Time for action – adding an options menu

We'll add an options menu that can be accessed through the main menu. We're going to add a new UI button called Credits, which will direct the user to the credits screen once it is pressed. To add an option menu perform the following steps:

  1. Create a new file called options.lua and import Composer and the UI modules, the composer.newScene() function, and the variables for timer and audio:
    local composer = require( "composer" )
    local scene = composer.newScene()
    local ui = require("ui")
    local btnAnim
    local btnSound = audio.loadSound( "btnSound.wav" )
  2. Create the create() event. Add in composer.removeScene( "mainmenu" ), which will remove the "mainmenu" scene. This will occur after the player has transitioned from the main menu screen and is sent to the options screen. Next, add in composer.removeScene( "creditsScreen" ). This will remove "creditsScreen" after the player has transitioned from the credits screen back to the options screen:
    -- Called when the scene's view does not exist:
    function scene:create( event )
      local sceneGroup = self.view
      -- completely remove mainmenu and creditsScreen
      composer.removeScene( "mainmenu" )
      composer.removeScene( "creditsScreen" )
      print( "\noptions: create event" )
  3. Add in the show() event and the backgroundImage display object:
    -- Called immediately after scene has moved onscreen:
    function scene:show( event )
      local sceneGroup = self.view
      print( "options: show event" )
      local backgroundImage = display.newImageRect( "optionsBG.png", 480, 320 )
      backgroundImage.x = 240; backgroundImage.y = 160
      sceneGroup:insert( backgroundImage )
  4. Create a button for the credits screen. Transition the creditsBtn display object to y = 260 in 1000 milliseconds using the easing.inOutExpo transition. Have it initialized through btnAnim:
      local creditsBtn
      local onCreditsTouch = function( event )
        if event.phase == "release" then
          audio.play( btnSound )
          Composer.gotoScene( "creditsScreen", "crossFade", 300 )
      creditsBtn = ui.newButton{
        defaultSrc = "creditsbtn.png",
        defaultX = 100,
        defaultY = 100,
        overSrc = "creditsbtn-over.png",
        overX = 100,
        overY = 100,
        onEvent = onCreditsTouch,
        id = "CreditsButton",
        text = "",
        font = "Helvetica",
        textColor = { 255, 255, 255, 255 },
        size = 16,
        emboss = false
      creditsBtn.x = 240; creditsBtn.y = 440
      sceneGroup:insert( creditsBtn )
      btnAnim = transition.to( creditsBtn, { time=1000, y=260, transition=easing.inOutExpo } )
  5. Create the Close button that loads the main menu. Close the scene:show( event ) with end:
      local closeBtn
      local onCloseTouch = function( event )
        if event.phase == "release" then
          audio.play( tapSound )
          composer.gotoScene( "mainmenu", "zoomInOutFadeRotate", 500 ) 
      closeBtn = ui.newButton{
        defaultSrc = "closebtn.png",
        defaultX = 60,
        defaultY = 60,
        overSrc = "closebtn-over.png",
        overX = 60,
        overY = 60,
        onEvent = onCloseTouch,
        id = "CloseButton",
        text = "",
        font = "Helvetica",
        textColor = { 255, 255, 255, 255 },
        size = 16,
        emboss = false
      closeBtn.x = 50; closeBtn.y = 280
      sceneGroup:insert( closeBtn ) 
  6. Create the hide() event and cancel the btnAnim transition. Also, create the destroy() event. Add the event listeners for all the scene events and the return scene statement. Save and close your file:
    -- Called when scene is about to move offscreen:
    function scene:hide()
      if btnAnim then transition.cancel( btnAnim ); end
      print( "options: hide event" )
    -- Called prior to the removal of scene's "view" (display group)
    function scene:destroy( event )
      print( "destroying options's view" )
    -- "create" event is dispatched if scene's view does not exist
    scene:addEventListener( "create", scene )
    -- "show" event is dispatched whenever scene transition has finished
    scene:addEventListener( "show", scene )
    -- "hide" event is dispatched before next scene's transition begins
    scene:addEventListener( "hide", scene )
    -- "destroy" event is dispatched before view is unloaded, which can be
    scene:addEventListener( "destroy", scene )	
    return scene
    Time for action – adding an options menu

In this scene, creditsBtn will operate in a manner similar to how our main menu was created. The Credits button is still not functional at this time. In the onCreditsTouch() function, the scene is transitioned to "creditsScreen" and uses "crossFade" as the effect. From the off-screen position, creditsBtn transitions to y=260 in 1,000 milliseconds when the scene is loaded.

A Close button is created for this scene so that the user will have a way to go back to the previous screen. With the onCloseTouch() function, Composer changes the scene to "mainmenu" upon the release of closeBtn. The main menu screen will display when you press the close button. The btnAnim transition is canceled through the scene:hide() function.