General - Part 2
- When a cat nips at you during petting, it is their way of telling you they are enjoying the attention.
- Female cats mature quicker than male ones - they can reach adulthood in just five months, whereas males can take almost twice as long!
- Cats eat grass so they can regurgitate hair and other irritants, ensuring their digestive system stay clean.
- Most cats are actually lactose intolerant, so drinking milk gives them a stomach-ache and diarrhoea.
- Scientists think that cats respond better to women because their voices are higher pitched.
- The biological name for a cat’s hairball is a bezoar.
- The first cat in space was from France and was called Felicette. You’ll be pleased to know she survived the trip.
- In the original version of Cinderella (which was told in Italy), the fairy godmother was a cat.
- Cats generally only meow at humans - they rarely make the noise to other cats!
- The first cat show (in modern times) was held in London in 1871.