
Chapter 85


Some say twins know what each other is thinking, that we can almost read each other’s minds. I guess that sometimes happens with Bryce and me. But most of the time I have no idea what’s going on in his brain. For instance, I never expected him to say what he said to Sam that night.

“Can I call you Dad?” Bryce said.

Sam looked at him. Then Bryce stood, and the two melted into a big hug.

“You bet,” Sam said. “And I’m proud to call you my son.” He glanced at me. “I’m proud of both of you.”

Pretty soon all of us, Leigh included, were standing in the middle of the room, arms around each other. Pippin and Frodo jumped at my legs, trying to get in on the act. I don’t know if our real dad or Sam’s wife and other daughter could see us right then, but I hoped they could. And I hoped Sam and Leigh would believe in God someday.

We were all hugging when Mom gasped.

Dylan walked in wearing three pairs of socks, my dancing shoes, and a smile. “Wha’s goin’ on?” he said.

It felt good to laugh.