Chapter 3
Dear diary, I had the strangest dream…
Gabrielle opened her eyes, but all she saw was a grey haze. This happened, sometimes. She woke up before her eyes did. She blinked, but nothing changed. So she rolled over in bed… tried to roll… wait, why wasn’t she moving?
She tried lifting her arms, but it was no use. Same with her legs. They were spread wide and raised and… Christ, why was she so cold? Where had her blankets gone? And her pyjamas?
Squinting, she tried lifting her hand in an effort to rub her eyes, but no go. She’d heard about this—sleep paralysis, it was called—but she’d never experienced it first-hand.
When Gabrielle opened her eyes fully, the clouds cleared just enough that she could look down at her naked body.
Naked? Why am I naked?
Her nudity wasn’t even the worst of it. God help her, she was strapped to some kind of medical contraption! Her legs were in the same sort of stirrups they had at her OBGYN’s office, but her gynecologist had never tied her into them. What on earth was she bound with? Was that Velcro? Her arms were secured at her sides with the kind of heavy-duty straps they used on dangerous criminals and mental patients.
Holy hell, that wasn’t a dream… I AM a mental patient! Is this really how they treat people in rehab? This is terrible! Madame de Villeneuve should be locked up!
Gabrielle attempted to raise her head, but it was too heavy. She’d need both hands to pick up that bowling ball head, but her hands were attached to her arms and her arms were bound to this… this… this contraption!
I remember being drugged. The big man with the stone face stuck a needle in my neck.
But that’s all she remembered. Whether she’d hit the floor or the big brutes had caught her on the way down, she couldn’t say. Though, yes, she must have fallen hard. Her hip was throbbing.
No, wait, that wasn’t her hip. Something else was throbbing, throbbing so hard it hurt, and yet there was a distinct note of pleasure in the sensation. Her body was so confounded she had trouble pinpointing where the sensation came from. When she realized the pulse originated between her legs, her cheeks bristled with embarrassment.
What was she so embarrassed about? It’s not like there was anybody else in the room. Wait, was there? She couldn’t turn her head.
“Is anybody in here?”
Where was here, anyway?
“Where am I?”
Her words sounded far away, and gurgled, too. Her voice was not her own. It was a drugged voice, a slow voice, someone she wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley.
“Somebody help me, please. Somebody take off these straps.”
Gabrielle couldn’t deny the sensation that had overtaken her. She was aroused. Sexually aroused. Extremely sexually aroused. Her parts feel swollen, pulpy, wet.
Oh god, why was she naked? What had Madame de Villeneuve’s henchmen done to her in her sleep? Did they have their wicked way with her? No, she’d know if they’d molested her in a drug-induced stupor.
Wouldn’t she?
The doorknob turned and Gabrielle’s heart jumped into her throat, pounding there, choking her. She tried to scream but nothing came out.
A dark line appeared before her, like the wall itself was opening up, the gates of hell unleashed behind it. But of course the wall was opening. It was a door. Duh. Why couldn’t her brain compute such things? Why was she so hazy and confused… and pounding and pulsing and filled to the brim with rampant desire?
Gabrielle struggled against her bindings, but it was no use. Her muscles had gone inexplicably slack. Her brain was telling her to run, jump, get the hell outta there, and all her limbs heard was, “Time to relax on a sunny beach!”
When a tall form entered the room, Gabrielle would have given anything to conceal her naked body.
“Hello, Suzanne.”
Madame de Villeneuve’s face came only partially into view. Her dark hair was folded into a bun and her austere outfit faded into a strange fog. All Gabrielle could see with any certainty was the arch of her nose and the beauty mark just above her lip. Who was this witch?
“Why have you done this to me?” Gabrielle tried to ask.
Not a word left her lips. She was perfectly conscious, but she could exercise no control over her voice or her muscles.
“If you are concerned about how you ended up naked on a gurney, I can assure you my men were supervised at all times. They are professionals, my dear. They would never take liberties.”
