Chapter Four



What happened to you last night?” Phil leaned across the picnic table as Cherry grabbed the thermos. “I waited outside your cabin for almost an hour.”

Cherry perked up. “Oh yeah? Why, you wanted to fuck me?”

Cherry, would you stop saying things like that?” He lowered his voice. “Your mother could walk out of her cabin at any moment.”

Where’s Daddy?”

Went to buy firewood. Apparently we’ll be cooking dinner on the open flames.”

Of course we will. How else would we do it?”

Say, indoors, on a stove…?” Phil shook his head. “Wait, you never answered me: where did you go last night?”

What are you, my father?” Cherry spooned instant coffee and powdered creamer into a tin mug, and then poured in hot water from the thermos. “I told you already: I went to the public wash station to take a shower.”

And that takes over an hour?”

It does when you meet a pair of soapy drunk girls and get them to—”

We’ve got instant oatmeal for breakfast,” Mom called from the main cabin. “I’ve got the electric kettle on the boil.”

Phil smacked his fist against the picnic table, obviously pissed off by the interruption. He overcompensating, saying, “Great! That’s just marvellous, Sylvie. Thanks for your hospitality.”

Cherry smirked around the lip of her coffee cup.

Maple and Brown Sugar, Apple Cinnamon, or plain?”

Surprise me,” Phil replied.

I’ll have Maple, Mommy.” Cherry got up and handed the almost-empty thermos to her mother. “When are we starting our hike?”

Two hours ago.”

Aww, you and Daddy went without me?”

Her mother tilted her head and grinned. “No, we’d never do that, sweetie.”

Have you packed the gorp yet?”

No, we left that for you. All the ingredients are here in the cabin.”

Want to help me, Mommy?”

Cherry knew she was torturing Phil by mentioning the soapy drunk girls, and then totally ignoring him. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched him writhing in his seat. He was probably hard just imagining what she’d done in the shower.

He’d be even harder when she told him.

But that would have to wait, because Mom brought out the oatmeal in their special metal camping bowls, and dominated the conversation as they ate.

What exactly is gorp?” Phil asked when Mom brought out the ingredients.

Mom chuckled. “Just a funny name for trail mix.”

Stands for ‘good old raisins and peanuts,’ but we put in a lot more than that. We put in cereal, dried fruit, all kinds of stuff. I like gummy worms in mine, but you can choose your own adventure.” Cherry pulled out four Ziplock bags, ready to begin.

Phil waved the bag away. “Oh, I don’t think I’ll be needing one.”

You’ll change your tune once you’ve been hiking for two hours.”

Two hours?” The way he reacted, it was like she’d said two months. “Oh, I think I’ll hang back if it’s all the same to you.”

Cherry wanted to stamp her feet and whine, “No, you have to come!” but she held off, playing it cool. If Phil started thinking she didn’t care about him, he’d just want her more. Begging and pleading hadn’t done a lot of good yesterday. Today she’d try a new tack.

Phil,” Mom said. “You can’t spend a week in a park without hiking. When in Rome, do as the Romans. When in a campground, go hiking with your oldest friend and his family.”

I don’t know, Sylvie…”

Mom reached across the picnic table and set her hand on Phil’s. “I don’t want you moping around, feeling sorry for yourself. You could just as easily have done that at home. Now that you’re here, why not get out in nature?”

Cherry’s heart finally stopped thudding against her ribcage when Phil gave in. Way to go, Mom! That couldn’t have worked out more perfectly.

As soon as Daddy got back with the firewood, they filled their water bottles, put on their hiking shoes, and took off down the dirt road. In the city, it was probably a gazillion degrees. Here, under the tree cover, temperatures were cooler and there was almost no humidity. Life in the woods was pretty close to heaven.

Except that Cherry felt devilish as hell. As they hiked one of the family’s favourite trails, she stuck right by her mother’s side. Every time Phil tried to strike up a conversation, she blocked him out and started talking to Mom about something else. Her rudeness must have convinced her mother she’d gone cool on the guy, because after their first gorp-and-water stop at a lookout point, Mom ceased to chaperone them. She and Daddy started up together, and were soon out of sight.

Thank goodness.” Phil closed the lid on his water bottle and zipped up his bag of gorp. “I’ve been trying to lose those two for an hour now.”

Cherry twisted a gummy worm around her tongue, playing innocent. “Oh yeah? Why’s that?”

To get you alone, of course.”

Wandering closer to the lookout, she gazed back across the hiked terrain. It hadn’t felt as steep as it looked from here. Far in the distance, she could see the beach where she’d tried to seduce Phil. Mostly, it was rocky hills and gentle ravines, and trees, trees, trees as far as the eye could see.

Looks like you’ve got me alone now.”

