Chapter 6
Sam phoned the police, but I thought I saw him hesitate as he dialed. Was he afraid of something?
Since we didn’t know whether the man had a gun, Sam said we shouldn’t follow him. When the police got to the gym, an officer in a dark blue uniform with the words City of Red Rock on a patch on his sleeve took a flashlight and looked behind the building. He seemed young for a police officer and eager, like a pup who thinks he’s being taken for a walk. I mean, the officer didn’t wag his tail—he just had that look.
“Saw footprints,” the officer said when he returned, “but he could be anywhere.” He pointed to the interstate in the distance. “If he makes it there, he could hitch a ride to Denver or Colorado Springs.”
Sam said the man was wearing a green jacket, had brown hair to his shoulders, and wore jeans and hiking boots. I hadn’t seen all that.
“Think this is the guy who assaulted those girls?” I said.
The officer scratched his cheek. “Possible, son.”
He radioed in the information and asked for a tracking dog. Sliding behind the wheel of a squad car that said Proud to Serve on the door, he thanked us for our help. “If you see anything else suspicious, give us a call.”