We will make sure that when a game over display screen pops up, any of our display objects that are currently in motion stop moving, and the event listeners are deactivated. Aside from the visual display of our game over screen, we'll be adding a sound notification that will also help to trigger the event. To end the game, perform the following steps:
and place it after the setScore()
function and before the drawBackground()
function:local callGameOver = function()
set to false
and pause the physics in the game:audio.play( gameOverSound ) gameIsActive = false physics.pause()
shade = display.newRect( 0, 0, 570, 320 ) shade:setFillColor( 0, 0, 0 ) shade.x = 240; shade.y = 160 shade.alpha = 0 -- Getting shade ready to display at game end
gameOverScreen = display.newImageRect( "gameOver.png", 400, 300 ) local newScore = gameScore setScore( newScore ) gameOverScreen.x = 240; gameOverScreen.y = 160 gameOverScreen.alpha = 0 gameGroup:insert( shade ) gameGroup:insert( gameOverScreen ) transition.to( shade, { time=200, alpha=0.65 } ) transition.to( gameOverScreen, { time=500, alpha=1 } )
scoreText.isVisible = false scoreText.text = "Score: " .. gameScore scoreText.xScale = 0.5; scoreText.yScale = 0.5 --> for clear retina display text scoreText.x = 240 scoreText.y = 160 scoreText:toFront() -- Moves to front of current display group timer.performWithDelay( 0, function() scoreText.isVisible = true; end, 1 ) end
Our gameOver()
function triggers our gameOverSound
sound effect that we preloaded at the beginning of our code. We made sure no events, such as the motion from the accelerometer, are disabled through gameIsActive = false
The elements of our display objects appear at this point in time with shade
, gameOverScreen
, and scoreText
If you notice, scoreText
disappears when game play has ended by scoreText.isVisible = false
and then reappears in a different area of the screen, using timer.performWithDelay( 0, function() scoreText.isVisible = true; end, 1 )