Time for action – adding the background elements

  1. Add in the background and ground display objects to the drawBackground() function. Insert the objects in the group called gameGroup:
    local drawBackground = function()
      background = display.newImage( "background.png" )
      background.x = 240; background.y = 160
      gameGroup:insert( background )
      ground = display.newImage( "ground.png" )
      ground.x = 240; ground.y = 300
      local groundShape = { -240,-18, 240,-18, 240,18, -240,18 }
      physics.addBody( ground, "static", { density=1.0, bounce=0, friction=0.5, shape=groundShape } )
      gameGroup:insert( ground )

The background and ground display objects are placed in the function called drawBackground(). The ground object has a customized physical shape that is not the same size as the original display object. So if the panda happens to hit the ground, it will collide with it but not fall through.