Chapter Twelve



It’s a little on the small side,” Phil said.

You’re one to talk,” Cherry shot back.

Phil’s eyebrows arched so high they looked like they were about to fly off his forehead. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Cherry edged a little closer to Brad. “Your apartment, Phil. It’s not much bigger than my dorm room.”

Why?” Brad asked. “What did you think she meant?”

Ignoring Brad’s questions, Phil said, “At least I don’t have to share my bachelor pad with another person.”

Brad laughed. “I’d give my right arm to share a ten-by-ten-foot room with a pretty blonde college girl.”

I hope you’re talking about me,” Cherry said.

Brad launched his arm around her shoulder. “Actually, I was talking about your roommate. What’s her name? Gem?”

Ruby. And if you want a prude, god, that girl…”

What’s a prude, in your mind?” Phil sat on Ruby’s bed, gazing down at Cherry and Brad, who were sitting on the small strip of carpet. “If your roommate doesn’t ‘accidentally’ sneak into your bed in the middle of the night, you automatically assume she’s a prude?”

She is a prude!” Cherry swatted his thigh, and found herself staring, slack-jawed, when an erection tented his pants. “She’s a virgin, you know.”

Is she? Yeah, I totally would have guessed that. She looks like a virgin.” Brad obviously hadn’t noticed Phil’s hard-on yet, but it was all Cherry could think about. “Well, school’s only been in session a few weeks. Betcha she’ll get her cherry popped by the end of term.”

Have you ever gotten a blow job in a college dorm?” Cherry asked.

You gave me one last weekend,” Brad said. “Remember? The Prude walked in on us.”

I wasn’t talking to you.”

Phil swallowed hard, glancing from Cherry’s lips to Brad’s cool expression. “Oh, I… I…”

Probably he got face-fucked in a dorm room when he was our age,” Brad said, cupping Cherry’s tits as she crawled between Phil’s legs. “It was just so long ago he doesn’t remember.”

I hope he remembers this one.” She pressed her cheek against his crotch. “Well, Daddy? Are you gonna remember this blow job?”

Tracing his fingers through her hair, he asked, “How could I forget?”

Well, you are pretty old.” Brad reached for the lube. He’d helped her move, so he knew where everything was. “Sure you’re not losing your memory?”

I remember the important stuff.” Phil’s eyes were closed when Cherry opened his fly. His erection popped out of his pants and landed on her tongue. “Holy fuck, Cherry. Your mouth…”

It’s hot, isn’t it?” Brad pulled down her stretchy jeans and panties, but only as far as her thighs, trapping her inside her own clothing. “Cherry’s got the perfect mouth. It’s good at everything.”

Suck me off, Cherry-baby.” Phil panted, like he was barely holding himself together. “Oh god, I’ve missed this.”

Me too,” she said before wrapping her lips around his swollen tip.

Phil groaned as she swallowed him, and Brad replied with a groan of his own. They were in this together, bonded by the ghost of threesomes past.

As Cherry suckled sweetly at the head of Phil’s lust, Brad brushed his dick between her legs. She hadn’t realized how wet she’d become until his cock stroked her pussy lips, drawing juice from her slit to her clit. He rubbed her nub in tight circles, then swept it side to side, making her moan around the cock in her mouth.

Fuck her,” Phil growled. She could feel the rumble of his voice in her pussy as Brad entered. Slowly. Teasing her.

Phil leaned forward, burying Cherry’s head beneath the hard plane of his belly. She wondered if he could see Brad’s cock making its way into her cunt. Live porn. That’s what this was—the kind of fantasy porn where you broke the fourth wall and entered into the scene to get your cock sucked by the star.

And, boy, did Cherry ever feel like a star! Phil arched over her body to watch Brad cock caress her pussy. She never thought she’d feel this tight again, not after that time in the alley behind The Moose, but her cunt was apparently more resilient than she realized. As Brad fucked her in sharp, predictable motions, she hugged his shaft tight, feeling his head swell inside herself. He’d never get out. Never.

Except Phil wanted to change gears. He said, “Fuck her ass. Punish it.”

Not too hard,” Cherry whimpered as Brad’s hot cock popped out of her cunt. “Take it slow, nice and slow.”

