For access to all the work I offer:
Our online shamanic courses and ongoing online study through our membership site community:
To find the people in your area who we have trained in Movement Medicine:
Workshops, apprenticeship and training in Movement Medicine:
If you discover, as I’m certain you will, that the Inner Shaman takes you deeper into your own power, purpose and passion to serve life, you’ll need to find teachers and elders. Make sure that they are still learning, they know about safety and they aren’t afraid to challenge you.
Shamans work with power. There’s no way they can fulfil their role without it. Their training is focused on developing personal mastery. But, just as there are all kinds of artists, lawyer and politicians, there are all kinds of shamans. How trustworthy they are depends largely on what power they have and what they choose to use it for.
If you ever run into a shaman and want to get a sense of whether they are a good person to work with, here’s a little checklist:
Shakil Choudhury, Deep Diversity: Overcoming Us vs Them, Between the Lines, 2015
Guy Claxton, Intelligence in the Flesh: Why Your Mind Needs Your Body Much More Than It Thinks, Yale University Press, 2015
Julie Diamond, Power: A User’s Guide, Belly Song, 2016
Jem Friar, Choosing Happier: How to Be Happy Despite your Circumstances, History or Genes, Imaginal, 2017
Temple Grandin and Catherine Johnson, Animals in Translation: The Woman Who Thinks Like a Cow, Bloomsbury, 2005
Rick Hanson, Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom, New Harbinger, 2009
Arkan Lushwala, The Time of the Black Jaguar: An Offering of Indigenous Wisdom for the Continuity of Life on Earth, CreateSpace, 2012
—, Deer and Thunder, CreateSpace, 2018
Chris Lüttichau, Calling Us Home: Find Your Path, your Balance and your Inner Strength, Head of Zeus, 2017
Sergio Magaña, The Toltec Secret: Dreaming Practices of the Ancient Mexicans, Hay House, 2014
—, Caves of Power, Hay House, 2016
Charlie Morley, Lucid Dreaming Made Easy: A Beginner’s Guide to Waking Up in Your Dreams, Hay House, 2018
Bessel Van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma, Allen Lane, 2014
Daan van Kampenhout, The Tears of the Ancestors: Victims and Perpetrators in the Tribal Soul, Zeig, Tucker & Theisen, 2008
For music to support your practice, including guided journeys and drumming by Ya’Acov and Susannah Darling Khan:
These are both modern therapeutic practices that are particularly helpful for dealing with trauma.