Time for action – adding Facebook to your apps

Similar to our Twitter example, we'll be incorporating Facebook posts with a web popup as well:

  1. In the Chapter 9 folder, copy the Facebook Web Pop-Up project folder to your desktop. All the configuration, libraries, and assets needed are already included. You can download the project files that accompany this book from the Packt Publishing website.
  2. Create a new main.lua file and save it to the project folder.
  3. Set the following variables at the beginning of the code:
    display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar )
    local ui = require("ui")
    local openBtn
    local closeBtn
    local score = 100
  4. Create a local function called onOpenTouch() with an event parameter. Add an if statement when the event receives a "release" action:
    local onOpenTouch = function( event )
      if event.phase == "release" then
  5. Add the following local variables that include the strings that we'll be implementing in the Facebook post:
        local appId = "0123456789" -- Your personal FB App ID from the facebook developer's website
        local message1 = "Your App Name Here"
        local message2 = "Posting to Facebook from Corona SDK and got a final score of " ..score.. "."
        local message3 = "Download the game and play!"
        local myString1 = string.gsub(message1, "( )", "%%20")
        local myString2 = string.gsub(message2, "( )", "%%20")
        local myString3 = string.gsub(message3, "( )", "%%20")
  6. Introduce the native web popup function that links to the Facebook account. Include parameters for the Facebook dialog box that redirects the URL of your preferred website, the display with a touch mode that connects to your app URL, and an image URL that presents your app icon or company logo. Concatenate all variables with string methods to output all messages. Close the function. Add in the openBtn UI function. You will need to replace all of the following URL information with your own:
    native.showWebPopup(0, 0, 320, 300, "http://www.facebook.com/dialog/feed?app_id=" .. appId .. "&redirect_uri=http://www.yourwebsite.com&display=touch&link=http://www.yourgamelink.com&picture=http://www.yourwebsite.com/image.png&name=" ..myString1.. "&caption=" ..myString2.. "&description=".. myString3)  
      openBtn = ui.newButton{
      defaultSrc = "openbtn.png",
      defaultX = 90,
      defaultY = 90,
      overSrc = "openbtn-over.png",
      overX = 90,
      overY = 90,
      onEvent = onOpenTouch,
    openBtn.x = 110; openBtn.y = 350
  7. Create a local function called onCloseTouch() with an event parameter. Add an if statement with event.phase == "release" to activate native.cancelWebPopup(). Set up the closeBtn UI function:
    local onCloseTouch = function( event )
      if event.phase == "release" then    
      closeBtn = ui.newButton{
      defaultSrc = "closebtn.png",
      defaultX = 90,
      defaultY = 90,
      overSrc = "closebtn-over.png",
      overX = 90,
      overY = 90,
      onEvent = onCloseTouch,
    closeBtn.x = 210; closeBtn.y = 350
  8. Save the file and run the project in the simulator. Make sure you're connected to the Internet and your Facebook account to see the results.
    Time for action – adding Facebook to your apps

Within the onOpenTouch(event) function, several variables are called when openBtn is pressed and released. Notice that local appId indicates a string of numbers that you can obtain after creating an app on the Facebook Developers website.

message1, message2, and message3 are the strings that display the message post. myString1, myString2, and myString3 help replace the spaces indicated in message1, message2, and message3.

The native.showWebPopup() function displays with a dimension of 320 x 300 and presents the dialog URL to Facebook. The following parameters display accordingly:

When the web popup is no longer required and needs to be closed, onCloseTouch(event) is called by closeBtn. This will take the event parameter "release" and call native.cancelWebPopup(). This particular function will dismiss the current web popup.