Time to create the final game build for iOS distribution and upload it to the Application Loader for review under Apple's board.
It's important that when you build your app under Code Signing Identity, you select your distribution provisioning profile that was created for your distribution build. Upon the compilation of your build, you can launch the Application Loader. Make sure that you have Xcode installed. The Application Loader will launch readily after you select the Upload to App Store button.
While you're in the Application Loader, the name of your app will be displayed in the dropdown once you have completed loading the binary information to iTunes Connect. When you deliver your app, select the zipped-up binary from the location you saved your file at.
As soon as the file is uploaded, a confirmation window will appear and an e-mail will be sent to the Apple ID assigned to your Apple account. Your binary will be shown with a Waiting for Review status in iTunes Connect.
After all these steps, you now know how to submit an iOS application to the App Store. Hooray!
If you developed an application for iPhone only, try implementing it as an iPad version as well so that it can become a universal build. Take the lessons you learned from the previous chapters using your build.settings
and config.lua
files to resize your application. Also, don't forget about what is required of your app icon as well. It's like hitting two birds with one stone!