, Harold L., 289
Clarkson assessment of, 177
and Democratic 1896 presidential nomination, 252
Democratic 1896 State Convention in, 252
and 1896 Republican presidential primary campaigns, 160
election returns for 1896 in, 364
and Republican 1896 National Convention, 230
Republican 1896 State Convention in, 197
The Idler (Bryan campaign railroad car), 339, 340, 354, 360
and APA attack on McKinley, 176
Bryan campaign in, 338, 340, 352–55
Clarkson assessment of, 177, 178
currency issues in, 208, 214, 224, 245, 250
Dawes move to, 116
and Democratic 1896 presidential nomination, 252, 256, 258, 281, 282
Democratic 1896 State Convention in, 210, 214, 250, 251, 252
divisions within the Democratic Party in, 147–48, 208, 214
elections of 1888 in, 352
elections of 1892 in, 352
elections of 1932 in, 378
favorite sons in, 236
“Indignation Meeting” in, 185, 193
and McKinley 1896 presidential campaign, 241, 243, 286, 292, 324, 327, 328, 337, 346
and McKinley 1896 presidential nomination, 236
and McKinley 1896 presidential primary campaign, 115–20
and McKinley strategy for 1896 nomination, 93
National Democrats and, 319
patronage in, 117–18
political importance of, 183, 241
and primary presidential 1896 campaigns, 156, 158, 160
and Republican 1896 National Convention, 224, 234, 235
Republican 1896 State and District Conventions in, 182, 183–94
special Democratic conventions in, 147–48
See also Chicago, Illinois; specific person
immigrants, 2, 102, 266, 367, 368, 370. See also German-Americans
currency issues in, 199, 223, 248
and 1896 Republican presidential primary campaigns, 156
favorite sons in, 236
Flag Day in, 356
and McKinley 1896 presidential campaign, 243, 286, 326
and McKinley 1896 presidential nomination, 236
political importance of, 11
Republican 1896 State Convention in, 166, 195–96, 199
Indianapolis, Indiana: National Democrats 1896 convention in, 317–19
“Indignation Meeting,” Illinois, 185, 193
Bryan views about, 275–76
currency issues and, 275–76
in 1880s, 66
and McKinley 1896 presidential campaign, 325
and nineteenth-century divisions in U.S., 3
Republican views about, 14
See also labor; manufacturing
inflation, 15–17, 36, 40, 41, 43, 46, 48, 49, 100, 285, 298, 329, 343–44, 351, 366
Inflation Act (1874), 40
Bryan campaign in, 313, 338, 340, 341
currency issues in, 211
and Democratic 1896 presidential nomination, 279
Democratic 1896 State Convention in, 211, 252
and 1896 Republican presidential primary campaigns, 158–59
election returns for 1896 in, 363
and McKinley 1896 presidential campaign, 286, 293, 313, 324, 330
and Republican 1896 National Convention, 233
Republican 1896 State Convention in, 166
Ireland, John, 345–46
Iron and Steel Association, 159
Iron and Steel Workers Union, 335
Jackson, Andrew, 274
Jacksonville, Florida: and black-McKinley relations, 113–14
James, Ollie, 273
Jamieson, Thomas N. “Doc,” 184, 189, 190, 192, 245
Jefferson, Thomas, 68, 146, 264, 318, 378
Johnson, H.L., 180
Jones, Asa, 75
Jones, James K.
and Bryan campaign, 296–97, 320, 330–31, 339, 340, 352, 353, 354
and Bryan concession in elections of 1896, 364
and Bryan presidential nomination, 280
and coercion of employees, 349
currency issues and, 257, 263, 265, 267, 269, 270, 271, 272, 352
and Democratic 1896 National Convention, 257, 263, 265, 267, 269, 270, 271, 272, 280
and Democratic 1896 vice presidential candidate, 295, 296
and divisions within Democratic Party, 149–50
elected DNC chairman, 296
and Populist endorsement of Bryan, 301, 302, 305
as Resolutions chairman, 265
Turpie-Harris meeting with, 149–50
Clarkson assessment of, 177
currency issues in, 199, 211, 222, 245, 293
Democratic 1896 State Convention in, 211, 251, 263
and 1896 Republican presidential primary campaigns, 158–59, 160
election returns for 1896 in, 364
and McKinley 1896 presidential campaign, 243, 245, 293, 314, 330
and Populist endorsement of Bryan, 305
Populists in, 293
Republican 1896 State Convention in, 164, 165, 199
Watson campaign in, 323
Kelley, William “Pig-Iron,” 53, 55, 56, 68
Kellogg, William Pitt, 165
currency issues in, 211
and Democratic 1896 National Convention, 280
Democratic 1896 State Convention in, 210–11
elections of 1872 in, 369
favorite sons in, 236
and McKinley 1896 presidential campaign, 337
and McKinley 1896 presidential nomination, 236
National Democrats and, 319
and Quay-McKinley Canton meeting, 203
and reasons for McKinley 1896 victory, 369
and Republican 1896 National Convention, 217
Republican 1896 State Convention in, 180–81
Kerens, Richard C., 131, 153, 196–97, 218, 233, 245, 369
Kerr, William R., 185
Knights of Labor, 323
Knights of Pythias, 21
Knox, Philander C., 26, 99, 159
Kohlsaat, Herman H.
and currency issues, 223, 225, 293
elections of 1892 and, 90–91
and Hanna-McKinley relationship, 376
and Illinois Republican 1896 State Convention, 184, 185, 187, 192–93
and McKinley 1896 presidential campaign, 293
McKinley 1896 presidential primary campaign and, 119, 120, 134–35
McKinley relationship with, 90–91, 184, 185