Leaning against the lookout rail, Cherry turned to Phil. He’d worn cargo shorts, a black T-shirt, and green military cap. The outfit should have looked stupid on him, but her belly quivered every time she looked his way. When the hell did this dorky dad get so hot?

Divorce had done wonders for his skin.

Last night you were hot for me and today you’re ice cold.” Phil stood from the bench he’d been sitting on. “The crazy thing is… god, I shouldn’t be saying this… no, I can’t say it.”

You know what’s stupid?” Cherry sucked her gummy worm like a tiny cock, letting it slip from her lips. “I really want you to kiss me right now.”

Your mother would kill me.”

She tilted her head. “My mother isn’t here.”

Phil walked toward her, like he was being led by his dick. “God, those lips…”

Slipping by him, she took to the trail. “We should get hiking.”

What a tease she was.

Wait.” Jogging to catch up, he said, “You never told me about… about…”

About what?” Tease, tease, tease!

Why was it so easy to gain the upper hand with this guy? Especially when she wasn’t even sure if she wanted him. She thought she did. Last night she definitely did. Maybe Phil was a passing fancy. She’d been called capricious so many times she actually looked it up: prone to making sudden unexpected changes.

How far ahead of us do you think your parents are?” Phil trudged up the craggy rock.

Cherry hopped on ahead. “Oh, they’re definitely out of earshot.”

So tell me, then.” The terrain flattened out, and he breathed a little easier. “Tell me about the shower and the girls. What happened to you last night?”

I happened to them, actually.”

He swallowed hard. “Wait, slow down. I need a little more water.”

You’ll have to pee if you drink too much.” She smirked, but he didn’t seem to get the joke. “Okay, I’ll tell you if you’re so damn interested. It wasn’t all that exciting, though. Unless three hot, soapy girls showering together is a fantasy of yours.”

Phil sputtered and spilled water all down his chin. “You… you…”

She deserved a fricken award. “When you walk into a public wash station smelling like piss and streaked with cum, of course someone’s gonna throw you in the shower.”

Stop beating around the bush, Cherry.” He grabbed her arm. Hard. Cherry tried not to act scared, but it must have shown on her face. Phil released her and said, “I’m sorry. I just want to hear it all. You have no idea how you… no, I shouldn’t say that.”

Obviously, Phil meant business. She could tell herself she’d grown tired of teasing, but the truth was that Phil made her a little nervous, grabbing her like that. It really sobered her up.

Playing with her gummy worm, Cherry said, “Okay, after I left you last night I walked down the dirt road and out of the cabin part of the campground. When I got to the wash station, the light outside the women’s area was burnt out, so it sort of looked like it was closed. But there were lights on inside, so I went in.”

I’ve always wanted to poke my head in a women’s washroom.”

Oh, I’ve been in men’s rooms a million times. I know guys like to think there’s a difference, but there really isn’t. Yours have urinals, ours have more stalls. Aside from that, they’re really the same.”

Hey,” he said. “Don’t rain on my parade.”

She bit the head off her gummy worm. “Sorry.”

So tell me what this washroom looks like.”

Cherry laughed. “You’re such a perv—peeing on me, wanting me to describe a bathroom to you. But fine. There are sinks and stalls when you first walk in, but if you go past them you come to an area with a bench down the middle, like a locker room. If you cut to the side, that’s where the showers are. They’re all open, like at school.”

And strangers all shower together? A bunch of naked women who don’t know each other from Adam?”

Hate to burst your bubble again, but if you walk past the open showers, there are individual stalls. Most people use those. But not last night.”

Let’s just stick to last night, then.”

Spinning around, Cherry got a good look at the tent in Phil’s cargo shorts. “You have a boner already? I haven’t even gotten to the good part yet.”

He pulled the rim of his cap down and tilted his head, like he was embarrassed she’d noticed. “You’d better get on with it, then.”

This guy was too easy. “Okay, well, when I stepped into the wash station last night, right away I heard giggling. It was the kind of giggling you can’t mistake for anything else: horny drunk girls playing will-we-won’t-we.”

Will-we-won’t-we what?”

She didn’t even turn to say, “Fuck.”

Keep your voice down! Your parents might hear you.”

They’re way far ahead, stupid. So anyway, as I crept down the locker room area, I heard those girls saying dumb shit like, ‘I’m so horny. We should totally kiss.’ Losers. They get wasted because they’re too scared to admit they’re hot for each other, sober. They act like, ‘Oh, I just thought of this right this second’ when, in reality, they diddle themselves every night fantasizing about each other.”

She expected Phil to agree with her. Instead, he said, “Not everyone is as bold as you, Cherry. It’s not very compassionate to judge.”

Her heart clenched in anger. “Do you want to hear this story or not?”

I do, I do.”

Like he’d never judged anybody…

Okay, so I heard these girls giggling and shit, and I knew what I was walking into. I’m not stupid. So I opened my robe, and I walked into the shower area with it hanging open at the front. There’s still cum all down my neck. It’s really obvious what I’ve been up to.”