Yeah, I know what you like.” When Brad parted her ass cheeks, she could feel the men staring at her hole as it winked and puckered. “You want me to work up to it. Start slow, tease you, make you want it even more. Make you beg.”

Yes…” Cherry hissed as Brad poured cool lube down her crack. His finger pressed into her hole so quickly she barely realized what was happening.

Wait… was that Brad’s finger? With her face buried in Phil’s lap, she had no way of knowing who it belonged to. Her ass ring expanded as another one entered. Maybe they each had a finger in her ass now. She pictured it, and the image made her body quake.

Suck,” Phil reminded her.

She hadn’t realized she’d stopped. “Sorry.”

Sorry what?”

Sorry, Daddy.”

Wrapping her lips around his erection, she swallowed him down while the men chuckled and moaned. They seemed to be sharing some joke. She didn’t know. She couldn’t see.

And then their fingers retracted and Brad’s cockhead found her hole like a branding iron. It seared her tender flesh as he pushed forward, opening her up.

Relax,” Brad said.

I know,” she replied around Phil’s shaft. “I’m trying.”

Just suck Daddy’s cock, Cherry.” He petted her hair, gently, like she was a cat in his lap. “Suck it, baby. That’ll calm you right down.”

Whimpering, she went at his hard-on with renewed vigour, focusing all her attention on her mouth, trying to forget about the hot steel forging a path through her ass.

It worked. The harder she deep-throated Phil, the farther Brad got up in her ass. She strained against him, on impulse, but not so stringently that he couldn’t break through. With all the lube he’d used, his entry felt slick and clean—not quite as dirty as it had been that night by the dumpster, when Phil was already lodged inside her cunt. That was the epitome of dirty, as far as Cherry was concerned.

She wanted to scream, “Keep going!” but with a cock in her mouth, the best she could do was buck back into the saddle of Brad’s hips. Their shared motion drove his erection deeper inside her, to a place no man had ever been before.

What did she do to deserve this? She must have horseshoes up her ass, because how many girls had a boyfriend like Brad? A guy who’d learned not only to swallow his jealousy and support her goals, but to embrace the fact that she was attracted to another man. With these two at her sides, what could go wrong?

One cock in her mouth, one in her ass, and her fingers making a play for her pussy. Life was sweet.

Oh god, Cherry, I’m gonna come!” Brad dug his fingers into her ass cheeks and rammed her so hard it hurt.

Come,” Phil encouraged him. “Fill that nasty hole.”

Cherry whimpered, mashing the meat of her palm against her clit while her fingers explored her wet cunt. She could feel Brad’s dick through the thin wall. It was like magic.

Come,” Phil chanted. “I’m gonna come too. Let’s fill her from both ends.”

Oh god,” Cherry said around the huge cock in her mouth. She felt like a chocolate éclair stuffed with two cream injectors, just waiting to get packed full.

Somewhere in the background, a doorknob jiggled. Hinges creaked, and she knew someone had entered the room. The men were hard at work, and she wondered if they’d noticed. She wondered if she was imagining things, too. But no. Cherry definitely felt someone else’s vibe in the room, and she thought she knew whose.

Fill her mouth,” Brad moaned. “I’ve got her ass. I’m coming real soon. Real. Fucking. Soon!”

His hands gripped her hips, but all motion ceased. She thought her ass couldn’t possibly get hotter, but it did when he filled her with cream. She’d stopped sucking to focus on the sticky warmth flooding her colon, and she thought for sure Phil would scold her, but he didn’t. His focus was elsewhere.

Hello,” he said. “You must be Ruby.”

Smiling around his cock, Cherry let him slowly fuck her face. He seemed to like being watched, and who wouldn’t when the watcher was a leggy blonde like Ruby?

Cherry’s clit throbbed against her palm, and she lost herself in sensation. Her heart beat so wildly in her ears she wasn’t sure whether her roommate had stormed off, or was still standing there watching. She didn’t care. She couldn’t hear anything from anyone, only the internal rhythm of her heart thumping in her breast. Sucking Phil off in time with it, she clenched her ass around Brad’s spent cock. Two men at her command, and only eighteen years old. Who could say how many followers she’d have by the time she turned twenty?


The End