Why am I naked?
“I can appreciate how alarming it must be to wake up nude and unable to move, but I assure you this is necessary for the first portion of your therapy. My darling Suzanne, I will tell you right now: this week will not be easy.”
Gabrielle whimpered, and that one small sound caused Madame to cock her head and stare. Maybe it would be best to remain totally silent. If not, she ran the risk of being drugged even more.
“To begin, I must help you de-internalize your desires.”
Gabrielle felt like she was shaking. Was she shaking? She couldn’t tell.
“We will begin by attributing your uncontrollable urges to a force outside yourself. Your desire is no longer inside you, Suzanne. Your desire is an external entity. Your desire is… a beast.”
Mme de Villeneuve tugged the chain she wore like a bracelet around her wrist, and a second form lumbered into the doorway. Madame tugged the chain again, and the creature on the leash passed through the gates of hell, joining them inside the small white chamber.
What was he? It? This creature?
Gabrielle blinked rapidly, trying to clear the schmutz from her eyes. What she was seeing now… it couldn’t possibly be real.
I’m going to die in here. Die, and be buried in that sculpture garden out back.
The thing that stood between her legs couldn’t possibly be human. His head certainly wasn’t. His chest looked more like a man, though: hulking and huge with muscles. His arms, his shoulders, his thighs glowed a fearsome shade of bronze. His skin must have been coated with oil, because it shone even in places thick with hair.
Gabrielle didn’t know where to look. She felt humiliated, being naked before this creature, but she felt a tinge of humiliation from him as well. He was naked too.
Well, not quite naked, but what he wore wasn’t exactly clothes.
Gabrielle had never seen anything like it: a black leather dog collar around his neck with Madame’s chain snapped onto a shiny metal O-ring. More black leather across his chest. Just straps, though. Looked like a belt, or a number of belts formed into a harness. Silver snaps and buckles led her eye down the muscular plane of his abdomen to the place she dared not look. It was right there, right out in the open, exposed. If her eyes weren’t playing tricks, there was a leather strap around that, too.
No, two straps: one around his huge dangling ball sack, and the other around the root of his impressive shaft.
My god, I want it! I don’t care who you are, just put that huge, hard cock inside me!
Gabrielle felt her eyes widen with fear. Where had that thought come from? She didn’t even know this man, this beast, this thing! How could she possibly want him inside her? Had to be the drugs, whatever Madame’s minions had pumped her full of. She’d never been this aroused in all her life. She wanted to be filled, to be fucked. By anyone. By him.
Madame’s sultry voice took her by surprise: “Look your beast in the eye, Suzanne. Look at him. This beast is your sexual drive. This is your desire, my dear.”
Gabrielle’s reluctant gaze climbed the leather harness, lingering on the beast’s shining chest before jumping past the collar and settling on his face. Her vision went fuzzy again. Is that fur? The creature’s fanged face seemed unusually bearded.
“His eyes, Suzanne. Look him in the eye.” Madame tsked, and then went on, “I have him on a chain for the moment, but what happens when we unleash our desires?”
The beast grunted, and that sound travelled Gabrielle’s groin like a thunderclap. As much as she didn’t want to believe it, this half-man half-beast had clearly come to ravage her. How could she possibly fight him off when she couldn’t move?
Mme de Villeneuve took one step closer, and the beast roared angrily. She said, “Yes, I know, my beast. Calm yourself. This will take but a moment, and then you’ll be free to do exactly as you please.”
Exactly as you please? What was that supposed to mean?
Stupid question. He was naked. She was naked. Gabrielle knew exactly what was about to happen.
Fear burned through her like fire. When it arrive at her belly, the sensation transformed into a desperate ache. She couldn’t be aroused by this horrific animal. She couldn’t crave his huge, hard cock.
Her body betrayed her in every way possible.
“What happens when we unleash our desires?” Madame asked as she unsnapped the leash from the beast’s collar. “What happens then, Suzanne?”