What about the girls?”

This guy was too easy.

Buck naked. Two of them, tipsy as hell. They had those vodka coolers, you know, the ones that are really sweet? The water’s raining down on them, and one girl’s got her arm around the other, and they’re laughing and drinking.”

What did they look like?”

The tall girl was Asian, long sopping-wet raven hair, legs up to there. Fucking gorgeous chick. I mean, model-gorgeous. And tattooed! Not too many, and none you would have seen if she had any clothes on, but man… you would come just looking at her.”

And the other one?”

She was hot too, but in a different way. More the girl-next-door type. Pretty, plump, nice round belly and big tits. Beautiful skin, sort of dark. I don’t know where she’s from. She had a bit of an accent, just a hint of one, but it didn’t sound familiar.”

And they were naked?” Phil asked, panting like a bitch in heat. “Naked and drinking vodka coolers?”

Naked from head to toe. Oh, I’m wrong. They had on jewellery. The girl-next-door had on a bunch of rings, on her fingers and her toes, and they both had gold necklaces, you know, the kind BFFs give each other when they’re like twelve years old?”

So you think they were childhood friends?”

Cherry nodded, hunting through her gorp for another gummy worm. “Yeah, that’s the vibe I got. When they spotted me in my canvas sneakers and my wide-open robe, they gasped, both at the same time. Their eyes went wide and their jaws dropped, and they pressed their naked tits together, hugging each other hard. Then suddenly they started laughing.”


Yeah, like, hysterically. And I was all, ‘What are you laughing at, bitches?’ and the plump one was all, ‘Who you calling a bitch?’ and then the model girl started laughing even harder. She was like, ‘Girl fight!’ So we all started laughing. Like I’m gonna fight a couple drunk chicks in a campground shower! As if.”

That would be pretty hot, though…” Phil’s feet moved slower across the rocky terrain.

Turning around, Cherry hopped on a boulder and leaned against the thick trunk of a tree. She felt like a statue as Phil stared up at her, and she liked the attention. “Then the model girl must have noticed the cum all over me, because she looked all concerned. She asked, ‘You okay? Did some guy attack you?’ I laughed and said, ‘I’m fine. Some guy jerked off on me.’”

Phil hung his head. “Your parents would slaughter me…”

Shit! He was getting all morose again. “So I asked the girls if they wanted to wash me. They laughed like they thought it was a joke. But I didn’t laugh. It wasn’t a joke. I was so fucking horny after what we’d just done, and I felt rejected because you wouldn’t go swimming.”

I’m sorry…”

All I wanted was to get off, and I was sick of having to do it all myself. Those girls were fucking hot and I wanted them. I wouldn’t take no for an answer.” Cherry slid down the tree until she was squatting in the same position as last night. She wanted him to look between her legs, and he did. “I shrugged off my robe and it landed on the wet tiles. The girls couldn’t take their eyes off my tits and my baby-soft pussy. They stared at me as I stepped close enough for my nipples to brush their arms.”

Phil stared, slack-jawed. His erection hammered his fly. She could see it pulsing as she spoke.

They’d turned off the shower, but I turned it back on. The water that came out was cool, at first, and it made them gasp and cling to each other. Little beads of water jumped off their bodies. Their naked skin broke out in goosebumps until the water heated up. When the shower started getting steamy, that’s when I asked them, ‘Where’s the soap?’

Where was it?” Phil asked, eagerly, like he thought she’d say the girl pulled it from her snatch.

Nowhere weird, just on a little ledge thing.” Cherry rolled her eyes. “The model girl grabbed it, just plain white soap, while the other girl hugged her tits. When I asked, ‘Who’s gonna wash me?’ they both just looked at each other. And then they smiled, and I asked, ‘Are you girls gonna fight over me?’

The plump chick said, ‘No, we’ll share,’ and the other girl was like, ‘We’re not the jealous types.’ They put their drinks down on the tile, away from the shower, and the bigger girl pulled me under the water. It felt so good to get clean, after you’d pissed and jizzed all over me.”

Shhh!” Phil hissed. “Not so loud.”

The model girl could probably smell your piss on me. She was like, ‘Your boyfriend’s kind of a perv, huh?’ I just said, ‘No. I am.’ They didn’t need to know you’re not my boyfriend.”

Now you’re making me feel guilty.”

Cherry rolled her eyes. “Why should you? I don’t feel guilty.”

For showering with drunk girls behind your boyfriend’s back?”

Oh, he wouldn’t care. We had an agreement that I could fuck as many chicks as I wanted to, as long as I told him all about it after.” Cherry thought about Brad for a moment, but the image of his face brought a knot to her stomach. “Anyhow, we did more than shower. Sure, they started out just tracing the soap across my skin. The hot model got my neck all sudsy and then scrubbed the cum off with her fingernails. Then she passed the soap over my shoulder, and the plump girl traced it across my tits.”

