This is a list of books dealing with NLP and applications of NLP to particular fields. It is not an exhaustive list, and some books could be placed in more than one category. The general comments provide a guide to further reading.
The list is divided into four categories: General, Business and Sales, Education and Health and Therapy. Books are arranged by alphabetical order of author's name within each category.
Contact the nearest NLP training organizations for details of NLP bookshops or see the NLP Resources Guide at the end of this section if you are unable to find a desired title.
Our thanks to Michael Breen and Michael Neill for helping us compile this section.
Books are listed alphabetically by author.
Change Your Mind and Keep the Change
Steve and Connirae Andreas, Real People Press, 1987.
Edited transcript of seminars given by the authors. It gives many of Richard Bandler's submodality change techniques, swish, changing criteria, and the compulsion blowout. Also there is a chapter on timelines.
Heart of the Mind
Steve and Connirae Andreas, Real People Press, 1990.
NLP strategies applied to a wide range of ideas, including using timelines for personal change. One of the best collections of NLP in action.
An Insider's Guide To Submodalities
Richard Bandler and Will MacDonald, Meta Publications, 1988.
A book that gives a wide range of work with submodalities, including changing beliefs and variations on the swish. The most comprehensive guide to submodalities available at the moment.
Frogs into Princes
Richard Bandler and John Grinder, Real People Press, 1979.
An edited seminar transcript covering many of the main NLP patterns: anchoring, reframing, representational, systems, rapport and eye accessing cues. There are many anecdotes and fascinating asides in the course of the book.
Magic in Action
Richard Bandler, Meta Publications, 1985.
This book is made up of edited transcripts of video tapes of Richard Bandler working with clients on problems such as agoraphobia, fear of authority figures, and anticipatory loss. An appendix covers treating symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorders using NLP techniques.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Volume 1, The Study of the Structure of Subjective Experience
Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Robert Dilts, Judith DeLozier, Meta Publications, 1980.
A comprehensive guide to modeling, covering eliciting, designing, utilizing, and installing strategies.
Reframing: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Transformation of Meaning
Richard Bandler and John Grinder, Real People Press, 1982.
A book of edited seminar transcripts dealing with reframing in detail. There are sections on negotiation between parts, creating new parts, six step reframing, and reframing in systems such as families and organizations.
The Structure of Magic 1
Richard Bandler and John Grinder, Science and Behavior Books, 1975.
The first NLP book to be published and the definitive one on the Meta Model, very detailed and with material on transformational grammar. The Meta Model is presented in an overall context of psychotherapy.
The Structure of Magic 2
Richard Bandler and John Grinder, Science and Behavior Books, 1976.
Companion volume to Magic 1. Detailed account of synesthesias, incongruity, and representational systems in a context of family therapy.
Using Your Brain For a Change
Richard Bandler, Real People Press, 1985.
Edited transcript of Richard Bandler's seminars about submodality patterns including the swish pattern. Some very entertaining asides occur in the development of the main ideas.
An NLP Workbook: Advanced Techniques Book 1
Phil Boas with Jane Brooks, Metamorphous Press, 1985.
A list of NLP exercises from a trainer's point of view. Not an introductory text.
A Framework for Excellence
Charlotte Bretto, Grinder DeLozier Associates, 1989.
An excellent and detailed resource manual giving material and exercises at practitioner level.
Emotional Hostage
Leslie Cameron-Bandler and Michael Lebeau, Future Pace Inc., 1985.
A practical book for dealing with emotional and relationship problems.
The Emprint Method
Leslie Cameron-Bandler, David Gordon and Michael Lebeau, Future Pace Inc, 1985.
Detailed methods of modeling excellence in any field. A step-by-step technical manual of the method.
Know How, Guided Programs to Inventing Your Own Best Future
Leslie Cameron-Bandler, Michael Lebeau and David Gordon, FuturePace, 1985.
Practical applications of the Emprint method to diet and health, children, and relationships.
Feeling Good about Feeling Bad
Pat Christopherson, Golden Egg Publishing, 1987.
On integrating pain and painful emotions as a part of your day-to-day life.
Results on Target
Bruce Dilman, Outcome Publications, 1989.
An excellent in-depth exploration of outcomes at work and at home.
Applications of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Robert Dilts, Meta Publications, 1983.
A series of papers covering the Meta Model, and applications of NLP to, business communication, sales, education, creative writing, and health.
Changing Belief Systems with NLP
Robert Dilts, Meta Publications, 1990.
A workshop-style book on changing beliefs. Very thorough and includes the Meta-Mirror and the Failure into Feedback pattern.
Roots of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Robert Dilts, Meta Publications, 1983.
A complex book which contains three early papers. The first integrates NLP material with theories of brain function, the second describes research into EEG readings and representational systems. The third contains material on the Meta Model, altered states and metaphor in a therapeutic context.
