Time for action – setting up the variables

Let's start off with introducing all the variables needed to run the game:

  1. Create a brand new main.lua file and add it in the Panda Star Catcher project folder.
  2. Let's hide the status bar from the devices and set all the variables needed in game:
    display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar ) -- Hides the status bar in iOS only
    -- Display groups
    local hudGroup = display.newGroup() -- Displays the HUD
    local gameGroup = display.newGroup()
    local levelGroup = display.newGroup()
    local stars = display.newGroup() -- Displays the stars
    -- Modules
    local physics = require ("physics")
    local mCeil = math.ceil
    local mAtan2 = math.atan2
    local mPi = math.pi
    local mSqrt = math.sqrt
    -- Game Objects
    local background
    local ground
    local powerShot
    local arrow
    local panda
    local poof
    local starGone
    local scoreText
    local gameOverDisplay
    -- Variables
    local gameIsActive = false
    local waitingForNewRound
    local restartTimer
    local counter
    local timerInfo 
    local numSeconds = 30 -- Time the round starts at
    local counterSize = 50
    local gameScore = 0 -- Round starts at a score of 0
    local starWidth = 30
    local starHeight = 30

We hid the status bar at the start of the application. This is only applicable for iOS devices. There are four different groups set up, and all of them play an important role in the game.

Notice that gameIsActive is set as false. This enables us to activate properties of the application to affect the round when the display objects need to stop animating, appear on screen, and become affected by touch events.

The elements for the timer have also been set in the beginning of the code as well. Setting numSeconds to 30 denotes how long the round will count down from, in seconds. starWidth and starHeight depict the dimensions of the object.