Chapter 84
I wanted to hug Sam. I wanted to say something—anything—to make him feel better. I couldn’t imagine how hard it had been to hold in that story so long.
“When they released the passenger list,” Sam continued, “my name was on it. I got in touch with one of the antiterrorism directors, and he agreed we should let it stand. Leigh and I took on new identities.”
I looked at Leigh. “What was your name?”
“That’s why my Social Security card doesn’t list income from way back,” Sam said. “All the evidence of my previous life has been wiped away.”
“Do you ever worry that this Asawe guy is going to find you?” Ashley said.
Sam nodded. “Remember when the newspaper wanted to interview you about the accident near Gold Town? I couldn’t let them get a picture of us. Something like that could lead Asawe or his people right to our door.”
I had seen all the terrible things terrorists had done in the past few years. They were so evil it was almost like they weren’t human. I wondered if this was the reason Sam didn’t believe in God.
“Your parents know you’re okay?” Ashley said.
Sam nodded. “I couldn’t let them believe I was dead. I’ve stayed away to protect them, but one day I’ll go back.”
The fire crackled and the wood smell wafted into the room. Pippin and Frodo curled up on the couch at Ashley’s feet.
A voice broke the silence. “It wasn’t your fault, Sam.” It was Mom. I guess she already knew this story.
“You didn’t kill anybody—those terrorists did,” Ashley said.
Sam was near tears.
I wanted to say something too, but I was scared to talk.