Tools for Dreamers
Robert Dilts and Todd Epstein, Meta Publications, 1991.
A treasure trove of strategies and techniques for creativity. Some of the most up-to-date writing on modeling available.
Various NLP Monographs
Robert Dilts, Dynamic Learning Center.
Spiral-bound monographs including “Albert Einstein, Neuro-Linguistic Analysis of a Genius”; “The Cognitive Patterns of Jesus of Nazareth”; “Moshe Feldenkrais, NLP of the Body”; “NLP and Life Extension” (with Jaap Hollander); “NLP in Training Groups”; “Overcoming Resistance to Persuasion with NLP” (with Joseph Yeager); “The Parable of the Porpoise”; “Spelling Strategy'; “Walt Disney, the Dreamer, The Realist and the Critic”; “Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart”. These are available directly from the Dynamic Learning Center (see addresses section).
Developing Cooperative Relationships
Gene Early, published by Gene Early, 1988.
A booklet that uses NLP for developing and maintaining cooperative relationships, where sharing and agreement are important. Useful for both personal and professional relationships.
The Happy Neurotic
Geoff Graham, Real Options Press, 1988.
English book containing aspects of NLP. Much of the material is available in Using Your Brain for a Change.
Trance-Formations: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Structure of Hypnosis
John Grinder and Richard Bandler, Real People Press, 1981.
Edited seminar transcript of hypnosis seminars. There are clear and detailed explanations of trance induction with exercises broken into small steps, also many interesting stories and examples of hypnotic patterns. Utilization techniques include reframing, New Behavior Generator, pain control, and amnesia.
Turtles All the Way Down
John Grinder and Judith DeLozier, Grinder DeLozier Associates, 1987.
Edited seminar transcript of John Grinder and Judith DeLozier's new work on the prerequisites of genius and the necessary wisdom, style, and grace which must go with applications of NLP technology. A fascinating and essential book for anyone with knowledge of and interest in NLP.
Leaves Before the Wind
John Grinder, Judith DeLozier and Charlotte Bretto, Grinder DeLozier Associates, 1990.
A series of articles dealing with NLP and hypnosis, healing, and artistry.
Challenge of Excellence
S. L. Gunn, Metamorphous Press, 1986.
Achieving excellence through physical competence, balanced physiology, and appropriate patterns of thought. Useful for any teacher who wants to develop NLP skills in conjunction with cooperative games or outdoor pursuits.
The Excellence Principle
S. L. Gunn, Excellence Unlimited, 1981.
An introductory level NLP workbook based on the presupposition that “fun is a prerequisite to excellence”.
Monsters and Magical Sticks
Steven Heller and Terry Steele, Falcon Press, 1987.
A clear and entertaining book on hypnosis and trance states.
The Secret of Creating your Future
Tad James, Advanced Neuro-Dynamics, 1989.
Learn about timelines through the metaphorical adventures of Milon and the Wizard.
Timeline Therapy and the Basis of Personality
Tad James, Meta Publications, 1988.
A detailed and clear account of timelines, metaprograms, and values. Not an introductory book.
Fine Tune your Brain
Genie Laborde, Syntony Publishing, 1988.
Following on from Influencing with Integrity, this deals with communication patterns, dovetailing outcomes, congruence, and metaphors.
Magic Demystified
Byron Lewis and Frank Pucelik, Metamorphous Press, 1982.
An introduction to parts of NLP. It deals at length with the Meta Model, communication, how we make maps of the world, representation systems, and accessing cues.
NLP: The Wild Days 1972–1981
Terry McClendon, Meta Publications, 1989.
A short, anecdotal account of John and Richard's early partnership.
Golf: The Mind Game
Tennis: The Mind Game
Marlin M. Mackenzie with Ken Denlinger, Dell, 1990.
Applying NLP to sport. Understandable to those without NLP training.
The Art of the Possible
Dawna Markova, Conari Press, 1991.
This is the most in-depth study of communication patterns based on representational systems, including identifying your own patterns.
Basic Techniques: An NLP Workbook
Linnaea Marvell-Mell, Metamorphous Press, 1982.
A workbook and cassette tape designed to teach basic patterns of reframing, anchoring, accessing cues, and the Meta Model.
Introducing Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Joseph O'Connor and John Seymour, Mandala, 1990.
An excellent introduction to NLP, this book is designed for beginners. Comprehensive, clear and detailed, it contains an overview and all the main patterns. Good as a reference, it has an invaluable section on all the NLP books, a guide to choosing courses and an extensive glossary of NLP terms. Also available direct from John Seymour Associates.
Practitioner Manual for Introductory Patterns in NLP
Maryann Reese and Carol Yancar, Southern Press, 1986.
A manual taken from a practitioner training, an aide memoire to the training.
