Wildcats and Big Cats

  1. One difference between domesticated and wild cats is that domesticated breeds hold their tails straight up whilst walking; wild cats hold it either between their legs or horizontally.
  2. The Scottish wildcat is Britain’s only remaining large wild predator.
  3. The largest wildcat is the Siberian Tiger, which can grow to nearly 4m in length.
  4. The smallest however is the Black-footed cat, which is just 50cm long.
  5. There are a number of famous ‘beasts’ across the world that are thought to be big cats that have escaped from captivity. Perhaps the most famous in Europe is the ‘Beast of Bodmin Moor’ which some think is an escaped puma.
  6. The cheetah is the world’s fastest mammal - they can run at speeds in excess of 70 miles per hour.
  7. No two tigers have the same pattern of stripes.
  8. You can hear a lion’s roar over five miles away.
  9. Lions are the only cats that like to live in large groups (called prides).
  10. Some breeders are mating domestic cats with wildcats to give hybrid breeds. Whilst they may look incredible, they are expensive - and VERY hard to care for!