Time for action – pausing the game

It's more than just making a button; it's also pausing all the action on screen, including physics and timers by performing the following steps:

  1. Add in the local pauseBtn and local pauseBG variables where all the other variables are initialized near the beginning of the code. Preload the btnSound audio after gameOverSound near the top of the script:
    -- Place near other game variables
    local pauseBtn
    local pauseBG
    -- Place after gameOverSound
    local btnSound = audio.loadSound( "btnSound.wav" )
  2. Within the hud() function and after the scoreText chunk, create another function that will run the event for the pause button. Call the onPauseTouch(event) function. Pause the physics in the game by setting gameIsActive to false and have the pause elements appear on screen:
        local onPauseTouch = function( event )
          if event.phase == "release" and pauseBtn.isActive then
            audio.play( btnSound )
            -- Pause the game
            if gameIsActive then
              gameIsActive = false
              local function pauseGame()
                timer.pause( startDrop )
                print("timer has been paused")
              timer.performWithDelay(1, pauseGame)
              -- SHADE
              if not shade then
                shade = display.newRect( 0, 0, 570, 380 )
                shade:setFillColor( 0, 0, 0 )
                shade.x = 240; shade.y = 160
                gameGroup:insert( shade )
              shade.alpha = 0.5
              -- SHOW MENU BUTTON
              if pauseBG then
                pauseBG.isVisible = true
                pauseBG.isActive = true
  3. When the game is unpaused, have the physics become active again and remove all the pause display objects:
                if shade then
                  display.remove( shade )
                  shade = nil
                if pauseBG then
                  pauseBG.isVisible = false
                  pauseBG.isActive = false
                gameIsActive = true
                local function resumeGame()
                timer.resume( startDrop )
                print("timer has been resumed")
              timer.performWithDelay(1, resumeGame)
  4. Add the pauseBtn UI button and pauseBG display object after the onPauseTouch() function:
        pauseBtn = ui.newButton{
          defaultSrc = "pausebtn.png",
          defaultX = 44,
          defaultY = 44,
          overSrc = "pausebtn-over.png",
          overX = 44,
          overY = 44,
          onEvent = onPauseTouch,
          id = "PauseButton",
          text = "",
          font = "Helvetica",
          textColor = { 255, 255, 255, 255 },
          size = 16,
          emboss = false
        pauseBtn.x = 38; pauseBtn.y = 288
        pauseBtn.isVisible = false
        pauseBtn.isActive = false
        gameGroup:insert( pauseBtn )
        pauseBG = display.newImageRect( "pauseoverlay.png", 480, 320 )
        pauseBG.x = 240; pauseBG.y = 160
        pauseBG.isVisible = false
        pauseBG.isActive = false
        gameGroup:insert( pauseBG )
  5. In order for pauseBtn to display during game play, make it visible and active in the gameActivate() function:
        pauseBtn.isVisible = true
        pauseBtn.isActive = true
  6. When the game is over, disable pauseBtn in the callGameOver() function Place the code right after the physics.pause() line:
        pauseBtn.isVisible = false
        pauseBtn.isActive = false
    Time for action – pausing the game

We created the onPauseTouch(event) function to control all the pause events that occur within the game play. To pause all the motion in the game, we changed the Boolean of gameIsActive to false and the physics.pause() function to stop all the eggs that are falling from moving. Next, the timer is paused for startDrop so that any eggs falling from the sky won't accumulate over time as long as the pause function is still active.

A slightly transparent overlay called shade is called to appear when the pause button is pressed. This will deter the attention from the game scene and allow the user to differentiate when the game play is not active.

The Game Paused banner also displays on the top of the screen by making it visible and active. The pauseBG object is pushed ahead of the display hierarchy by pauseBG:toFront().

To unpause the game, we reversed the process of how the pause display items appeared. When pauseBtn is pressed for the second time, shade is taken away by display.remove(shade); shade = nil. The pauseBG.isVisible and pauseBG.isActive properties are both set to false.

Remember that we had set gameIsActive to false earlier Well, it's now time to set it back to true. This also means resuming physics with physics.start(). The timer is resumed by the resumeGame() local function and calls timer.resume(startDrop) within the function.

The pauseBtn and pauseBG display objects are inserted at the end of the if statement block. The pauseBtn object is then shown as visible and active once the game is playable. It is invisible and inactive when the Game Over screen appears so that there are no other touch events that can interfere when the game is over.