Programmer's Pocket Summary
Maryann Reese and Alan Densky, Reese and Densky, 1986.
Small, loose leaf binder which contains basic NLP patterns in a sort of recipe format. Not a book for beginners.
Awaken the Giant Within
Anthony Robbins, Simon and Schuster, 1992.
A book about the structure of destiny and the science of Neuro-Associative Conditioning (NAC!) Exciting and motivating, though not strictly NLP.
Unlimited Power
Anthony Robbins, Simon and Schuster, 1986.
A very good exposition of the basic principles of NLP and many personal applications. Written in a very personal and immediate style, very anecdotal.
Cognitive Harmony
Jerry Stocking, Moose Ear Press, 1991.
Subtitled “An Adventure in Mental Fitness”, this book introduces NLP concepts in the context of personal evolution.
Various NLP Monographs
Wyatt Woodsmall, Self-published.
Spiral-bound monographs including “Business Applications of NLP”; “The Science of Advanced Behavioral Modeling”; “Metaprograms”; “Language Patterns and Timeline Therapy”; “Strategies”; “Lifeline Therapy”; “Beyond Self Awareness”. Available from Advanced Behavior Modeling, see training organizations addresses.
Basic Techniques, Book II
Clifford Wright, Metamorphous Press, 1989.
A collection of exercises from NLP practitioner training. Best done in groups of two or more.
Thinking About Thinking with NLP
Joseph Yeager, Meta Publications, 1985.
A book which deals more with the principles of NLP, an “NLP state of mind”, particularly applied to the business world, rather than with particular techniques. An interesting overview if you are already acquainted with the basic ideas of NLP.
Green Light Selling
Don Aspromonte and Diane Austin, Cahill Mountain Press, 1990. Aa NLP sales process that will be particularly useful for those salespeople who know their product, know their markets, and know that they can do better.
Beyond Selling
Dan Bagley and Edward Reese, Meta Publications, 1987.
A well-written book covering an NLP approach to gaining and keeping customers.
Instant Rapport
Michael Brooks, Warner Books, 1989.
A broad overview of rapport and anchoring skills.
What They Don't Teach You in Sales 101
Steven Drozdek, Joseph Yeager and Linda Sommer, McGraw Hill, 1991.
One of the best and most comprehensive applications of NLP to sales. Includes an excellent section on “keeping yourself going”.
Making the Message Clear
James Eicher, Grinder DeLozier Associates, 1987.
NLP applied to business, mainly to do with verbal communication.
Precision: A New Approach to Communication
John Grinder and Michael McMaster, Precision Models, 1980. A systematic format for gathering information. The book is designed to improve business planning, management, and meetings.
Influencing With Integrity
Genie Laborde, Syntony Publishing Co., 1984.
Subtitled “Management skills for communication and negotiation”, it is a fine introduction to NLP in a business context. Clearly written, it covers such matters as outcomes, rapport, acuity, and flexibility and their applications in meetings and negotiation.
90 Days to Communications Excellence
Genie Laborde, Syntony Publishing Co., 1985.
A companion workbook to go with Influencing with Integrity, it breaks down sensory acuity and pattern recognition into small learnable chunks.
Rapport on the Telephone
Genie Laborde, Syntony Publishing Co., 1991.
Designed as a notepad, each page contains a separate skill, from setting outcomes to pacing and leading, and gathering referrals. Simple use of NLP on the telephone.
Performance Management
Michael McMaster, Metamorphous Press, 1986.
Communication and training in management using NLP together with other approaches.
Unlimited Selling Power
D. Moine and K. Lloyd, Prentice-Hall, 1990.
Subtitled “How to Master Hypnotic Selling Strategies”, this is basically the Milton Model for salespeople.
Modern Persuasion Strategies
J. Moine and J. Herd, Prentice-Hall, 1985.
One of the best books on personal influence in the sales context. A clear introduction to the theme of hypnotic language patterns in everyday life.
No Experience Necessary
Scott Nelson, Meta Publications, 1990.
Techniques for succeeding in telemarketing.
The Magic of Rapport.
J. Richardson and J. Margoulis, Meta Publications, 1988. Deals with rapport building and hypnotic persuasion techniques.
Sales: The Mind's Side
James E. Robertson, Metamorphous Press, 1989.
Sports psychology and mental training as it applies to sales. Focuses more on the salesperson than selling strategies.
Successful Selling With NLP
Joseph O'Connor and Robin Prior, Thorsons, 1995.
Using NLP to increase congruence and satisfaction in the selling profession. As well as being a practical workbook, it deals at length with the sales process, why people buy, goals and values, and there is a section on leadership in sales management.
Training with NLP
Joseph O'Connor and John Seymour, Thorsons, 1994.
A comprehensive organization of the fundamentals of training into a practical primer and reference. Includes sections on presentation skills, planning, and evaluating the results of training.
