Chapter Four


Summer sun stippled the backyard deck, filtering through dark branches and vibrant green leaves. They overlooked nothing but the nearby ravine, the varied shades of green borne of its birches, maples, chestnuts and pines. And above them, only sky.

My husband and Richard are such exhibitionists.” Sheena sighed, pursing her lips before giggling and tossing her hair. When she leaned her head against Meredith’s shoulder, waves of electric pleasure pulsed through Meredith’s core.

Does it bother you?”

Sheena only smiled, wrapping an arm around Meredith’s waist. They watched the men, bodies shimmering in the sun, each grasping the other’s cock. Would it bother her, if it were her husband? Perhaps not…

It is getting very hot out here. Why not take off this dress?” Sheena suggested, only after she started undoing the zipper.

Sheena the Rubenesque vision wanted to see her figure? A rush of joy surged through Meredith’s veins as the sensible blue dress slid to the ground. Her diaphanous slip clung to her hot flesh. Even the summer breeze couldn’t cool her now.

I love your décolletage, Meredith,” Richard called out. He was looking right at her, his child-like eyes exploring the oval of lace between her breasts. It always reminded her of those stained glass rose windows in pictures of European churches.

The sheer thrill of being complimented by Richard was suddenly doused by a mortifying realization: that morning, she’d slipped on a pair of particularly ratty granny panties. She would die of embarrassment if gorgeous Richard saw her wearing them. But how could she get rid of the unsightly cotton undies? All eyes were on her, and her slip wouldn’t stay on much longer, judging by the hungry look in Sheena’s eyes. Only a stealthy removal of the offenders as she swooped down to pick up her dress could solve this problem.

Crouching down, Meredith shimmied out of her panties, stepped from the sorry excuse for underwear, and shoved them inside the blue fabric of her dress. Rolling the garments into a ball, she shoved them, along with her shoes, under one of Joyce’s rather large lounge chairs. Now no one would ever know the secret of the granny panties.

Out in the summer sun, wearing nothing but her slip, Meredith was free. She ought to be running through fields of wildflowers. This bizarre situation was liberating for its unfamiliarity. Jeff was always saying it was a time to do new things. Richard, Sheena and Ash, knew nothing about her life or her ordinary demeanor. With these new people, she could be any Meredith of her choosing. On Richard’s face, there was only attraction and approval. In Sheena’s dark eyes, lust mingled with amusement in playful invitation.

I like your slip,” Sheena flirted. “I would love to see what is underneath.”

What a line! But Meredith wasn’t going to let the silliness of the statement stand in her way. Sheena seemed sincere, and no woman had ever spoken to her like that. Good thing her slip veiled the wetness coating her inner thighs. Her breasts felt light, like they might float away.

I don’t even know you,” Meredith whispered unconvincingly.

But I know you,” Sheena replied, curling a strand of Meredith’s hair around her finger. “You want to keep everybody happy. Everything you do is for family, nothing is ever for you. You never make time for pleasures. For your happiness, you must make time. You must, Meredith.”

Goodness gracious, it was all true! Jeff was always telling her she ought to have hobbies, spend more time with friends, do things just for fun.

You’re a psychic!” Meredith exclaimed.

Sheena only smiled mysteriously as she slid the strap of Meredith’s slip off her left shoulder. The touch of the rose-clad woman’s fingertips whetted not only the appetites of her body, but of her mind. With Sheena’s help, her straps slid down her arms. The white slip fell to the ground, revealing her full nakedness. The fine white stretch marks gracing Meredith’s sizeable breasts gleamed in the sun. She wore those tiny stretch marks with immense pride. They were the tattoos of her maternity.

How would it feel to be touched, intimately, by a woman? To be kissed by her? A rush of pleasure stung Meredith’s lips. A woman would know exactly what to do.

Sheena’s gaze exuded pure lust.

Well? Where was the kiss? When would Sheena pull her close and stroke her salivating pussy? Meredith’s ribs were ready to open up and pounce on the woman, swallow her whole. The anticipation was too much. No more waiting.

But to kiss Sheena, to kiss a woman, would change her forever, would it not? It would make her something different from what she now was. She desired a kiss without implications. Was that possible? Yes, oh yes. It must be. Darn it all, she wanted this. She wanted this kiss the way a child wants a toy. With tunnel vision. Obsessively, regardless of consequences.

Wetting her lips in anticipation, Meredith closed her eyes, surrendering blindly to desire. Bending slightly, her lips met the fruity sweet mouth of the wise woman. Her skin tingled all over as warm, soft tongues danced gently, slowly. Sheena’s roses were cups of living silk against her tender nipples. Loose petals fell at her feet. Her body turned to fire as the passion of their kisses ignited.

The sparse tuft of dark honey hair nestled below Meredith’s navel brushed against the tender petals of the pink rose. A dormant enthusiasm ascended Meredith’s body like a snake coiling her spine. She pressed her breasts against the rose garden of Sheena’s body. Her leg encircled Sheena’s, and the juice of her lower lips met silky rose petals. The velvet centers of peach blooms embraced her nipples. Tongues battled, the heated war won by both. Pure pleasure. Censors shut down. Nothing left but longing and fulfillment.

But Meredith desired something more. Her pussy ached to be penetrated. It was a throbbing void in her body, an empty space drooling to be filled by Richard’s throbbing cock. Oh, Richard. Richey Richard. Did the hulking blond even like girls? He would like her. With her honey hair, slim figure, large breasts, what man could resist? Her lower lips couldn’t contain the juice of her desire. Her body couldn’t be dissuaded, not even by the vows buzzing against her forehead like bees trapped in her frontal lobe. “Wilt thou take Jeff to be thy wedded husband…and forsaking all others, keep thee only too him…”

Darn her vows! They could take a long walk off a short pier. There must be a loophole somewhere. This situation demanded one. Wait a moment, “to be thy wedded husband…forsaking all others…” All others referred to all other wedded husbands, right? Yes, that must be it. She must forsake all other wedded husbands, and the only wedded husband here was Ash, so Sheena and Richard were both fair game.

And Meredith’s schoolteachers claimed she wasn’t clever…