Glossary of Common Sayings and Terms
Agrestal Lands - Also referred to as The Agrestal Lands, A large sprawling wilderness full of wilders and larks.
Art-minded - A term used to describe one who enjoys the arts.
Awlt - Also referred to as The Awlt, is a small protected spot in the Dark Agrestal. It is the only known location where larks have successfully set up civilization within the forest.
Bug-lark - A lark with bug-like attributes.
Burrow-lark - A lark with animal-like attributes.
Breath still in chest - Alive or breathing.
By what book? - A saying used to challenge an idea by asking for evidence.
Cartographer - A mapmaker.
Cast-Radius - The area in which a spell is cast.
Dark Agrestal - The forest in the heart of the Agrestal Lands. It’s often feared by larks due to its dangerous wildlife, hard-to-navigate woodland, and heavy presence of magic.
Dimrest Scout - A scout for the Ears of Dim, they are appointed to keep watch of Dimrest and the land surrounding it.
Ears of Dim - The council in charge of handling the problems of Dimrest’s citizens.
Enlightenment Era - An era in the past when larks were making large discoveries about the world around them. Much history is missing from this period as it was long ago.
Flower-heart - A term used to describe emotionally sensitive larks.
Folly-minded- A harsh phrase used to describe one as shortsighted or prone to follies.
Gathering places - Places where larks gather to socialize.
Herb-magic - A type of magic that heavily relies on harnessing plant matter.
High-Scout- A scout of high ranking. This position is usually earned through a noble act.
Ire-magic - A type of light-based magic that relies heavily on quick reaction and aggression.
Jest - A joke.
Keeper - A lark in charge of keeping historical artifacts and documents intact. They use their knowledge to help solve large-scale problems in cities and towns.
Lark - A term used to describe an intelligent and rational creature. It is also a term used to describe the folk who inhabit places like cities, villages, and towns.
Leave the thicket often?- A rude phrase used to call folks dimwitted or oblivious. It implies naivety due to not leaving home much.
Light-magic - A type of magic that harnesses light.
Light short of a candlestick - A rude phrase used to describe someone as eccentric or odd.
Muddle-pile - A rude term used to describe a place as horrid or gross.
Pall magic - A magic that harnesses shadow.
Pins and Poppies - A phrase used to express surprise, like finding pins in a field of poppies.
Plant-lark - A lark with plant-like attributes.
Pyre-paper - A flammable paper used to start fires quickly.
Rotten Oats - A phrase used to express displeasure, often after encountering bad luck. It originates from the annoyance of finding out your food has gone bad.
Rotten Oats and Dead Barley - The more extreme version of the term “Rotten Oats”.
Spindlechest - A mythical silver chest that is said to hold powerful items that resemble sewing tools. The existence of this chest is debated amongst lark historians and keepers.
Spindleseer - A title given to the swirl-ear guardians of the Spindlechest. It is meant to reflect their appointed responsibility of overseeing the Spindlechest.
Thorns and Ash - An expression used to convey anger or surprise. Its origins are unknown.
Venture-Smitten - A rude term used to call daydreamers lazy or do-nothings.
Wilder - A wild beast.