Master Teaching Techniques
B. Cleveland, Connecting Link Press, 1984.
Workbook formal for teachers to apply the basic techniques of NLP in the classroom. The exercises in the book are best practiced with small groups.
Righting the Educational Conveyor Belt
Michael Grinder, Metamorphous Press, 1989.
A good, detailed application of parts of NLP to classroom teaching. A very useful, interesting and practical book.
Meta-Cation: Prescriptions for Some Ailing Educational Processes
Sid Jacobsen, Meta Publications, 1983.
NLP ideas such as metaphor, anchors, representational systems, and guided fantasy applied to individual educational counseling.
Meta-Cation 2
Sid Jacobsen, Meta Publications, 1987.
Companion book giving further applications and developments of Volume 1.
Meta-Cation 3
Sid Jacobsen, Meta Publications, 1988.
Companion book giving further applications and developments of Volumes 1 and 2.
Eric P. Jensen, Turning Point for Teachers, 1988.
A workbook of NLP, accelerated learning and other techniques for use in the classroom, with many practical tips.
Classroom Magic
Linda Lloyd, Metamorphous Press, 1989.
Applies NLP skills to primary school classroom teaching in a series of daily lesson plans. Presents many ideas to develop children's learning skills.
Listening Skills in Music
Joseph O'Connor, Lambent Books, 1989.
The results of modeling talented musicians, full account of the strategy for musical memory and how to teach it. Includes a video of the modeling process.
Not Pulling Strings
Joseph O'Connor, Lambent Books, 1987.
A book about learning and teaching music. Explains and uses basic NLP ideas of rapport, representational systems, and sub-modalities.
The Carnival
D. Spence, Southern Institute Press, 1987.
A story incorporating NLP techniques, designed to introduce NLP ideas to children.
Virginia Satir: The Patterns of her Magic
Steve Andreas, Science and Behavior, 1992.
A full transcript of Virginia Satir working with “forgiving parents”. Includes detailed commentary and highlights many patterns.
Vida Baron, Barez Publishing Company, 1990.
Simple and basic NLP frames applied to medicine.
L. Cameron-Bandler, FuturePace Inc., 1985.
This is a revised and expanded edition of They Lived Happily Ever After. Clear and detailed application of NLP to sexual and relationship problems.
Beliefs: Pathways to Health and Wellbeing
Robert Dilts, Real People Press, 1990.
A book aptly described by the title, about how your beliefs affect your health.
Therapeutic Metaphors
David Gordon, Meta Publications, 1978.
Presents a model for generating powerful metaphors to help people get in touch with their resources. Ways of utilizing synesthesia, representational systems, and submodalities are included.
Patterns of Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson M.D., Volume 1
John Grinder and Richard Bandler, Meta Publications, 1975. Clear exposition of the artfully vague language patterns used by Milton Erickson. Basic trance induction of pacing and leading, distracting the dominant hemisphere and accessing the nondominant hemisphere is explained. Includes a session of Erickson working with Aldous Huxley. The second NLP book to be published.
Patterns of Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson M.D., Volume 2
John Grinder, Richard Bandler, Judith DeLozier, Meta Publications, 1977.
Companion to Volume 1, more technical and detailed, with transcripts of Erickson working with clients.
Irresistible Communication: Creative Skills for the Health Professional
Mark King, Larry Novick and Charles Citrenbaum, W. B. Saunders & Co., 1983.
Clear and practical introduction to NLP and communication for doctors, nurses and social workers.
Get the Results You Want: A Systemic Approach to NLP
K. Kostere and L. Malatests, Metamorphous Press, 1985.
A clear introduction to NLP for therapists with transcripts of client sessions.
Maps, Models and the Structure of Reality
K. Kostere and L. Malatesta, Metamorphous Press, 1992.
A fairly straightforward exploration of the philosophical underpinnings of NLP and how they relate to the use of the techniques.
Practical Magic
Steven Lankton, Meta Publications, 1980.
Subtitled “A translation of basic NLP into clinical psychotherapy”. Deals with rapport, representational systems, anchors, the Meta Model, strategies, trance and metaphors applied to psychotherapy.
Facticity: A Door to Mental Health and Beyond
Ragini Elizabeth Michaels, Facticity Trainings, 1991.
A book on recognizing and integrating the light and dark aspects of our personality.
Changing With Families
Virginia Satir, John Grinder and Richard Bandler, Science and Behavior Books, 1976.
Excellent descriptions of Virginia Satir's work. Sorting representational systems in families and nonverbal behavior are extensively dealt with.
Your Balancing Act: Discovering New Life through Five Dimensions of Wellness
Carolyn Taylor, Metamorphous Press, 1988.
Presents a model of health through belief systems. The five areas are physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual. Makes great use of the Disney character, Jiminy Cricket.