Many of the garden city and garden suburb websites below have individual detailed histories with further references and electronic resources.


Beevers, R. The Garden City Utopia: A Critical Biography of Ebenezer Howard. Macmillan, 1988.

Buder, S. Visionaries and Planners: The Garden City Movement and the Modern Community. Oxford University Press, 1990.

Chalkley, L., and Shiach, M. (eds). Rosyth: Garden City and Royal Dockyard. Rosyth Garden City Millennium Project, 2005.

Creedon, A. Only a Woman: Henrietta Barnett – Social Reformer and Founder of Hampstead Garden Suburb. Phillimore, 2006.

Creese, W. The Search for the Environment: The Garden City Before and After. Yale, 1966.

Harrison, M. Bournville: Model Village to Garden Suburb. Phillimore, 1999.

Howard, E. Tomorrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform. Routledge, 2004 (originally published 1898).

Howard, E. Garden Cities of Tomorrow. Introduction by F. Osborn. Faber & Faber, 1965 (and later edns [originally published 1902]).

Hubbard, E. and Shippobottom, M. A Guide to Port Sunlight Village. Liverpool University Press, 1988.

Kornwolf, J. D. M. H. Baillie Scott and the Arts and Crafts Movement. Johns Hopkins Press, 1972.

Mawson, T. Civic Art Studies in Town Planning, Parks, Boulevards and Open Spaces. Batsford, 1911.

Meacham, S. Regaining Paradise: Englishness and the Early Garden City Movement. Yale, 1999.

Miller, M. Raymond Unwin: Garden Cities and Town Planning. Leicester University Press, 1992.

Miller, M. Letchworth: The First Garden City. Phillimore, 2002.

Miller, M. Hampstead Garden Suburb: An Arts and Crafts Utopia? Phillimore, 2006.

Miller, M. English Garden Cities: An Introduction. English Heritage, 2010.

Morris, W. News from Nowhere: Or an Epoch of Rest …. Reeves and Turner, 1890 (and many later editions).

Moss-Eccardt, J. Ebenezer Howard: An Illustrated Life of Sir Ebenezer Howard 1850–1928. Shire, 1973.

Muthesius, H. (D. Sharp ed.) The English House. 3 vols. Frances Lincoln, 2007 (facsimile of 1904 edition).

Reid, A. Brentham: A History of the Pioneer Garden Suburb. Brentham Heritage Society, 2001.

Unwin, R. Town Planning in Practice: An Introduction to the Art of Designing Cities and Suburbs. T. Fisher Unwin, 1909.

Ward, S.V. The Garden City: Past, Present, and Future. Spon, 1992.

Waymark, J. Thomas Mawson: Life, Gardens and Landscapes. Frances Lincoln, 2009.


See Places to Visit, below, for web addresses of individual places.

Letchworth Garden City and garden cities generally:

Town and Country Planning Association: www.tcpa.org.uk


On the eve of the First World War, Punch gently ridiculed the eccentrics and ideas associated with garden-city dwellers (1 July 1914).