Phil opened his water bottle. “She did?”

Yeah. She got her own tits soapy too, and then pressed them against my back. In, like, five seconds we were all covered in soap. I lost track of who had the bar. They kept passing it back and forth, feeling me up with their soft hands. Those horny chicks touched me everywhere: my boobs, my thighs, my belly, my armpits. Everywhere.”


I could barely breathe when the model girl leaned down to kiss me. Her tongue was super-hot, slick, soft, but forceful. She wrapped it around mine, coiling like a snake. Meanwhile, it’s raining on my head. Warm water’s coursing down my face. I have to close my eyes. Every time I inhale, I’m getting hot little droplets inside my nose. My only hope is to breathe through the model, let her breathe for me.”

Wow, wow, wow!”

It didn’t help that the plump girl was mashing her bush against my backside. I could feel her getting off on me, and hear her gasping and moaning as she stroked her clit against my ass cheek. Her hands wouldn’t quit. One cupped my tit, squeezing my slippery nipple. The other dipped between my thighs. Oh, the soap was in that hand. She rubbed the white bar against my mound, then passed it to her friend. Then her fingers went at me. It wasn’t hard to find my clit—it was swollen and red and pulsing like a little cock. You’re partly to blame, for that. You turned me on like crazy when you pissed on me, when you jacked it right in front of my face.”

Please, Cherry!” He sounded exasperated. “Would you lower your voice?”

Do I look like someone who lowers her voice? No. Especially when I’m telling someone about two naked strangers rubbing their soapy tits against me, front and back. Before long, those girls were fighting over my pussy. The one girl’s pudgy fingers battled the other’s insanely long ones, both dipping between my pussy lips, nudging my clit from either side. They were so slip-slidey against my cunt that my knees almost gave out. Luckily, I couldn’t fall down. The girls propped me up with their slick bodies, keeping me tight between them.”

Two girls fighting over your pussy?” Phil wiped sweat from his forehead with the back of his arm. “Who won?”

I did.” Cherry slapped a gummy worm against her tongue, then closed her mouth around it, humming decadently. “But the model sure knew what she was doing. She started rubbing tight circles around my clit while her friend’s fat fingers launched inside my cunt. I was so fucking wet she could have rammed her vodka cooler up my snatch without much trouble.”


What? I didn’t say she did. She fucked me with her finger, but that slipped in like nothing. She gave me two, and I felt that a little more. When she rammed me with three, well, okay, I felt that. Big-time. She twisted and turned her soapy hand, like she was trying to fist me. That was too much. I shrieked because I was afraid she’d tear my cunt wide open, and she pulled out.”

All this with girls you’ve never met?” Phil shook his head, like he couldn’t believe it.

Yeah, like you’ve never got yourself a bit of strange.” Cherry snorted, but Phil looked at her, unfazed. “Holy crap, you never have. Don’t tell me you’ve only had sex with your wife!”

Keep your voice down.” He reached to cover her mouth, but she hopped off the boulder and took to the trail. Phil followed her, saying, “And, no, I haven’t only been with my wife. Ex-wife, I should say. I had a girlfriend in high school, and we…”

Wow, like a million years ago.” Cherry cackled. “Do you even remember how to fuck, old man?”

Quit it, Cherry. There’s no need to be hurtful.”

She spun around, whipping her ponytail over her shoulder. “Hey, I never told you the best part.”

His eyes glazed over.

Because after the model girl won the battle for my clit, the pudgy girl slid her fingers between my ass cheeks.”


Yes. My butt was all soapy and slick, so she just started rubbing my asshole while the other girl teased my clit. Oh my god, Phil, it felt so good. I can’t even tell you. It was just like… wow!”

I bet.” His dick surged inside his shorts, like it was trying to blast its way out. “Did she… go inside?”

Cherry cocked her head. “What do you think?”

He arched closer, like he’d be able to hear the answer sooner if he drew near.

Brad always wants to get in my ass, but his cock is way too big. And he’s too rough about it. But this girl, just her fingers sliding inside me with my skin all covered in soap? It was good. She took her time, circling slowly, opening my ass ring, getting that tight muscle to give a little. It helped that the other girl kept toying with my clit and teasing my tits with her tits. Her nipples were so fucking hard, man. The other girl’s boobs were much rounder, cushiony. I could feel them pushing against my back as she finger-fucked my ass.”

I wish I’d been there.”

To watch me come, screaming, between two naked chicks? Or would you have joined in?” Cherry bolted down the trail, toward her parents.

A guy like Phil wouldn’t have the guts to fuck three girls at a time. Not yet, at least. By the end of the week, Cherry hoped to whip him into shape. He’d be her holiday challenge.

No rest for the wicked…